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Old 26th April 2010, 15:11   #751
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Thank u Salbin and quadmaniac for the prompt reply.I made my stand clear on that..

Mods Please excuse..arigato Takumi San. ;-)
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Old 26th April 2010, 17:04   #752
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did any of the owners have a chance to get a price list on the accessories provided by GM now? and I got a text on a extended warranty for a price. Any more info on that?
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Old 27th April 2010, 10:24   #753
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Originally Posted by Mafia View Post
did any of the owners have a chance to get a price list on the accessories provided by GM now? and I got a text on a extended warranty for a price. Any more info on that?
Check out page# 38 of this forum. TBHPian redlaw had already posted a pricelist for the accessories.
Also check out GM website under accessories category. They have updated it recently.
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Old 27th April 2010, 17:18   #754
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Ok been wanting to post this since morning, but got time just now. Here's something you guys might be interested in:

I went to my showroom today (Orange Auto, Hyd), and they had a 'different' version of Beat - 'Beat LS plus' on display. Note that this isn't any official version from GM, just an enhanced version of the Beat LS.

For around Rs 17k, here's what they've added:

- roof rails
- Sony HU + speakers
- internal black-grey panel treatment (much like the piano black finish on LT)
- and a host of other things (I think there were around 7-8 items in total)

It looks a LOT like LT, and I think this is the version to go for, if you were planning on buying an LS. I am especially impressed at how close the final result looks like the LT - both from inside and outside.

from me.
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Old 27th April 2010, 19:42   #755
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Steering response query .

hi friends ,

while driving my beat LS , i have felt a high steering response from the car , if the car hits a pothole which is decent size the steering wheel too takes the shake .

also the car oversteers sometimes in sharp turns .

my query to beat owners and TBHP experts is , Is there any way where we can reduce or tune the steering response to an optimum level or is it manufacturer specific .

and what are the advantages / disadvantages of doing so ?

awaiting your response for my query , thanks .
Old 28th April 2010, 10:18   #756
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fuel recommendation from GM for beat .

hi friends ,

i read in the user manual of beat that the Recommended fuel for the beat is 92 octance petrol .

so do we need to use the extramile and speed version or do standard petrol would be ok , as i checked with the petrol pump personnel that standard petrol does not have the level of octane recommended by GM for the beat .

if GM is recommeding 92 octane petrol i would assume beat is a supercar hatchback . so is the FE figures of 18.6 kmpl is for 92 octane petrol , as standard petrol returns not more than 15 kmpl FE .
Old 28th April 2010, 10:37   #757
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Originally Posted by vihang15 View Post
hi friends ,

while driving my beat LS , i have felt a high steering response from the car , if the car hits a pothole which is decent size the steering wheel too takes the shake .
also the car oversteers sometimes in sharp turns .

my query to beat owners and TBHP experts is , Is there any way where we can reduce or tune the steering response to an optimum level or is it manufacturer specific .

and what are the advantages / disadvantages of doing so ?

awaiting your response for my query , thanks
Yes, I too would appreciate the experts explaining this.
Btw, do you feel vibrations in the steering?
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Old 28th April 2010, 11:24   #758
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I have felt the steering response to be on the higher side too. is this a flaw/weakness in the design ?
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Old 28th April 2010, 15:47   #759
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Originally Posted by auto-one View Post
Yes, I too would appreciate the experts explaining this.
Btw, do you feel vibrations in the steering?

yes , i do feel the shakes ,vibrations , jerks in the steering .

i think GM designed the car for US roads , they forgot our potholes based roads in india . and the monsoons are coming , i am getting worried with the ground clearance of the Beat .

had experienced the 26th july carnage in mumbai , and can bet that no car was spared , saw a 4x4 SUV floating on the highways .

maybe Special offroad hatchback version of Beat only for india with wet performance tyres from michelin , are you listening mr.karl slym.
Old 28th April 2010, 21:37   #760
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Originally Posted by vihang15 View Post
hi friends ,

while driving my beat LS , i have felt a high steering response from the car , if the car hits a pothole which is decent size the steering wheel too takes the shake .

also the car oversteers sometimes in sharp turns .

my query to beat owners and TBHP experts is , Is there any way where we can reduce or tune the steering response to an optimum level or is it manufacturer specific .

and what are the advantages / disadvantages of doing so ?

awaiting your response for my query , thanks .
Originally Posted by auto-one View Post
Yes, I too would appreciate the experts explaining this.
Btw, do you feel vibrations in the steering?
Originally Posted by Mafia View Post
I have felt the steering response to be on the higher side too. is this a flaw/weakness in the design ?
I never felt steering response is too much high. Maybe because I have mainly driven Cars without power steering (800,Zen,Gypsy). Higher steering response is very necessary as it connects the driver with the terrain he is on. Without response it is like playing a video game, Or driving a boat.

However the so claimed higher steering response can be due to the fact that Beat has Hydraulic power steering. I personally believe hydraulic PS are better than EPS. Consider Ford for example. However beat's steering is nothing to write home about. Other than swift no EPS is good as far as response is concerned.
Heavier vehicles like trucks have HPS. The only drawback is that it consumes some power from the engine.

Last edited by oxyzen : 28th April 2010 at 21:40.
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Old 28th April 2010, 22:43   #761
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This is what geeyem chevrolet offered me for the accessories.
Sun film-2300
Seat cover-3950
Remote locking-3200
Alloy wheels(4 no's black)-18500
Steering wheel-360
Under body coating 3m-3500
Mud flap-950
Floor mat-950
Total came around 33680,since am exchanging my silver alloys with black, they offered me a price for this reasonable?did anyone change their silver alloys to black?the car which've booked is white in colour..thats why i thought of going for the black alloy. Please make your opinions guys..i'm in a confusion whether to change the alloys..i think some people got mud flaps and floor mats free..are they looting me?
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Old 29th April 2010, 09:12   #762
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Originally Posted by kphilip View Post
This is what geeyem chevrolet offered me for the accessories.
Sun film-2300
Seat cover-3950
Remote locking-3200
Alloy wheels(4 no's black)-18500
Steering wheel-360
Under body coating 3m-3500
Mud flap-950
Floor mat-950
Total came around 33680,since am exchanging my silver alloys with black, they offered me a price for this reasonable?did anyone change their silver alloys to black?the car which've booked is white in colour..thats why i thought of going for the black alloy. Please make your opinions guys..i'm in a confusion whether to change the alloys..i think some people got mud flaps and floor mats free..are they looting me?
IMHO - try to understand the following before ordering:
Sun film-which make and product series? 3M/Llumar/Garware etc and the series name.
Seat cover-Fabric or Art-Leathetr?
Remote locking-I hope this is GM accessory mae by Autocop. You can get Autocop for a cheaper price from outside and that too with a very compact remote. GM remote is very big in size.
Alloy wheels(4 no's black)- Which make? Is it 14" itself? You may try outside for better designs to suit your car for a cheaper price. My 14" Plati alloys costed me 12.5K(check out my ownership thread for more details and pics).
Steering wheel-I think Beat steering wheel looks better without covers. Or else suggest you to go for pure leather wrapping.
Under body coating 3m- Better to go for it since you are from EKM.
Mud flap- no other options
Floor mat- You may get very good mats from outside for much lesser price.
Total came around 33680,since am exchanging my silver alloys with black, they offered me a price for this reasonable? - That means the exchange price you are getting is ~10K for the OE alloys. You can even sell it outside(may be to a TBHPian). I remember some of the TBHPians were looking for GM OE alloys
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Old 29th April 2010, 10:00   #763
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thanx Salbin .

Seat Cover- Its Polyurithine with Chevrolet logo on it.


Alloy Wheel-The Alloy wheels is the same model which i get in my stock Beat, its 14 inch.Its GM made.I've asked for an exchange in a shop near to the dealer.They said they cant exchange the alloys as its a company alloy.Dunno what it meant.

Steering Wheel-its Leather.

Floor Mat-The floor mat which they are proving looks really good.

Auto cop- Well i was planning to get an Auto cop from outside, they were telling its exclusively for Beat and dont have to mess up with the wiring.
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Old 29th April 2010, 10:53   #764
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I have a question about the roof rails on the LT model. Can they handel a roof carrier like the ones Thule provides?
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Old 29th April 2010, 11:34   #765
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Tuning the BEAT to beat the Sluggishness

Any one aware of some kind kind of tuning done by the GM Service Center to reduce the sluggishness?
My friend has got a BEAT and when he complained about the car's performance in 2nd gear , they told that they will tune it to improve the performance . Any kind of ECU re-mapping happening ?
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