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Old 23rd January 2016, 22:23   #631
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Originally Posted by rajpvrm
Blessing in disguise, we decided to go for a 2016 model. My original booking was for the White colour but the Sales Exec said they only have a Molten Orange one in transit from the factory. Any other colour would take a minimum of 2-3 weeks. My wife and I discussed in detail and I showed her AutoIndian's car pics from his ownership thread. And finally, gave my go-ahead to the dealer!

Congrats on booking the TUV. I feel the lack of Dec car was actually very fortuitous since a 2016 car makes much more sense since we are already close to Feb 2016.

AutoIndian, your writeup and pics are a big hit! Looks like it is having a great deal of positive influence on fellow BHPians. :clap

I feel sandev's tank pics are also classy!
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Old 23rd January 2016, 22:51   #632
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Re: Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review

Originally Posted by narenteam View Post
.AutoIndian, your writeup and pics are a big hit! Looks like it is having a great deal of positive influence on fellow BHPians. :clap
Thank you for your compliments Narenteam. I being one of the early adopters of the TUV, I thought of making my ownership thread as comprehensive as possible and share my experiences so that others can learn and take informed decision.

I feel sandev's tank pics are also classy!
Yes, indeed. His pics seem to be those taken by professional photographer.
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Old 24th January 2016, 00:06   #633
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Re: Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review

Originally Posted by rajpvrm View Post
Procrj, can you please share the details of the treatment done at 3M?
More details available here
Also, is the engine protection cover a standard? If yes, they should have probably sealed the plastic diesel tank as well.
Standard on T6 & T8 variants, which I have seen but not sure about the T4 variant.
Blessing in disguise, we decided to go for a 2016 model
I always thought there was something fishy with the 2015 Dec model that you were planning to pick up. Now there will be no cause for remorse at a later point in time
I didn't want to create a scene and complicate the issue at the dealer today, but this was in all a terrible experience
I think even BMW & Merc dealers do this kind of adjustments & hence its not just M&M dealers. But I do agree that M&M needs to tighten customer experience measurement & programs if they need to ensure that customers come back for more.
Originally Posted by narenteam View Post
I feel sandev's tank pics are also classy!
Originally Posted by AutoIndian View Post
Yes, indeed. His pics seem to be those taken by professional photographer.
More pics of his tank have been shared on the official TUV300 page on facebook
Originally Posted by BattleTank View Post
Also hear a low tinkling sound when i shift gears (as if there are some loose change at the base of the shaft). Any idea what could this be? Haven't had the chance to raise this with MASS/dealer yet.
Hear the same when I shift from 3-4 and the other way round. Sounds like small washers clinking together - its a very tiny sound that you need to be listening for else will easily miss. I dont plan to go to the service center just for this. If you have spoken to the service folks about this, do let us know what they say.

The odo stands at 600 km and I plan to do a day trip to Lepakshi tomorrow. Few pics of the tank
Attached Thumbnails
Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review-1dsc_1618.jpg  

Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review-2dsc_1620.jpg  

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Old 24th January 2016, 06:08   #634
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Re: Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review

Originally Posted by rajpvrm View Post
Thanks Shashanka. The wait gets a bit longer now! An interesting and a 'bad' pre-ownership experience!
My car had arrived from the stockyard yesterday and the dealer told me that it would visit the RTO on Monday. They got the insurance done and shared a copy. Initially, I just skimmed through the insurance cover note but when I went through it in detail late last night, noticed the Chassis number which was to my horror in the F6KXXXXXX series that meant it was an October 2015 model. I went furious and had a disturbed night.

Met my Sales Exec this morning and politely told him that I am not taking this car. I reminded him that he had clearly told me on many occassions that it was a December 2015 model and I had agreed to take it only for the free insurance I was getting. He requested me to check the condition of the car and then decide, but I refused. I told him I don't understand why, for a fast moving car like TUV3OO, they would still have an October 2015 car in stock - either it was used for TD or has some other issue.

He checked the stock and confirmed that no other 2015 model was available.

Blessing in disguise, we decided to go for a 2016 model. My original booking was for the White colour but the Sales Exec said they only have a Molten Orange one in transit from the factory. Any other colour would take a minimum of 2-3 weeks. My wife and I discussed in detail and I showed her AutoIndian's car pics from his ownership thread. And finally, gave my go-ahead to the dealer!

I had to pay for the insurance this time. I could get a 30% discount on the listed price and got a comprehensive (without zero dep) insurance for 26K (listed price ~38K). Gave the cheque and closed the deal.

My new '2016 'Molten Orange' Tank should arrive at the dealer by Wednesday and the RTO, Insurance and other process may take 4-5 working days after that.

I didn't want to create a scene and complicate the issue at the dealer today, but this was in all a terrible experience. Over the last couple of weeks, I did check with my Sales Exec several times and he had clearly told me that the car was 24 days old (so mid Dec Mfg). In fact, he mentioned manufacture M/Y as Dec/2015 on the insurance cover note, and the chassis number is F6KXXXXXX on the same page. See the picture!
This is really an unpleasant start to what I'm certain will be a more pleasant ownership experience. It was very sensible of you to have checked the small print in the insurance cover note. As AutoIndian mentions in his post, unscrupulous habits are still prevailant among dealers. And this is a major grouse against M&M - they have not been able to clear up this aspect of the customer experience. There is consolation in the fact that the details of your experince - and those of other members - will greatly help in generating awareness within our ranks. Fortunately Mahindra's products are usually robust and outstanding value! - tho' there is a healthy debate always underway regarding their looks, the Quanto having recieved the bulk of the flak in recent times!

And tho' white of course is a fine choice of colour, my own view is that your "Molten Orange" charger is another fabulous choice! Looking forward to your ownership posts, particularly when you take those l-o-n-g tours!
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Old 24th January 2016, 15:39   #635
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Re: Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review

Hello guys. Presently in Goa. Took the old highway NH 66 from Mumbai, which is a single lane. Boy, this vehicle commands some respect on road. Even the truckers slow down for you. Had a brilliant drive, the potholes and the rumblers strip are non existent when you are sitting in a tank.

Overall, I am very happy with the gamble of purchasing a TUV. Ownership thread coming up soon.

My Odo as of now stands at 1100.
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Old 24th January 2016, 15:56   #636
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Re: Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review

Originally Posted by TaurusAl View Post
this vehicle commands some respect on road. Even the truckers slow down for you. .
You know, if you ever sat in a truck while it is being driven, you will realize how small all vehicles seem, be it a Nano or a Fortuner!

And I am saying this just so that people realize how little our vehicles look to the sleepy, tired, possibly drunk truck driver and how defensive our driving needs to be.

Last edited by john doe : 24th January 2016 at 15:57.
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Old 24th January 2016, 18:48   #637
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Re: Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review

Originally Posted by TaurusAl View Post
Presently in Goa. Had a brilliant drive, the potholes and the rumblers strip are non existent when you are sitting in a tank.

Overall, I am very happy with the gamble of purchasing a TUV. Ownership thread coming up soon.
That's a great feeling. I suggest, while returning take the Chorla Ghat/Belgaum route. If you hit Sanquelim (Sankhali) well before Dawn, you will have the pleasure of experiencing the static bending head lamps and the power steering.The ghat is uphill from Goa and the tank takes it with great comfort.

Would love to see the tank on the ferry.
Attached Thumbnails
Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review-ferry.jpg  

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Old 25th January 2016, 12:32   #638
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Re: Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review

Originally Posted by AutoIndian View Post
Thanks to TBHP we are not amongst those who can be fooled easily
Thanks AutoIndian. TBHP rocks!

Originally Posted by AutoIndian View Post
Hope the PDI and the delivery would be smooth.
Thanks, fingers crossed!

Originally Posted by narenteam View Post

Congrats on booking the TUV. I feel the lack of Dec car was actually very fortuitous since a 2016 car makes much more sense since we are already close to Feb 2016.
Seriously! Blessing in disguise. My next door neighbor, a retired RTO officer, said that most manufacturers, over the last few months, have been implementing projects to improve procedures and compliance thanks to Volkswagen episode. He believes that cars made in 2016 may have gone through stricter tests. This was his generic view, not sure if M&M has done anything in specific.

Originally Posted by narenteam View Post
I feel sandev's tank pics are also classy!
Sandev's pics can actually be sold as posters!

Originally Posted by shashanka View Post
And tho' white of course is a fine choice of colour, my own view is that your "Molten Orange" charger is another fabulous choice! Looking forward to your ownership posts, particularly when you take those l-o-n-g tours!
Thanks a lot, Shashanka.

Originally Posted by TaurusAl View Post
Hello guys. Presently in Goa. Took the old highway NH 66 from Mumbai, which is a single lane. Boy, this vehicle commands some respect on road. Even the truckers slow down for you. Had a brilliant drive
Originally Posted by Sirvoicar View Post
That's a great feeling. I suggest, while returning take the Chorla Ghat/Belgaum route.
Awesome TaurusAI! Looking forward to your travelogue. I am eagerly waiting to get my tank and then plan a trip to Goa.

I drove down to Goa (from Mumbai) in my SX4 during the Christmas/New Year holidays recently and it was great. I agree with Sirvoicar, the Chrola-Belgaum-Kolahpur-Satara-Pune-Mumbai route is better and safer. While I am sure you will love the static bending headlamps, you'll wish for the hill hold assist.
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Old 25th January 2016, 18:36   #639
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Re: Me My Tank and the Roads

Enjoying every bit of the Tank till now completed 2800 kms out of which 90% is on highway/Country side and single roads and as other members said it has got good respect and presence on road.

Few Pics of My Tank as promised. Owner ship thread coming soon
Front Bumper Protector & Diffuser and Roof Lights
Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review-img_9758-large.jpg

Rear Bumper Diffuser & Spoiler
Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review-img_9757-large.jpg

Mood Lighting
Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review-img_9513-large.jpg
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Old 25th January 2016, 19:59   #640
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Re: Me My Tank and the Roads

Originally Posted by SPEEDY_RACER View Post
Enjoying every bit of the Tank till now completed 2800 kms out of which 90% is on highway/Country side and single
Wow. This is the best TUV300 I have ever seen. Simple mods but tastefully done. I have never thought the white TUV can be modified like this. Well done mate.
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Old 25th January 2016, 21:09   #641
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Re: Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review

Hello Speedyracer,

White TUV300 looks amazing after the modifications. After looking at newly launched KUV100, TUV300 is more promising and VFM. If possible and available, go for the Black outer wheel arches cladding. I am not really sure as to why Mahindra omitted it.
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Old 25th January 2016, 22:44   #642
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Re: Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review

Originally Posted by BattleTank View Post
Recently got delivery of team bhp stickers and can't contain my excitement and looking for a suitable spot to sport it on my tank - suggestions are welcome.
Originally Posted by Sirvoicar View Post
Team-BHP merchandise.
I too ordered a set of Team-BHP stickers and key chains.

I own a silver TUV, still wondering where to put the stickers as most are Black Patches and not transparent ones. I will do this over the weekend and post pictures.
Here's my TUV with Team-BHP stickers. 3 on the Rear Door/Number Plate.
Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review-s-1.jpg

1 each on the sides on the Rear Windows.
Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review-s-2.jpg
Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review-s-3.jpg
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Old 26th January 2016, 08:17   #643
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Re: Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review

Yesterday was the second date - before you let your imagination run wild, allow me to step on the brakes. It was my second date with MASS. Completed 1000 kms and the car was running fine. Did a 320 km drive on sunday and everything was smooth as silk. Yesterday afternoon I start feeling vibrations on the A pedal when driving at low speeds, which was not there in the morning & also my wife in the rear bench could hear a strange sound - something close to low dull grinding sound.

Get to MASS, The SA takes a drive and immediately says that this is because of resonator While M&M has not listed my car in the "to be fixed list", this problem had to be fixed. Also asked them to check the disk brakes as there was a lot of brake dust accumulated on the alloys. They took 2 hours to do both of the above and we took a test drive and realised that the vibrations had not fully disappeared. Back to the work floor to change the vaccum modulator. Was talking to the SAs and technicians and gathered the following info:

1. Retro - thats the terminology that MASS folks use for part changes & fixes that need to be done to a newly launched car post delivery
2. TUV has following retros that they are aware off:
a) Turbo & coolant ring change - this the metal ring which holds the turbo/coolant pipe in place. Not required for recently manufactured cars as M&M has fixed this at production level. This could the reason for Titanium's tank breaking down in the middle of nowhere
b) Vaccum modulator & resonator - mainly to manage in pedal vibrations
c) FDM - They claim that this usually fails in the first 200-300 km of driving

Also saw an Orange TUV which had recently got its engine replaced. The engine seized as there was coolant leakage. Primarily because the coolant pipe retro was not done.

Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review-resonator1.jpg

Vaccum Modulator - follow the tube from the resonator & it connects to this
Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review-vaccum-mod1.jpg

Brake dust - do other owners also see large volumes of brake dust?
Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review-bdust1.jpg

Originally Posted by BattleTank View Post
Do take your tank to MASS & ask them to check for the suspension sound. Does it occur only at low speeds? 20-40 kmph range? Do you feel vibrations on the pedals? It could be resonator/modulator that is causing this & not the suspension.

Last edited by procrj : 26th January 2016 at 08:22.
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Old 26th January 2016, 09:02   #644
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Re: Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review

Originally Posted by procrj View Post
1. Retro - thats the terminology that MASS folks use for part changes & fixes that need to be done to a newly launched car post delivery
2. TUV has following retros that they are aware off:
a) Turbo & coolant ring change - this the metal ring which holds the turbo/coolant pipe in place. Not required for recently manufactured cars as M&M has fixed this at production level. This could the reason for Titanium's tank breaking down in the middle of nowhere
b) Vaccum modulator & resonator - mainly to manage in pedal vibrations
c) FDM - They claim that this usually fails in the first 200-300 km of driving
Thank you for sharing the above info procrj. Now this makes it amply clear what is a resonator and what is a modulator.

Also saw an Orange TUV which had recently got its engine replaced. The engine seized as there was coolant leakage. Primarily because the coolant pipe retro was not done.
Poor soul, I cannot imagine what the fellow might be thinking.

Brake dust - do other owners also see large volumes of brake dust?
Initially for the first 1000 kms, even I was worried seeing the huge amount of brake dust on front wheels. Also the braking was not very effective. Now after running the car for 3000+ kms, it seems the brake discs and brake pads have properly bed it. Now the brake dust has reduced considerably. Also I can now feel the bite in the brakes.
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Old 26th January 2016, 20:06   #645
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Re: Mahindra TUV300 : Official Review

Originally Posted by procrj View Post
Yesterday was the second date - before you let your imagination run wild, allow me to step on the brakes. It was my second date with MASS. ... Yesterday afternoon I start feeling vibrations on the A pedal when driving at low speeds, which was not there in the morning & also my wife in the rear bench could hear a strange sound - something close to low dull grinding sound.
Hi Procrj, first of all congrats for the TUV, sad that you had to visit A.S.S twice already. BTW you have a company in me with respect to the vibrations being felt in the A pedal at low speeds. Meanwhile, I got a call (only as a result of a week long follow up)from the A.S.S on the parts recalled for my TUV's VIN. It has been flagged for Vacuum resonator/modulator. The person used the terms interchangeably during the call while saying only one part has to be changed. Will follow up during this week to get this issue sorted out.

Coming to the good things, just returned from a 700 km trip (Chennai->Pondy->Cuddalore->Thirukadaiyur->Mayavaram->Thiruvarur->Kumbakonam-> Chennai) with 4 adults and 2 kids on board. The vehicle was automatically tested on most aspects to its core due to the route taken. Chennai->Pondy leg and Kumbakonam-> Chennai had good highways, Thirukadaiyur->Mayavaram & Thiruvarur->Kumbakonam had good roads but had quite a number of tight twisties while Pondy->Cuddalore and Mayavaram -> Thiruvarur had pot holes with few patches of Tarmac . The vehicle handled all the road types well and the occupants were reasonably comfortable for the given road conditions. Vehicle is at home in the 90 to 110 kmph speeds on the highways. I usually hover around 90kmph to make use of the reserve for overtaking. I noticed the engine noise level inside the cabin peaks near the 80kph and drops drastically on either side of 80kph - other owners let me know if this is observed in your TUVs also.

Some driving recommendations from my 2200 km driving experience,
1) Have your vehicle's underbody coated to cut down the very minimal road noise completely which otherwise creeps in the stock vehicle.
2) For roads where you do speeds only up to 70Kmph you can use the Eco mode (ECU one) but upshift around the 1500 rpm itself to get a good progressive acceleration. From my interleaved use of the Eco mode in the recent trip I think in the eco mode mapping, the torque curve is a bit peaky (around 2000 rpm) rather than being flat. So if we rev up to 2000rpm in 4th to reach 60 Kmph and then upshift to 5th then progress will be slow instead shift to 5th around 50kph(rpm around 1600) use the reserve part of the torque curve to gain momentum and catapult yourself to 80kmph .

P.S: It really makes me feel guilty to take the vehicle to the A.S.S for these minor niggles when I see numerous XUVs and Scorpios effected in the recent Chennai floods lined outside the A.S.S still awaiting it's turn to be rescued.
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