Team-BHP - Tata Hexa : Official Review

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Originally Posted by sugam (Post 4317639)
It's been three weeks that we brought home the Blue Hexa - done almost 1,000 Kms, all driving within the city and it puts a smile on my face each time I take it out for a spin.

Oh My!! I just bought a Tiago XZA and the Key looks exactly the same !!

The Hexa steering wheel with its gorgeous leather is the best I've seen in India. The luxurious feel is unlike any other. Any idea if I can get the same quality anywhere in Bangalore, for my Nexon? Thanks in advance


Originally Posted by sugam (Post 4317905)
Hey, no offence taken - but the side step is original and was fitted at the time of delivery. Yes agreed that it is a bit protruding, but it is essential for easier ingress and egress for shorter family members.

Along with ingress and egress, the side step for me, is useful to protect the sides of the car from the crazy two wheeler guys in the bumper to bumper traffic :).

Congrats for new Beast.
I am also waiting for Number from PCMC RTO. Is you got your number and how long it takes after billing?

November Sales figures are out.

Really shocking to see that Tata has sold just 764 Hexas in comparison to 1041 in the month of Oct.17. Official T-Bhp thread regarding analysis of the details is awaited..

Courtesy: AutoPunditz


Originally Posted by Dr.Vikas (Post 4318283)
November Sales figures are out.

Really shocking to see that Tata has sold just 764 Hexas in comparison to 1041 in the month of Oct.17. Official T-Bhp thread regarding analysis of the details is awaited..

I heard this is due to supply constraints. Vendors never expected such demand for the Hexa and are finding it difficult to supply the components. If true, things could slowly improve once they ramp up production.

Newer Tata models are slowly catching the public's attention. However, it seems Tata Motors and its vendors are hell-bent upon spoiling the user experience (with long waiting period) and their brand name. Hope they are able to ramp up their production and meet the demand soon.


Originally Posted by Dr.Vikas (Post 4318283)
November Sales figures are out.

Really shocking to see that Tata has sold just 764 Hexas in comparison to 1041 in the month of Oct.17. Official T-Bhp thread regarding analysis of the details is awaited..

Courtesy: AutoPunditz

Actually I have a slightly different view on this. All recent Tata cars were slow to start. Their sales increase with critical mass. In my locality, until June-July I spotted just 2-3 Tiagos. Since then I have spotted 10-12 new ones.

Yes, I also had read somewhere that the production of Hexa was kept on hold to meet the supply of Nexon.

One more thing, yesterday I had a call from an SA offering 2L discount on Nov manufactured 4x4. It seems they want to clear the stock by this year end.

However, he was clueless on any upgrade in the near future.

I happened to drive a Hexa XE for a day's trip BLR-MYS-BLR. Here are a couple of observations from me: (It was a relatively new one, rented from Zoomcar and had around 5.6K Kms on odo)

1. This being the 140HP/320NM engine, the initial acceleration was dull. It wasn't even as good as the Scorp (120HP/280NM version) - comparing as they have similar weight. The 2nd gear lags horribly before the turbo spools. It's like I floor the pedal and nothing happens till the engine RPMs allow the turbo to spool and even then the kick is dull. The engine almost ran out of breath post 3K RPM. This led me to a feeling the power band is too narrow, even by diesel standards. Is this the same with 154HP version as well? How about other Hexa XE owners? Have you felt the same way?

If this is the case in XM/XT's manual version; does the auto box in XMA/XTA overcome this effectively?

2. The engine refinement is definitely better than the Scorp. The sound insulation is good and vibrations are well controlled.

3. The ride quality: This was the biggest surprise for me and a huge turn off, since I've been reading a lot of good reviews about the ride quality, and how it beats the segment leader (Duster/Terrano). Now, this comes from an experience by driving Terrano and Hexa on the same road (BLR-MYS-BLR) and almost with similar load (4 occupants in Hexa vs 5 in Terrano). I found Hexa's ride quality to be bumpy and nowhere close to Terrano's plush ride quality. Most of the potholes from Mysore Road got transmitted back to cabin and it was very jarring. In my previous trip I had driven close to 500kms in Terrano in a day, and I was extremely impressed with the plush ride quality it offered. The Hexa I drove (Close to 350 Kms this time) comes nowhere close to that. I went in a Hexa fan boy (Hexa would have been the first preference for me some time later when I bought a car for myself), but came back sorely disappointed from this perspective. Would ride quality differ between lower and high end versions?

4. Space: Ooh! Oodles of space. Mom liked the rear seat very much; although faced a tough time climbing in/out of the car. May be the foot boards offer a solution to this.

5. Music system: The base version's music system is also impressive and good enough for me (Caution: I'm not an audiophile though)

6. Fit and finish: Extremely good, coming from what I've seen in previous Tata products; especially the Indica family.

Overall, an well packaged product; but the deal breaker for me is the ride quality and the highly noticeable turbo lag. Or possibly reserve my comments till I drive a XT/XTA.


Originally Posted by LordSharan (Post 4319096)

If this is the case in XM/XT's manual version; does the auto box in XMA/XTA overcome this effectively?

3. The ride quality: This was the biggest surprise for me and a huge turn off, since I've been reading a lot of good reviews about the ride quality, and how it beats the segment leader (Duster/Terrano).

Overall, an well packaged product; but the deal breaker for me is the ride quality and the highly noticeable turbo lag. Or possibly reserve my comments till I drive a XT/XTA.

Most Zoomcar vehicles are haphazardly maintained. It is very likely that the one you got had extremely over inflated tires (perhaps unintentional carelessness, perhaps a ploy to extract better mileage since Zoomcar prices include fuel). The XM and XT versions have a more powerful engine, so the turbo lag issue might be absent. The ride quality might be due to the tire pressure. You can check on a test drive vehicle if the feeling you get is similar.


Originally Posted by LordSharan (Post 4319096)
(It was a relatively new one, rented from Zoomcar and had around 5.6K Kms on odo)

Never judge a vehicle by driving one used as a taxi. Also, I think these vehicles have speed governors now. Effectively you're driving a belled cat.

Try one at the showroom for a better opinion.


Originally Posted by LordSharan (Post 4319096)
Overall, an well packaged product; but the deal breaker for me is the ride quality and the highly noticeable turbo lag. Or possibly reserve my comments till I drive a XT/XTA.

Few pages back, a similar experience was posted by a member where he felt disappointed by the lack of performance. It's all thanks to the speed governor.
And post ECU updates, the lag is considerably reduced and the engine is a lot more peppier.

If you still have a small part of the 'fanboy' left in you, would strongly recommend driving a TD car with an updated ECU! You will be surprised with the difference.


Originally Posted by LordSharan (Post 4319096)
I happened to drive a Hexa XE for a day's trip BLR-MYS-BLR. Here are a couple of observations from me: (It was a relatively new one, rented from Zoomcar and had around 5.6K Kms on odo).

My man, I did drive the zoomcar while it was under 1k kilometers. I rode on the NICE road stretch and also along the peak hour traffic in the heart of the city. For two days. Boy oh boy, did I enjoy? Yes I did.
Tried the XTA and didn't feel any lag either.:D

Really worried to see Hexa numbers for November 2017. At 764 the numbers have tumbled continuously for 3rd month. In fact, except for a couple of GST sensitive months, Hexa struggled mostly.

Is it Jeep? Or is it Nexon cannibalizing? Or, people expecting an express update? Or, Q501/502 waiting started? Whatever, such a lower sale, even though much more than the original car it is based on, pinches for a very capable and value for money real SUV.

Well last month was even worse for another home grown model, XUV500.


Originally Posted by Nissan1180 (Post 4319161)
Most Zoomcar vehicles are haphazardly maintained. It is very likely that the one you got had extremely over inflated tires (perhaps unintentional carelessness, perhaps a ploy to extract better mileage since Zoomcar prices include fuel). The XM and XT versions have a more powerful engine, so the turbo lag issue might be absent. The ride quality might be due to the tire pressure. You can check on a test drive vehicle if the feeling you get is similar.

I did not check the tyre pressure, that could be culprit. The turbo lag was frustrating, and surprisingly, I felt it only in the 2nd gear. The car had done only 5.6K kms, so my perception was that it couldn't have been abused to limits.


Originally Posted by discoverwild (Post 4319222)
Never judge a vehicle by driving one used as a taxi. Also, I think these vehicles have speed governors now. Effectively you're driving a belled cat.

Try one at the showroom for a better opinion.

True, this car had a speed governor, that kicked in at 80kmph. How would this be typically done? By reprogramming the ECU? and would it dull the overall performance of the vehicle?


Originally Posted by abhi7013 (Post 4319300)
Few pages back, a similar experience was posted by a member where he felt disappointed by the lack of performance. It's all thanks to the speed governor.
And post ECU updates, the lag is considerably reduced and the engine is a lot more peppier.

If you still have a small part of the 'fanboy' left in you, would strongly recommend driving a TD car with an updated ECU! You will be surprised with the difference.

Do you mean to say that the ECU software update could potentially resolve this issue? Even for XE version. I do intend to take a test drive in showroom, when I'm closer to making my buying decision. Hopefully, I don't return disappointed. Although I do not like automatics, but if XTA takes care of lag (Whatever is there), I could potentially get tilted towards that model. (Although it'd be a stretch for me)


Originally Posted by doxinboy (Post 4319352)
My man, I did drive the zoomcar while it was under 1k kilometers. I rode on the NICE road stretch and also along the peak hour traffic in the heart of the city. For two days. Boy oh boy, did I enjoy? Yes I did.
Tried the XTA and didn't feel any lag either.:D

What version? I am thinking it would be a XE. and suprisingly, within next 4.6k kms (not saying it could have been the same car, but just in terms of distance covered) the engine gets screwed. :(

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