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Old 4th April 2014, 17:53   #15211
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by zenren View Post
That is the main reason these Volvo drivers continue the rash driving. They know that they will not get hurt even in case of an accident.
That's only if they collide with a car or small vehicle. What if they hit a truck or another Volvo demon like themselves?
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Old 4th April 2014, 19:21   #15212
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Originally Posted by suresh_gs View Post
Even if the bus were to have a speed limiter, it would not have made any difference. I guess the Volvo driver in a hurry to overtake the bus rammed into the car coming in the opposite direction.
I agree with your point. I can't say if this was a genuine "accident". If the Volvo driver made a risky move, I'd say it's plain manslaughter. The general attitude is that since it's a "Volvo" bus, the poor 800 stands more to lose and the driver of the 800 should be extra careful and should put up with the idiocy of the Volvo drivers. And when they have such good power and pick up at their disposal, they think they can cut and cross like sports cars.

I face this sort of ragging on high traffic 2 lane roads (Bangalore tirupati road for example). The ragging is harsher when the sun is out and the visibility is high. Many a times, these Volvos and state buses start their overtaking maneuver even after they see you or a smaller vehicle and force you off the road. I entered a blind curve at a sedate 70-80 to be greeted by a Volvo overtaking a truck and both of us managed to brake hard with 10 feet between us. So in the interest of my life, survival and well being, I put up with their idiocy and reduce to crawling speeds as early as I can. So be careful folks. And peace be with the deceased.
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Old 4th April 2014, 22:41   #15213
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by carrerastrax View Post
I agree with your point. I can't say if this was a genuine "accident". If the Volvo driver made a risky move, I'd say it's plain manslaughter. The general attitude is that since it's a "Volvo" bus, the poor 800 stands more to lose and the driver of the 800 should be extra careful and should put up with the idiocy of the Volvo drivers. And when they have such good power and pick up at their disposal, they think they can cut and cross like sports cars.

I face this sort of ragging on high traffic 2 lane roads (Bangalore tirupati road for example). The ragging is harsher when the sun is out and the visibility is high. Many a times, these Volvos and state buses start their overtaking maneuver even after they see you or a smaller vehicle and force you off the road. I entered a blind curve at a sedate 70-80 to be greeted by a Volvo overtaking a truck and both of us managed to brake hard with 10 feet between us. So in the interest of my life, survival and well being, I put up with their idiocy and reduce to crawling speeds as early as I can. So be careful folks. And peace be with the deceased.
Report mentions that 800 driver did all he could - pull over to the extreme left of the road and come to a halt - but that was still not enough to prevent a head on crash with an estimated speed of the bus apparently close to 100km/h.

As much as your survival interests may be, there is nothing any of us could have done differently if we were in such a situation except meeting our fate. Imagine what would have happened to you in the incident you mentioned if the Volvo didn't bother to brake on time.

Last edited by zenren : 4th April 2014 at 22:43.
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Old 5th April 2014, 11:05   #15214
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

My friend was traveling in the same Kallada bus from Bangalore to Kollam. He boarded the bus at 8 PM Wednesday from Madiwala. The bus was running late after a breakdown in the night somewhere in TN. As per him, the bus driver was not driving rash. He should have been fast due to the lost time and a wrong overtaking manoeuvre should have caused the accident.
RIP the lost souls ...
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Old 5th April 2014, 13:46   #15215
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...but that was still not enough to prevent a head on crash with an estimated speed of the bus apparently close to 100km/h...
One of the Malayalam dailies mention that the bus was being driven at 144 kmph speed at the time of collision. It also mentions that a Murder case has been charged on the driver. They say someone has surrendered, but police has NOT arrested the guy yet as they are awaiting confirmation from an eye witness.

Guess Rishiraj Singh might bring in some rule changes with this incident. Since the bus has a KA registration, the speed governor is NOT a mandate. They also found out that the owner stays in Kerala and the bus was registered in KA to avoid the speed governor rule.

Edit:: I think it's time that every commercial heavy vehicle is fitted with a black box & dash cam (inside and outside) which can be used as evidences / for root cause analysis in case of an accident!

Last edited by swiftnfurious : 5th April 2014 at 13:51. Reason: Added "Edit" portion
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Old 5th April 2014, 16:49   #15216
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Re: Himachal Accident Report: Never Drink & Drive

Originally Posted by anupmathur View Post
That is NH 22, not 21.

Yes that is correct, its NH22, I made an inadvertent mistake while writing out the post late at night.
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Old 5th April 2014, 18:03   #15217
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by swiftnfurious View Post
I think it's time that every commercial heavy vehicle is fitted with a black box & dash cam (inside and outside) which can be used as evidences / for root cause analysis in case of an accident!
These devices will be useful only in accident investigation - not in preventing it.

I am of the opinion that electronic speed governing devices need to be legislated for commercial vehicles with spot checks and punitive fines.

Apart from that, if these services were regularized as similar to stage carriages they could define entry times for each stage - arriving early should invite fines. This system works (Heh!) for the intra-state services and ought to be extended to inter-state ones too.
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Old 6th April 2014, 13:48   #15218
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by swiftnfurious View Post
Edit:: I think it's time that every commercial heavy vehicle is fitted with a black box & dash cam (inside and outside) which can be used as evidences / for root cause analysis in case of an accident!
Not only commercial vehicles, I'd say all vehicles!

This footage is from my Dashcam - Not exactly an accident, but just avoided one, thanks to my lucky stars.

There was this biker whose swerving to the right initially looked like an attempt to overtake the bike in front of him, so I changed my lane to right in order to pass them safely. I even honked from a safe distance to let them know of my presence.

Only after few more seconds I realized that the idiot biker is actually trying to turn right, without indicator or hand signal.

After stopping, he came to me for an argument. Here's the translation:

Biker: "Didn't you see my indicator?"
Me: "No, there was no indicator."
Biker: "Yes I turned it ON and then started turning!"
Me: (Pointing to Dash cam): "Look at this.. it was recording everything"
Biker: (Left the scene)

A review of the footage made it clear that he swerved without turn indicator or hand signal. Even with an indicator, such a quick and absent-minded turn would have proved fatal to him.

First instance where the Dashcam was helpful in avoiding an unnecessary argument.

Last edited by clevermax : 6th April 2014 at 13:53.
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Old 6th April 2014, 14:57   #15219
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^^No offence... but I personally feel that there was adequate cues from the biker fella for you to slow down.

Rightfully you should have slowed down a bit and let the biker make his turn. Moreover you were also putting yourself at risk by moving to the opposite lane on a single lane road.

My two cents!

Last edited by Warwithwheels : 6th April 2014 at 15:02.
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Old 6th April 2014, 14:59   #15220
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Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
A review of the footage made it clear that he swerved without turn indicator or hand signal. Even with an indicator, such a quick and absent-minded turn would have proved fatal to him.
Some folks learn by experience only. I just hope it's not at our expense
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Old 6th April 2014, 15:46   #15221
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Not only commercial vehicles, I'd say all vehicles!

This footage is from my Dashcam - Not exactly an accident, but just avoided one, thanks to my lucky stars.

Only after few more seconds I realized that the idiot biker is actually trying to turn right, without indicator or hand signal.
You are extremely lucky that the biker did not complete his turn. Although he did not have the brains to look or indicate before cutting across, he had the sense to not turn after hearing your honk and screeching.
If you had hit him, it would have resulted in some bad scenes.

OT:A thing about dashcams are when you watch them on a big screen, the speeds seems much more than what we were actually doing.
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Old 6th April 2014, 16:45   #15222
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Originally Posted by Warwithwheels View Post
^^No offence... but I personally feel that there was adequate cues from the biker fella for you to slow down.

Rightfully you should have slowed down a bit and let the biker make his turn. Moreover you were also putting yourself at risk by moving to the opposite lane on a single lane road.

My two cents!
Agree with you on this one. Even a slight wavering by a biker in front is a good enough reason to slow down. Not worth going into the opposite lane.
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Old 6th April 2014, 19:50   #15223
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Warwithwheels View Post
^^No offence... but I personally feel that there was adequate cues from the biker fella for you to slow down.
Rightfully you should have slowed down a bit and let the biker make his turn.
Originally Posted by rajivr1612 View Post
Agree with you on this one. Even a slight wavering by a biker in front is a good enough reason to slow down. Not worth going into the opposite lane.
If there was just one biker, I could have easily guessed that he is about to make a right turn. But this situation was a bit tricky if you notice. I initially felt like he's only trying to pass the other biker and that he would stick to the middle of the road, if not to the left. This is the reason why I started switching to the right lane for a safe pass. It is only later I realized that he was not exactly trying to overtake the other biker but making a quick absent-minded right turn without turn indicator or hand signal!

I am sure you will all agree that it is easier to analyse the footage and give suggestions on what could have been done better, than being out there facing an unexpected situation. When we face such a situation, the actions and reactions will be too spontaneous.

Now, if I had swerved to the left lane and braked, I could have hit the guy - since he also tried to swerve back (to left) when he started hearing screeching. So I would say, it was better for me to be in the right lane while stopping.

Since I ended up in right lane, I heard some comments that it wasn't safe to be there because it is the lane for oncoming traffic. However, had there been any oncoming traffic, he would not have made that hasty turn and this whole situation would not have occurred at all.

Originally Posted by tharian View Post
OT:A thing about dashcams are when you watch them on a big screen, the speeds seems much more than what we were actually doing.
You are right. The footage makes it look like I was doing more than my actual speed. (which was about 65-70 kmph max)

Last edited by clevermax : 6th April 2014 at 19:59.
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Old 6th April 2014, 22:24   #15224
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
...I am sure you will all agree that it is easier to analyse the footage and give suggestions on what could have been done better, than being out there facing an unexpected situation. When we face such a situation, the actions and reactions will be too spontaneous.
Can't agree with you more. Believe it or not, I've been in the very same situation as you were. And the dash-cam saved me. Unfortunately, it had stopped recording a few minutes before the incident and this came to light only when I reached home and tried to review the clip. Nevertheless, the dash-cam is a very useful accessory for any vehicle.
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Old 7th April 2014, 13:09   #15225
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Saw this one yesterday evening around 4PM just before the NECE Mysore Road exit toll-booth. A beige(?) i-20, pointing the wrong way on the approach road (it's a tight, sweeping right-hander). I'm assuming he took the turn too fast, the tail end stepped out and he lost control.

The car's rear-end had jumped over the block barrier, the front tyres had deflated and there was coolant and oil all over the road. This car had just cut across me at speed a few minutes ago coming from the Hoskerehalli/PES college entry point.

Couldn't click a pic as there were already people piling up on the exit, and a recovery vehicle was on it's way. The driver was on the phone by the road-side and seemed unhurt.
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