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Old 30th January 2024, 11:56   #3331
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Ghost9797 View Post

Clicking Noise from Scorpio N Front Wheels - Anyone Else Facing This?

has anyone else encountered a similar clicking noise from their Scorpio N front wheels? If so, I'd be hugely grateful if you could share your experiences, what the cause might be, and how you went about fixing it.
I checked on my new D AT 4WD. No such sounds, but I will look out for them and for any answers I may come across. By the way, and may be out of context, I remember Maruti 800s made loud clicking sounds on sharp turns if they had something worn out on the front axles.
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Old 30th January 2024, 12:05   #3332
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Roxer View Post
Fortuner is so much more than just suspension, sunroof and entertainment.
You can prioritize a Scorpio N according to your liking but you can't compare it with the mighty Fortuner. Its class above !!!
Scorpio N must be a good car and is very popular nowadays but that doesn't mean that fortuner is dragged into its consideration. Both cars are class apart!
You couldn't mention any substantial points which proves why Scorpio-N can't be compared to "Mighty" Fortuner, although, many BHPians have listed out points where Scorpio-N clears trumps Fortuner.

Fortuner might be "Mighty" but Mahindras are robust as well and Boleros running in far-flungs areas of India are testament to that.

Scorpio-N is far better Car than Scorpio Classic and will easily last more than 10 Years and will provide a lot more driving pleasure and comfort.
I rest my case!
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Old 30th January 2024, 12:12   #3333
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Rahkehs View Post
You couldn't mention any substantial points which proves why Scorpio-N can't be compared to "Mighty" Fortuner, although, many BHPians have listed out points where Scorpio-N clears trumps Fortuner.

Fortuner might be "Mighty" but Mahindras are robust as well and Boleros running in far-flungs areas of India are testament to that.

Scorpio-N is far better Car than Scorpio Classic and will easily last more than 10 Years and will provide a lot more driving pleasure and comfort.
I rest my case!
The bigger engine, more BHP and more torque to begin with !

I too rest my case bro !
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Old 30th January 2024, 13:10   #3334
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Roxer View Post
I bet if you have driven it regularly for more than 10yrs then your opinion might be different. I've had a Scorpio classic 4yrs before fortuner and I know that experience with Mahindra and the after sales & service of it. I prioritize peace and with toyota specially with fortuner. Its class above !!!
Bro, Endeavor faces more DPF issues compared to fortuner. !
Originally Posted by Roxer View Post
The bigger engine, more BHP and more torque to begin with !

I too rest my case bro !
First of all, thanks for proving my point again by not talking about any of the points I shared and only sticking to intangible things like peace of mind. We bought a 2009 Fortuner within a few months after its launch and enjoyed it for 7+ years and putting on 1.3L kms.
Coming to your points-
1 - Endeavour does not and can not face more DPF issues as it has a better system than Toyota. You can read through numerous posts on Team-bhp as well as other reliable platforms. Your anecdotes do not represent the whole industry.
2 - Toyota 'reliability' has been on a steep decline over the past few years, especially since the BS6 era. DPF issues are very common, so much so that some people even bought their petrol variants just to avoid the DPF nightmares. You can go through numerous threads on Team-bhp for further details. For example, one Bhpian also had his engine replaced in his new Crysta!
3 - Scorpio and Scorpio N are some of the most well-built SUVs on sale in India. Scorpio (classic) is literally known for its abuse-friendly nature and reliability. Same will be the case with Scorpio N if not better. Both enjoy great resale value as well(irrelevant here but ok).
4 - Scorpio has always had a powerful engine. Your more power argument does not stand here. Drive a Scorpio N and you will realize how fast it is. The petrol version is in a different league and Toyota CAN NOT touch it.
Your other points, such as A.S.S. and resale value, although true, are not really relevant here. We were talking about the cars itself, not the customer support. I will not continue this discussion any further. Hope you enjoy your Fortuner

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Old 30th January 2024, 15:29   #3335
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

I experienced my first problem with my Scorpio N D Z6 Manual, which I bought in October 2023 and has now travelled 7000kms.

After a 600km journey, I decided to wash the car. With the car turned off, I left the key in the ACC position. Suddenly, the speakers blasted the radio at full volume. I quickly turned the car on, but the ICE screen was frozen, and no buttons, including mute, responded.

I turned the car off and on several times, but it didn't help. I was worried that water might have seeped into some electrical components. Eventually, after finishing the wash, I drove the car to my parking spot and disconnected the battery to reset the ICE, which thankfully resolved the issue.

I suspect the problem occurred because the ICE doesn't fully turn off but rather enters a deep sleep mode, and a glitch may have triggered this.
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Old 30th January 2024, 15:48   #3336
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Rahkehs View Post
You couldn't mention any substantial points which proves why Scorpio-N can't be compared to "Mighty" Fortuner, although, many BHPians have listed out points where Scorpio-N clears trumps Fortuner.

Fortuner might be "Mighty" but Mahindras are robust as well and Boleros running in far-flungs areas of India are testament to that.

Scorpio-N is far better Car than Scorpio Classic and will easily last more than 10 Years and will provide a lot more driving pleasure and comfort.
I rest my case!
Allow me to share my real life experience as the owner of both these cars: (Mahindra Scorpio-N Review) (Mahindra Scorpio-N Review)
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Old 30th January 2024, 17:34   #3337
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Roxer View Post
Congratulations on your new Scorpio N. It looks great, but I haven't driven it so far. Still feels its unfair comparing a fortuner with a Scorpio N. Upgraded to a legender last year from my old 2014 fortuner. it's been 6 months and haven't faced any DPF issues so far. It regularly regenerates by itself every 15-200kms. I guess if you drive fortuner in too much city traffic and for short rides then the DPF issues come. It must be driven on highways in every 10 Days with a good throttle. One of my Friend have Ford Endeavor and he too have faced DPF issues regularly. Fortuner have manual DPF regeneration switch but Endeavor don't even have that, so he Drives his Endeavor with full throttle atleast once every week and haven't faced any DPF issues eversince. So I think if your car is only or mostly used in city traffic or short frequent Drives then may be fortuner or Endeavor is not your car. So comparing a Fortuner with a Scorpio N is not at all justified !!!!
What point are you trying to make here by mentioning about DPF issue

90% of my drive is city and I never faced DPF issues in my Scorpio N apart from few alerts during initial days which would vanish after 10-15 minutes of drive (Never gave full throttle etc.). And after 9 months of ownership I don't remember DPF alert coming up recently. Mahindra has handled the DPF better than others because there are no recent reports of Mahindra BS6 vehicles halting and needed intervention from A.S.S.

Since you mentioned that you have not driven it, I would suggest you to first drive and then post a comment.

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Old 30th January 2024, 19:22   #3338
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by sulliavi View Post
What point are you trying to make here by mentioning about DPF issue

90% of my drive is city and I never faced DPF issues in my Scorpio N apart from few alerts during initial days which would vanish after 10-15 minutes of drive (Never gave full throttle etc.). And after 9 months of ownership I don't remember DPF alert coming up recently. Mahindra has handled the DPF better than others because there are no recent reports of Mahindra BS6 vehicles halting and needed intervention from A.S.S.

Since you mentioned that you have not driven it, I would suggest you to first drive and then post a comment.

Yes I will definitely drive it in sometime.

One thing I forgot to mention is that for more than a month I have driven my car in city traffic only in November and I noticed auto DPF regeneration 3-4 times by itself. Driven my car in every way I was driving my old fortuner. And haven't faced any DPF issues in the last 6 months of my ownership.

Maybe some old BS6 fortuners Lott was having DPF issues but not this one.

Maybe because it's BS6 phase2 or BS6.2 .

So since I have used fortuners from last 10yrs and now an updated legender I don't buy this opinion of Scorpio-N being better than fortuner because some old fortuners lott were facing DPF issues. And some are comparing it with scorpio petrol. I mean come on guys 'kuch bhi'.

I have seen a lot of fortuner bashing in posts and comments here but only for it being costly or it lacks sunroof. And never for it being underpowered or badly engineered. It does best what its made for in its class.

BS6 phase 2 or BS6.2 fortuners don't have any DPF issues. Period !
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Old 30th January 2024, 20:47   #3339
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Roxer View Post

I have seen a lot of fortuner bashing in posts and comments here but only for it being costly or it lacks sunroof. And never for it being underpowered or badly engineered. It does best what its made for in its class.

BS6 phase 2 or BS6.2 fortuners don't have any DPF issues. Period !
Not sure about which 'class' people keep harping on when they refer to the Fortuner (any version for that matter).

Bottom line is that the Fortuner is a crude BOF vehicle derived from/ sharing underpinning with a utilitarian pick-up and a MUV. Its ride quality sucks big time and NVH is subpar. Sam could be said for the powertrain - nothing world class about it.

Just because people pay more for it doesn't make it 'classy'. It only puts a question mark on criteria that some people use to evaluate vehicle purchases.
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Old 30th January 2024, 22:02   #3340
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by srh View Post
Not sure about which 'class' people keep harping on when they refer to the Fortuner (any version for that matter).

Bottom line is that the Fortuner is a crude BOF vehicle derived from/ sharing underpinning with a utilitarian pick-up and a MUV. Its ride quality sucks big time and NVH is subpar. Sam could be said for the powertrain - nothing world class about it.

Just because people pay more for it doesn't make it 'classy'. It only puts a question mark on criteria that some people use to evaluate vehicle purchases.
The class or bracket where only Endeavor stands with it as a worthy competitor.

I don't know what are your parameters for ride quality but for me it's the best I've experienced in this price range for a proper SUV. no fatigue for me even after a 2000 kms drive on all kind of terrains. And that too in a less than 3 days trip.

Fortuner is classy and it ain't cheap. just like the good education and good medical facilities ain't cheap. Period !
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Old 30th January 2024, 22:27   #3341
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Roxer View Post

BS6 phase 2 or BS6.2 fortuners don't have any DPF issues. Period !
Nobody said Fortuner has DPF issues and not Scorpio N. Why make it a big deal ?

And, btw, Toyota will no longer have DPF issues because they stopped selling them (as of now)

Below news shows what is their class (in India at least) !

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Old 30th January 2024, 22:34   #3342
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by sulliavi View Post
Nobody said Fortuner has DPF issues and not Scorpio N. Why make it a big deal ?

And, btw, Toyota will no longer have DPF issues because they stopped selling them (as of now)

Below news shows what is their class (in India at least) !

This was an error of judgement from one of toyota's arm and not a fraud
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Old 30th January 2024, 22:45   #3343
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Attended the Mahindra Great Escape at Lucknow on 7th Jan 2024. It was fun

Here are some videos as we took very few photos:

Chasing Thars to the rendezvous point:

Going up and then down:

Slinging mud at parked Thars:


Since the track was insanely fun and public, we went again next week, but solo:

Faster exit:

P.S. Seems like the event photographers/videographers really hated my vehicle (and the two white Z8Ls). Literally zero photos (except when parked in front of the dealer with stickers)

Since I am already posting about trails, might as well get this absolutely brutal one off my chest from Binsar (travelogue W.I.P.)

Here's the complete thing. Audio has been replaced with cool music due to the proximity of the wheels to the edge and expletives being let out by rest of the squad due to the former:

P.S.S. I had no idea that countersteering while sliding in mud could be so much fun. Feels better than Beam.Ng and Assetto Corsa

Oh, one last thing! Forgot about a 21 minute summary of the Uttarakhand Trip :

Some may think that this is just a video spam (and I respect your opinion). But this is just how my life has improved and become more fun after getting my Scorpio

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Old 31st January 2024, 03:52   #3344
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Originally Posted by Roxer View Post
The bigger engine, more BHP and more torque to begin with !

I too rest my case bro !
Only to have a slower 0-100 timing than the ScorpioN in petrol guise and have a similar timing in the diesel guise

So much so for a bigger engine with more BHP and torque (which by the way is applicable only for the diesel)
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Old 31st January 2024, 09:28   #3345
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N Review

Mod Note : Please stick to the topic, no more off-topic posts please.
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