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Old 7th December 2020, 09:46   #1
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Not wearing a helmet? You won't get petrol in Kolkata from December 8, 2020

The Kolkata Police has issued an order to impose the 'no helmet, no petrol' rule in the city from December 8.

Not wearing a helmet? You won't get petrol in Kolkata from December 8, 2020-20201207_094617.jpg

"No Helmet No Petrol shall be enforced within the jurisdiction of Kolkata Police to the effect that no petrol pump shall henceforth sell petrol to any such two-wheeler rider who arrives at the petrol pump riding two-wheeler without wearing a helmet as well as carries pillion rider without helmet” reads an order signed by police commissioner Anuj Sharma.

According to the police, despite prosecution, instances of bikers riding without a helmet has increased manifold. “In order to ensure better road discipline and deter such violators of traffic laws, stringent actions need to be taken in accordance with law,” the order states. The new rule shall remain in force for 60 days till February 5, 2021.
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Old 7th December 2020, 10:15   #2
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re: Not wearing a helmet? You won't get petrol in Kolkata from December 8, 2020

I believe this rule was already prevalent, first introduced back in 2016 after which even till date several petrol pumps are seen flashing the banner of "No Helmet No Petrol".

This is the link to the old news back in 2016 :

A day after West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed her displeasure over two-wheeler users not wearing helmets, Kolkata police on Saturday imposed a "no helmet no petrol" rule forbidding petrol pumps from selling fuel to motorcyclists without helmets.

"No petrol pump within the jurisdiction of Kolkata police shall henceforth sell petrol to any such two-wheeler rider who comes to the petrol pump riding a two-wheeler without helmet as well carries a pillion rider without helmet," said a notification by the city police published on Saturday.

Observing that there was a "manifold rise" in instances of bikers and pillion riders not sporting helmets, the notification said, "Immediate and stringent action needs to be taken in accordance with law, to have greater deterrence and for prevention of the same."

Launching a road safety initiative "Safe Drive Save Life", the West Bengal Chief Minister on Friday had expressed alarm over rising accident deaths and called for strict adherence to traffic laws.
So I am surprised this resurfacing once again as a "new rule", of course it is possible for this instance to be a more strict written circular making it a formal traffic law than a mere verbal guidance.

Of course there are rumors from the past instance that some enterprising folks have been seen offering helmets on rents outside petrol pumps for circumventing the situation.

Last edited by haisaikat : 7th December 2020 at 10:17.
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Old 7th December 2020, 11:51   #3
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re: Not wearing a helmet? You won't get petrol in Kolkata from December 8, 2020

Kolkata Police is in any way strict on Helmet usage within their jurisdiction. So the said law isn't going to change the already high adherence within their jurisdiction.

Indeed there are few pockets of notorious slums or certain neighborhood where groups simply bully traffic cops on this issue, mainly due to political patronage but in general, helmet usage within KP jurisdiction is already high enough.

However, since 2016, when state govt started their "safe drive save life" campaign, few stupid & overdone rules started.

Few of them were,

"No License No Motorcycle Purchase"
"Mandatory Free Helmet with every two wheeler sell"
"No Helmet No Petrol"

All of them were useless & some were so absurd that legal cases were filed against them.

For example, why would one need a two wheeler driving licence to buy a motorcycle? Rather the rider, when riding in public road needs that. A father can certainly buy one bike & allow his son ride it. Here, owner doesn't need one, rather his son will definitely need one when out in public road.

Apart from Kolkata Police jurisdiction, other district police were never so harsh on Helmet usage. People simply found different ways to cheat this law.

Like for example, many pumps would keep couple of spare helmets out side their CCTV coverage area & direct a rider to wear that for refilling !!

Kolkata Police is successful in enforcing this law because they will catch & challan any helmet less rider at every junction or signal & that's how it's done accross the world.

Recently, newly formed police commissionerates around greater Kolkata, like Bidhannagar / Barrackpore City Police have started to enforce this punishment & autometically helmet usage are going up in those areas.


Last edited by NaXal : 7th December 2020 at 11:56. Reason: Small mistake correction
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Old 7th December 2020, 22:24   #4
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re: Not wearing a helmet? You won't get petrol in Kolkata from December 8, 2020

Like Naxal mentioned, the usage of helmet is already enforced well in Kolkata. More than helmets what they need now is proper enforcement of wearing masks and social distancing. Last month when I went to Kolkata, more than 50% are not wearing masks and there are huge crowds in all public places.
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Old 8th December 2020, 09:22   #5
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Re: Not wearing a helmet? You won't get petrol in Kolkata from December 8, 2020

Mod Note: Thread moved to the 2-wheels forum. Thanks for sharing!
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