Team-BHP - Tata Hexa : Official Review

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Originally Posted by abhi7013 (Post 4160085)
Meanwhile, here's a link to the Hexa kickoff event video to be held on 11th. All owners in Bangalore will be invited.

How long are we going to have kick-off events?!? Is the darned car launched or not? I thought it was, and that deliveries had begun!


Originally Posted by vharihar (Post 4160089)
How long are we going to have kick-off events?!? Is the darned car launched or not? I thought it was, and that deliveries had begun!

In case you did not read my post, it said all "owners" of hexa. And kickoff doesn't necessarily have to mean a launch of the product. It could be the launch of a collective ownership group, where we begin by meeting and getting introduced to one another.
And even the video says "now you own....".
I think we have to appreciate what tata is doing instead of saying "how long are we going to have events". More the events, better it is for us.
And just to bring in some perspective, my dealer alone has made around 20 deliveries. Going by which, there can easily be much more than 40 Hexas in Bangalore.

So to answer your question, yes, the "dARNED" car is launched.


Originally Posted by vharihar (Post 4160089)
How long are we going to have kick-off events?!? Is the darned car launched or not? I thought it was, and that deliveries had begun!

This question arises just because several manufacturers forget owners after selling their Car. There are several incidents where manufacturer had shut their ears for problems faced by customers in different levels of issues (including safety issues). If we are not able to appreciate initiatives, atleast we shouldn't make fun of their initiatives. They are trying to prove and come back. Initiative of TATA to welcome and treat their pioneers is a welcome move.

Tata has not been as active as M&M on this front, or at least M&M appears better.

As We Safari guys have been seeing, SOUL was started 2+ years ago. One promotional even back then, a couple of small city level events after that. And this year, a program called "Logout". Tata is organizing, but I dont see anything promotional in it to make it a Tata event. It could have been anyone else other than TML as the organizer.

IMO, Logout was not an apt name. Wont be surprised if Safari owners logout of such TML events.


Originally Posted by condor (Post 4160165)

As We Safari guys have been seeing, SOUL was started 2+ years ago. .

I think such initiation is Ill planned in terms of budgeting, planning and management. They do not have dedicated teams to take it forward. Here in NCR, Soul is being managed at local level, I think, which is a good thing. But they should have annual budget on activities with proper calendar for year long events. Having said that, I still like what they do and hope they will improve.


Originally Posted by sourabhzen (Post 4160181)
I think such initiation is Ill planned in terms of budgeting, planning and management. They do not have dedicated teams to take it forward.

More than the Initiation , the whole program looks ill-planned. It is good in a way that the NCR group is being managed locally. Pune being closer to TML HQ also looks to be seeing some action. Bangalore ? Well, SOUL is sleeping while the two Safari groups are organizing their own activities. TML must wake up here.


Originally Posted by condor (Post 4160213)
More than the Initiation , the whole program looks ill-planned. It is good in a way that the NCR group is being managed locally. Pune being closer to TML HQ also looks to be seeing some action. Bangalore ? Well, SOUL is sleeping while the two Safari groups are organizing their own activities. TML must wake up here.

Congrats Condor this was your 10,000th Post...:thumbs up

Yes the 2 groups in Bengaluru are organising there own meets and activities for the Safari Owners and the groups are not supported either by SOUL or TATA...

But lets stop discussing that and continue talking about the Hexa...


Originally Posted by Kishen.padiyar (Post 4159879)
This gave me some food for thought and actually went on to count the number of BHPians who have either taken delivery of or have booked the Hexa.

There are 9 owners who have taken delivery and two waiting for delivery. So that adds up to around 11.

Considering that are a handful of prospective buyers waiting to go through the initial ownership reviews before putting their money down, I think its a fair number.

I got my Hexa XT 4x4 Arizona Blue delivered yesterday from Concorde Motors Mysuru Road. Enjoying every bit of it. Crossed 125 kms with a drive in the Nice road. The car definitely is a big leap towards luxury from Tata. My children are loving it, especially the interiors and the comfort inside. Driving a Safari for 8 years, I'm just loving this upgrade.


Originally Posted by Ranupkumar (Post 4160786)
I got my Hexa XT 4x4 Arizona Blue delivered yesterday from Concorde Motors Mysuru Road. Enjoying every bit of it. Crossed 125 kms with a drive in the Nice road. The car definitely is a big leap towards luxury from Tata. My children are loving it, especially the interiors and the comfort inside. Driving a Safari for 8 years, I'm just loving this upgrade.

Many congratulations clap:, but where are the pictures Sir? I love the blue color on the Hexa, looks so rich and premium. Any specific reason behind opting for XT 4x4 instead of the Automatic?


Originally Posted by Ranupkumar (Post 4160786)
I got my Hexa XT 4x4 Arizona Blue delivered yesterday from Concorde Motors Mysuru Road. Enjoying every bit of it. Crossed 125 kms with a drive in the Nice road. The car definitely is a big leap towards luxury from Tata. My children are loving it, especially the interiors and the comfort inside. Driving a Safari for 8 years, I'm just loving this upgrade.

Congratulations Anup! Many happy miles to you and family. Best Wishes to the first 4x4 Hexa in TBHP!


Originally Posted by vigneshkumar31 (Post 4159971)
Its an interesting and tough decision to choose between that all hailed AT vs features in the manual. Just curious, Are there any XT 4x4 buyers out there? Is anyone interested?

Thanks for answering my above question! I am eager to read your story for following perspectives -Upgrade from a Safari, Choice of 4x4 over auto. Treat us to some pics first and a detailed ownership and buying experience soon.!


Originally Posted by Ranupkumar (Post 4160786)
I got my Hexa XT 4x4 Arizona Blue delivered yesterday from Concorde Motors Mysuru Road. Enjoying every bit of it. Crossed 125 kms with a drive in the Nice road. The car definitely is a big leap towards luxury from Tata. My children are loving it, especially the interiors and the comfort inside. Driving a Safari for 8 years, I'm just loving this upgrade.

Congratulations man !!!

Curious to know why you chose Hexa over the V-400 ?
I am in this dilemma and simply unable to decide between the two - Hexa for its interior quality and comfort and Storme for its exterior imagery.
If you can share your thought process, it will help me maybe :)


TATA came home and invited us for the event tomorrow... In an Innova! clap:
Anyways, had a brief chat with the lady and she says there are over 100 invitees to tomorrow's event. Going by the event's objective, it does mean that there are over a 100 Hexa owners in and around Bangalore. When i asked her this She said that they were receiving a really good response and indeed that there were that many owners. Hard to believe but, if it's true, then TATA needs to speed up the pending deliveries.

Speaking of the invitation, I loved the way the box is designed and the taste of the chocolates!


Originally Posted by Ranupkumar (Post 4160786)
I got my Hexa XT 4x4 Arizona Blue delivered yesterday from Concorde Motors Mysuru Road. Enjoying every bit of it. Crossed 125 kms with a drive in the Nice road. The car definitely is a big leap towards luxury from Tata. My children are loving it, especially the interiors and the comfort inside. Driving a Safari for 8 years, I'm just loving this upgrade.


You seem to be real Tata SUV admirer, a long term Safari owner and now it is followed by Hexa 4x4. :thumbs up

A true SUV experience is incomplete in absence of 4 wheel drive. And for a person who enjoys adventure & thrill, convenience is definitely a second priority.

May be if 4x4 automatic can be better alternative in near future.


Originally Posted by arulpeem (Post 4157468)
Took delivery of my Hexa Arizona Blue, 7 seater, XT yesterday evening from Concorde, Velachery Road, Chennai.

I thought I will attach a couple of pictures taken with my mobile phone.
First Drive Impression:
On Wednesday I had to make quick dash to Namakkal with my wife and return on Thursday. I didn't any better excuse to drive. Left Chennai at about 9.45 in the morning and reached Namkkal at 4 pm. The roads were empty throughout the journey. So I needed to brake very rarely.

Had one lunch break at Ulundurpet Woodlands. I kept the speed at 90 to 95 Kmph. The drive mode was in Auto all the time. A couple of times touched 100KMPH. It cruises very effortlessly and is very quite at the speeds I maintained.

The braking is really predictable and progressive.

The outside temperature was about 36 post lunch. I had set the temperature at 24 and it was maintained very well. But the at any speed about 2 it is actually a bit noisy.

I had two tank fills and on both occasions the trip mileage indicated was 15 something and the actual also matched that. So the fuel efficiency seems to be good.

Both of us were not tired at all at the end of the journey.

On the return journey I visited Yercaud and I didn't push the engine speed beyond 2300 rpm, but it was more than enough to pull through the 21 hairpin bends very effortlessly. The body roll was there, but never an issue. At slow speeds the steering is heavier and could have been lighter. But on the highway I find the steering to be very well balanced.

Tomorrow I am travelling to Blore and ferrying my friend and his wife who have an E class that is a few months old. I will get a good feedback from them about the ride and engine noise. I have driven it from Blore to Chennai on a couple of occasions, and found the ride of Hexa to be only a step below it. But will know it for sure after they travel in Hexa.

The headlights are more than adequate on the highway. The low beam is on even when the high beam is on. That along with the fog lights give a good visibility during the night travel. I left Yercaud at 1.45 PM and reached Thiruvanmiyur at 8 PM. Again the indicated mileage is about 15.2, but will check it after filling up tomorrow.

During the onward journey there was creaking noise from the rear on rough roads, but on the return journey it disappeared. During turning at the hairpin bends on certain occasions there was a sort of the rubbing noise. But not in the plains. Will check it later once I am back from Blore.

I will post more photographs once I am back after a week.

A very good event organised by TATA in Bangalore. Very exciting to see so many Hexas in one place! Spoke to one of the TATA guys regarding deliveries. He said they unfortunately could not meet the demands in January and February, but the deliveries will increase in the month of March. So we'll have to wait and watch!
I have attached a few pictures but kindly excuse for the very poor quality!

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