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Old 3rd January 2021, 00:40   #9166
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Originally Posted by ashtrix View Post
I am in the same boat looking to replace my 1.6 S Cross. Closest diesel options seem Compass and Creta / Seltos. Do update on your shortlist. Thanks
Creta/Seltos may be only minor upgrade that too from look and a bit ground clearance point of view. While Compass shall be upgrade from SUV point of view.
Which year model is yours?
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Old 3rd January 2021, 07:23   #9167
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Re: Maruti S-Cross : Official Review

Originally Posted by ashtrix View Post
Closest diesel options seem Compass and Creta / Seltos. Do update on your shortlist. Thanks
Originally Posted by HydroFuel View Post
Creta/Seltos may be only minor upgrade that too from look and a bit ground clearance point of view. While Compass shall be upgrade from SUV point of view.
True, and Creta /Seltos are overpriced too, though the new Creta looks tempting. If you are ok with petrol, Kicks 1.3 turbo is also there which is a powerful and comfortable car and you might get more than 1L discount now.

What about the Tatas? The Harrier and the soon to be launched Gravitas. Also seems like they are relaunching Hexa which is a super comfortable vehicle.
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Old 4th January 2021, 15:31   #9168
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Re: Maruti S-Cross : Official Review

Originally Posted by ChoosetoCruze View Post
See above. Since your CEL illuminated, sounds like the O2 sensor/Cat, but it may well be a code for the MAF too. Best case it’s just a clogged fuel/air filter for the least damage to your pocket. If you have access to an OBD2 scan tool, the you should be able to read the exact stored code.
I got these codes after OBD scanner. MAS person said you have to go for wait and watch, if something happens again. However, it may be/ may not be too, I feel that while driving I am getting that hitch in almost all the gears. Actually I ma not sure.
Let me know if you can tell something more after getting codes.
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Old 4th January 2021, 17:33   #9169
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Re: Maruti S-Cross : Official Review

Originally Posted by sumit1609 View Post
I feel that while driving I am getting that hitch in almost all the gears.
Aha!! P0089 -
It’s not just you, your fuel pressure regulator had thrown (stored) out that code and one of the symptoms is poor acceleration or hesitation. If your fuel pressure regulator is bad, you’ll face the symptoms in all gears as the wrong amount of fuel is being supplied to your fuel injectors.

Find a good independent mechanic or visit another ASC as that technician was either too lazy to look at the live data of the OBD2 scanner or didn’t know how to. The live data should instantly tell you the instantaneous fuel pressure reading at the sensor.

Anyway, have a read of the link above for the P0089 and read this link - for the P0704.

The code for the ABS is a communication code & the code for the AC is a body code, both of which I’d ignore (erase them & pray they don’t come back) as they aren’t significant to the operation of your vehicle for the time being.

Unrelated, but are you a different user who suffered the same symptoms as SDK or?

Originally Posted by ike View Post
Maybe it's the turbo not spooling.
If the turbo didn’t spool, I doubt his speed (90kph) would be restricted. It’d just take a whole lot longer to reach high/top speed. Not to mention, all the other symptoms of a failed turbo like strange noises, heavy smoke from the exhaust, poor gas mileage, etc.

But as always, I’m happy to be proven wrong though!

Last edited by ChoosetoCruze : 4th January 2021 at 17:54.
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Old 4th January 2021, 17:45   #9170
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Re: Maruti S-Cross : Official Review

Originally Posted by ChoosetoCruze View Post
Aha!! P0089 -
Unrelated, but are you a different user who suffered the same symptoms as SDK or?
Yes I am other user who faced the same issue on December 15, but after reading other user experience , I realized what I am feeling regarding change in behaviour while driving is true..
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Old 4th January 2021, 17:48   #9171
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Re: Maruti S-Cross : Official Review

Originally Posted by SDK View Post

During the return journey yesterday, I felt the car to be too sluggish.
3rd gear max speed 70 kmph. After that no increase in speed even if you rev the engine to 3-4K RPM. Same on 4th gear @ 80 kmph. Crossing 90 kmph on 5th gear was next to impossible. 60 kmph to 90 kmph in 5th gear took around 45 seconds.
Did you manage to get this checked? Maybe it's the turbo not spooling.
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Old 5th January 2021, 03:09   #9172
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Re: Maruti S-Cross : Official Review

Originally Posted by sumit1609 View Post
I got these codes after OBD scanner. .
I suspect the high pressure pump. It is kind of a common failure. I had mine replaced at 79k. Symptom was the same, engine dies while driving. I spoke to a few friends and they mentioned that it usually happens when the fuel is near empty, that means, with the full tank, the issue does not really surface. If you want to replicate, better to try with a close to empty tank.

You may hit some search results if you try high pressure pump and DDiS.
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Old 9th January 2021, 22:23   #9173
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Boring commuter posts half century!

So here we are, 2 years and 6 weeks of purchase my boring commuter posts its first half century!

I've always liked the S-Cross since the day it was launched in 2015. And in 2017, if I had the budget for a new car, it would have been the 1.6 that would be standing in the parking lot. But alas that was not the case.

The purchase

We brought a 2010 Corolla V-AT in 2017. Apart from the expensive part replacements, she was OK until FE dropped to 5 kpl in city and 8 in highways. So took it to Lanson to check what was wrong, after a week they said engine overhaul saar 2L saar and that was it. Engine overhaul on a 94K run petrol vehicle was an absolute farce. Decision was made to sell it off, and the search began in late October 2018 and budget was set at 10L.

At first I was looking at i20 and Figo when the better half talked sense that we were highway junkies and such small cars won't make the cut for our kind of trips and packing The criteria was like this:
  • Diesel
  • Cruise Control
  • Decent boot space for those long trips.
  • Should be able to take it anywhere on plains
  • Decent build
  • Budget at 10L and slightly flexible.
  • Mostly 4-seater with occasional 5th person.

So the revised candidates were Creta, Ciaz, Ecosport and S-Cross.

- The cruise control enabled Creta variants were far too expensive for my budget. So it was off my budget.
- Ecosport back seat was a tad too cramped, boot space was smaller too (for our usage).
- The missus was smitten by the Ciaz. But this (2018 Maruti Ciaz Facelift (1.5L Petrol) : Official Review) review by Parag sealed its fate.

Conversations with Parag and aargee sealed the decision in favour of the S-Cross.

That gentlemen is how the 2018 Granite Grey S-Cross Zeta rolled into our life on Childrens Day of 2018

The ownership

  1. Love the black interiors
  2. This was a manual transmission ownership after the torque converter Corolla. And it was surprisingly easy to transition.
  3. My driving style was sedate, so didn't have much trouble getting acquainted to the national engine either.
  4. Getting a 17.1 kpl with 100% city driving on the first refill after purchase was like cultural shock after owning a Corolla. As of date, this remains the lowest FE I've gotten out of this car.
  5. This has been my daily driver and full-time highway runner ever since. Highway:City ratio stands at 82:18.
  6. Bad roads, non existent roads around Tuljapur during Kojagiri Purnima 2019, Water wading in Nivar 2020 (Bangalore - Vijayawada - Vizag - Bhubaneswar : Route Queries). It took them all.
  7. The intermittent beeps at 80 plus kph are hardly heard. The continuous beep at 120 wakes up all occupants. Happened 1-2 times over the lifetime.
  8. The stock halogen projectors are decent and never felt the need to upgrade.
  9. Stock JK UX Royales are OK. Noise is controlled under 100, beyond that it screams. Most likely, I'll get rid of them sometime this year.
  10. AC is fine. In summers, sometimes there is a need for the rear vent blowers.
  11. Build quality has been tested twice by 2 rear ending incidents, once by a Zest, another by a Sumo. Barely a scratch remained. My own stupidity in torrential rain resulted in the rear hatch and bumper being replaced.
  12. Android Auto and Apple CarPlay are both cable sensitive. In fact if I plugin an Android or iPhone before HU connects to bluetooth. Neither would connect.
  13. Carried a 17 day luggage during our GJ trip. What more can I expect.
  14. Comfortable long distance runner. Done about 5 or 6 1000 plus km non-stop runs after getting this one.
  15. The only 'surprise' has been those glow plugs, that seem to conk off every 20000 km.
  16. Last but not least Kitna deti hai. Lifetime FE: 21.1, Highest FE: 24.3 clocking 836 km, Longest distance in a tank: 933 km drinking 41.05 at 22.73. Theoretically it could do a 1000, I just haven't been brave enough to let it run on low fuel warning for that long.
  17. As of today, the odo stands at 51200 kms change.

The commuter in the middle of nowhere
Maruti S-Cross : Official Review-img_20191229_165544.jpg
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Old 10th January 2021, 09:44   #9174
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Re: Boring commuter posts half century!

Originally Posted by narayans80 View Post
Last but not least Kitna deti hai. Lifetime FE: 21.1
I bought my S-Cross in March 2018. Done 85,000 kms and still running strong Would want to know what speed you drive at to get this mind-boggling FE. Also, is the AC on always? I keep my speed at 100 (cruise) with AC on always and don't get more than 16.2 kmpl.

For a brief period of December 2018-March 2019, I used to drive at 90 and started getting around 20.0 kmpl. Also would love to know some fuel saving tricks

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Old 10th January 2021, 11:57   #9175
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Re: Boring commuter posts half century!

Originally Posted by rickygupta2 View Post
Would want to know what speed you drive at to get this mind-boggling FE.
To be honest, I don't drive with fuel saving in mind.A lopsided highway usage is probably the key reason. Looking at my Fuelly log, there are only 5 100% city usages out of 73 fuel ups so far.

Here's what I follow in general, not limited to AC usage alone:
  1. Fuel - I am particular about pumps I fuel. Bulk of them are at a famous neighbourhood pump. Even on long hauls, I don't experiement, fuel stops don't change on repeated routes. On unfamiliar routes, I start searching among bookmarks on the next 700-800 odd kms. Car has primarily been on BPCL Pure for Sure Platinum diet with occasional Reliance and rare Shell just for kicks. Strictly no Indianoil.
  2. Speed - On short haul (100-300 km radius one day drives) 85 to 95 kph. On long hauls 90 to 110 kph.
  3. AC - Mostly set at 24 or 24.5. In summers, sometime have set to 22.5 or 23. Additionally in summers, I gradually bring down from 28 to 24 or 23 rather than let the higher blower speed irritate me. In winters, AC is used more 50% of the time, except for early morning sub 20 degree starts
  4. Cruise - Used more for the convenience of resting my right leg on those long hauls. FE wise I think its better to modulate A-pedal for RPM than on cruise control. In general if I think I can drive at 100, I keep cruise at low-mid 90s
  5. Braking - Not a fan of slamming the brakes. Whether it is for toll booths or overtaking, I let the vehicle slow down with foot off the A pedal and feather the brakes to slow further when needed.

As of date, this remains the lowest FE I've gotten out of this car.
Small correction: 14.62 during April-September 2020 local drives in lockdown is the lowest.
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Old 10th January 2021, 12:37   #9176
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Re: Boring commuter posts half century!

Originally Posted by narayans80 View Post
To be honest, I don't drive with fuel saving in mind.A lopsided highway usage is probably the key reason. Looking at my Fuelly log, there are only 5 100% city usages out of 73 fuel ups so far.

Here's what I follow in general, not limited to AC usage alone:
  1. Fuel - I am particular about pumps I fuel. Bulk of them are at a famous neighbourhood pump. Even on long hauls, I don't experiement, fuel stops don't change on repeated routes. On unfamiliar routes, I start searching among bookmarks on the next 700-800 odd kms. Car has primarily been on BPCL Pure for Sure Platinum diet with occasional Reliance and rare Shell just for kicks. Strictly no Indianoil.
  2. Speed - On short haul (100-300 km radius one day drives) 85 to 95 kph. On long hauls 90 to 110 kph.
  3. AC - Mostly set at 24 or 24.5. In summers, sometime have set to 22.5 or 23. Additionally in summers, I gradually bring down from 28 to 24 or 23 rather than let the higher blower speed irritate me. In winters, AC is used more 50% of the time, except for early morning sub 20 degree starts
  4. Cruise - Used more for the convenience of resting my right leg on those long hauls. FE wise I think its better to modulate A-pedal for RPM than on cruise control. In general if I think I can drive at 100, I keep cruise at low-mid 90s
  5. Braking - Not a fan of slamming the brakes. Whether it is for toll booths or overtaking, I let the vehicle slow down with foot off the A pedal and feather the brakes to slow further when needed.

Small correction: 14.62 during April-September 2020 local drives in lockdown is the lowest.
Thanks! Even I am particular about pumps. It's been just Reliance from day one. Which app do you use to record and track FE?
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Old 10th January 2021, 13:44   #9177
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Re: Boring commuter posts half century!

Originally Posted by rickygupta2 View Post
Which app do you use to record and track FE?
I use aCar to keep track of fuel ups and service records.
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Old 11th January 2021, 16:41   #9178
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Re: Boring commuter posts half century!

Originally Posted by narayans80 View Post

The ownership
[*]Last but not least Kitna deti hai. Lifetime FE: 21.1, Highest FE: 24.3 clocking 836 km, Longest distance in a tank: 933 km drinking 41.05 at 22.73. Theoretically it could do a 1000, I just haven't been brave enough to let it run on low fuel warning for that long.[*]As of today, the odo stands at 51200 kms change.[/list][center]The commuter in the middle of nowhere
Nice post! I too bought a Scross Alpha on late October 2018 and I've completed 21K so far. 3rd Service was done at 19K in early March 2020 and barely used the Car due to the lock down. Bought Amsoil synthetic oil from Amazon and got it filled by the service center during the 3rd service. However, only 2K kms done since the last service and 10 months already over. Next service is due now.

On the mileage part, It's been 17+ always in City and 20 in highways.
The best one I've got was 36.6 kmpl while downhill from Ooty to Metupalayam during 2019 summer.
I always drive the Car with 100% AC and never driven windows open.

Last edited by moralfibre : 11th January 2021 at 17:03. Reason: Trimming quoted post.
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Old 11th January 2021, 18:39   #9179
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Re: Boring commuter posts half century!

Originally Posted by Jebs View Post
I too bought a Scross Alpha on late October 2018
Thanks Jebs. I do remember you from one of the WA group interactions. You had taken delivery of a White S-Cross few days ahead, and you were the first owners to have the 80-120 kph beeps, which started with the October 2018 manufactured S-Cross, Baleno and Ciaz.

I've got was 36.6 kmpl while downhill from Ooty to Metupalayam during 2019 summer.
I do admit the downhill part. I've seen 27 descending Bangalore to Krishnagiri, which eventually settled 25.9 when I reached home. 36.6 sounds outrageous though. Did you refuel to find out? Since AFE doesn't show values above 30.

I always drive the Car with 100% AC and never driven windows open.
I don't have windows open either. At 7 to 15 degrees in winters (MH, MP and GJ), ACC will work as a heater at the temperatures I set
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Old 11th January 2021, 19:54   #9180
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Re: Maruti S-Cross : Official Review

A quick thanks to all S-Cross owners for your points. I had driven the S-Cross before the refresh came in, and based on the reviews + my TD, I had suggested the S-Cross to a relative. And he likes the car.

One question: What FE can we expect from the current 1.5 lit petrol motor in Bangalore and on regular highways (not Ooty type climbs ).

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