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Old 20th June 2017, 17:12   #2206
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by kabir3551 View Post
I am in a dilemma. I own Innova VX 2015 (24000 kms). Situation is whether I should replace Innova with Hexa XTA. Will it be a worthy decision to sell Innova for Hexa AT? Any suggestion.
Definitely NO unless you have a very compelling reason like Innova giving constant troubles. Otherwise, stick to your Innova for a few more years. It can easily go 5 more years without requiring major expenses! If you have some reasons behind your thoughts to replace it, do post them here so that BHPians can offer their views taking the reasons into consideration
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Old 20th June 2017, 17:12   #2207
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by kabir3551 View Post
I am in a dilemma. I own Innova VX 2015 (24000 kms). Situation is whether I should replace Innova with Hexa XTA. Will it be a worthy decision to sell Innova for Hexa AT? Any suggestion.
Yes why not. If you are looking out for the best in class AT SUV/MUV you have no option apart from going for Hexa. Since its launch Hexa has mostly positive reviews on our Forum and owners are really happy with the the car.

Be it performance or comfort Hexa will never let you down in any department.
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Old 21st June 2017, 10:14   #2208
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by kabir3551 View Post
I am in a dilemma. I own Innova VX 2015 (24000 kms). Situation is whether I should replace Innova with Hexa XTA. Will it be a worthy decision to sell Innova for Hexa AT? Any suggestion.
Is it necessary for you to change from a manual to an automatic, if yes Hexa XTA is a good choice, better than Crysta. But selling a 24K run Innova is like running in a new car for the next owner. I have owned two Innova's till date, and the car is real fun to drive when you first replace brake pads and tyres together, and if you go by tyre wear and age it will be any where between 60K to 90K and 4 years. After 4 to 5 years of use tyres harden and grip less.

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Old 21st June 2017, 10:58   #2209
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by kabir3551 View Post
I am in a dilemma. I own Innova VX 2015 (24000 kms). Situation is whether I should replace Innova with Hexa XTA. Will it be a worthy decision to sell Innova for Hexa AT? Any suggestion.
Definitely not worth it unless automatic is your main and immediate requirement. From finance perspective, your innova is too young to be let go at this stage. Hexa is still very far away from T reliability.
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Old 21st June 2017, 11:12   #2210
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Carnot OBD GPS tracker Review

I bought a Carnot GPS tracker to safe guard my HEXA XTA and here are updates after one month of use. Bought from amazon at 5999 and ordered on 2nd may and received on 23rd may. 1st year subscription free and 900 Rs. per year after 1 year.

Likes :
1. Great looks but its hidden so actually no practical uses .
2. Comes activated so just put the code and you are ready to go
3. Practical app to use
4. Great marketing team and customer support

Dislikes :
1. It does everything else other than what its supposed to do .
2. wrong mileage calculation and trip distance calculation 90% of the time ( off by 30%-40%)
3. Wrong parking location 80% of the time
4. No alarm most of the time when you take out the device

Hexa has mileage calculator and other stuff so my purpose for buying this product was mainly theft protection and its completely negated that purpose.

So basically its waste of money. Carnot is selling immature product at premium price with hyped marketing, may be paid marketing.

I wrote on their face book page and they called me. They told may be your device has some problem rest are working fine and carnot team is working on it but nothing improved after a week. Same feedback on face book by other users also so I am sure its not my device its other devices as well and users are just being fooled by Carnot team.
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Old 21st June 2017, 11:46   #2211
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

This may be OT but its been nagging me for days now. I have of late seen a fair number of hexas on the road in NCR. Needless to say that the XT variants look far better than the XM and XE(saw a white XE yesterday)

However, everytime I see the Hexa, the one word that comes to mind is "van". No matter how hard it tries, its just not got the looks of an SUV. And, in the process of trying to make it look butch, TM have in fact ended up with a confused looking design. At lease the Aria had some cohesion in the design, whether one liked it or not is a different issue.

Now, given the extensive re-engineering done by Tata to make the Aria into a Hexa, would it not have been more prudent for tata to have done this to the Safari Storme instead? the underpinnings are the same, and an extensive reskinning of the Storme along with Hexa-esque interiors and AT would make a killer combo. Safari brand still has an aura and this would be the perfect recepie for success.

IMHO, TML missed a trick here! now till the all new Safari is launched (2019 at the earliest), TML will continue to flog the Storme and eventually end up killing the brand :(

Last edited by himanshugoswami : 21st June 2017 at 11:47.
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Old 21st June 2017, 12:16   #2212
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by himanshugoswami View Post
However, everytime I see the Hexa, the one word that comes to mind is "van". No matter how hard it tries, its just not got the looks of an SUV. And, in the process of trying to make it look butch, TM have in fact ended up with a confused looking design. At lease the Aria had some cohesion in the design, whether one liked it or not is a different issue.
Same pinch. I really like the interiors and technology advancement Tata has achieved in Hexa but the overall look of Hexa is still a MUVish van like. Basically it is struggling hard between SUV and MUV department.

I think lot of members have already mentioned the same that Tata would have tried this with Safari rather than Hexa. It would be a big hit as the legacy of Safari can't be matched by anyone. Tata would have been doing magical numbers if it was Storme as I can see people still going for the outdated Storme.
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Old 21st June 2017, 12:43   #2213
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by himanshugoswami View Post
However, everytime I see the Hexa, the one word that comes to mind is "van".
More like an MUV on stilts; but IMO it still looks much better than the ARIA.

Now, given the extensive re-engineering done by Tata to make the Aria into a Hexa, would it not have been more prudent for tata to have done this to the Safari Storme instead? ....
Originally Posted by oblivion View Post
Same pinch.
+2 to that!! Why did they have to take the flopped ARIA to re-engineer!? Given that Safari already had a cult following and with proven underpinnings, it could've been much simpler to redo, and the turnaround time for launch also would have been much less, than what they actually took for the HEXA.

I was pleasantly surprised when my dealer informed me during a HEXA TD, that the new Storme is still doing decent numbers after the HEXA launch. It probably just dipped immediately after the launch but has picked up again!
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Old 21st June 2017, 14:14   #2214
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by himanshugoswami View Post
This may be OT but its been nagging me for days now. I have of late seen a fair number of hexas on the road in NCR. Needless to say that the XT variants look far better than the XM and XE(saw a white XE yesterday)

However, everytime I see the Hexa, the one word that comes to mind is "van". No matter how hard it tries, its just not got the looks of an SUV. And, in the process of trying to make it look butch, TM have in fact ended up with a confused looking design. At lease the Aria had some cohesion in the design, whether one liked it or not is a different issue.

Now, given the extensive re-engineering done by Tata to make the Aria into a Hexa, would it not have been more prudent for tata to have done this to the Safari Storme instead? the underpinnings are the same, and an extensive reskinning of the Storme along with Hexa-esque interiors and AT would make a killer combo. Safari brand still has an aura and this would be the perfect recepie for success.

IMHO, TML missed a trick here! now till the all new Safari is launched (2019 at the earliest), TML will continue to flog the Storme and eventually end up killing the brand :(
I guess it is more like a personal opinion. Whenever I see Hexa I see a great looking vehicle and does not really care whether it looks like an SUV or MUV. In fact the same is the case when I see any vehicle which is a great design. For example I think the Hexa looks much cooler than the XUV or scorpio. Again this is highly a personal opinion. I guess most people relate an SUV look towards masculinity and MUV to that of a taxi which need not be the case. I dont think TM had branded the Hexa as neither an SUV or MUV. I should say Hexa is like a celebrity now. Its very hard to spot one and you would stop and turn your head to look at it again and again, at least here in Kerala

My status, I am still waiting for the days to pass. Planning to book in July and take the delivery in August. Gosh its hard to wait. I keep looking at youtube videos of the Hexa. I have never been so obsessed with one vehicle so much. Hexa owners, please post videos and pictures of your Hexa's here for those of us in the waiting line.
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Old 21st June 2017, 17:04   #2215
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Found this video on YouTube about the sun roof accessory for the hexa. Sun roof Is said to have been manufactured by a company called webasto which is a supplier for Audi & BMW cars. Looks neat.
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Old 21st June 2017, 17:25   #2216
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by Vikvkv View Post
Found this video on YouTube about the sun roof accessory for the hexa. Sun roof Is said to have been manufactured by a company called webasto which is a supplier for Audi & BMW cars. Looks neat.
It's a 90000rupee dealer's end accessory. I have seen it installed in a new Hexa ready for delivery. Unfortunately, the approved model is quite small and looks totally lost in the huge roof. I had toyed with the idea of getting the sunroof installed but changed my mind after seeing the real thing in person. Had they offered a bigger sunroof, I might have given the go ahead. For that they are offering though, I don't think it is worth it.

Last edited by Shreyans_Jain : 21st June 2017 at 17:26.
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Old 21st June 2017, 17:57   #2217
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by Shreyans_Jain View Post
It's a 90000rupee dealer's end accessory. I have seen it installed in a new Hexa ready for delivery. Unfortunately, the approved model is quite small and looks totally lost in the huge roof. I had toyed with the idea of getting the sunroof installed but changed my mind after seeing the real thing in person. Had they offered a bigger sunroof, I might have given the go ahead. For that they are offering though, I don't think it is worth it.
The sunroof is looking too small on Hexa. I noticed it only opens up say 70% of the total glass area hope it was opened to max position. The other thing it is certainly looking as after market fitment not jelling up with interiors of Hexa. The cover should be electrically adjustable. If this thing cost 90k what would be the cost of panoramic sunroof in Endeavour. Can that be fitted in Hexa?
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Old 21st June 2017, 19:10   #2218
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by himanshugoswami View Post
This may be OT but its been nagging me for days now. I have of late seen a fair number of hexas on the road in NCR. Needless to say that the XT variants look far better than the XM and XE(saw a white XE yesterday)

However, everytime I see the Hexa, the one word that comes to mind is "van". No matter how hard it tries, its just not got the looks of an SUV. And, in the process of trying to make it look butch, TM have in fact ended up with a confused looking design. At lease the Aria had some cohesion in the design, whether one liked it or not is a different issue.

Now, given the extensive re-engineering done by Tata to make the Aria into a Hexa, would it not have been more prudent for tata to have done this to the Safari Storme instead? the underpinnings are the same, and an extensive reskinning of the Storme along with Hexa-esque interiors and AT would make a killer combo. Safari brand still has an aura and this would be the perfect recepie for success.

IMHO, TML missed a trick here! now till the all new Safari is launched (2019 at the earliest), TML will continue to flog the Storme and eventually end up killing the brand :(
Absolutely agree that the Hexa design is a little confused, though quite good in parts. I think they would have done better putting the same resources into the Safari brand - But a new design and not a small exterior update of the Storme. Much as I admire the Safari, I do find the Storme design confused with the bonnet, the sides and the rear looking like they belong to three different vehicles. The least the Storme needs is to redo the window lines on the side profile into something straighter so as to carry over the straight line from the bonnet.

Further, the big problem with the perceived van shape is the bench-marking against the Innova - which is always a tough one given the mind space Toyota enjoys in India.
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Old 21st June 2017, 19:33   #2219
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by Vikvkv View Post
Found this video on YouTube about the sun roof accessory for the hexa. Sun roof Is said to have been manufactured by a company called webasto which is a supplier for Audi & BMW cars. Looks neat.
While it may seem like a great addition, I would like to add that a sunroof compromises the structural integrity of the roof quite a bit and the alignment of the sunroof is one thing that is prone to go bad even in factory fit ones. In a car that is not built for the sunroof, it lacks some re-inforcements that help prevent it, so installing this as an accessory could be more of a headache than a comfort feature.
These are prone to leaking as the seals are not perfect after a few years.
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Old 21st June 2017, 19:38   #2220
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by Vikvkv View Post
Found this video on YouTube about the sun roof accessory for the hexa. Sun roof Is said to have been manufactured by a company called webasto which is a supplier for Audi & BMW cars. Looks neat.
I wouldn't have the courage to have a Dealer cut the roof of my car. The down sides are too many and mostly irreversible. I personally do not see the point of a sunroof in India (but that is a discussion for another thread!) but if necessary has to be factory fitted.
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