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Old 11th June 2024, 14:00   #10171
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Just a few days of ownership and 160kms on the Odo, there is the E21 DEF dosing malfunction error.
Mahindra XUV700 Review-20240607_181120.jpg

Called Sireesh Auto and they said it could be because of the bumper to bumper traffic in Bangalore asked to drive for few kms on highway. Next day driving towards Mysore keeping a steady cruse control at 70kmph on the express way the error escalated to a E22 warning with a threat to shutdown in 800kms.
Mahindra XUV700 Review-20240608_075344.jpg

Immediately called India Garage in Mysore. The staff was very helpful and they diagnosed it to the Nox sensor issue. They said the issue is due to water ingress. This I doubt because the vehicle has not been driven on any water body. The normal rain splash from road should not cause any such issues. Anyway they cleaned it with a blower and put it back. The errors were cleared and I was good to go after a test ride of 30kms.
Next 28hrs the vehicle drove flawlessly. Also got to see a Tusker on the way to Kodagu
Mahindra XUV700 Review-screenshot_20240609_090635.png

Now driving back to Bangalore, after a fuel fill near home the DEF tell-tale turned on again.
Mahindra XUV700 Review-20240609_214304.jpg

Took it to Ananth Cars on Bannerghatta road. The car is now at 826Kms and the alert for 1st service came On as well. So gave it for error check and service.
The team has been trying to diagnose the issue for last 24hrs. They also mention water ingress in Nox could be the issue. I dont believe this explaination as I was careful after the first diagnostic and wanted to reach back to Bangalore without any issues.

While the car was sitting lifted up do notice the placement of the NOX sensor around 1.5 feet behind the front right wheel. Also I notice rusting on two clamps on both sides. These clamps are in the front below the door level. I understand it can be used for jack.
Mahindra XUV700 Review-20240611_140438editedit.jpg
Mahindra XUV700 Review-20240611_140835edit.jpg
Although the underbody is covered with Anti rust treatment from factory, the two clamps are missed out. I am sure this will be the case with other XUVs as well.

Will bring in more updates of the resolution....

Question: Is the XUV700 so delicate or the placement of NOX sensor is so erroneous that it will feed tyre water splash from light rain from the road?
What is the water wading capacity of XUV700? The way the service center folks talk about it, it seems to be less than 190mm.

Last edited by HillMan : 11th June 2024 at 14:29.
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Old 11th June 2024, 14:49   #10172
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by atluri_rkc View Post
Whats your definition of "Almost New"? Is it because of 20K kms or has the car appeared dent free? If its the latter, its because the paint touchups must have happened.

Unless you know the service head personally OR the dealership is offering 3 years unlimited warranty, its better to walk away from demo cars as they are often the most abused.
The car has few minor scratches and no dents.They said they will correct everything and I can do a final PDI and decide
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Old 11th June 2024, 18:12   #10173
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by kamath93suraj View Post
The car has few minor scratches and no dents.They said they will correct everything and I can do a final PDI and decide
The Engine, clutch and braking system are the most important component of all. Thats the ones which have mostly taken a good beating during test drives. Imagine a 20,000kms on the odometer divided by 2km or lesser test drive per person. It can be compared to 90,000kms or more driven by a single owner in Zoom mode. Take a cautious decision before spending your 21L of hard earned money.

Last edited by Zappo : 26th July 2024 at 13:31. Reason: Corrected - braking system
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Old 11th June 2024, 18:54   #10174
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by HillMan View Post
Just a few days of ownership and 160kms on the Odo, there is the E21 DEF dosing malfunction error.
Question: Is the XUV700 so delicate or the placement of NOX sensor is so erroneous that it will feed tyre water splash from light rain from the road?
What is the water wading capacity of XUV700? The way the service center folks talk about it, it seems to be less than 190mm.
I am seriously suspecting the NOX sensor and water ingress story from ASC. My 02/2022 AWD AX7L has done some descent water crossing, splashed water like crazy and we do underbody pressure wash which undoubtedly wets the NOX sensor! My car should have had this issue by now already, I assume going by the NOX sensor exposed out theory.

Now, two things that come to my mind: a faulty sensor that was put into the car from day one. OR while the car was at ASC, something spooky has happened.

I was originally thinking about water gone into the DEF tank or a wrong kind of DEF topped up. But since you mentioned NOX sensor to be an issue, I should not be going down that route, I suppose. The rationale for this thought was - E21 hints at dosing issue. This happens when you top up non-recommended DEF or water mixes into the DEF somehow. (This could be while washing or some idiot might have topped up DEF during pre-PDI routine with a contaminated DEF can - left over from another car?)

Anyway, watch the car for another tankful of fuel running and see if it happens again.

On your question of water wading capacity for 7OO - there is no formal literature I have found anywhere so far. The conventional wisdom says the water if its below the half height of the wheels, ok to go through. Any level higher than the centre of the wheels, avoid getting in. And that if we count as safer water wading limit, I think 200mm should be good to take the chance - again, just my thoughts, please don't hold me responsible if that turns out to be wrong. I can definitely testify that my car has been through 200mm water level and car has survived the adventure.
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Old 11th June 2024, 19:20   #10175
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by abirnale View Post
I am seriously suspecting the NOX sensor and water ingress story from ASC.
Thanks for your inputs. It gives me some confidence now.

I don't believe the water ingress is causing the issue either. The wirings must be sealed well. Mahindra engineers wont be careless enough to cause continuous recalls due to a wrong design of NOX sensor placement under the body. They must have thought of it. But the way the setup is done under the body is also something to ponder. The opening of the enclosure of NOX is forward facing. This is done for the air movement for sure because the fins on the sensor are also in that direction. But then this setup will definitely scoop up water and can short the connectors unless they are sealed well.
Mahindra XUV700 Review-nox-connection.jpg

Latest update I received from the ASC, they identified a grounding issue and the black wire is not conducting the way it should. Hopefully they found the problem and know what to do.

Last edited by HillMan : 11th June 2024 at 19:36.
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Old 11th June 2024, 20:25   #10176
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by utkarshgoel View Post
How come the XUV 700 has only two reverse parking sensors? Is it enough? I mean, my ecosport has 4, and they seem to be essential to know about possible obstruction on sides.
NOT ENOUGH AT ALL. What's worse is a lack of front sensors on top of just 2 rear sensors. Going from my Seltos (360* cam + 3 sensors both end) to the XUV with a behemoth of a front hood makes you feel like you are almost blind when parking the car. Just a sub-par reversing cam at your disposal that lags like crazy.
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Old 12th June 2024, 10:21   #10177
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by kamath93suraj View Post
The car has few minor scratches and no dents.They said they will correct everything and I can do a final PDI and decide
Unless you know the service head personally, please walk away. The savings in cost will not compensate for the potential headaches you might have.

If you want to still do a PDI before ruling out, please ask for

1. Service history
2. Access to Adrenox history to glance through the alerts

Consider taking the services of 3rd part PDI (like Zekardo) to do a thorough checking before taking a decision. Also, please try to shave off another 2-3 Lacs and I believe 18L could be a comfortable number if there are no red flags on PDI
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Old 12th June 2024, 17:59   #10178
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by texens View Post
PPS Hebbal, Bengaluru
When I called PPS Mahindra (Lavelle road), they told that they can only give discount on accessories for 20k (or free accessories for 20k), but nothing on ex-showroom price. Did you also get it on accessories (and I misunderstood it to be on ex-showroom)?
(Sorry for so many questions)
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Old 12th June 2024, 19:36   #10179
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Hi folks,

Getting strange error in XUV 700 ax7L after more than 1.5 years of ownership. I had a dealer installed DVR SD card and never observed this SD Card full issue.

My understanding was that the DVR keeps on overwriting on older files once the memory runs out.

The message pops up when the car is put in reverse. Have tried to find out how to format the card but I don’t see any option in settings. Can anyone help, I am worried to drive without a dashcam/DVR. Having said that, I also don’t know how to access the DVR videos
Attached Thumbnails
Mahindra XUV700 Review-img_7050.jpeg  

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Old 12th June 2024, 20:17   #10180
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Continuing the update...

So the technicians after a lot more scan and checking every wire and few test drives finally decided it was problem with the Nox sensor itself. Something the team at Mysore had confirmed in an hour of checks., here it took three days even after narrating whole history of the issue.

Feels bad when new car gets opened up for no reason.
Mahindra XUV700 Review-img20240612wa0012.jpg

Anyway NOX sensor is changed, now need to wait and watch. Hope the issue is resolved for good.

Here is another update for enabling TPMS on 2024 AX5. The OBD software flashing tool does not initiate the process as the vehicle already has the latest updates. It can only do scan and clear the codes for now.
I was very hopeful to have TPMS enabled but this came as a disappointment. The team has already installed the sensors in the tyre but did not charge me for it because of this software issue. The gesture is appreciated.

In short for now TPMS can not be enabled on the 2024 AX5 Diesel MT models.

Last edited by HillMan : 12th June 2024 at 20:24.
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Old 13th June 2024, 09:54   #10181
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by SchnelleKurven View Post
Can anyone help, I am worried to drive without a dashcam/DVR. Having said that, I also don’t know how to access the DVR videos
Have you retrieved videos recorded on DVR SD Card anytime? The video recordings are from the 360 degree camera. This means the powerful fish eye lenses are designed to capture a very wide angle. The 360 view software stitches together these videos to give a surround experience. This image below is from the XUV700 user manual
Mahindra XUV700 Review-screenshot-20240613-9.40.168239am.png

These videos are good for detecting objects around but may not be useful for general purpose or even to detect a number plate. Still it is a good to have for emergency situations. Best to have a good dashcam installed.

I couldn't find any mention on how to format the SD card in the manual, I believe you will need to physically access it and format using a laptop or phone.

Go for an Endurance microSD rated at least class 10 for FullHD recording (30MB/s write is recommended for 4K video recording). Endurance because of the continuous writes. General SD are good for storage. When read is more than write.

Last edited by HillMan : 13th June 2024 at 09:58. Reason: Grammar fix
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Old 13th June 2024, 18:58   #10182
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Guys I faced a peculiar issue with my XUV700 AX5 DMT during my recent trip to the hills. While coasting downhill on steep descents in 2nd gear, the gear shifted to neutral on a few occasions (2 out of 10), with the gear level also moving to neutral.This happened when the rpm reached around 3000 while coasting down. It didn't happen in 1st or 3rd gear. While there can be multiple reasons behind this problem, including failing synchronizers or a loose gear shift mechanism, I doubt that it can happen in a car that is only 2 years old. I tried to recreate this problem on planes by taking rpm to 5k in 2nd gear and coasting down, but it didn't happen again. Has anyone faced this issue before?
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Old 13th June 2024, 23:24   #10183
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Hello, Fellow BHPians!!
I have been reading all these reviews for a while now and found them very informative. This is my first post ever on Team-BHP. I need help in choosing the correct variant of XUV 700.

I have booked the XUV 700 MX MT Diesel 7 seater variant which is costing me 17.50 lacs OTR in Ahmedabad with alloy wheels and reverse parking camera. When I first got to know about MX 7 seater I found it the most VFM product offering 7 seats in diesel variant. Although it missed out on many things, I thought of having some required after-market accessories installed.

Now Mahindra has launched the AX5 select variant and I am in dilemma now, should I continue with my MX or should I upgrade to AX5 select?
So far I have been able to identify the following differences in both the variant
AX5 has following features over MX
1. Touch start-stop button.
2. 10 inch digital instrument cluster with connected car feature(6 speaker instead of 4)
3. ESP
4. Panoramic Skyroof
5. LED DRLs (Although it is also having Halogen bulbs in headlight)
6. Rear Defogger and wiper
7. Shark fin Antena
8. Sunglass Holder

So the question which I have now is should I continue with my initial plan of having the MX variant and upgrading it aftermarket(obviously without sunroof, connected features and larger screen and touch start-stop) or I should change my plan and go for AX5 select with paying almost 3 lacs more?
Or the better question would be
Is it advisable to pay 3 lacs more for these features listed above ?
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Old 14th June 2024, 00:13   #10184
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

5th June, 2024: Booked XUV 700 AX7 L D AT AWD w/ the dealer over the phone, and it started showing up in app as Order Confirmed.
9th June, 2024: Status updated, first to "under planning" and within a few hours, to "on its way".
13th June: Today the dealer told me that the vehicle is in transit and will reach tomorrow. I asked him to share the VIN number and he shared the VIN number with me. I used VIN decoder, and found that the vehicle is April 2024 manufactured.

I have a few questions in mind:
1. How come Mahindra is shipping an April manufactured vehicle in June; Isn't there a waiting period of a few weeks (still)? Wouldn't Mahindra ship the units as soon as they're manufactured instead of keeping them in their yard in Pune?
2. I know that a couple months old unit is generally not a show-stopper. But having this for a hot selling vehicle does raise some doubts in mind. Is the Dealer giving me a unit which is already lying with the dealer for last 2 months? He earlier tried to sell me a display unit, which I clearly said no to.
3. Is there some way to check the VIN number directly from Mahindra, for the vehicle that they have allotted to me? Would they (Mahindra customer care) confirm to me whether the April manufactured unit was indeed dispatched from Mahindra's factory in June?
One option is to go and do a thorough PDI of the unit and then take a call. I'm based out of Blr, but I'm getting car from my hometown - about 1800 Kms away - so I'll have to take a couple days off to go down to my hometown and do a thorough PDI. (My plan so far was to go fly down to my hometown just once after the registration is done, and drive it back to Blr). So, I'm trying to explore if I can still avoid the additional trip down to hometown.
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Old 14th June 2024, 00:37   #10185
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by SchnelleKurven View Post
The message pops up when the car is put in reverse. Have tried to find out how to format the card but I don’t see any option in settings. Can anyone help, I am worried to drive without a dashcam/DVR. Having said that, I also don’t know how to access the DVR videos
The system has a tendency to move videos to emergency folder even if it detects a small jerk while reversing or even during hard braking. 1.5years is a good time to fill up the 32GB storage of SD card. I did face this issue in my car and this is how I got rid of the error

Press the SVCS button on the dash to bring up the video feed. A touch on the top right screen will bring up SVCS menu. Click on settings clog wheel --> Drive video recording--> Emergency videos... select all and delete.
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