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Old 28th April 2024, 04:34   #3526
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Re: TPMS error?

Originally Posted by Asoon View Post
This is happening with me, When gas station machine shows 34, TPMS reading is 37. On top of that the front right tyres is loosing pressure faster than the rest (not puncture, has been happening for few months) and I also get pressure difference (right vs left) warning
It is reverse for me I ask filler to set the machine to 35 and then my TPMS shows 33
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Old 28th April 2024, 10:05   #3527
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

I got nitrogen-filled in the tyres in December last year and since have covered 5ooo kms. The TPMS hasn't moved in the last 4 months.
This has got me to wonder is nitrogen air fill and forget? Is there prudence in regular top up of nitrogen or just trust the TPMS?
Folks with nitrogen in the tyres what's your experience like? Do you carry air inflators for long-distance travels? Do you deflate the tyre fully and then fill it up in case the nitrogen pressure drops?
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Old 30th April 2024, 13:18   #3528
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by anandkenkare View Post
I own a Z8 Diesel 4WD Auto and would like to know whether any software update has been provided yet by Mahindra which resolves the issue of the map spinning around while using Google Maps on Android Auto.
I was contacted by Mahindra after they saw the above post. My car was picked from my residence, some part was replaced (probably silver box) and car was returned back the same day.

Happy to state that the map spinning issue has been completely resolved and I am able to use the navigation feature flawlessly.

Kudos to Team Mahindra
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Old 30th April 2024, 13:52   #3529
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by slylenser View Post
My Oct 2022 Scorpio N Diesel AT Z8L was due for 20k service. The service was done last Saturday. In addition to regular service, some points to note:

A) When the brake pads were opened for cleaning, the rear brake pads had worn out. This is my 3rd Mahindra vehicle and I've never had to change a rear brake pad before 50k kms but it had to be done now.

B) The air filter was so dirty, it had to be changed when the recommended change is at 40k kms I think.

C) There was a recall for alternator pulley, which was replaced.

D) My steering would make a grating noise, which was fixed by replacing the rack.

E) Software update done

The vehicle was driving good as new, but the thrill lasted only a few hours, before a stone hit the front windshield and cracked it. The small crack is slowly expanding, not.sure it can be stopped in any way. Any ideas?

Hi. I too have picked up a Scorpio N Z8L AT Diesel 2WD and faced two very strange issues in the car.

1st, ofcourse the noisy steering rack for which I had to get folks from Mahindra involved as the dealership refused to entertain my complaint in the beginning. I do not wish to take names but eventually they again asked for the car, did some suggested work around and accepted that the rack is defective and a new one will be arranged and replaced at the earliest.

Now the 2nd fault is the weird one. Its highly intermittent and due to the nature of Murphys law, I was not able to replicate it at the service center. When driving and slowly coming to a stop, with the brakes pressed, the car suddenly jerks as if it has been rear ended by someone.

So its like while driving, and coming to a stop at a traffic light and once the vehicle is at a complete standstill, after a second or so it would randomly jerk, not always but it just would. Has anyone faced anything similar?

Last edited by kapiljolly79 : 30th April 2024 at 14:04.
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Old 30th April 2024, 17:29   #3530
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by kapiljolly79 View Post
Now the 2nd fault is the weird one. Its highly intermittent and due to the nature of Murphys law, I was not able to replicate it at the service center. When driving and slowly coming to a stop, with the brakes pressed, the car suddenly jerks as if it has been rear ended by someone.

So its like while driving, and coming to a stop at a traffic light and once the vehicle is at a complete standstill, after a second or so it would randomly jerk, not always but it just would. Has anyone faced anything similar?
Yes this happens with my ScorpioN AT 4xplor too, in the exact same manner.
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Old 1st May 2024, 10:14   #3531
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

My 1.5 Years old & 25000KMs run 4WD AT Scorpio-N has started making grinding noise when the steering is turned. Earlier, the steering used to vibrate mildly on rough roads, however, this issue reduced considerably after re-torquing of I-Shaft was done, but now this new Steering issue has popped up.

Reading about all the steering issues on Team-BHP as well as other forums, it feels M&M is not serious to resolve the issue. The SC guys ignored my complaint despite sending them a video clip of the issue (have attached the video here for anyone interested)!

Currently, I am very disappointed with vehicle & attitude of Mahindra and considering selling off the vehicle!
Attached Files
File Type: zip Steering (4.19 MB, 106 views)
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Old 1st May 2024, 12:31   #3532
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Rahkehs View Post
Currently, I am very disappointed with vehicle & attitude of Mahindra and considering selling off the vehicle!
Don't be! They're not as deaf eared as the government like run TaMo. Just shoot an email to the M&M support desk with this video. It indeed is scary and something that shouldn't normally be there. From what I read in this thread itself, many people have had their steering racks replaced under warranty. I think mailing M&M folks would get them to ask the dealer to get this replaced under warranty.
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Old 1st May 2024, 13:57   #3533
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Rahkehs View Post

Reading about all the steering issues on Team-BHP as well as other forums, it feels M&M is not serious to resolve the issue. The SC guys ignored my complaint despite sending them a video clip of the issue (have attached the video here for anyone interested)!

Currently, I am very disappointed with vehicle & attitude of Mahindra and considering selling off the vehicle!
This is indeed scary and should be reported to M&M. I had a small issue in my 1st servicing when they took my sign over a page, that had certain services that were not even done. On my raising concern, they smiled and said its just formality and that the 1st service is just a check. When i shot a mail to M&M Area Head informing them about the said experience, i received dozens of calls back to back from the service center regarding the issue. They offered to pick it up or asked me to visit for a priority appointment. When i took it to the center, i was made to feel like a king and i have had a good experience with them ever since, since they know me as a person who shoots mails . So please escalate without delay.

Also, i believe that turning the steering while the car is stationary will only make matters worse.
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Old 1st May 2024, 14:01   #3534
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Hi folks! Have a niggle. Any advice/opinion/experience would be helpful.

Niggle - 2nd row tumble down seat.

I had first noticed it during my Sikkim trip as the 3rd row was being continuously used by a 6th person. When the seat is upright and I pull the lever, it tumbles down at one go always. However, if the seat is kept flat, the backrest is down but the base is in place and locked, the seat would not tumble despite pulling the lever. I need to push back the seat upright and then try again. Such scenarios were plenty when one mistakenly tries to put back the seat and then realized "oh I left something at the back". So am I missing any kind of technical knowledge or is it a fault?
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Old 1st May 2024, 17:23   #3535
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by sand-dune96 View Post
Hi folks! Have a niggle. Any advice/opinion/experience would be helpful.

Niggle - 2nd row tumble down seat.

So am I missing any kind of technical knowledge or is it a fault?
It's a fault. Faced same issue. Funnily got resolved while showing it at the service centre by itself. Vist your ASC, wouldn't advice to fiddle around, as there's a risk of damaging the springs and stuff.

Originally Posted by Rahkehs View Post
My 1.5 Years old & 25000KMs run 4WD AT Scorpio-N has started making grinding noise when the steering is turned. Earlier, the steering used to vibrate mildly on rough roads, however, this issue reduced considerably after re-torquing of I-Shaft was done, but now this new Steering issue has popped up.

Reading about all the steering issues on Team-BHP as well as other forums, it feels M&M is not serious to resolve the issue. The SC guys ignored my complaint despite sending them a video clip of the issue (have attached the video here for anyone interested)!

Currently, I am very disappointed with vehicle & attitude of Mahindra and considering selling off the vehicle!
Unable to open the file, but observing grinding noise while return turns of steering after the steering shaft tightening. Can you please update a new file that can be opened?
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Old 2nd May 2024, 12:39   #3536
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Auto Enthusiast View Post
Yes this happens with my ScorpioN AT 4xplor too, in the exact same manner.
Have they been able to resolve this issue and have you reported it to Mahindra?
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Old 2nd May 2024, 13:14   #3537
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by kapiljolly79 View Post
Have they been able to resolve this issue and have you reported it to Mahindra?
No, I haven't reported it yet, will bring it up on my 2nd service.
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Old 2nd May 2024, 14:20   #3538
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Auto Enthusiast View Post
No, I haven't reported it yet, will bring it up on my 2nd service.
Ok. Let me know. Ive asked them to check the transmission for qty and quality of the oil and also the Throttle position sensor, as I dont see any other reason why the car should jerk. They will check it only when the Rack comes so that the car doesnt have to go every now and then.
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Old 2nd May 2024, 20:36   #3539
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Can someone teach me how to keep the parking lights on with the ignition off. I find it dangerous to park and leave a black car in a dark place at night. I wanted to ask this for a long time but always forgot. Any assistance will be highly valued.
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Old 3rd May 2024, 21:13   #3540
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by sidkeenlearner View Post
Update after driving 10+ Kms - Ignoring the KAD KAD noise, lets talk engine performance. I feel its superior - I know its subjective! Caution: I realize now the ECU update was more towards the Airbag issue so that alone couldn't impact engine performance. So what can - The Pully thing. When the replacement pully was being installed I went to visit my car in the workshop and I could see it was a part that was connected to the engine.

So what before? I was new to automatic so I complained a lot about upshifting at high RMPs and all! But, I always felt myself pushing the car to UPREV and this resulted in too much of engine grunt - read resistance to pull. So I made up the impression that the engine took a bit of strain to upshift.

After - It feels in place. Yes - It has impressive power n torque on paper so folks could normally think it pulls - but at what level of resistance? This resistance seems to have calmed a bit. It feels relaxed at 1800-2000 RMP range, whereas otherwise at this range the engine sounded louder.

So if I ignore the KAD KAD noise and try to explain the dynamics of the engine - I feel it is better - Period. Mileage has improved but I wouldn't attest given I covered less distance.

I hope I could enjoy my ride without this noise!
Update 3/5/24: Folks I visited Shiva Auto Sahibabad service center today for the same KIR KIR noise as I couldn't tolerate this noise any more.

In between my last post till today, I joined the Scorpio N owners group on FB to check if other owners had the same noise or not. To my surprise, many owners commented they too had the noise, and most said their steering rack was replaced post which the noise vanished. So I was convinced the noise was because of the faulty steering rack.

The last time I visited SC they said they want to open the whole dashboard to check where the noise was coming from - I refused that time. Today a different technician (not the service adviser) was allotted to my vehicle and after a short test drive, he acknowledged the noise and said the bolts that connect to the chassis (I think there are six of them about 3 inches long) would be greased and retorqued. I obliged.

Work was done in about 2 hours and we went for a test drive again. The noise was still there, then he opened the fuse box and found a coupler that was lying loose and when he held that piece of plastic the noise vanished for good. It was the coupler stupid - I said to myself as I kept thinking about the steering rack. That loose tiny piece of plastic was ruining my whole driving experience.

So I went back home happy and after a power nap, I took my car out again for a wash. I barely drove for 5 minutes and noticed a new kind of noise (CHU CHU) from the middle right side of the car. I stopped my car and shook my head!

So I went back to the SC, took a test drive and the technician acknowledged the noise. So in the first attempt, they lifted the car and retorqued the chassis bolts. Went for a test drive and the noise was still there. Then the Service Adviser, a denter, myself and the technician himself went for a drive - it felt like an evening out with the boys!

Here I should commend the whole team for the dedication and their technical prowess to resolve my issue. The denter was smart, he identified it was one of the chasis bolts. So we went back to the service center and lifted the car, and found one bolt just beneath the right middle seat that was not greased. The same was greased and torqued and thankfully the noise disappeared.

I arrived at the SC at 9:30 AM and reached back home at 7:00 PM in all. But I am happy my issue was attended to with urgency and resolved at the end of the day. I am thankful to my service adviser and the technician who attended to my car with full honesty.
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