Sorry about the 'eternal' silence in this thread again! But having got a new job meant a little hectic time for me, so took quite a while to get the spark back into myself! Due to the same reason, I wasn't able to go down to the garage regularly again, managed to make a visit a couple of times recently though.
Continuing from where I'd left, the Amby front RH drum had successfully been fitted onto the axle, after the latter had been slightly modified to accommodate the drum.
Once that was done, work began this time on the LH front suspension/drum.
The suspension on this side was equally in a sorry state! In the years that the car sat junking away, it seemed to have been a lodging for all kinds of trash too! Drum on this side too, on being opened up, was found to be as skeletal! No shoes, wheel cylinders gone defunct.....and again, no replacements available. So this called for a Amby drum mod job too.
This time, my mech. managed to procure a wire-brush from somewhere so was able to give the whole setup on this side a thorough scrapedown following the suspension stripping.
Plus, I, having tried in vain to source Phosphoric acid locally for the rust-treatment, decided to give a try using a substitute, although it wouldn't have been as effective- I'll leave you to guess what this stuff is!

I had read once though, that this liquid, poured over and scrubbed with some aluminium foil wrap, is really good at taking off rust.
Unfortunately, in the meantime, my man had taken the liberty of hand-painting the suspension spring and arms in my absence, much to my chagrin!!

He said that the garage painter had been delaying on painting it up and he didn't want his own work to be held up as a result, so...!
Well, it may look better than what it was before.......yet I wasn't too happy with the work done without my knowledge. But he claimed this is an anti-rust coat and also assured me we could do a proper respray later, as even the inside of the wheel well, chassis would need one anyway. Let's hope for the best atleast then! Steering rod has not been reconnected yet as it needs to be straightened out- got bent due to the impact from the repeated towing the car went through. Brakes etc. to be connected later.
Plus point is that after the shock was fixed, the suspension was reassembled and the "new" Amby drum was successfully fitted, as on the other side. The original drum that was taken off with the rim proved quite a task to separate, the bolts having been jammed with rust! Once that was done, the wheel was fitted and the stands taken off, done just yesterday.
Now to begin work on the rear suspension.
Thanks to shiva (cyberdoctorind) for lending me his camera for the last 2 pics., as mine has conked out and will be fixed in a couple of days.
To be cont'd...