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Old 18th May 2022, 14:03   #4666
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by Valhalla1979 View Post
Yes but you also have to note that there aren't any more cars like this being sold retail apart from the fortuner. And not many with this awesome engine either. Also feature wise, the endeavour topped the list at the time. In my mind it still does except for tech like android auto. And because of this, maybe it commands a premium...?
It would have , provided Ford was still operating in India. From my personal experience the prices quoted are high but the actual transactional value is lesser. Yes they still have service but future is uncertain. Agree the 3.2 was a great motor for its time and still has some demand but as a I buyer I will think ten times before investing that money especially on a 6 year old car.
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Old 11th June 2022, 08:22   #4667
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Looking at buying a 3.2 in Mumbai. Have found a car that is still with the owner, 2019 Oct 3.2 with 28k on odo. Insurance valid till 2023 and extended warranty for valid till 2023 too. Going to see the car tomorrow and he has agreed to get the check done at ASC.

if the car checks out will be very tempted but confused on what would be a right price.
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Old 13th June 2022, 17:45   #4668
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Hello BHPians,

The coolant for my car (endeavour 3.2L 2018 model 50k+ km) BOILS when driven uphills, but the engine temperature always remains normal. This was first noticed during an off-road trail in Munnar, and then it happened predominantly in the recent Leh Ladakh trip. The boiling occurred to such an extent that sound was audible inside the cabin. Regular top-up of coolant (total 5 litres) was done to compensate for its loss during the Leh Ladakh trip (2 litres in Leh while coming from Zanskar, 1 litre on the way and 2 litres after return to Manali). As per observation, this happens when 4x4 rock mode /sand mode is used or whenever climbing sharp rocky uphills in sports mode. In general, this occurs whenever the car is stressed, but on plain roads or normal uphills, this doesn’t happen despite cruising 110-125 for hours together. The car was checked in Leh, and its radiator was also washed with water jets, but this did not solve the problem. On return to Chennai, the car is serviced with no issue diagnosed related to coolant boiling. Please let me know if this behaviour is possible for high altitudes or if it is something I need to bother.
Upon inquiring about this issue on social media groups and a local mechanic in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, it is learnt that the thermostat valve or radiator clutch mechanism might have been faulty. Please share your comments on this as well.

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Old 14th June 2022, 09:44   #4669
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by KSingh View Post
Hello BHPians,

The coolant for my car (endeavour 3.2L 2018 model 50k+ km) BOILS when driven uphills, but the engine temperature always remains normal. Please share your comments on this as well.

It's possible that at high inclines and at low speed not enough air is going through the fins to cool it down.

What typically happens when the engine gets hot is that the coolant expands and in expanding, overflows into the reservoir. If you have over filled the reservoir or on such and incline as to have the reserve fluid sitting away from the collection pipe, then the hot fluid coming out of the radiator may have just been hitting the surface of the reservoir. Not much to worry about at all.
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Old 14th June 2022, 12:54   #4670
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by Valhalla1979 View Post
What typically happens when the engine gets hot is that the coolant expands and in expanding, overflows into the reservoir. If you have over filled the reservoir or on such and incline as to have the reserve fluid sitting away from the collection pipe, then the hot fluid coming out of the radiator may have just been hitting the surface of the reservoir.
Thank you for your response.

The coolant reservoir was never overfilled and it was ensured that its level remained between Min & Max marking (this was the first pointer also given by our local group). Coolant expansion was not an issue, but the boiling of coolant (audible sound inside the cabin) was the thing that is still bothering me.

During servicing, technicians checked thoroughly for this issue. They connected the laptop, looked for fault codes, and checked the leakage on the line but could not find anything.
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Old 15th June 2022, 05:53   #4671
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

The boot of my car is not opening
I don't know if it's the latch that is jammed, or is there some other issue.

I attempt to open the boot via the keys and the button every time I am near the car.
You can say out of 100 attempts, it opens 4-5 times.

The technician said that could be a faulty wire, or rodents might damage the wire. Need to dismantle everything inside the car, may take 7-10 days.

I am totally confused, about what to do. The issue is like 4-5 months old now. If it's a faulty wire, then how come it opens sometimes? I wanted them to change the Latch, but now I am not sure if I should spend 15k for latch change. I cannot leave the car for such a long duration.

Please suggest
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Old 15th June 2022, 07:29   #4672
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by GKG4 View Post
The boot of my car is not opening
I don't know if it's the latch that is jammed, or is there some other issue.

I attempt to open the boot via the keys and the button every time I am near the car.
You can say out of 100 attempts, it opens 4-5 times..

Please suggest
Had the same issue. SA checked too. Couldn't find the fault. Maybe some nuts holding the boot are loose and causing it to slip and therefore not open.

Also if debris is there like dust, sand or some other stuff it might cause it to get stuck.

When I complained, they could not find the fault. And weirdly, it's worked properly ever since.

Rats can't get inside the boot to chew wires. So it's something else entirely. Might be as simple as dust or the boot mat getting caught or it could be electronics. My money is on it being just dust or the boot mat.
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Old 15th June 2022, 11:23   #4673
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by GKG4 View Post
The boot of my car is not opening
I don't know if it's the latch that is jammed, or is there some other issue.

I attempt to open the boot via the keys and the button every time I am near the car.

Please suggest
Weak battery is another possible reason.
Please use multimeter to check the voltage while operating the boot or see if it opens when engine is running.
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Old 15th June 2022, 17:39   #4674
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Did they check the head gasket?

A head gasket failure could cause the coolant to over pressurize and boil over.

Originally Posted by KSingh View Post
Thank you for your response.

The coolant reservoir was never overfilled and it was ensured that its level remained between Min & Max marking (this was the first pointer also given by our local group). Coolant expansion was not an issue, but the boiling of coolant (audible sound inside the cabin) was the thing that is still bothering me.

During servicing, technicians checked thoroughly for this issue. They connected the laptop, looked for fault codes, and checked the leakage on the line but could not find anything.
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Old 24th June 2022, 05:49   #4675
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by Wanderers View Post
Weak battery is another possible reason.
Please use multimeter to check the voltage while operating the boot or see if it opens when engine is running.
Originally Posted by Valhalla1979 View Post
Had the same issue. SA checked too. Couldn't find the fault. Maybe some nuts holding the boot are loose and causing it to slip and therefore not open.

Also if debris is there like dust, sand or some other stuff it might cause it to get stuck.

When I complained, they could not find the fault. And weirdly, it's worked properly ever since.

Rats can't get inside the boot to chew wires. So it's something else entirely. Might be as simple as dust or the boot mat getting caught or it could be electronics. My money is on it being just dust or the boot mat.

It was the latch making trouble, replaced it with new one, and now its working fine.
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Old 13th July 2022, 15:50   #4676
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Upgrading Sync2 in Ford Endeavour

Hello friends. I own a pre owned Ford Endeavour 2016 model. This comes with Sync2 audio/ HUD system. The system itself is very good but I am missing CarPlay and Navigation. I am too tempted to replace Sync2 with an aftermarket system but I am not sure if functionalities like AC Control which are integrated in Sync2 will continue to work. If yes, which system should I go with.
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Old 14th July 2022, 09:03   #4677
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Re: Upgrading Sync2 in Ford Endeavour

Originally Posted by parthi.dorai View Post
Hello friends. I own a pre owned Ford Endeavour 2016 model. This comes with Sync2 audio/ HUD system. The system itself is very good but I am missing CarPlay and Navigation. I am too tempted to replace Sync2 with an aftermarket system but I am not sure if functionalities like AC Control which are integrated in Sync2 will continue to work. If yes, which system should I go with.
You can get a sync3 system from eg a crashed endeavour or just procure it from ford. There are some chinese aftermarket systems that have reverse engineered Ford and also have a canbus dongle with the ford firmware in it. Use it if you like.
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Old 3rd August 2022, 11:37   #4678
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

This is snapshot from Ford Endeavour manual.
Is the first instruction (note) correct ? If yes, some explanation please.
Sorry to ask this, which may be a dumb question.

Name:  Ford Instruction.JPG
Views: 929
Size:  52.9 KB

Last edited by Wanderers : 3rd August 2022 at 11:38.
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Old 3rd August 2022, 11:41   #4679
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by Wanderers View Post
This is snapshot from Ford Endeavour Manual.
Is the first instruction correct?
This is a generic best-practice, not specific to Endeavour. The idea here is - in case the parking brake fails and the vehicle rolls backwards, it will roll towards the curb and eventually stall as front tire comes in contact with the curb. Same applies to downhill-facing parking, albeit in opposite direction. Here is one of the many articles available on this topic, all over the internet.
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Old 3rd August 2022, 12:04   #4680
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Re: Ford Endeavour : Official Review

Originally Posted by cool_dube View Post
This is a generic best-practice
Perhaps I did not raise my doubt properly.
I am aware about this best practice, infact it's a mandatory one.
I am trying to ask that in case of uphill, how does turning the steering away from curb will ensure the car hits the curb while rolling downhill if "P" or parking brake fails?
The second instruction is written correctly. Even in first case of uphill, I believe that steering should be turned towards the curb.

Last edited by Wanderers : 3rd August 2022 at 12:16.
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