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Old 3rd May 2022, 12:01   #1291
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

Originally Posted by Atharva14 View Post
Whats next? Probably LEDs for the reverse lights too!
That's a must, if you are able to do it! White LED reverse lamps somehow has a very premium appeal to it.

Though Halogens have their own pros and a classier look or vibe, they do not gel well in a modern design. An all LED setup always catches eyes during the night. Though some retro designs like old Japanese cars or RE bikes still do better with powerful halogen lamps just for that classier vibe.

Also, on Taigun, with that LED light bar and a flashy kurkuma yellow colour, white LEDs would definitely look so much nicer.
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Old 4th May 2022, 10:02   #1292
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

Taigun prices hiked!

TPMS and auto start/stop is now standard equipment. Earlier it was only for the Topline and higher variants

In another update, in the GT Line variants, the cherry red-coloured dashboard inlays will be available only with the Wild Cherry Red exterior colour, whereas other exterior colours will have the glossy grey dashboard inlays.
I am quite thrilled about this. We booked a White GT Plus because that and the Curcuma yellow one were the only colors available without that cheap looking red dashboard trim. Our preference was for that really classy "Reflex Silver" color but the red dashboard was a deal breaker. Will be changing my booking to the silver colored one.

On a separate note - has anyone here taken deliver of a GT plus variant in the last 3 months? My dealer is saying they have 30 bookings on it and no visibility from VW on allocation
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Old 4th May 2022, 13:05   #1293
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

Originally Posted by curiousElf View Post
Taigun prices hiked!

TPMS and auto start/stop is now standard equipment. Earlier it was only for the Topline and higher variants

I am quite thrilled about this. We booked a White GT Plus ...
Topline MT/AT don't get the auto start/stop.

Congrats on your booking man.
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Old 4th May 2022, 13:22   #1294
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

Originally Posted by curiousElf View Post
Taigun prices hiked!

On a separate note - has anyone here taken deliver of a GT plus variant in the last 3 months? My dealer is saying they have 30 bookings on it and no visibility from VW on allocation
I made a Taigun GT Plus (Curcuma Yellow) booking in the first week of January 2022. I am still frustratingly waiting for my allocation.

I see that you are based out of bangalore. Can you please share the dealer with whom you have your booking? Mine is with Elite motors (JP Nagar/Hosur Road).

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Old 4th May 2022, 13:59   #1295
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

Originally Posted by Tanu3000 View Post
I made a Taigun GT Plus (Curcuma Yellow) booking in the first week of January 2022. I am still frustratingly waiting for my allocation.

I see that you are based out of bangalore. Can you please share the dealer with whom you have your booking? Mine is with Elite motors (JP Nagar/Hosur Road).

Booked at VW Palace Cross. My booking was done at March end. Jan 2022 is ridiculous for a car that is not as in demand as the Korean twins.
Funnily enough, the SA said 6 weeks before I paid the booking amount. I knew that his words didn't much so mentally prepared myself for a 3 month wait
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Old 4th May 2022, 15:37   #1296
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

Originally Posted by curiousElf View Post
Funnily enough, the SA said 6 weeks before I paid the booking amount. I knew that his words didn't much so mentally prepared myself for a 3 month wait
My Taigun booking story is as follows:
  • 1st Week Jan 2022: Booking done for Taigun GT Plus (Yellow) with Elite Motors, JP Nagar by paying Rs 25K. Delivery assured by February End by the SA.
  • 1st Week Feb 2022: No news of allocation. Dealer only received 4 GT Plus Taiguns from VW (2-White, 1-Silver, 1-Red). SA mentioned DSG gear boxes are supply constrained and asked me for another color option. I added Red after Yellow as my color preference.
  • 1st Week Mar 2022: No news of allocation. Dealer did not receive any GT Plus allocations from VW. Severely disappointed. Made a booking for Virtus GT Plus by paying Rs 11K with the same dealer after talking to the showroom manager. Hoping to get delivery as soon as Virtus is launched. I still prefer the Taigun over the Virtus as I have cramped parking and parking a 4.2M vehicle is easier compared to a 4.5M vehicle.
  • 1st Week April 2022: Dealer received unknown number of Taigun GT Plus allocation. No sight of yellow or red . No allocation for me. SA had an unallocated Grey Taigun GT Plus and offered it to me. I refused it, as I cant deal with red dashboard inserts in a grey car. Disappointment and frustration rose another notch. Made a booking for Taigun GT Plus with VW Whitefield (Apple Auto, Rs 10K Paid) "AND" VW Nagavara (PPS Motors, Rs 15K Paid). So now I hold 4 bookings and no allocation/vehicle yet
  • 1st Week May 2022: We are here now.

The VW allocation process seems very opaque and the Dealer/SA is making commitments based on their historical allocation track records (Which may or may not come true). As far as I can see, the only thing we can do as customers is to play the odds and make multiple bookings.

Hope for getting an allocation this month in either yellow or red. I would welcome any other member's insight on my ordeal.
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Old 5th May 2022, 09:56   #1297
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

Originally Posted by Atharva14 View Post

DIY: Upgrading to LED Turn indicators for Taigun!

That's it for now, folks!
Whats next? Probably LEDs for the reverse lights too!
Neat mods man.

Next, figure out a way to add additional low beam projectors or pilot lamps to the headlamp cluster. Should be useful in single lane highway situations where I've found the illumination to be inadequate.
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Old 5th May 2022, 10:03   #1298
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

Originally Posted by throttleflick View Post
Next, figure out a way to add additional low beam projectors or pilot lamps to the headlamp cluster. Should be useful in single lane highway situations where I've found the illumination to be inadequate.
Just mentioning, I have a Highline and the halogens work really well. Probably 100 times better than the ones on City and Seltos.
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Old 5th May 2022, 12:56   #1299
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

Originally Posted by adigup View Post
Just mentioning, I have a Highline and the halogens work really well. Probably 100 times better than the ones on City and Seltos.
Yes, I've found halogens pretty effective on most of the cars I've driven however, my car comes with the LED ones. It is a Topline AT.

To quote from my own post:
Originally Posted by throttleflick View Post

The headlight setup is a miss for me. I wish for something more powerful. It reminds me of my struggle with my Dominar. It looks good when I'm alone on the road. I can scare insects, owls, and make the moon blush on a full moon day, but if a halogen power guy comes in the opposite lane, I'm sure to miss a bump or a pothole. These lights also perform poorly for me when someone with a powerful setup is behind me, the effect of my headlights gets cancelled and blends with the more powerful setup.

I've always thought these LED headlights with the kinda temperature Dominar has to be a problem and the ones on the Taigun will inspire no confidence on that front. Good to have the fog lamps in an aesthetically out of sync color temperature. I've had my eyes tested and my doctor said I have a good vision. As long as I could see her, it was 6/6.
When the roads are pitch dark, the throw from both the beams is amazing. It is only when there is an oncoming vehicle is where I've found the illumination getting cancelled, it makes viewing the path ahead a bit difficult for me, and I'm always extra cautious, ready to brake if I encounter a pot hole.
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Old 5th May 2022, 13:02   #1300
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

Originally Posted by throttleflick View Post
Yes, I've found halogens pretty effective on most of the cars I've driven however, my car comes with the LED ones. It is a Topline AT.

To quote from my own post:

When the roads are pitch dark, the throw from both the beams is amazing. It is only when there is an oncoming vehicle is where I've found the illumination getting cancelled, it makes viewing the path ahead a bit difficult for me, and I'm always extra cautious, ready to brake if I encounter a pot hole.
Oh yes. Experienced this on single lane roads where you're almost blinded till the opposite vehicle crosses you. First thought it to be a glare from a bad windshield but you confirmed it for me
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Old 5th May 2022, 13:07   #1301
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

Originally Posted by throttleflick View Post
Neat mods man.

Next, figure out a way to add additional low beam projectors or pilot lamps to the headlamp cluster. Should be useful in single lane highway situations where I've found the illumination to be inadequate.
But that would involve voiding the warranty as of now. Let's see what possible mods work out for this!
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Old 5th May 2022, 21:36   #1302
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

In the afternoon today, I got in my Taigun, turned the AC on and started driving immediately as I was in bit of a hurry. (The engine was relatively warm as I had come home for lunch while the car rested for 20 minutes).

The car and infotainment usually takes it's own sweet time (~2 minutes) to boot and for the wireless Apple Carplay or the bluetooth to connect. This time as soon as the phone connected to my phone and the Carplay projection started, the screen turned green. I wasn't surprised as my dad had experienced this once before, and also once told me that screen turned off on it's own and became unresponsive for good two minutes. I ignored this problem, because after a few minutes, the screen starts to work fine.

My dad complained to VW at the same time when we were having issues with the AC. ( linked here (Volkswagen Taigun : Ineffective air-conditioning) ). They sent a guy home, he checked the screen and did nothing but a factory reset. It happened again with my dad, and then, we were advised to make a video of it the next time we face it again.

Today, when it happened with me, I noticed the VW interface buttons do not face this issue, and it's just the Carplay screen. I clicked the 'settings' button and went back to Carplay and it started functioning normally.

Here's a video that I managed to get:

Last edited by adigup : 5th May 2022 at 21:38.
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Old 5th May 2022, 22:55   #1303
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

3900 KM update on my Taigun 1.0 Topline AT.

Volkswagen Taigun Review-whatsapp-image-20220505-10.20.44-pm.jpeg


- The door beading noise has become bothersome now. The noise disappears after a car wash but it does reappear again.

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- Road noise on the stock MRF Wanderers is manageable except for when I've exited the Mumbai Pune expressway. A whine is heard above 50km/hr speeds. Makes me feel like I'm driving some thing way more powerful than what is there in the engine bay.

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- I'm confused about the optimum tyre pressure on the car. Originally, I had bought this car as a two people mover and hence I used to set it to 33 Psi as mentioned on the rhs door pillar. My change of base to Pune meant more people want to sit in the Taigun so I've been keeping the tyre pressure to 35 for all the four wheels.

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- The car is an absolute hoot to drive. I think this is the only German thing about it.

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- The boot space is more than adequate for luggage of two people. Fold the seats and I've been comfortably able to shift my stuff from Thane to Pune in 5 trips.

- The air conditioning is adequate in Pune's 38 degree weather. I used to leave it on auto earlier but now cycle between level 2 and 3 with a temperature range between 19 and 22degrees.

- At times, the blower does some weird yoga antics. Inhale exhale kinda stuff if you know what I mean.

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- Headlamp throw, I've found it inadequate on roads without dividers. Can get a bit scary and it does keep me on the edge of my seat.

- I always thought I'd never be able to find a perfect driving position. This changed when I set the seat to the lowest setting and the back aches are a thing of the past. My right arm doesn't have anywhere to rest so that kinda hurts.

- Given the terrain and the really short drive to my favourite vada pav wala, I've been seeing pretty abysmal mileage. Combine that with highway runs between Pune - Thane and back, the mileage is around 10km/l. I'm okay with that mileage figure.

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- Since the roads where I live have a bit of an incline and a gradient, the transmission doesn't shift to D1 when I go to a full stop while going over a speed bump. The transmission acts confused at times at D1 and D2 so I manually shift to D1 at speeds under 15km/hr.

- I used to get pretty good mileage numbers earlier when I was using XP95. A change to Shell V Power has thrown these 10 km/l numbers. I've no recollection of what mileage I was getting with XP95 but I am pretty sure it was above 13km/l. Finding XP95 in Pune has been a chore. The Shell pump is a kilometer away from me and hence that has been my go to fuel of choice. I might switch to the lesser expensive normal fuel from Shell. OR. I could fill up with normal Shell fuel to get me to the IOCL pump and then tank up on XP95.

- On the expressway, cruise control has been such a bliss to use. Just chill, keep manning the pedals and i/orvms, change lanes and again, chill. 80-100km/hr has been the norm. 80 km/hr in the middle lane and 100 km while overtaking.

- Expressway runs with controlled speeds means I see 19km/l on the MID which excites me a lot until I exit the expressway on either ends of the cities.

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- The rear bench has been comfortable for two people. The hand rest permanently rests in the open position. Although, when there are 5 of us travelling, one unlucky elder has to occupy the middle seat. I love it when that occupant isn't one of my favourite people. It is not a comfortable place to be in. This car is a strict 4 seater for the kinda people I have in my family.

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- The amount of features on this car was overwhelming for me, coming from a 2007 Toyota Innova. Although, save for a couple of them, I found them to be at par with a 2014 Honda City which my uncle owns.

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- I love the cabin at night. Illuminated switches are pleasing to the eye. The puddle lamp(?) in the door handles could have been powerful, but they're there and it is such a nice touch.

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- The window safety lock switch only locks the rear windows. I always thought the front passenger window also got locked. I thought this was a fault until I consulted the owners manual.

- The ORVMs are horribly small, inspire no confidence on Pune roads. I've had to unlearn whatever driving I've learnt as a kid and an adult when I shifted bases to Pune and these ORVMs don't instil confidence in me.

- Initially while finalizing the Taigun over Polo, I thought the roof liner might be a let down. But this hasn't been a problem at all. Sure the quality could have been better, but honestly it isn't much of a bother.

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- Love the steering wheel.

- The piano black finish on some interior bits has started to get hairline scratches. These trim pieces won't age gracefully. I can't find another material I can cover these trim pieces with hence I'd let them be the way they are until a suitable time for getting them wrapped comes.

- Felt lining in the door release well seems like a mod I'll take up, along with lining the bottle holder and the door pads. The plastic on the door release is prone to scratches from the finger nails and bottles rattle a lot in the door pads. This should dampen the rattle and thus the noise.

- The alloys are stunning to look at. The drive quality is a compromise on bad roads. But it isn't that bad. I haven't felt uncomfortable being in the seat as much as I thought I would. Maybe, more driving time on bad terrain might reveal the quality. Doesn't glide over potholes, have to be careful, but it isn't scary as well incase I go over it.

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- The car has gaps where dry leaves, fine grains of sand settle. Especially around the boot.

Volkswagen Taigun Review-whatsapp-image-20220505-10.20.45-pm.jpeg

- I've also made a mental note to check all the fluids in the engine bay at 5k odo reading.

- The long term stats on the ODO got reset suddenly around 800kms ago. I've no clue why this happened and I am very certain I won't get these stats back. For the better part of the 3200km long term reading, I saw 13.2km/l mileage.

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- The infotainment system is pretty well integrated but feels incomplete. Same point about the instrument cluster. I wish there was a trip meter like other cars and not the way VW has implemented it in this iteration.

Overall, I'm happy about the purchase. Sure it is an overpriced package but for those who love driving, I think it is a good car. Ventilated seats are comfortable and we use them frequently. The ground clearance is a big win for me in terms of the roads my car frequents.

Volkswagen Taigun Review-whatsapp-image-20220505-10.20.38-pm-1.jpeg

I hope there is some mod potential like the Polo has. I feel this will happen after a facelift or two where current gen owners are able to add features from the next gen cars while the next gen owners are able to add features deleted from the current gen ones.

Volkswagen Taigun Review-whatsapp-image-20220505-10.20.46-pm.jpeg
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Old 6th May 2022, 13:56   #1304
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Re: Volkswagen Taigun Review

Originally Posted by curiousElf View Post
Booked at VW Palace Cross. My booking was done at March end. Jan 2022 is ridiculous for a car that is not as in demand as the Korean twins.
Funnily enough, the SA said 6 weeks before I paid the booking amount. I knew that his words didn't much so mentally prepared myself for a 3 month wait
Originally Posted by Tanu3000 View Post
I made a Taigun GT Plus (Curcuma Yellow) booking in the first week of January 2022. I am still frustratingly waiting for my allocation.

I see that you are based out of bangalore. Can you please share the dealer with whom you have your booking? Mine is with Elite motors (JP Nagar/Hosur Road).

I had also booked Taigun GT Plus at VW Palace Cross. I was told 4 months for delivery. But he also added that it usually takes 3 months, but we quote 4 months to avoid any confusion later. I have already made up my mind to wait for 4 months and not get stressed about it.
SA mentioned that since 1.5L engine is imported, GT availability depends on how many units VW India gets. If a large batch is imported, we might get it sooner.
Some 1.0L trims were readily available when I booked. But I was not interested.

Last edited by mxx : 6th May 2022 at 13:58.
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Old 6th May 2022, 14:09   #1305
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Originally Posted by adigup View Post
Here's a video that I managed to get:
Does this happen when it's connecting to Air Play wirelessly only? Have you checked via a wired connection?

Originally Posted by throttleflick View Post
- The door beading noise has become bothersome now. The noise disappears after a car wash but it does reappear again.
Please do buy a can of Wurth Silicone spray. It will really help.

Originally Posted by throttleflick View Post
I'm confused about the optimum tyre pressure on the car.
Please use your own pump and also have a manual gauge. Change the pump to bar from psi. Use 2.4 bar for 2 people. Check what's more comfortable for you 2.3, 2.35 or 2.4 bar. For the 1.5 TSI, 2.4 bar is excellent with 2 people. With 4 people, 0.5 bar more and with light luggage another 0.5 bar. Use a Michelin tyre pressure gauge after you fill air. Air must be filled when the car is cold which is why I suggest getting your own air pump.

Originally Posted by throttleflick View Post
The air conditioning is adequate in Pune's 38 degree weather. I used to leave it on auto earlier but now cycle between level 2 and 3 with a temperature range between 19 and 22degrees.

- At times, the blower does some weird yoga antics. Inhale exhale kinda stuff if you know what I mean.
Use 23 degrees and fan speed 3 with internal circulation. Let me know how it works for you.

Originally Posted by throttleflick View Post
Given the terrain and the really short drive to my favourite vada pav wala, I've been seeing pretty abysmal mileage. Combine that with highway runs between Pune - Thane and back, the mileage is around 10km/l.
Keep a light foot. Better still try and get used to using the cruise control even on non highway drives. The engine meters the fuel beautifully when cruise is engaged. Sometimes we feel we have a light foot but it actually is not.

Originally Posted by throttleflick View Post
Since the roads where I live have a bit of an incline and a gradient, the transmission doesn't shift to D1 when I go to a full stop while going over a speed bump. The transmission acts confused at times at D1 and D2 so I manually shift to D1 at speeds under 15km/hr.
Speed bump crossings usually don't need D1. Also the times it gets confused is when the speed bumps have cracks and undulations on it. That is typically when you see it trying to pick the right software route to select the gear.

Originally Posted by throttleflick View Post
- I used to get pretty good mileage numbers earlier...
HP normal fuel from the factory outlet is what I use.

Originally Posted by throttleflick View Post
The car has gaps where dry leaves, fine grains of sand settle. Especially around the boot.
You need this -

Last edited by GTO : 6th May 2022 at 20:30. Reason: Merging back to back posts
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