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Old 11th August 2016, 17:24   #961
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by nareshtrao View Post
Any idea what the on road price in Bangalore is?
Carwale gives the price as 38.2 lakh. Throw in a few more thousands for handling charges, etc.
Ford Endeavour : Official Review-20160811-3.png
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Old 11th August 2016, 17:26   #962
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by arunphilip View Post
Carwale gives the price as 38.2 lakh. Throw in a few more thousands for handling charges, etc.
Attachment 1540748
Thanks. But this seems the old price. They had an increase a month and a half back. If this is correct the new price after today's increase will be closer to 40.

My worry is if it will sell in current volumes at that price and if it does not - will low volumes sustain the model for long? Or on the other hand the Fortuner may be priced even higher and this is the reason for this revision.

Edit: Just got the numbers from the dealer 38.46 on road in Bangalore

Last edited by nareshtrao : 11th August 2016 at 17:46.
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Old 11th August 2016, 17:30   #963
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by arunphilip View Post
Carwale gives the price as 38.2 lakh. Throw in a few more thousands for handling charges, etc.
Attachment 1540748
Man! The people of Bangalore are being fleeced! I paid 31.xx on-road for my 3.2 Titanium on the 8th of July. That's daylight robbery.
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Old 11th August 2016, 18:31   #964
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Yes, strong indications that the new T-Fort will be priced slightly higher than the Endeavour. Interesting to note that Ford has reduced prices on the Figo (where competition reigns) in the same price revision that they increased on the Endy
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Old 11th August 2016, 19:46   #965
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by pajero4me View Post
Please refer to the below Link

Get the right side headlamp replaced under warranty.


My driver took the car to SC Ford Mumbai and to ease out things i shared the pictures from this post as to how it should look as compared to how it is looking today.

It took them the whole day to figure out, take pictures and share it with the FORD team. The service guys called a few minutes back to confirm that the light will change and he will call me when the replacement is there.

Hope just changing the right one will help.

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Old 11th August 2016, 20:38   #966
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by Shamsher View Post
Hope just changing the right one will help.
It will, for the time being. But eventually the left one too would go faulty unless it is from the improved lot (Don't think I'm a sadist, just sharing my experience ).
Also while replacing make sure that they plug in all the cables properly, else you would see very confusing behaviors displayed by both headlights.

See the below post by fellow bhpian sknair. Read point no:2 , Even I experienced the same, luckily in my case they figured it out within minutes and it got resolved.

Originally Posted by sknair View Post

2. After Right hand side headlamp assembly was replaced, the auto leveling stopped working
Did you get a chance to get it checked whether the cables are plugged in properly on the replaced headlamp ? Coz I had experienced the exact same behavior seen by you during headlamp replacement. The root cause was a loose cable. I'm almost certain that a loose connection is the cause for the new headlamp not auto-leveling.

Last edited by pajero4me : 11th August 2016 at 20:39.
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Old 11th August 2016, 21:19   #967
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Originally Posted by SumitB View Post
Man! The people of Bangalore are being fleeced! I paid 31.xx on-road for my 3.2 Titanium on the 8th of July. That's daylight robbery.
Not only people of bangalore but people of entire Karnataka are being fleeced in the name of road tax and add to that poor roads. One of my friend was purchasing a Q3 last year and he was about to book it at bangalore but thanks to one of his mate, he booked it in maharashtra and he saved about 2.5 lacs rupees.
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Old 11th August 2016, 22:10   #968
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

I paid a total of Rs. 36.75 L ( 37.25 if you do no include NCB in Insurance ), so the 3.2 L Titanium should be hovering around the 38.2 L mark for new buyers
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Old 11th August 2016, 23:00   #969
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by pajero4me View Post
It will, for the time being. But eventually the left one too would go faulty unless it is from the improved lot (Don't think I'm a sadist, just sharing my experience ).
Also while replacing make sure that they plug in all the cables properly, else you would see very confusing behaviors displayed by both headlights.

See the below post by fellow bhpian sknair. Read point no:2 , Even I experienced the same, luckily in my case they figured it out within minutes and it got resolved.

Did you get a chance to get it checked whether the cables are plugged in properly on the replaced headlamp ? Coz I had experienced the exact same behavior seen by you during headlamp replacement. The root cause was a loose cable. I'm almost certain that a loose connection is the cause for the new headlamp not auto-leveling.
Didn't go back to service yet, service manager insists that it needs programming.
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Old 12th August 2016, 15:36   #970
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by kimianks View Post
Guys what about Tyre Pressures?
Will be switching to Nitrogen soon.
Just an FYI, Top Gear did a feature with regard to filling nitrogen. Turns out normal air that we breath is 78% Nitrogen anyway!! So please dont fall for the scam. Most times the difference between what they fill and what is normal air is negligible. Unless you go to the F1 paddocks on race day to fill up, you are being scammed.
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Old 12th August 2016, 16:51   #971
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Originally Posted by Valhalla1979 View Post
Just an FYI, Top Gear did a feature with regard to filling nitrogen. Turns out normal air that we breath is 78% Nitrogen anyway!! So please dont fall for the scam. Most times the difference between what they fill and what is normal air is negligible. Unless you go to the F1 paddocks on race day to fill up, you are being scammed.
Haha F1 Paddocks..I do on Race Weekends :P

Yes had read about the article. 35 psi all across and 40 psi for the spare. Pressures dependent on the load so the ride Quality has improved on the Endeavour.

Taking the car for a long weekend drive with 5 passengers so really excited about it!
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Old 12th August 2016, 21:13   #972
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by Valhalla1979 View Post
Just an FYI, Top Gear did a feature with regard to filling nitrogen. Turns out normal air that we breath is 78% Nitrogen anyway!! So please dont fall for the scam. Most times the difference between what they fill and what is normal air is negligible. Unless you go to the F1 paddocks on race day to fill up, you are being scammed.
78% to 100% is a huge gap. If a good pump/equipment fills 100% nitrogen, it makes a huge difference.

Nitrogen molecules are much larger so they do not seep through the rubber as fast as the rest of the air. Also Nitrogen stays cooler and hence the heat build up during driving is reduced prolonging tyre life. Also because it dissipates slower, the pressure stays for a much longer period. The ideal top up period for Nitrogen is 2-3 months whereas normal air will need top up every 15 days at the minimum.

I have been using Nitrogen in all my cars for years - but from a single trustworthy place - Madhus in Bangalore - and I have seen excellent results. Even tyres last much much more longer.

Sorry - This is completely Off-Thread

Last edited by nareshtrao : 12th August 2016 at 21:17.
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Old 13th August 2016, 18:20   #973
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

This could be a wiered doubt and request.

I want some electrical adjustments in order to get the switches useable. I, almost do not use the FM Tuning knob. But most frequently used control is AC buttons, which is very tiny and accessibility is very poor.

When driving alone, adjusting the fan speed is a pain, and risky too - easily could lose focus on roads. Ford should have thought about it, This is a UI (User Interface) mistake, resulting poor UX (User Experience). :-)

My question is can I interchange this two controls? Will it be hard to do? I know ASS will not agree to do it and may even void warranty.

But considering the usage pattern, I found this worth a do, unless if that could result into a serious damage to the electrical.

I need expert advice, and let me know if you have found it a sensible requirement and change. If yes, I need to search for an expert car electrical person, and I am sure #Ford will not show interest in this.

PS: Mods, Please move this to Electrical thread, if there is any specific, But I feel it is an Endeavor 2016 specific issue. Thanks.
Attached Thumbnails
Ford Endeavour : Official Review-file-130816-5-55-43-pm.png  

Last edited by agbenny : 13th August 2016 at 18:25.
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Old 13th August 2016, 23:33   #974
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by agbenny View Post
This could be a wiered doubt and request.

I want some electrical adjustments in order to get the switches useable. I, almost do not use the FM Tuning knob. But most frequently used control is AC buttons, which is very tiny and accessibility is very poor.

When driving alone, adjusting the fan speed is a pain, and risky too - easily could lose focus on roads. Ford should have thought about it, This is a UI (User Interface) mistake, resulting poor UX (User Experience). :-)

My question is can I interchange this two controls? Will it be hard to do? I know ASS will not agree to do it and may even void warranty.

But considering the usage pattern, I found this worth a do, unless if that could result into a serious damage to the electrical.

I need expert advice, and let me know if you have found it a sensible requirement and change. If yes, I need to search for an expert car electrical person, and I am sure #Ford will not show interest in this.

PS: Mods, Please move this to Electrical thread, if there is any specific, But I feel it is an Endeavor 2016 specific issue. Thanks.
This is a relevant point, I fiddle with the touchpad to increase or decrease the fan speed. Is there a voice command to control this?
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Old 13th August 2016, 23:54   #975
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by sknair View Post
This is a relevant point, I fiddle with the touchpad to increase or decrease the fan speed. Is there a voice command to control this?
Originally Posted by agbenny View Post
This could be a wiered doubt and request.

I want some electrical adjustments in order to get the switches useable. I, almost do not use the FM Tuning knob. But most frequently used control is AC buttons, which is very tiny and accessibility is very poor.

When driving alone, adjusting the fan speed is a pain, and risky too - easily could lose focus on roads. Ford should have thought about it, This is a UI (User Interface) mistake, resulting poor UX (User Experience). :-)

My question is can I interchange this two controls? Will it be hard to do? I know ASS will not agree to do it and may even void warranty.

But considering the usage pattern, I found this worth a do, unless if that could result into a serious damage to the electrical.

I need expert advice, and let me know if you have found it a sensible requirement and change. If yes, I need to search for an expert car electrical person, and I am sure #Ford will not show interest in this.

PS: Mods, Please move this to Electrical thread, if there is any specific, But I feel it is an Endeavor 2016 specific issue. Thanks.
This was also one of my gripes with the Endy, causing me to pass on it.

The center dashboard console tilts at an angle that is opposite to a Fortuner and my Safari Dicor. The Fortuner and the Dicor's center consoles both give great visibility (as they are located far enough away to be visible in your peripheral vision) and can also be reached at an arm's length, as the top of the center console tilts upward *away* from the bottom, like a hill.

However, the Endy's center console slightly intrudes into the cabin, with the angle vertical or almost opposite from the other 2 vehicles, making it *very* difficult to figure out the controls there - as they are black and due to the angle, not lit by sunlight coming in somehow.

Last edited by SuperFlyBoy : 13th August 2016 at 23:57.
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