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Old 1st September 2008, 14:50   #76
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Glad that my thoughts could be of help to some of you. Look, most of us are in our late-twenties / early-thirties. This is the time to start serious financial planning toward life and our dear ones. If we are already driving a decent car, that's good enough, isn't it? Why not delay that upgrade by 3 / 4 / 5 years, utilize your existing car completely, and steer the money saved toward some smart investments / savings. Heck, get a couple of mods (leather, alloy + rubber, exhaust, ICE) on your car if it makes you feel better, and give her a mid-life rejuvenation. Still be way cheaper than an upgrade.

Remember, the rich got there by spending their money smart. Not blowing it all up
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Old 1st September 2008, 15:05   #77
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Thanks GTO, I'm touching fifty - so that perhaps applies more to me. You know what, maybe I will get those Stanley leathers I always hankered for.
But I still have a 7 -year old, and ice-cream stains and wet swimming trunks on the seats?
Well maybe when he goes to college
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Old 1st September 2008, 16:11   #78
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Originally Posted by bblost View Post
I guess the most important thing then is to buy a car, which you truly truly love and can enjoy for a real long time.
Find the best match in terms of mileage, speed, power, handling and everything else.
You will be keeping it for a real long time.
Very valid point. I see the same in my OHC Vtec. No new car under 10 lakhs that can give the same driving pleasure or 0 - 100 figure. Plus, it is reliable as hell, cheap to maintain, and I prefer it's look to the weird new designs. The fact that its 5 years old makes me worry less about nicks & dents, which are a part of daily life in Mumbai.

If you buy a car that you really love, you'd probably hold on to it for longer too.

Originally Posted by filcord View Post
Thanks GTO, I'm touching fifty - so that perhaps applies more to me. You know what, maybe I will get those Stanley leathers I always hankered for.
Blissful retirement fund then?
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Old 1st September 2008, 16:22   #79
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One thing here though - Isn't buying used a hassle? In terms of registering the car in your name. Does one have to muck around the RTO, bribe people etc.?
I wouldn't know because I've never bought used. Clean papers is also a reason why I dont like selling cars to brokers and direct buyers. I prefer selling for less to a proper second-hand, company-owned dealer like True Value, Auto Terrace and the like.
Am I being paranoid?
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Old 1st September 2008, 17:41   #80
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Within the same city & state, it is not a problem at all. Some additional formalities are required when buying from another state.
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Old 1st September 2008, 17:56   #81
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Thanks GTO, I have cancelled my plans to buy a new phone and added a 512 MB card and got the handsfree set for my 3 year old 6630. There is actually no need to spend 20 - 25K on a new phone whereas this phone fulfills all my needs, including internet and MP3 palyer. And also I am more relaxed about my next car purchase.
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Old 1st September 2008, 18:20   #82
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Originally Posted by bblost View Post
I guess the most important thing then is to buy a car, which you truly truly love and can enjoy for a real long time.
Find the best match in terms of mileage, speed, power, handling and everything else.
You will be keeping it for a real long time.
I agree. I was thinking about my next buy in the same line. Infact I had been after my dad to sell his 7 yr old OHC VTEC (1L+ done) but now I think he should use it for another 1-2yrs. It still runs great!
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Old 2nd September 2008, 10:08   #83
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I completely agree with GTO. Was planning to sell my Uno and go for a Stile 1.6 but after checking the resale value (50K), I dropped the idea. The car has done 43K, is well maintained, AC and solidly built. What more do I need? Buying a new 1.6 would set me back by 4.92 (Bangalore) and for what purpose? More power maybe, but no ABS, and no major feature change compared to the Uno! So better option to use the Uno for another 5 years, upgrade it every now and then to satisfy my creative urges and enjoy the ride! Maybe 5 years down the line it'll get vintage status! (lol)
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Old 2nd September 2008, 10:31   #84
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Oh! What a wonderful and informative thread this turned out to be. When I got my car a year back and said I would keep it for 7 years at-least (Even got the extended warranty for the 3rd and 4th year), I was ridiculed by many. People constantly kept reminding me that after 3 years you are better off selling it than maintaining it. I had absolutely no knowledge and so couldn't guess if they were right. Glad to see this thread and now I even have started changing my driving style keeping in mind that I will drive it for a long time to come. Thanks GTO.
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Old 2nd September 2008, 11:26   #85
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Nice article. I had posted a very similar issue a few weeks back for my zen.
after the answers from different members, decided to keep the zen. still not done any of the changes, not yet had the time.

it is nice to know that, i am saving money also for not having bought a new car.
Actually some people do say, especially if one uses company car lease scheme, there is some savings. But may not be so much.
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Old 2nd September 2008, 11:34   #86
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Many people here seem to be thanking GTO (me included) for "opening" our eyes towards the real cost of a new car. Don't think the car manufacturers will feel the same
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Old 2nd September 2008, 12:45   #87
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Quite an eye opener indeed !

Strange as it may seem, I feel the thought of future upgrade should arise at the time of purchasing the car. If I buy a car which has everything I need + more, and costs, say 50K-75K more (rather 20% more), I am more likely to keep it running for longer duration.

The other issue I see is the ridiculously low cost of used cars. I feel the part of the problem is the so called benefit of depreciation which our govt gives and inturn forces people to buy new cars without any rhyme or reason. I know people who bought Santro after using an Alto. Thats really not an upgrade. They just added another car into the used car market
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Old 2nd September 2008, 12:59   #88
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Great thought GTO......

I appriciate GTO for a wonderful thought. Infact me and my friend was thinking of advantages of upgrading old cars instead of buying a new one and your thread came up.
I totally with you GTO.

One should see this as "Recycling" of cars. This is the best way one can recycle his/her car. If the car can't be upgraded or no scope to upgrade engine or what the person is looking for then yes it is better to switch to new one. Instead of going Garage again and again.

Well I stongly believe that there is still a bigger market awaiting in India for upgradation. A time may come when people will go to a showroom with his/her 7 year old Sedan and come up with a damn good looking Customised upgraded car with all new functionalities and that to in a much cheaper way compared to buy a new sedan.
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Old 2nd September 2008, 15:21   #89
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All of this is only possible if the car has been maintained well. As I runa workshop I do come across cars of all ages and one point that would like to share is people who have maintaned their car well always retain it until they would have covered 1.5 to 2 lakh kms........ and people who just get thier oil changed for maintainance sell it off within 3-5 yrs of ownership as the car then develops major problems and the service centre will quote a bomb for repair........ So i would advise all the people who are going in to buy second hand vehicles to quickly go through the service record of any vehicle they are purchasing as it will give you the right picture ....... As all authorised centres maintain databases you can go in and ask for the service history of the vehicles.....some centres might even give you a hard copy others will tell you orally.....
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Old 2nd September 2008, 15:33   #90
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Originally Posted by prateekswarup View Post
Was planning to sell my Uno and go for a Stile 1.6 but after checking the resale value (50K), I dropped the idea.
The Palio's pathetic residual could actually work in your favour. Sell your Uno for 50K and upgrade to a used Palio for 1 - 1.5 lakhs. I don't know how much sense a new Palio makes @ 5 lakhs when there are excellent used examples available for 1.5 lakhs.

Originally Posted by simonkayar View Post
I was ridiculed by many. People constantly kept reminding me that after 3 years you are better off selling it than maintaining it.
We'll see who is ridiculing whom, when you are driving a perfectly healthy car and have a couple more lakhs in the savings kitty

Originally Posted by kvish View Post
If I buy a car which has everything I need + more, and costs, say 50K-75K more (rather 20% more), I am more likely to keep it running for longer duration.
bblost brought up a valid point indeed. Get a brand new car which will keep you happier and meet your needs for a longer time.

The other issue I see is the ridiculously low cost of used cars.
There's an opportunity to get a lateral upgrade (thanks Khan_Sultan) right there. I see so many mouth-watering deals in the used market on a frequent basis. How about swapping an OHC Vtec for a Used RS? Net difference = Only 2.5 lakhs.

Originally Posted by Kai-Zen-Bk View Post
A time may come when people will go to a showroom with his/her 7 year old Sedan and come up with a damn good looking Customised upgraded car with all new functionalities and that to in a much cheaper way compared to buy a new sedan.
Rejuvenating your existing car definitely makes sense. Shodding your plain jane sedan with some nice alloys + performance rubber, touchup / paintjob, exhaust, ICE & leather seats ought to cost substantially lesser than a new car. And will keep you just as happy (if not more).
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