Team-BHP - Tata Hexa : Official Review

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Originally Posted by WhiteHorse (Post 4400947)
Hi All, I'm based in Hyderabad and looking at the Hexa XTA. What is an acceptable range of discount for a 2017 Dec XTA? Should I be looking at a 5 month old vehicle or pick a new one instead?
Here is the deal I've been offered:
The dealer is waving off the entire Insurance (71202)+ Exchange Bonus (7500) + Corp Discount (3000) + AMC for 1 year & EW for the 4th year (worth 15000) + 2017 Car Discount (30000) = 126702 off the On-Road Price of 2107379.

Hi, You may never get one convincing answer here on this topic!
If you are confident about the car and the dealer/sales person, go for it. Dont look back at your decision.
I personally, bought a 4 months old City CVT in 2016 [Nov 2015 manufactured, bought in Feb 2016]. I dont regret that decision at all because I got 30K cash discount and 15K worth accessories for 2015 cal while I got nothing for 2016 model then!
Also, do a good all around inspection before sealing the deal. Better to take your friend or relative who are NOT going to use that car on a daily basis. Basically, you need to take an "uninterested" person with you while doing the inspection :)

To me, 5 months old car, stationed in the dealer's stock yard is not at all old. I would buy if I am getting this discount only on 2017 model v/s "close to none" on 2018 model.

Good luck on your purchase.


Originally Posted by WhiteHorse (Post 4400947)
Hi All, I'm based in Hyderabad and looking at the Hexa XTA. What is an acceptable range of discount for a 2017 Dec XTA? Should I be looking at a 5 month old vehicle or pick a new one instead?
Here is the deal I've been offered:
The dealer is waving off the entire Insurance (71202)+ Exchange Bonus (7500) + Corp Discount (3000) + AMC for 1 year & EW for the 4th year (worth 15000) + 2017 Car Discount (30000) = 126702 off the On-Road Price of 2107379.

I agree with what Kaviprem has mentioned above. There is no harm in trying out these offers as long as you do the required due diligence. A few points from my side.

1. Pls ask them ( if not already asked ) why an XTA model ( which is the most preferred variant among city buyers ) is unsold for 5 months ?

2. Do a thorough PDI and on road inspection of car and fluids. Check odometer reading, all panels for any repair work, tyres for cracks, condition of door beadings, no water leakages etc. Once you are satisfied, DO NEGOTIATE and here are a few tips

a. Insurance discount shown above is a bit inflated given that you can get insurance from outside for typically 20-25 less than showroom prices. So use that as an additional bargaining tool
b. Another bargaining tool is depreciation of 1 model year. I would peg 1st year depreciation for a 20L + Tata at atleast 10-15%. That's about 2-3L. But thats for a 1 year used vehicle. You are getting a new one - so try to use this logic to atleast try for between 1.8-2.2L discount or equivalent benefits
c. Pls separately check 2018 model year XTA discounts with another dealership and any possible upgrades that were done and use that to compare if the 2017 model is not missing anything significant.


Originally Posted by WhiteHorse (Post 4400947)
Hi All, I'm based in Hyderabad and looking at the Hexa XTA. What is an acceptable range of discount for a 2017 Dec XTA? Should I be looking at a 5 month old vehicle or pick a new one instead?

Here is the deal I've been offered:

The dealer is waving off the entire Insurance (71202)+ Exchange Bonus (7500) + Corp Discount (3000) + AMC for 1 year & EW for the 4th year (worth 15000) + 2017 Car Discount (30000) = 126702 off the On-Road Price of 2107379.

Hello WhiteHorse,
I would like to inform you that there is discount of 58000 already going on Hexa plus 15000 exchange bonus. This is for Lucknow but I think it should be country wide as the discount is from TATA. So, the dealer is not giving you a substantial discount on 5 months old vehicle. If you get the vehicle for 19 lacs with gold amc then the deal would be sweet enough.

Hexa involved in an accident & 2 lives lost.


Originally Posted by tifosikrishna (Post 4401044)
Hexa involved in an accident & 2 lives lost.

The accident news says the following:One person succumbed of his injuries and one due to fire as he wasn't pulled out on time.

The car did what it could do at its best; take the brunt and try to keep the passenger cabin as much intact as possible.

Pictures clearly prove that the car has side swiped the truck at very high speed (which has caused damage on the front passenger side) and then hit the divider; this is kind of small overlap and they always go deep in terms of penetration. The height of the garbage box on the truck and the broken under run bar prove that the A pillar, along with the roof have taken a major hit and these components just can't be designed to deal with the momentum of a 2300 (car + passengers + fuel) kilo car hitting something at say 120 kph - that is just impossible.

In other words:
I believe that Hexa has done her part very well in trying to protect the occupants and if it was some other car (Below or near to Hexa) then the situation may he been worse.


Originally Posted by WhiteHorse (Post 4400947)
The dealer is waving off the entire Insurance (71202)+ Exchange Bonus (7500) + Corp Discount (3000) + AMC for 1 year & EW for the 4th year (worth 15000) + 2017 Car Discount (30000) = 126702 off the On-Road Price of 2107379.

Dear Whitehorse, I find nothing wrong in taking the 5 month old car, since your warranty etc all start from the day of purchase.
But yes, the deal isn't lucrative IMO; I got a better deal on a 2017 car in December 2017 itself for a 118 days old example, push them to make it at least 1.5 lac or offer you accessories worth at least 30k along with the car and that makes for a deal worth taking; push them to 1.5 lac at least - they want to get ride of this car I can tell you and if it was so easy for them to sell it, they would have already sold it. It's not about buying a 5 month old example, you can clear everything in the PDI but if you get a deal of say 1.5-1.6 lac; you are saving a cool 1 lac instantly.
Ask them for an AMC that is longer
Side steps etc
If they are reluctant to waive off the cash, ask them to give accessories for free.

I took a 6 month parked Polo D, did PDI at 10 am and took delivery at 4 pm; a cool 1 lac was what I saved - with my warranty etc everything starting on that day. Sold the car off with 80k+ on odo as a nice price and it didn't give me a single hiccup throughout the ownership history.

Recently in Feb 2018, I bought a November 2017 Ecosport Trend (the new model) with a cool discount of 90k and the icing on the cake was that since in such cases you negotiate a final price you will pay - the prices of the car were further increased before my car's delivery, but all I paid was 9 lac for an Ecosport Trend Petrol, making my net savings go past 1 lac on the day of delivery. :D

So go and bargain, no matter what the car costs; you want it at 19.5 - simple!! Sit there with your cheque, do the PDI and assure them that the right deal is getting them the booking instantly.


Originally Posted by Prateek19 (Post 4400985)
If you get the vehicle for 19 lacs with gold amc then the deal would be sweet enough.

Ok, now this is being greedy!!
Still, one can try to start from such numbers and do a nice bargain, even 20 lac with a gold AMC covering 60k kms will be a nice option IMO. biggest rule of bargain needs to be followed - "don't get up and leave until they aren't excited and once they are excited - be ready to get up and leave" :uncontrol


Originally Posted by WhiteHorse (Post 4400947)
Hi All, I'm based in Hyderabad and looking at the Hexa XTA. What is an acceptable range of discount for a 2017 Dec XTA? Should I be looking at a 5 month old vehicle or pick a new one instead?
Here is the deal I've been offered:
The dealer is waving off the entire Insurance (71202)+ Exchange Bonus (7500) + Corp Discount (3000) + AMC for 1 year & EW for the 4th year (worth 15000) + 2017 Car Discount (30000) = 126702 off the On-Road Price of 2107379.

Poor deal.

Other discount that you mention are present more or less through the year. 30k for 2017 model that you will get in hand by say June 2018 is already a loss of 1-1.5L on resale value if you sell anytime in next 5 yrs.


Originally Posted by HappyRoadie (Post 4400956)
Its better to buy a brand new vehicle and have peace of mind rather than buying an old vehicle which might give you problems later on and you might never have that peace of mind throughout your ownership.

Yup HappyRoadie, peace of mind is what I'm looking and also I've got the GO from my Home Ministry after quite some while. So don't want to be stuck with a dud.


Originally Posted by kaviprem (Post 4400957)
Also, do a good all around inspection before sealing the deal. Better to take your friend or relative who are NOT going to use that car on a daily basis. Basically, you need to take an "uninterested" person with you while doing the inspection :)

Thanks for the advise Prem. Will definitely do that. In fact I've been to the dealer stockyard before for doing a PDI for my friend's car. Probably will take someone who is "uninterested" as you say.


Originally Posted by narayan (Post 4400976)
1. Pls ask them ( if not already asked ) why an XTA model ( which is the most preferred variant among city buyers ) is unsold for 5 months ?

I did ask and it was not a very convincing answer, he said most customers come for a 7 seater (which is what I am looking for) and leave with a 6 seater! He has another car from Jan 2018 which has not been picked up.


Originally Posted by narayan (Post 4400976)
2. Do a thorough PDI and on road inspection of car and fluids. Check odometer reading, all panels for any repair work, tyres for cracks, condition of door beadings, no water leakages etc.

Thanks Narayan, that's the plan. I intend to go over the weekend when I'll have some decent time to do a thorough PDI. Thanks for the hints.


Originally Posted by narayan (Post 4400976)
Another bargaining tool is depreciation of 1 model year. I would peg 1st year depreciation for a 20L + Tata at atleast 10-15%. That's about 2-3L. But thats for a 1 year used vehicle. You are getting a new one - so try to use this logic to atleast try for between 1.8-2.2L discount or equivalent benefits

Right that seems like proper logic. I may not get that discount, but let me try that logic with the sales guy.


Originally Posted by narayan (Post 4400976)
Pls separately check 2018 model year XTA discounts with another dealership and any possible upgrades that were done and use that to compare if the 2017 model is not missing anything significant.

Yes, I'm on that mission separately. Trying to get quotes for the latest one. I don't think any updates have been made to the vehicle though.


Originally Posted by Prateek19 (Post 4400985)
Hello WhiteHorse,
If you get the vehicle for 19 lacs with gold amc then the deal would be sweet enough.

Yup I'm trying to get quotes from across the dealers in the city to ensure I'm not missing out on any good deals. But 19 L with Gold AMC would be pretty cool clap:


Originally Posted by VKumar (Post 4401049)
So go and bargain, no matter what the car costs; you want it at 19.5 - simple!! Sit there with your cheque, do the PDI and assure them that the right deal is getting them the booking instantly.

I'm glad it has worked out for you couple of times VK. Since the vehicle does not have any upgrades and if the PDI turns out well and the price works out for me - I don't mind picking the Dec one.


Originally Posted by ACM (Post 4401219)
Poor deal.

And that's what I'm gathering from the forum, most of the discount which the dealer is mentioning is available even for the new cars. Specifically what he is offering for the old car at 30k seems to be too light. I'm using the data here to go back and have another round of negotiations.

Thanks everyone, will keep this thread updated on what transpires.

Looking at the price quotations here, just had a doubt. My XT 4x4 quote was 20,39,081. Is this the best price or do I need to negotiate further. Did not hear about any major discounts from the dealer. Paying additional 30k for accessories. Location Hyderabad.


Originally Posted by WhiteHorse (Post 4400947)
What is an acceptable range of discount for a 2017 Dec XTA?

Not a good deal. All you are getting is an additional 30k.


Originally Posted by VenkatMunukutla (Post 4401678)
Did not hear about any major discounts from the dealer. Paying additional 30k for accessories. Location Hyderabad.

What do you mean by no major discounts? You should get free insurance and 20k exchange bonus. Tell them you would write to TATA if handling charges of 9500 are not removed. These are all the 3 discounts I got last month and you should get too. If not contact TATA, they are very helpful.

My bad the above rate was for XT 4x4. The final price. I will talk to these folks about insurance and handling charges.


Originally Posted by WhiteHorse (Post 4400947)
Hi All, I'm based in Hyderabad and looking at the Hexa XTA. What is an acceptable range of discount for a 2017 Dec XTA? Should I be looking at a 5 month old vehicle or pick a new one instead?
Here is the deal I've been offered:
The dealer is waving off the entire Insurance (71202)+ Exchange Bonus (7500) + Corp Discount (3000) + AMC for 1 year & EW for the 4th year (worth 15000) + 2017 Car Discount (30000) = 126702 off the On-Road Price of 2107379.

To my understanding, Ideally, any vehicle that crosses the manufacturing year, even if it is one month or two months, the depreciation is 10% because it "crossed" one year. In that sense bargain can definitely be at a much better price than what is offered.

According to my calculation, after the discount from 2107379, it comes to 1.98L. As per Prateek19, there is a standard discount of 58000 plus difference of 7500 on the exchange bonus should reduce to 19.15 lacs. So in that sense asking for the depreciation reduction of another 75K should get you a decent price.


Originally Posted by VKumar (Post 4401049)
Sit there with your cheque, do the PDI and assure them that the right deal is getting them the booking instantly

This is one of the best strategy - in 2005, my close friend was able to get more than 2.2 lacs discount on opel corsa using this strategy. It depends how much urgency the dealer feels to push it off.

Lastly, I would say bargain as Hard as possible. All the best.

I don't know if this particular video has been previously shared on the forum or not, but looking at the video of this damaged Hexa, I couldn't stop myself from praising a few attributes of this humble Tata.

What is clearly evident from the video?What is impressive?
IMO, this type of incidents give a confidence boost when it comes to the safety part of the equation. With a car weighing 2200 kilos and a strong built; one can be quite assured on the highways that even if they aren't traveling in a vault; it's nothing less either.

Tata Motors is back with the Experience centre Event which will be held at Axis Lawn, Next to Blue Roof Club, Owale Naka, Thane-(West), Thane, Maharashtra 400615 from 3:00P.M.-10:00P.M. on 19th and 20th May, 2018 wherein the capabilities and potential of Tata Hexa and Nexon can be tested on a dedicated track.
Tata Hexa : Official Review-img20180518wa0000.jpg


Originally Posted by WhiteHorse (Post 4400947)
Hi All, I'm based in Hyderabad and looking at the Hexa XTA. What is an acceptable range of discount for a 2017 Dec XTA? Should I be looking at a 5 month old vehicle or pick a new one instead?
Here is the deal I've been offered:
The dealer is waving off the entire Insurance (71202)+ Exchange Bonus (7500) + Corp Discount (3000) + AMC for 1 year & EW for the 4th year (worth 15000) + 2017 Car Discount (30000) = 126702 off the On-Road Price of 2107379.

This free insurance is a big sham. TAlk to your current car insurer, transfer your NCB to the new car, and you will get a bumper to bumper for around 35k.

This will also help with the renewal next year.

Without the free insurance, the deal is no worth much.

Is the 58k discount on the ex-showroom price or that's the amount they are waiving off on the 70k odd that are claiming for the insurance?

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