Team-BHP - Tata Hexa : Official Review

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Originally Posted by dkamath (Post 4382299)
Please connect another phone and check if the issue persists.

This gave me some hope, but alas, did not work. This atleast proves that my other phone & several cables are OK. Not sure where the problem is.

Incidentally, i had a very strange problem today. The HU screen went totally blank & refuses to respond. I get a error message, but unable to recall. The TASS mentioned that this happens sometimes when you start the car with the USB ports connected. The solution:

1. Restart the ignition - did not work
2. Disconnect the negative battery terminal, wait for 3 mins & put it back. This will restart - I had parked my car for over 3 hours & when I started it again, it worked.

What kind of experience this leaves me with a flagship top end car?? - :deadhorse

Tata sold 1404 Hexas in the month of March '18, as against 895 Hexas in February '18, which is an increase of 57% MOM.




Originally Posted by Joxster (Post 4382844)
Tata sold 1404 Hexas in the month of March '18, as against 895 Hexas in February '18, which is an increase of 57% MOM.



Wow that is a significant increase. Really happy seeing this 57% increase. I just hope they keep this trend going and only in upward direction. Such news do give you a positive feedback when you are about to become a Hexa owner yourself.


Originally Posted by BMK (Post 4382482)
Dec'17 XE that I have has
- Last row - none

The wiring may be there - just pull out the panels in the area where the socket should be.

( Note - have not checked the Hexa. However, in Storme it is similar. 3rd row has a socket in the rear for the VX model, near the left tail lamp. My EX also has the wiring but no socket. I got one USB socket from Aliepxress, but haven't hooked it up yet).


Originally Posted by condor (Post 4381795)
One car in all those does not make it the norm. Yes, one piece failed. The location & circumstances when it happened have resulted in certain damage. A component failure can happen anywhere, with any vendor / manufacturer. Even Jeep had one - and the car was still being taken home from delivery. If total usage upto point of failure was considered, then Jeep should have been one of the worst QC;s, right ?

Folks, as a diehard optimist for TML to succeed, I do endorse this view, but there is an urgent need for TML to invest in proper QA & QC.
In my Hexa XMA, which has done 3100 kms, when taken for the first service with a complaint for low cooling in the Ahmedabad heat I came across a stunning realisation that the gas in the AC circuit has leaked, which has resulted in an ineffective cooling.
That gas has leaked,was inferred from the following diagnostics: The net gas that was recovered was ~ 265 gms, when the total fill should have been for 800 gms. However, when the vacuum diagnostics was run through, the system reported that there was no vacuum leak. This was baffling.
The TML service wanted me to leave the car with them. I did not, as I do not want to leave the vehicle under their control without me being present to look into what they are working on (this has been my precondition with the TASS, that I must have an access to the works, to ensure that proper tools and processes are adopted - shall write about the basis for this, later). I reasoned with them that, it is likely that the car was delivered without the requisite fill of gas. I asked for the gas to be topped up, therefore. The TASS personnel agreed and I am in the process of evaluating the effect.
I shall be writing to TML about this fault and shall place a request for inspection by a TML engineer (the TASS personnel conveyed that for them, this was the first instance). The need for a TML engineer is all the more essential, as the TASS personnel may not have the full understanding of the complete AC line routing in this car and may engage in hit and try (this is not a comment on the competence - it is more on me not being sure if TML has imparted the right kind of AC service training, as this would only be the second summer for HEXA).
I do not know if TML has personnel to follow through the immensely significant posts in this forum, however, I can only hope that the emphasis users are placing on the need for reinforcing QA/QC, is accorded a due priority in the manufacturing process, by TML. I consider the issue posted by m3_07 to be even more serious.

Additionally, there are some other observations that I have made on the under chasis, I reserve this for another, soon to be placed, post.


Originally Posted by ac3112 (Post 4383392)
In my Hexa XMA, which has done 3100 kms, when taken for the first service with a complaint for low cooling in the Ahmedabad heat I came across a stunning realisation that the gas in the AC circuit has leaked, which has resulted in an ineffective cooling.

As I have a good rapport with the TASS here I found out that the issue of AC gas leakage in some vehicles was narrowed down to a faulty O ring, please ask your TASS to check leakage from there.
Regarding escalation of service issues I would advise you to register at You will get the details of soul champion, a designated person who will be assisting in tackling service related issues with your TASS. They are very quick to respond when escalated via this medium.

One more aspect of the automatic Hexa models I would like to highlight is that this gearbox is a completely sealed unit and doesn't require any oil change or top up for life. TML recommends cleaning of the breather for the gearbox every 10k/6months, however I would suggest to get it done atleast once in 12 months. The breather cap has to be unscrewed and cleaned by blowing pressurized air. This cap can be found behind the turbocharger in front of the firewall. It's much easier to access from underneath the vehicle after lifting it.
A word of caution, there should be no pressure applied from the top to unscrew the cap as it may break the bracket holding it to the gearbox. After cleaning and refitting it back it should not be over tightened.


Originally Posted by damodar (Post 4383434)
.... this gearbox is a completely sealed unit and doesn't require any oil change or top up for life.

In the land of automatics (USA), there is a common saying that lifetime usually means till warranty expire. With extended warranty included thats usually 100k miles. After that the manufacturer claim for "lifetime" would just expire and owner would be on tab for all costs.

To ensure real lifetime transmission, enthusiasts online on forums/boards usually recommend draining and refilling atf every 30k miles. Some say 30k is overkill, and instead suggest 50k, but generally it's the established interval across makes and models. ATF is cheap, and drain-n-refill usually is not complicated.

And all automatic transmissions are usually servicable for replacing ATF even if manufacturers claim it is "sealed". I had personal experience with sealed transmissions in two of my previous cars (bmw e90 335i 6AT (ZF) and lexus ls430 6AT (Aisin-warner)). Although both BMW and Lexus initially marketed these as lifetime transmissions when these cars were introduced, they later had to take back their claims and suggest that lifetime usually meant near to 100k. AT issues started to crop up due to worn down ATF once cars started to age. Both transmissions were servicable, and owners later switched to 30k/50k service interval against manufacturer recommendations. Now there is strong belief and anecdotal data that both transmissions last more 200k miles with shortened service intervals.


Originally Posted by Comrade (Post 4383451)
Both transmissions were servicable, and owners later switched to 30k/50k service interval against manufacturer recommendations. Now there is strong belief and anecdotal data that both transmissions last more 200k miles with shortened service intervals.

I am inferring that 50k is in miles here so that's 80,000km. So it's a better to get the oil changed atleast around the 100,000km mark. Hexa's AT transmission has an oil cooler so going by some online videos oil can be drained from the outlet pipe by fixing it to an oil changing machine. This pumps in new oil and while disposing of the older one. Now is it mandatory to remove the bottom pan and go for a new filter too while doing this?


Originally Posted by ac3112 (Post 4383392)
Folks, as a diehard optimist for TML to succeed, I do endorse this view, but there is an urgent need for TML to invest in proper QA & QC.
That gas has leaked,was inferred from the following diagnostics: The net gas that was recovered was ~ 265 gms, when the total fill should have been for 800 gms. However, when the vacuum diagnostics was run through, the system reported that there was no vacuum leak. This was baffling.
The TML service wanted me to leave the car with them. I did not, as I do not want to leave the vehicle under their control without me being present to look into what they are working on (this has been my precondition with the TASS, that I must have an access to the works, to ensure that proper tools and processes are adopted


Originally Posted by damodar (Post 4383434)
As I have a good rapport with the TASS here I found out that the issue of AC gas leakage in some vehicles was narrowed down to a faulty O ring, please ask your TASS to check leakage from there.

Every Car manufacturing organisation will have its own detailed processes for quality check. But, at the same time, these processes need to be revised and improved based on the quality complaints. Is there a way to inform TML to have a look at the quality complaints mentioned in this forum and I am sure TML can only gain more and more from the experiences shared in these TBHP forums. This will also help them to rectify the issues and at some times it might also help to find some other quality issues while working on one.


Originally Posted by pradeepnair (Post 4384123)
Every Car manufacturing organisation will have its own detailed processes for quality check. But, at the same time, these processes need to be revised and improved based on the quality complaints. Is there a way to inform TML to have a look at the quality complaints mentioned in this forum and I am sure TML can only gain more and more from the experiences shared in these TBHP forums. This will also help them to rectify the issues and at some times it might also help to find some other quality issues while working on one.

There are customer meetings periodically held by dealerships where they are updated of issues. There are regular updates done based in issues faced by customers and that's how we got our steering pipes changed, hinges updated, ECU modified, etc.
While these are small, yet very important elements, there haven't been any major mechanical or electrical complaints which could be common.
The one thing that right now needs immediate attention from TML is the 19" tyre issues. Although the cases have reduced since the updated tyre pressures are in effect, they need to effectively address customers who are still facing these.
MRF outright denies any claims against warranty though few of us have managed to get a good deal from them thanks to TML intervening in between. But then, its not a design issue to blame the whole thing on TML!

And as usual, MRF is maintaining its silence to our emails, calls and posts on different media!


Originally Posted by abhi7013 (Post 4384184)
There are customer meetings periodically held by dealerships where they are updated of issues. There are regular updates done based in issues faced by customers and that's how we got our steering pipes changed, hinges updated, ECU modified, etc.

Thanks for the update abhi. This is news to me. I am a prospective customer having booked Tiago XZA and also closely following up of HEXA for future buy. Any company who listens to its customers and critics and works on it, will definitely earn the reputation.


Originally Posted by abhi7013 (Post 4384184)
MRF outright denies any claims against warranty though few of us have managed to get a good deal from them thanks to TML intervening in between. But then, its not a design issue to blame the whole thing on TML!

Any idea about the reason MRF is denying outright on warranty claims? To my knowledge they have tyre service centres in every city and there are engineers who test it and update on the replacement immediately. They should give solid reason for rejecting the warranty claims.


Originally Posted by pradeepnair (Post 4384198)
Any idea about the reason MRF is denying outright on warranty claims? To my knowledge they have tyre service centres in every city and there are engineers who test it and update on the replacement immediately. They should give solid reason for rejecting the warranty claims.

I got free replacement of tyre under warranty after it was rejected by MRF. Reasons, as in tyre wear in most of the instances can be argued both ways, so it was nice of TML to replace it within 48 hours lodging my complaint.


Originally Posted by damodar (Post 4383475)
I am inferring that 50k is in miles here so that's 80,000km. So it's a better to get the oil changed atleast around the 100,000km mark. Hexa's AT transmission has an oil cooler so going by some online videos oil can be drained from the outlet pipe by fixing it to an oil changing machine. This pumps in new oil and while disposing of the older one. Now is it mandatory to remove the bottom pan and go for a new filter too while doing this?

A car that has run 50000 miles in the US would have as much wear and tear as a car that has run 20000 km in India. So it works be safer to replace the auto trans fluid after 50000 km in India.

The Hexa uses the Punch powerglide transmission:

This is the GM 6L50 transmission. There is plenty of information on it on the web that can be helpful in maintenance and troubleshooting.


Originally Posted by abhi7013 (Post 4384184)
The one thing that right now needs immediate attention from TML is the 19" tyre issues. Although the cases have reduced since the updated tyre pressures are in effect, they need to effectively address customers who are still facing these.
MRF outright denies any claims against warranty though few of us have managed to get a good deal from them thanks to TML intervening in between. But then, its not a design issue to blame the whole thing on TML!

And as usual, MRF is maintaining its silence to our emails, calls and posts on different media!

Its unlike MRF not to respond. I bought a pair of 15 " 235 Wanderers back in 2010 for my Bolero Camper. One got ruptured from the bead to profile. I though some sharp stone might be the cause as the highway was getting 4 laned and didn't think much about it. Within one month another tyre suffered the same pattern of damage. While replacing that tyre I noticed two mire are showing same type of ruptures. By this time all the four were Wanderers. I clicked pics of the damaged tyre and also those showings signs. I handed over the tyre to dealer for replacement. There were no signs of sharp cut but the rubber was simply coming off. I posted the pics of all the three to the customer care of MRF. Within a day I got call from their service engineer who queried about the vehicle used. When I said it was a Camper he said he would replace the tyre, advised me not to use Wanderers for Camper and and that he wouldn't replace another two tyres which were showing same pattern of damage. I firmly told him that I would send the other two too for replacement whenever they ruptured. He didn't say anything. I got the tyre replaced within a week. And the next two were also sent under warranty and those were replaced, too.

Its good to see TML intervening with MRF on behalf of customers.

It is true tyre warranty claims can go either way. I faced it with other manufacturers.

Took delivery of my sky grey Hexa XMA today. Delivery experience was very good. Here are couple of photos. Will post more photos soon.

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