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Old 14th July 2014, 07:14   #1696
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Re: 2yr old Yeti 4X4 : Dilemma Sell or Keep

I have a two and a half year old Yeti who has done 24200Kms
Impeccable condition

While all these rumours abound, I am not sure right now that I want to believe any of them
Ideally having paid so much, I want to reap the benefit of my Yeti over a longer time. It is a great car.

Another thing, since it is not a mainstream car, the depreciation hit that it takes, is significant, so selling it before time is going to affect you too, unless of course you are at a level where you are not concerned with such petty financial considerations and other things...
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Old 14th July 2014, 07:41   #1697
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Re: 2yr old Yeti 4X4 : Dilemma Sell or Keep

The Yeti is a vehicle that can be kept for a lifetime, its a perfect product and a all-in-one. The only reason it did not succeed was because it was priced higher than what the Customer perceived as value

- VW will be foolish to close down the Skoda brand, there is a 51% chance that they would retain it, maybe get it merged or something on those lines, even today Skodas sell more than VW vehicles and are perceived higher than VW as a status symbol. The VW brand does not have the recall in India that Skoda has. Having said that, still like how Toyota pulled out the Qualis - which even now would have given the Bolero a run for its money, things can happen
- The Yeti has sold in large numbers all over the world, so even in the worst case scenario you would be able to get parts on e-bay and maintain a Yeti in pristine condition with the help of any of those 'imported car garages'
- If you want to sell, then the time is now. Everyday from now, the Yeti will depreciate.
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Old 14th July 2014, 08:18   #1698
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Re: 2yr old Yeti 4X4 : Dilemma Sell or Keep

Except for the haldex clutch and few plastic bits and panels, most of the parts and engine are all from the common VW bin. And considering other current Skoda/VW/Audi models use the same parts, maintaining the yeti for longer term should not be a major issue even if VW pulls the plug on Skoda's operation in India (which I highly doubt). There is not even an alternative car/SUV here in India that you can replace with. My advise, don't sell and enjoy the illegitimate German for years to come.
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Old 14th July 2014, 10:38   #1699
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Re: 2yr old Yeti 4X4 : Dilemma Sell or Keep

Lol there is no way Skoda is going to shut shop anytime soon.

If you sell expect around 10-11. It means taking a big hit on the price, since the Yeti didn't do so well the resale value isn't great.

If you decide to sell, there is no real replacement besides the Q3. The Yeti is more versatile than any of the SUVs/Crossovers unless it comes to real offroading where the Fortuner and Pajero have it beaten.

Frankly I would say just keep the car, no point in selling it now. Its a great car and pretty reliable too.
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Old 14th July 2014, 11:51   #1700
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Re: 2yr old Yeti 4X4 : Dilemma Sell or Keep

Thank you all for the quick replies, much appreciated. Yeah, it does not make a financial sense to sell it off. And even if there was, there are no repacements that can match the Yeti, maybe Q3, but at a much higher pricepoint.

I guess I will start doing my homework (in some time) on getting my Yeti maintained in an imported cars garage. Don't have too much faith in the dealers A.S.S . They seem to have an attitude of milking the customer. I am based in Mumbai and suggestions are welcome. Just dropped my car for service off at the dealer and got a quote of 20K for the 30K service.

Do you guys see any sense in the 6 monthly service check-ups ? these set me back by 6K and I dont see much value except for the oil top-up.

Also, can you guys share the experience on the Zero-dep policy ? I am told there is no Zero-dep policy availabe after 3 years.

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Old 14th July 2014, 11:55   #1701
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Re: 2yr old Yeti 4X4 : Dilemma Sell or Keep

Would recommend you to scour the neighbourhood for a reliable parts supplier, get your hand on a service manual (download from the net), and fix up a knowledgeable friendly neighbourhood garage (FNG) mechanic.
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Old 14th July 2014, 16:32   #1702
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Re: 2yr old Yeti 4X4 : Dilemma Sell or Keep

Originally Posted by faraz View Post
Just dropped my car for service off at the dealer and got a quote of 20K for the 30K service.

Also, can you guys share the experience on the Zero-dep policy ? I am told there is no Zero-dep policy availabe after 3 years.

I paid around 11k for 30k service at senator Kandivali a couple of months back, look up on skoda india website for cost of service, take a print out of it and show it to the service advisor and pay exactly same amount apart from anything extra that you may have asked for.

I bought zero-dep policy from Ashtavinayak Insurance which is owned by the same person as senator motors. This year they gave oriental's insurance for about 24k for zero-dep. They told me that oriental provides zero-dep for up to 5 years.
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Old 14th July 2014, 17:35   #1703
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Re: Skoda Yeti : Review, Price & Pictures

Well my local Meerut Skoda dealer M/s C&T Motors has shut shop and taken another dealership at the same premises. Though my Skoda Superb is running with zero faults BUT this shutting up of the dealership has dampened my spirits. The Skoda HQ has asked me to travel to Noida, about 50 kms from here, for my servicing needs, which IMHO is unacceptable for the 100s of Skoda owners here. Such a shame for such a fantastic product.
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Old 30th July 2014, 16:37   #1704
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Re: Skoda Yeti : Review, Price & Pictures

I am nearing 70k in 2 years of ownership. Recently i am noticing sheer amount of body roll. Wanted to understand the interval for suspension work. Do i need suspension bushes etc changed? WHat about anti roll bar? I will be getting the car serviced coming weekend. What all things related to suspension i should get checked?
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Old 30th July 2014, 21:44   #1705
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Re: Skoda Yeti : Review, Price & Pictures

Coincidentally abbey4u, even I am having suspension issues and I've just hit 45k in the past week. The ride has turned incredibly coarse. Even the lane markings on the smoothest of surfaces seem to be filtering through and it gets worse on concrete. Going over speed humps makes a clucking noise. I got the scheduled service done. A visual inspection revealed that one of the bushes seem to have worn out. I am yet to replace them as the designated part was unavailable at the time. Googling the issue revealed that anything in the suspension setup could have gone wrong and its difficult to pin point the exact cause and VW group cars seem to suffer from this problem. Fingers crossed.
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Old 31st July 2014, 10:17   #1706
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Re: Skoda Yeti : Review, Price & Pictures

Originally Posted by abbey4u View Post
I am nearing 70k in 2 years of ownership. Recently i am noticing sheer amount of body roll. Wanted to understand the interval for suspension work. Do i need suspension bushes etc changed? WHat about anti roll bar? I will be getting the car serviced coming weekend. What all things related to suspension i should get checked?
Get your front Torsion bar Link rods checked. In mine too, one of the link rod ball joints had failed due to the boot tearing and both the link rods were changed. Cost IIRC was around 4K INR for the Link rods including labour. Once the link rod ball joint goes bad, there is a drastic increase in the Body roll as the joint freezes and the torsion rod does not twist properly to offset the body roll.

Originally Posted by autoskooll View Post
Coincidentally abbey4u, even I am having suspension issues and I've just hit 45k in the past week. The ride has turned incredibly coarse. Even the lane markings on the smoothest of surfaces seem to be filtering through and it gets worse on concrete. Going over speed humps makes a clucking noise. I got the scheduled service done. A visual inspection revealed that one of the bushes seem to have worn out. I am yet to replace them as the designated part was unavailable at the time. Googling the issue revealed that anything in the suspension setup could have gone wrong and its difficult to pin point the exact cause and VW group cars seem to suffer from this problem. Fingers crossed.
Have you changed your tyres yet? 45K is actually end of life for most tyres in Indian conditions and especially Goodyears, they tend to become really hard and ride becomes quite harsh. Changing to new tyres may solve your problem if you are still running on the OE tyres. You can go for any of the options already discussed on the Yeti Tyres thread. Typically a Yeti's suspension needs overhauling at 80K kms. But certain parts (e.g. the link rod boots, bushes) may get damaged due to adverse road conditions before that.


Last edited by Behemoth : 31st July 2014 at 10:18.
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Old 31st July 2014, 15:56   #1707
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Re: Skoda Yeti : Review, Price & Pictures

Firstly, thanks behemoth for pointing me in the right direction. I got my OE tyres replaced at 25k km's because of the harsh ride. I've clocked 20k km's on Falken's Azenis. My daily drive does involve a bit of off roading which could be one of the reasons for premature wear on the suspension components. I still haven't encountered excessive body roll as you mentioned. I'll have the link rods checked aswell.
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Old 31st July 2014, 21:25   #1708
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Re: Skoda Yeti : Review, Price & Pictures

Originally Posted by Behemoth View Post
Get your front Torsion bar Link rods checked. In mine too, one of the link rod ball joints had failed due to the boot tearing and both the link rods were changed. Cost IIRC was around 4K INR for the Link rods including labour. Once the link rod ball joint goes bad, there is a drastic increase in the Body roll as the joint freezes and the torsion rod does not twist properly to offset the body roll.

Have you changed your tyres yet? 45K is actually end of life for most tyres in Indian conditions and especially Goodyears, they tend to become really hard and ride becomes quite harsh. Changing to new tyres may solve your problem if you are still running on the OE tyres. You can go for any of the options already discussed on the Yeti Tyres thread. Typically a Yeti's suspension needs overhauling at 80K kms. But certain parts (e.g. the link rod boots, bushes) may get damaged due to adverse road conditions before that.

I am going in for service this saturday and will get things checked and most probably get the ball joint replaced. However it look like soon i will have to undergo suspension overhaul. For this i inquired about the approximate cost and the service centre is saying around 60k. I am not sure what all things they will replace but it looks too much for me. I think either i will have to selectively do a suspension work or go for some outside reliable mechanic (which i am not sure). What do you think?
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Old 1st August 2014, 19:04   #1709
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Re: Skoda Yeti : Review, Price & Pictures

The quote seems to be on the higher side. If you've got an extended warranty on the vehicle I would sincerely advise you to stick with Skoda A.S.S. else you may void your warranty. Make sure that they aren't over charging you, like BHPian Turbo Head faced on his Rapid for Suspension issues.
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Old 1st August 2014, 21:40   #1710
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Re: Skoda Yeti : Review, Price & Pictures

Originally Posted by autoskooll View Post
The quote seems to be on the higher side. If you've got an extended warranty on the vehicle I would sincerely advise you to stick with Skoda A.S.S. else you may void your warranty. Make sure that they aren't over charging you, like BHPian Turbo Head faced on his Rapid for Suspension issues.
Thanks for the link. I am guessing the Service Advisor was not sure of approximate cost and has quoted wrong figures to me. Talking of extended warranty, yes i do have but even the extended warranty is for 1 L kms or 4 years which means i have another 30k kms only.
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