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Old 17th September 2010, 08:53   #1426
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Feel sorry for you.
Claiming Insurance is very easy, you just need to visit garage near you which is covered under your policy for cashless. You will get 100% of glass and labor, you will have to pay 50% of the rubber fitting.
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Old 17th September 2010, 17:11   #1427
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Chevrolet Beat on Hills

I purchased Chevrolet Beat LT in March 2010 and after 3 months and 2 service checks later, I got a chance to drive down from Chandigarh to McLeodganj (near Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh).

The route I followed was: Chandigarh -> Ropar -> Nawasheher -> Hoshiarpur -> Gagret -> Dharamshala -> McLeodganj.

This is my opinion about Chevrolet Beat for hilly drives specifically:

1. Ensure that you never have more than 30 PSI type pressure, 32 PSI may feel slippery on slopes.

2. It will average close to 11-12 KM/L in hills, so do not put off refueling till the next gas station. If I were to drive to remote areas, I'll definitely take 10 liter spare Petrol in a can.

3. Even the fuel level display dips dramatically. It can take you off guard. If the last bar stops blinking, you better look for IOC, HP, BP, IBP et al signboard.

4. Beat's pick-up is superb in 2nd gear, however, on steep slopes and sharp curves, you may even consider 1st. 4th gear is unlikely to come in use (not for Himachal at least).

5. Its easy to get distracted or overwhelmed by interiors and even a microsecond's distraction can be fatal in hills. Stay absolutely focused. On Road.

6. Prefer to drive at night. Hill driving will be easier and fun in the dark. You can see the light of oncoming vehicles from a considerable distance due to winding helical roads. And Beat has powerful headlamps to add to the experience.

7. In built music system performs very well. I wonder if anybody will need woofers. Disc Player plays everything, except videos. Mini USB let's you attach pen drive (through "USB - mini USB" adapter) with a capacity up to 16 GB. 30,000 songs. Hmmmm...

8. Over all the car's performance was super hit for hill driving. Travel comfort was amazing and it negotiated inertia on curves/turns with aplomb.

Neat buy for 4.15 Lac on road price (Chandigarh) for almost 1200 CC beast.
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Old 17th September 2010, 21:47   #1428
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Guys, can anybody tell me how well the OE tyres performs? Also, if I upgrade to 185/60 R14 on alloys, how much mileage can I expect to loose?

Thanks in advance.
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Old 19th September 2010, 22:26   #1429
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Thanks guys, I will give my car for service ASAP then. I was out of town - went to Bangalore for 4 days. Saw a few Beats there :-) .. and a lot of Polos!

> Its easy to get distracted or overwhelmed by interiors and even a microsecond's distraction can be fatal in hills. Stay absolutely focused. On Road.

So true :-)

Last edited by quadmaniac : 19th September 2010 at 22:28.
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Old 20th September 2010, 12:05   #1430
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Originally Posted by sjshar1510 View Post

5. Its easy to get distracted or overwhelmed by interiors and even a microsecond's distraction can be fatal in hills. Stay absolutely focused. On Road.
What do you mean?

Does one get distracted or overwhelmed by one's own car's interiors while driving?

Originally Posted by sjshar1510 View Post
6. Prefer to drive at night. Hill driving will be easier and fun in the dark. You can see the light of oncoming vehicles from a considerable distance due to winding helical roads. And Beat has powerful headlamps to add to the experience.
My friend, I am much used to driving in the hills. Take my advice, always try to do it in the day, when there is sufficient light to see and avoid obstacles and possible steep edges.

I myself had a lot of narrow misses at night.

I do agree that you can see the oncoming vehicles' lights during night time.
But during day, it is advisable to honk your horn before entering curves to avoid mishaps.

And never try to speed on the hills, it can be fatal.

Last edited by KA18 : 20th September 2010 at 12:07.
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Old 20th September 2010, 13:16   #1431
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Originally Posted by KA18 View Post
What do you mean?

Does one get distracted or overwhelmed by one's own car's interiors while driving?

My friend, I am much used to driving in the hills. Take my advice, always try to do it in the day, when there is sufficient light to see and avoid obstacles and possible steep edges.

I myself had a lot of narrow misses at night.

I do agree that you can see the oncoming vehicles' lights during night time.
But during day, it is advisable to honk your horn before entering curves to avoid mishaps.

And never try to speed on the hills, it can be fatal.

Very true, its a pleasure to ride through these twists but always expect the unexpected especially in night time. I had few brushings with death due to these curves.
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Old 20th September 2010, 14:10   #1432
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sjshar1510 welcome to the Beat Club. Nice to know that you are satisfied with the Beat's overall performance. Do post few snaps of your car.
Originally Posted by sjshar1510 View Post
1. Ensure that you never have more than 30 PSI type pressure, 32 PSI may feel slippery on slopes.
I always keep the recommended tyre pressure i.e. 32 psi & never felt car slippery on slopes.
Originally Posted by sjshar1510 View Post
3. Even the fuel level display dips dramatically. It can take you off guard. If the last bar stops blinking, you better look for IOC, HP, BP, IBP et al signboard.
When the last bar starts blinking and low petrol indicator light glows you have 4.3 l of petrol and when last bar goes off only 2 litres are left.
Originally Posted by sjshar1510 View Post
5. Its easy to get distracted or overwhelmed by interiors and even a microsecond's distraction can be fatal in hills. Stay absolutely focused. On Road.
I don't think one can get distracted by the car's interior but the reverse is true at the day time one may get distracted by the surrounding landscape.
Originally Posted by sjshar1510 View Post
7. In built music system performs very well. I wonder if anybody will need woofers.
Check out the following thread
Originally Posted by sjshar1510 View Post
8. Over all the car's performance was super hit for hill driving. Travel comfort was amazing and it negotiated inertia on curves/turns with aplomb.
I agree Beat is a decent performer.
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Old 20th September 2010, 18:08   #1433
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I am 6"1 and the other day went to the showroom to test drive the beat. But i didn't. why? well i got in the back seat first and like most auto mags and Team-bhp members have pointed out, it is quite claustrophobic with the massive C pillar and a tiny rear glass. But even so i was quite impressed with the space at the back. a 6 footer like me and my head was not touching the roof and my knee had enough space as well.

Then i moved to the very alluring front drivers seat and thats when things went horribly bad. The steering was adjustable for rake, but even then my thighs were touching the bottom of the steering. The the killer blow was when i looked out the front windscreen, my eye level were way above the upper windscreen line and and I had to lower my head to actually get a good view out of the front and i could not see the edges of the car properly. So i decided not to bother driving it.

I think the front windscreen is too raked for me to comfortably see out and the aerodynamic shape of the A pillars means that this pillar sits quite low. So if any of u 6 footers are dreaming of owning this car and have not test driven it yet, then i would strongly advise u to do so.

So the beat and A-star out of the running. next week i will be going for a test drive in the I 10.

P.S Chevrolet Beat in Siliguri W.B is priced at 4.59 OTR (metallic) and the guy was offering me Rs.10,000 off at first ask. So i guess a little more bargaining and the discount could be a bit more, so start haggling guys.

happy motoring guys

Last edited by amrisharm : 20th September 2010 at 18:12.
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Old 20th September 2010, 19:34   #1434
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Originally Posted by amrisharm View Post
like most auto mags and Team-bhp members have pointed out, it is quite claustrophobic with the massive C pillar and a tiny rear glass.
I think this is a prejudiced notion that it is claustrophobic. Sit in the back seat during a test ride and you can decide.

Originally Posted by amrisharm View Post
The steering was adjustable for rake, but even then my thighs were touching the bottom of the steering. The the killer blow was when i looked out the front windscreen, my eye level were way above the upper windscreen line and and I had to lower my head to actually get a good view out of the front and i could not see the edges of the car properly. So i decided not to bother driving it.
I am 5.10" myself and my friends who are 6'+ did not face any problems while driving.

You can adjust the Steering so that it won't touch your knees.

Regarding the front bonnet edge visibility, just sit in an zen Estillo, Ford Figo, Vista, Swift, etc., and decide if you can make out the edges.

I have test ridden all the cars in the segment and finally decided on the BEAT.

It is less wider than the Vista and less longer than the Figo. The boot is smaller compared to Vista/Figo.

Before passing any conclusions, I strongly advise you to take a test drive.

Finally, it is you who is spending the money and you will be the best person to decide what's right for you.

As GTO rightly said, it is either Love or Hate the BEAT, there is no in-between choice.
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Old 20th September 2010, 22:14   #1435
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Originally Posted by KA18 View Post
I think this is a prejudiced notion that it is claustrophobic. Sit in the back seat during a test ride and you can decide.

I am 5.10" myself and my friends who are 6'+ did not face any problems while driving.

You can adjust the Steering so that it won't touch your knees.

Regarding the front bonnet edge visibility, just sit in an zen Estillo, Ford Figo, Vista, Swift, etc., and decide if you can make out the edges.

I have test ridden all the cars in the segment and finally decided on the BEAT.

It is less wider than the Vista and less longer than the Figo. The boot is smaller compared to Vista/Figo.

Before passing any conclusions, I strongly advise you to take a test drive.

Finally, it is you who is spending the money and you will be the best person to decide what's right for you.

As GTO rightly said, it is either Love or Hate the BEAT, there is no in-between choice.
There is nothing prejudicial against ones observation. I felt it was claustrophobic because of the rising door glass cut. Also the handle where it is, takes up area that normally would have been filled with transparent glass. so this observation is not a criticism or prejudiced, its just a fact of life.

I have done a TD of the the vista (did not like the engine, felt underpowered and also no so flash brand image), figo (same thing here with the 1.2 engine and lack of rear power windows). Drove the Zen estillo, but was too crammed width wise and was never a fan of the MPV look. And for the record i personally found all the above three had better view of the outside (front rear and side) than the beat.

I did sit in my friends i10 a year ago and if my memory serves me right, i did like it. but as i said i am going this week to do a proper test ride.

The steering was set at the highest point possible and i still brushed the steering wheel while entering and exiting.

What i wrote was my personal experience. It seems you have already purchased the car, so good on you. hope u have a great experience with your car. But i stick by my observation so no need to put down others point of view just because it does not match yours. This is a public forum where all personal experiences are shared. The prospective buyer will read all this, take a test ride themselves and come to his/her own conclusions so no need for you to try and control what should and should not be written.

Happy motoring

Last edited by amrisharm : 20th September 2010 at 22:16.
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Old 20th September 2010, 23:08   #1436
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Originally Posted by amrisharm View Post
I did sit in my friends i10 a year ago and if my memory serves me right, i did like it. but as i said i am going this week to do a proper test ride.
First of all no offences please. I have test driven both i10 and beat. IMHO, i10 is a great car for you as along you are driving. I am not arguing about claustrophobic part (it's upto individual), but the ride quality at the back is far far more satisfactory than i10. But as you said everybody has his preference. Good luck to you so that you find your perfect vehicle.

Didn't anybody changed the tyres to guide me about my previous query? Thanks in advance.
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Old 21st September 2010, 10:35   #1437
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Originally Posted by amrisharm View Post
The steering was adjustable for rake, but even then my thighs were touching the bottom of the steering. The the killer blow was when i looked out the front windscreen, my eye level were way above the upper windscreen line and and I had to lower my head to actually get a good view out of the front and i could not see the edges of the car properly. So i decided not to bother driving it.
I'am also 6'1" and drive the Beat with driver's seat pushed back. My thighs never touch the steering even when the steering is set low. One can adjust the seat according to his/her height and if the driving seat is properly adjusted thighs/knees will not touch the steering. Regarding visibility I have only one problem the interior rear view mirror hinders the front view in tight spots, cross roads and left turns, I have to lower my head to get good front view, else in highways and open roads no problem at all. This is my personal experience and I am also of the view that a buyer must take a test drive him/herself and come to his/her own conclusions.

Last edited by Topolino : 21st September 2010 at 10:40.
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Old 21st September 2010, 11:46   #1438
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Originally Posted by Topolino View Post
I'am also 6'1" and drive the Beat with driver's seat pushed back. My thighs never touch the steering even when the steering is set low. One can adjust the seat according to his/her height and if the driving seat is properly adjusted thighs/knees will not touch the steering. Regarding visibility I have only one problem the interior rear view mirror hinders the front view in tight spots, cross roads and left turns, I have to lower my head to get good front view, else in highways and open roads no problem at all. This is my personal experience and I am also of the view that a buyer must take a test drive him/herself and come to his/her own conclusions.
Hi topolino, yes your seating position of a moving the seat a little back would make it a lot easier to see out the front. I sat in the drivers seat and adjusted the seat at the point i felt comfortable with regards to the reach of the pedal and i guess i was a lot forward than you. But thats how i like to sit while i drive.

And hence the advice to all tall drivers to go and sit inside the beat and figure out if they would feel comfortable in it or not.

I really do love the exterior design of the car. And even though my budget was around 4 L and my family is gunning for the i10, i was all in praise of the beat. Then on friday i decided the extra 50 grand would be worth it being spent on the top model beat and went to the showroom to have a close look at the beat. I had a look on the outside of this lovely blue beat parked in the showroom, and i loved it! and while i was still outside the sales rep threw in a diwali Rs.10,000 discount. I was quite happy and was semi-made up that our next ride would be the beat. then my girlfriend went in the back and complained about the lack of airy feeling so i got in and told her its pretty acceptable (though i knew she was kinda right) and instead told her to focus on the ample legroom and headroom.

Then i got into the drivers seat and just did not feel at ease in it with regards to the outside view. And keeping in mind the amount of hill trips i would be doing (for work) in and around Darjeeling with lots of hair pin bends and very narrow roads (50% of places, the roads are too narrow for 2 sumo's to pass so downhill traffic has to stop and give way) i decided to keep looking.

Having driven around narrow hilly roads for a fair few years i know what exactly i want from a car with regards to visibility, and unfortunately even though the beat i am sure has great engine performance and the ride and handling is i am sure very fantastic, the outside view was not satisfactory for me, and therefore will be looking around for a bit longer.

Last edited by amrisharm : 21st September 2010 at 11:52.
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Old 21st September 2010, 15:35   #1439
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Originally Posted by amrisharm View Post
Hi topolino, yes your seating position of a moving the seat a little back would make it a lot easier to see out the front. I sat in the drivers seat and adjusted the seat at the point i felt comfortable with regards to the reach of the pedal and i guess i was a lot forward than you. But thats how i like to sit while i drive.

And hence the advice to all tall drivers to go and sit inside the beat and figure out if they would feel comfortable in it or not.

I really do love the exterior design of the car. And even though my budget was around 4 L and my family is gunning for the i10, i was all in praise of the beat. Then on friday i decided the extra 50 grand would be worth it being spent on the top model beat and went to the showroom to have a close look at the beat. I had a look on the outside of this lovely blue beat parked in the showroom, and i loved it! and while i was still outside the sales rep threw in a diwali Rs.10,000 discount. I was quite happy and was semi-made up that our next ride would be the beat. then my girlfriend went in the back and complained about the lack of airy feeling so i got in and told her its pretty acceptable (though i knew she was kinda right) and instead told her to focus on the ample legroom and headroom.

Then i got into the drivers seat and just did not feel at ease in it with regards to the outside view. And keeping in mind the amount of hill trips i would be doing (for work) in and around Darjeeling with lots of hair pin bends and very narrow roads (50% of places, the roads are too narrow for 2 sumo's to pass so downhill traffic has to stop and give way) i decided to keep looking.

Having driven around narrow hilly roads for a fair few years i know what exactly i want from a car with regards to visibility, and unfortunately even though the beat i am sure has great engine performance and the ride and handling is i am sure very fantastic, the outside view was not satisfactory for me, and therefore will be looking around for a bit longer.
Beat is not a small car compared to competition except Vista/Punto. The legroom is even bigger than i20.

Pls have a look on this data sheet.

You need to adjust the seat according to your height, convenience in using the pedals etc. else you feel its cramped and you can not even use the brakes in emergency. Its just because of this adjustment you felt the height issues with the steering wheel. I think you are the first one says this point at least in this forum.

Anyways one should test drive the car before going for it thats the rule of thumb.

BTW, what is your present ride?

Last edited by sajjt : 21st September 2010 at 15:46.
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Old 21st September 2010, 16:53   #1440
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@ sajjt Where are the Beat's dimensions? I think you compared the rest with U-VA.



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