Team-BHP - Tata Hexa : Official Review

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Originally Posted by nvldvr (Post 4137556)
I am aware that Aria failed due to its poor pricing.

What I am trying to point out is the horrible experiences of the poor souls who decided to buy the Aria, even at those exorbitant prices. I would request you to read a few of those ownership threads. I am sure you would then understand that its not "niggles" that those guys suffered, they were "major part failures", absolutely unacceptable. If I remember correctly, one poor guy even had his Aria's engine replaced.

I have read most of the threads.As I mentioned issues are there with other brands as well..
Here is a link of Engine issue/replacement with xuv 500.

The point is when you compare vehicles , you need to find negatives and positives for all of them and not just for one brand.
I am positive that Hexa will not be a failure like Aria since the pricing is accurate and service experience is much better as of now.


Originally Posted by nvldvr (Post 4137556)
I am aware that Aria failed due to its poor pricing.

What I am trying to point out is the horrible experiences of the poor souls who decided to buy the Aria, even at those exorbitant prices. I would request you to read a few of those ownership threads. I am sure you would then understand that its not "niggles" that those guys suffered, they were "major part failures", absolutely unacceptable. If I remember correctly, one poor guy even had his Aria's engine replaced.

On the same vein, please spend time to read few more threads about Tata - reading this thread itself will do most probably because at various places multiple people (including me) have highlighted the other side too.

But, for some reason, people only want to highlight the negatives and do not want to take away anything from multiple positive instances put forward by the owners.

I get that most of the people are not comfortable shelling out 20L for Tata, and that mental block is not easy to change. I am one of those guys who invested in Vista soon after it was launched and will do the same with Hexa if I am in the market for a 20L plus car today.



Originally Posted by nvldvr (Post 4137556)
I am aware that Aria failed due to its poor pricing.

What I am trying to point out is the horrible experiences of the poor souls who decided to buy the Aria, even at those exorbitant prices. I would request you to read a few of those ownership threads. I am sure you would then understand that its not "niggles" that those guys suffered, they were "major part failures", absolutely unacceptable. If I remember correctly, one poor guy even had his Aria's engine replaced.

Selective cases will not give you the correct picture. No point in comparing with Aria's launch 6 years ago.
You need to understand how is the experience as on TODAY in YOUR city / locality.
I would suggest you take some time out and visit the T.A.S.S centres where you would go to, if you buy the Hexa. Observe the after-sales experience. Discuss with the current Tata car owners and see for yourself, first-hand.
Do the same with Mahindra and Ford and then decide how each of these experiences stack up with that of Tata.
If you find TASS satisfactory then you can finalize Hexa.
Also, do note that taking the extended warranty and AMC package will have you covered sufficiently.


Originally Posted by aamateen46 (Post 4137587)
If you find TASS satisfactory then you can finalize Hexa.
Also, do note that taking the extended warranty and AMC package will have you covered sufficiently.

I would suggest the contrary to people who have a "mental block" against tata. Stay away from tata and feel free to shell out 5 to 6 lakhs more to enjoy the same features in a foreign brand. Else, you will keep repenting and cursing the brand for issues as small and irrelevant as a puncture.
Have seen this reaction with a couple of friends.

Here are the steel wheels of the Hexa XM variant.

Tata Hexa : Official Review-1.jpg

Tata Hexa : Official Review-2.jpg


Originally Posted by praveen_n (Post 4137567)
I am positive that Hexa will not be a failure like Aria since the pricing is accurate and service experience is much better as of now.

Our market doesn't give second chances, and I'm not really sure of this yet. I personally feel Hexa will end up recording flop sales numbers once the initial hoopla dies one year down the line!

That does not mean its a bad vehicle. But as we see, TATA still can't fully capitalize on the brilliant Tiago in the small car segment, due to the baggage the brand carries. I fail to see how the market would accept a 20L one, that too a retake on a once flop car.

Anyways, an argument only time can prove right or wrong.


Originally Posted by NaTuRe (Post 4137509)
I was following this thread for sometime. Did any experts here has done analysis on the life of stock tyres on Hexa (16" or 19") ?.


Originally Posted by SPARKled (Post 4137530)
Absolutely agree.

Using the Storme as a reference, I can say that my stock tyres were ( believe it or not ) pretty much looking new at around 42k kms when I sold the vehicle since I was relocating. These were Bridgestone H/T tyres. There is another thread from a Safari owner who clocked over 100,000 kms in the stock tyres ( large part of his running was highway though ). Hence, I don't believe the weight on its own should do much damage to tyre life. Its more of mix of city vs highway driving and driving style itself that affects the tyre life.


Originally Posted by karthi.stark (Post 4137328)
I know this is too late but I went to Aadya motors to check out the Tata Hexa about two weeks ago. Not good Tata!!!:Frustrati

Had a very identical experience. This issue is they have just 1 SA attending to all the customers. Humanly this isn't possible to be attentive to all. Also there are just 2 TD vehicles which is being flogged as a dead horse at every opportunity.

I visited Prerana & the experience was OK. They have a dedicated car to display & you can have a look/ feel of it undisturbed.


Originally Posted by nvldvr (Post 4137539)
At the cost of sounding a bit negative, I would like to share my views on buying a Hexa.

Tata - You guys really really let down those poor daredevils who decided to pay large amounts for your Aria .

No wonder people are skeptical of buying Tata cars. I for one lost faith in Tata after going through those Aria threads.



Originally Posted by CrAzY dRiVeR (Post 4137631)
Our market doesn't give second chances, and I'm not really sure of this yet. I personally feel Hexa will end up recording flop sales numbers once the initial hoopla dies one year down the line!

Anyways, an argument only time can prove right or wrong.


No Offences to both of you, but I had asked this question once,probably have to ask again (first one went un-answered :D ).
I agree TATA as a brand can be a baggage & a big mental block; What if Hexa was launched under Jaguar or a LandRover Badge. Would everyone had agreed to shell out few Lacs more, simply for the fact that its not TATA, but an international Brand like Toyota etc. They all are virtually from same stable!!

Only the base variant can be considered as uplifted Aria, as it carries old engine. Rest is pretty much something new.

Till Tiago: buying a new Tata was like being guinea pigs for Tata. Test on us & improve. Hope this is not the image now.
Currently owning two Tata's with no niggles.

Again NOM. please:



Originally Posted by m3_07 (Post 4137691)
Had a very identical experience. This issue is they have just 1 SA attending to all the customers. Humanly this isn't possible to be attentive to all. Also there are just 2 TD vehicles which is being flogged as a dead horse at every opportunity.

I visited Prerana & the experience was OK. They have a dedicated car to display & you can have a look/ feel of it undisturbed.

Prerana motors are great. They got the car to our home and we had a 2hours of detailed TD. Wanted the manual version. However, other dealers do not care for the sentiments of the customer.
Coming to the TD, our family is all sold for the Hexa as no one liked the XUV and innova is out of budget.
One thing i felt in this TD and many more ones that i had in the past was that there's no dead pedal. Now on highways, where are we to rest the foot? Under the clutch is pretty risky cause you cannot suddenly lift it up in case of panic breaking.
Are there cars out there like this, with no dead pedal?


Originally Posted by abhi7013 (Post 4137723)
One thing i felt in this TD and many more ones that i had in the past was that there's no dead pedal. Now on highways, where are we to rest the foot? Under the clutch is pretty risky cause you cannot suddenly lift it up in case of panic breaking.
Are there cars out there like this, with no dead pedal?

Going OT from Hexa.

I have been driving since the past 13 years. I learnt driving on a M800 and drove it extensively. So I am not accustomed to using a dead-pedal (because there wasn't one). Over the years, I have driven cars with and without dead-pedal, covering 1000+ kms/day on multiple occasions. I never felt any discomfort at point in time. It is a matter of getting used to a position/driving style. Currently, my left leg rests on the floor, just before the clutch pedal starts (even if a car has a dead pedal). On the highway, I move my leg if required.

I feel there is a lot of TATA bashing going on this thread for no reason, especially when the product is still not on the road. Let people buy the vehicle, use it for a while and if they face problems, then we can start another thread with 'Tata Hexa - Problems'.

Team-BHP is now a well known forum and read by millions. If we ourselves keep bashing a brand without giving it a fair chance, it will have an impact to an extent on the market, especially on prospective buyers' mindsets. So a request to all posting on this thread, that please keep your negative opinions reserved for later or for another thread.

The Hexa as a product is really good, if not outstanding, for what it offers. I am not saying it is better than Innova Crysta or XUV or any of its competitors. All of these products have pros and cons.


Originally Posted by CrAzY dRiVeR (Post 4137631)
Our market doesn't give second chances, and I'm not really sure of this yet. I personally feel Hexa will end up recording flop sales numbers once the initial hoopla dies one year down the line!

I don't think so. If it was an 'Aria', then yes. However, Tata has sufficiently differentiated the Hexa from the Aria. It's a very competent product, fairly priced, looks good and is loaded with equipment. Plus, the market for UVs has never been better (whether body-on-frame or monocoque). People today think nothing of paying 20 lakhs for a UV - it wasn't the case then.

I think the Hexa will have a decent run. My prediction is, it won't match the XUV500's whopping success from that mega launch in 2011 (remember the booking lottery?), yet the Hexa will bring in satisfactory numbers for Tata.

Rightly said GTO.
Hexa has a lot of points/features to differentiate itself from the aria. There are improvements not just in terms of features but even on the mechanical side viz.,
better engine performance,
suspension for better ride and handling.
The interior design and quality is at par with the luxury brands. The road presence of the HEXA is entirely different from that of the Aria.


Originally Posted by abhi7013 (Post 4137723)
One thing i felt in this TD and many more ones that i had in the past was that there's no dead pedal. Now on highways, where are we to rest the foot? Under the clutch is pretty risky cause you cannot suddenly lift it up in case of panic breaking.
Are there cars out there like this, with no dead pedal?

Usually there will be some space left for the foot. Even in an emergency, you need to get your right foot to the brake more than getting to the clutch. So, I don't think it will be a serious threat.

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