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Old 30th January 2016, 06:58   #1216
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by aerohit View Post
Those are just HID bulbs. You need projector housing lens also. Projectors help throw (or project) light in straight line.

Your current housing will just throw light everywhere at random directions, terrible!
I wish someone would sell these lights here.

Last edited by Technocrat : 5th March 2016 at 02:18. Reason: Please quote selectively as a large quoted post causes inconvenience to our mobile readers, thanks
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Old 2nd February 2016, 11:59   #1217
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

I had scheduled my second free service at Whitefield Honda yesterday and just I was about to leave I realized that one of the tires had a puncture. I called the mobile number listed on their website 4 times over half an hour to inform them that I will not be able to make it but nobody picked up. Neither did they bother to call back. I tried calling the landline number repeatedly as well but it didnt go through.

I finally got a call from them at around 10:30 asking about rescheduling of the appointment. When I explained the morning's incidents, the lady was apologetic and didnt know what happened. I asked her to find out and provide me with an alternate contact number because a SVC which cannot be reached is as good as not having a SVC at all. Needless to say, she hasnt called back yet. Another disappointing experience with Honda's after sales team.
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Old 3rd February 2016, 03:18   #1218
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by neil.jericho View Post
Another disappointing experience with Honda's after sales team.
I've had a similar experience when I booked my second free service. I called up Landmark Honda, Indore 4 days in advance and confirmed a slot for 1st Jan 2016. I specifically asked them if they are open on 1st and the lady responded with a confirmation and also sent me an SMS with the complete address. Landmark Honda has opened up a new service center and I was willing to try them since I wasn't too happy with Abhikaran Honda, Indore.

Both service centers are approx 20 kms from my place and I reached there 15 mins before my appointment only to find out that Landmark Honda was closed. Thankfully, Abhikaran Honda was open and I managed to save the day by visiting them. Next day, I called Landmark and gave that lady a piece of my mind and also spoke to the supervisor explaining the situation.

Over the past few months, I've found Honda and their service pretty ordinary. Hope that changes in the near future.
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Old 3rd February 2016, 10:12   #1219
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Hi Everyone!

Thanks to the mods for accepting my membership request. My first post on Team-BHP!

Have booked a Honda Jazz and expecting delivery later this week. This is my first car so quite excited about it. Spent a long time on Team-BHP forums comparing the i20, Jazz and Baleno. The i20 was great overall but found its space a bit too restricted for me. Did not feel comfortable in the driver's seat with my knee hitting the console on the left or the steering to the right without much free space. The back seat felt a bit restricted too. The Jazz was a breath of fresh air in that respect. Loved its interior space but obviously the design or features is not as premium as the i20.

Took a test drive of the Jazz but i felt a bit under-whelmed. The car was demanding 5th gear at a speed of 50 kmph and had to really hit the acceleration to feel the speed. Then again i'm an amateur driver and haven't driven a car for a long time so maybe this is how all cars are currently. Not sure if i am judging this wrong.
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Old 3rd February 2016, 18:14   #1220
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Hello All. This is my first post on team-bhp. Hope to have a superb journey with fellow members. Writing this first post with both excitement and a little sadness.

I had taken delivery of my Tafetta White Jazz SV Petrol on 9 October, 2015 from Spectrum Honda, Guwahati. Have driven about 1500 kms. Last week, while turning up a steep slope (similar to basement parking inside malls), the car just wouldn't climb the slope easily. Had to start the engine a couple of times as it wouldn't move forward in 1st gear and will shut off. By sheer bad luck, and amateurish driving, the car kept moving down backwards and despite applying the handbrakes, the rear of the car scrapped against the wall. A dent developed around the Jazz badge on the right side. If one wasn't much, after just 15 mins on the road, got hit on the rear by a motorcycle. I had applied brakes on a traffic signal when it turned orange (I was doing close to 40kmph at that time) and a motorcycle behind me couldn't apply brakes on time and came down crashing on me. Thankfully, the rider and pillion were not injured. My car bumper developed scratches with the black underneath exposed in 3-4 areas.

Took it to the dealer (Spectrum Honda, Guwahati). The service adviser gave an estimate of 5100 for the dent (900 labour + 4200 paint) and 4850 for touch up job on the bumper. Seemed a bit expensive, but didn't have any other option but to fix it. An unattended dent and black patches on the bumper didn't look good on a new car. Decided to claim it on insurance (87.5 per cent of painting costs to be borne by insurer). Expecting return of the Jazz this Saturday.

Apologies in advance if this was irrelevant to many. Hoping to contribute in more meaningful ways in this journey with team-bhp.
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Old 4th February 2016, 06:59   #1221
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by TD_GHY View Post
....despite applying the handbrakes, the rear of the car scrapped against the wall... The service adviser gave an estimate of 5100 for the dent (900 labour + 4200 paint) and 4850 for touch up job on the bumper. Seemed a bit expensive, but didn't have any other option but to fix it.
Hi TD_GHY. Are you saying the car slid back despite applying the handbrake? If yes, that issue might need looking into. The estimates given by your service advisor are more or less in lines with the estimates I had received during the times when I had sent my Jazz for some minor paint work. Do ensure that they paint the entire panel. I am sure they might have told you that. But if only the damaged area is painted then some inconsistencies might be visible, more so in case of brighter/darker colours.
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Old 4th February 2016, 09:50   #1222
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by Flanker99 View Post
Hi TD_GHY. Are you saying the car slid back despite applying the handbrake? If yes, that issue might need looking into. Do ensure that they paint the entire panel. I am sure they might have told you that. But if only the damaged area is painted then some inconsistencies might be visible, more so in case of brighter/darker colours.
Thanks for pointing that out Flanker99. I shall definitely check the handbrake issue after I get the Jazz back. I have driven it on plain surfaces only till now and had not faced any issues with handbrake operations while parking or in traffic. So, might be a issue with my driving that day. But yes, will definitely get it checked.

The sales advisor has talked about painting the entire panel and not just the affected area. Since the affected area was a small one (around 1inchX3inch) I had initially talked about painting only that part and not the whole. But he had said that they won't assure me of consistency then. So, opted for full panel paint. Let's hope they do it as promised.
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Old 7th February 2016, 21:13   #1223
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Honda Jazz : Official Review

Gentlemen, any hints on how long it would take to own this beauty in Bangalore would be appreciated. I am planning to replace our trusted NHC doing duty for my parents. I would like to seal the deal once I am there at end of May. Looking for the top of line vx or V. Any waiting periods ?

TIA ...
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Old 10th February 2016, 07:40   #1224
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by Shiv_1984 View Post
Gentlemen, any hints on how long it would take to own this beauty in Bangalore would be appreciated. I am planning to replace our trusted NHC doing duty for my parents. I would like to seal the deal once I am there at end of May. Looking for the top of line vx or V. Any waiting periods ?

TIA ...
V Auto had a waiting period of a month, V Manual and VX were readily available in Jan, in Mumbai. Always helps if you're flexible on colour.

Check with local dealers.
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Old 11th February 2016, 20:22   #1225
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by neil.jericho View Post
I gave my Honda Jazz CVT for the first service at Whitefield Honda today morning. I had confirmed an appointment yesterday for before 10 AM. I reached by 9:40 and found a long line of grumpy owners sitting in the lounge waiting to be attended to. They finally attended to me only at around 10:25 and said the car will be ready by 4 and that they will call me. Given that the first service doesnt really entail too much of work, I asked them to call me early so I would have time to reach there in the evening.

Surprisingly they never got in touch with me and after I called them at around 3:15 they said they will check and let me know the status. They called back in 5 mins saying the car is ready! Im not sure why they didnt bother to call me and let me know in the first place.

I wasnt charged for the first service but I was quite disappointed with the experience overall. I was sharing my experience with a senior lady who was at the service lounge and she said she will give me a feedback form for me to list my points. I didnt get that either. Where is the premium Honda customer service that everyone talks about?

I know people like to bash Fiat on service but every time I have given my car to the Fiat SVCs, they have always called me and kept me constantly updated on the work that they are doing and how long it will take. Honda didnt seem to be bothered. Fiat - 1. Honda - 0.
Quoting my earlier post on the first service at Whitefield Honda to show how things havent changed a bit.

I took my Jazz CVT for the second free service to Whitefield Honda and they received the car very quickly in the morning. I was in and out of there in less than 10 minutes which was good. The Service Advisor pointed out footprints of rats in the engine compartment which is something I need to take care of. The service slip mentioned a time of 16:30 but I said I'll reach by 16:00 and the SA agreed.

Just like last time, the SA didnt bother to call me even once during the day and update me on the progress. At 15:20 I received an SMS saying "Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We hope our service was up to your expectation. We are committed to total customer satisfaction". I assumed the car was ready so I caught a cab and reached the service centre by 15:45. I enquired on the status of the car and the senior lady there called and checked with the SA before confirming it would take only 10 minutes to be delivered.

I kept checking on them every 10 minutes and each time I was told "Its just coming out sir, 5 more minutes" or "Its ready only, just 10 more minutes". Finally I lost my patience and asked for the service manager when the car hadnt even come by 16:45 which is one hour after I reached there.

I explained the whole thing to him and he said they will look into it but I was livid. To make matters worse, the SA was trying to justify by saying its my fault and I should have stuck to the 16:30 deadline while ignoring the fact that he committed it would be delivered before 4 when I reached in the evening

While waiting for the car, I was again talking to the service manager and told him last time the lady SA didnt even update me and today also the same problem resurfaced. He confidently said that they were taking action which customers like me would not be able to see. When I casually asked him on what action they take, he said that they had taken my earlier feedback very seriously and that the lady SA from the first service was no longer with them because of the incident.

Well unfortunately for him, I had seen her sitting in their office just 10 minutes before that When I told him about it (even explained how she looks, she is one of only 2 female SAs there so it cant be that tough for him to understand who Im walking about), he mumbled and fumbled saying that I was mistaken which Im sure Im not. So zero respect for a customer's time and outright lying to their faces as well. Bravo Whitefield Honda!

What a lovely car ruined by the people who are the faces of Honda.
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Old 12th February 2016, 00:19   #1226
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Dear Fellow Bhpians,
With ecstacy and loads of happiness I am writing my first post on team bhp. My eighth attempt at securing membership was finally accepted and I would like to thank the mods for considering my application.

I had been reading the posts on tbhp regarding various aspects of owning a car, maintaining a car and the technical details. Thanks to the various useful posts on team bhp, I was successfully able to sell my Alto LXi 2008 Model with required formalities and sent copies of all the required forms to the concerned rtos involved. I would like to place my heartfelt thanks to the posts on team bhp regarding transfer of NCB from old insurance company to the insurance for the new car. It is really the learning resource center for newbies like me.

Coming to the point of, why I am posting my first comment on Honda Jazz review page? Since, June 2015 I had been hunting to replace my Alto, which served me very well till January 27, 2016. Me and my wife considered various options ranging from swift, elite i20, aspire, figo, zest, xcent and couldn't decide on the new car to be purchased.

Though I had test driven jazz in October 2015, but somehow didn't booked the vehicle. After selling my Alto, just for a casual look I went to Sundaram Honda on Anna Salai, Chennai and again test drove Jazz and immediately booked the vehicle. The sales advisor who had attended to me during October 2015 saw me and was quite happy to help me with a test drive again. I paid booking amount of Rs 21000 and booked Honda Jazz SV ivtech Golden Brown color with a tentative delivery time of one month from 02.02.2016. Subsequently, I kept on following with my SA who informed me that I am at waiting number 6 and he will be able to inform about the clear picture on 05.02.2016. When I called him on 05.02.2016 he informed me that only two vehicles are alloted to the dealership and I am at waiting number 4 now and my delivery may or may not happen in April.

I am so eagerly looking forward to the delivery of my vehicle. Can any of our existing owners please confirm, how long it will take for them to deliver. Or can anyone share the contact details of the top management of Honda Cars India Ltd, which shall enable me to obtain car at the earliest.

I would like to once again thank the mods profusely for accepting my membership.


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Old 12th February 2016, 15:37   #1227
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by MDED View Post
I paid booking amount of Rs 21000 and booked Honda Jazz SV ivtech Golden Brown color
Congratulations MDED on your booking of the Jazz . I'm sure you'll love the car. You may get the car sooner if you're flexible on the colour (White available most readily in all cities). However, if Golden Brown is your preferred colour, you may as well wait. The wait will be worth it.

- From another SV ivtec fellow
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Old 12th February 2016, 21:18   #1228
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by TD_GHY View Post
Congratulations MDED on your booking of the Jazz . I'm sure you'll love the car. You may get the car sooner if you're flexible on the colour (White available most readily in all cities). However, if Golden Brown is your preferred colour, you may as well wait. The wait will be worth it.

- From another SV ivtec fellow
Thank you for your valuable piece of advice. The other day I was riding my Honda Unicorn and had stopped my bike at a red light and noticed jazz of golden brown color, though idtech engine. That guy had booked the car in the month of December 2015 and got the delivery within a week's time. I am looking forward to 90 bhp power of ivtech.
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Old 14th February 2016, 22:45   #1229
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

The Betelgeuse breached the 1000kms mark during a recent highway trip. Some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

The first service is due on Wednesday (on the 40th day into the ownership). Will report that separately once it's done.

-Shivang Gandotra
Attached Thumbnails
Honda Jazz : Official Review-12705754_688209461282828_8068606900809408966_n-1.jpg  

Honda Jazz : Official Review-12744247_688587927911648_8771549182232446002_n.jpg  

Last edited by MetalBuff : 14th February 2016 at 23:13.
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Old 15th February 2016, 19:54   #1230
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by MetalBuff View Post
The Betelgeuse breached the 1000kms mark during a recent highway trip. Some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

The first service is due on Wednesday (on the 40th day into the ownership). Will report that separately once it's done.

-Shivang Gandotra
Dear Shivang,
She looks breathtaking sun bathed. I am eagerly looking for the delivery of my machine. The pain of being without car and being dependent on taxi apps is something which has troubled me and my better half for a month now. I was able to speak to the head of sales of Honda cars India and keeping my fingers crossed for an early delivery. What is the FE she is giving? Your car reminds me of the song, "to kheench meri photo, to kheench meri photo piya". She is gorgeous!

Drive safe and keep revvin,
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