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Old 8th December 2015, 08:23   #1066
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by k.sumit View Post
Here is the second successful attempt I really don't understand who's after my vehicle. 2-3 weeks back, I had the fender scratched badly and now this. Spoke to the service adviser at Honda and the approx cost for Headlight is 4500 and 3500 for fender repaint. Do you guys suggest I claim insurance or pay from my own pocket? I've got 0 depreciation insurance policy from Honda/Bajaj.
Looks like someone intentionally doing it.
probably you should try some "Dash Cams with Parking Protection".
Might cost between 3k-4k around.

Dash cams with this feature will automatically engage parking mode when they detect that the ignition has been turned off or that the vehicle has been stationary for a predetermined period of time. To save on memory and power consumption the camera will usually engage a motion detection function and only record video when it detects movement, such as a car or a pedestrian passing within it’s field of view.
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Old 8th December 2015, 10:13   #1067
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by k.sumit View Post
Here is the second successful attempt I really don't understand who's after my vehicle. 2-3 weeks back, I had the fender scratched badly and now this. Spoke to the service adviser at Honda and the approx cost for Headlight is 4500 and 3500 for fender repaint. Do you guys suggest I claim insurance or pay from my own pocket? I've got 0 depreciation insurance policy from Honda/Bajaj.

Oh no what pleasure do people get out of this. This for sure is done on purpose maybe kids?

If your policy allows more than 2 claims a year go claim the insurance. You will lose the NCB but whats the guarantee you won't lose it later? I would suggest claim insurance and get it done at Honda.
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Old 8th December 2015, 12:56   #1068
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by naikameya View Post
Hi guys some of these sounds rattles have been experienced in previous gen Jazz and I have identified and addressed those. You can try these simple solutions as well on your own.
I haven't heard a grinding noise though.
Recently I have been getting noise from steering column near the rake adjustment lever, seems the lever has got a tiny bit loose. Will update if I find solution.
Request you to read the thread below and share your solutions as well.
A google search on "Honda Jazz 2015 dashboard sound" gives good amount of hits. There a 2-3 videos as well. One international forum "FitFreak" also gives a mention of these sounds. So, it is more to do with the design which is common to both Indian and International.
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Old 8th December 2015, 13:06   #1069
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Am not surprised at the quality issues in the JAZZ considering it's based on the new CITY which has it's own shares of problems. I for one am extremely disappointed with everything about the CITY apart from that lovely petrol engine.

A couple of members have already exchanged their new CITY's and I might soon get on the same bandwagon post the Auto Expo. My friend also sold his diesel SV and went for an EcoSport.

My 4-year old SX4 was driven in at least 3x bad roads as my CITY and didn't have 1/3x the squeaks after 4 years which my CITY has developed in less than 2 years.

I know this isn't a CITY thread but since JAZZ would be similar, I thought of "ranting" and posting my experience here

Last edited by avdhesh15 : 8th December 2015 at 13:07.
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Old 8th December 2015, 14:58   #1070
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

I have received the center arm-rest from aliexpress. I have assembled it and installed it. It fits in well no hindrance with hand brake, gives good support, fit and finish is good. Could not click pictures since I left my phone at home while installing it. Pictures will follow soon.
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Old 8th December 2015, 15:23   #1071
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

I have booked a Jazz VX (D) today and plan to take delivery on Saturday.

I have lots of questions before I take delivery and hope to get inputs from Team-BHP.

1. What is the tire pressure to be maintained? Many dealers over/under inflate the tires. From day 1, I want to maintain correct pressure.

2. I must get a front centre armrest. I understand there is a huge cost difference between the official Honda accessory and AliExpress dealers. Question is which particular dealer to buy from in AliExpress? Feedback from owners who have bought please?

3. Is it possible to download the owners manual (Indian version) from the internet? If so, where?

Thanks in advance
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Old 8th December 2015, 15:37   #1072
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by Raja View Post

1. What is the tire pressure to be maintained? Many dealers over/under inflate the tires. From day 1, I want to maintain correct pressure.
It is available as a small chart on the driver side panel. If I recall it is 32psi for front and 30psi for rear.

Originally Posted by Raja View Post

3. Is it possible to download the owners manual (Indian version) from the internet? If so, where?
User Manual given as a hard copy is based on South African export variety. There is a mention of start-stop button which is replaced by a cap for us.
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Old 8th December 2015, 16:25   #1073
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Had received a call earlier this morning from 022-69922200. It was regarding a customer survey for Honda Jazz. Don't recall the name of the agency. But they sure did ask a lot of questions when I told them about this dashboard rattle issue. Questions like at what speeds it is heard, what is the road condition and so on.

The survey might be routine but given the specific questions they were asking about this rattle is Honda expecting such an issue or are these survey people trained to ask questions like these whenever an issue is pointed out to them?
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Old 9th December 2015, 11:50   #1074
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Dear Friends,

A thought just struck me - why is the activity on this thread so low?

I take a lot of training session in the office. Sometimes, at the end of the session there is pin-drop silence. Then I start wondering - was the session too good or too bad??

So, I tried to see the last few entries. I am not able to find any major 'issues' being raised.

So, should I assume that all concerned are too happy and feel that they should update TBHP only if they have 'issues' with the Jazz?

I hope not. I feel it is more important to stick to the facts - whether good or bad.

My suggestion - please keep sharing!

Girish Mahajan
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Old 9th December 2015, 12:19   #1075
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review


My Jazz came back from its first service yesterday, with an "all well" report and zero charges.

I dont know if anyone has brought up this one up before, but one issue that has constantly nagged me over my ownership period has been the fact that I am unable to fold/open "only" the left or right ORVMs with the given button, although there are options to adjust the mirrors by the selector key for both left and right ones individually, but the folding/opening option I guess is restricted to both at the same time. I find this a major irritant in traffic, especially with the speeding bikes wanting to make way, and am constantly worrying about damage to the mirrors (especially the left one).

Has any one else felt the same, is this option to fold/open "either" the right/left ORVMs present in other premium hatches/compact sedans??
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Old 9th December 2015, 13:07   #1076
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Originally Posted by GKMahajan View Post
Dear Friends,

A thought just struck me - why is the activity on this thread so low?

I take a lot of training session in the office. Sometimes, at the end of the session there is pin-drop silence. Then I start wondering - was the session too good or too bad??

So, I tried to see the last few entries. I am not able to find any major 'issues' being raised.

So, should I assume that all concerned are too happy and feel that they should update TBHP only if they have 'issues' with the Jazz?

I hope not. I feel it is more important to stick to the facts - whether good or bad.

My suggestion - please keep sharing!

Girish Mahajan

The good:
Good fuel efficiency
5th gear can be engaged in 30+ speeds
Leg room
Smooth and rev happy engine

The bad
Lots of assembly vibrations that the showroom guys cant fix.
Dashboard, gear knob vibrations
Inferior fit and finish
Panel gaps.
Low end torque is too low. This results in difficulties in moving the car off a ramp. Engine becomes torquey after 2.5krpms only
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Old 9th December 2015, 14:49   #1077
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by vishnurajanme View Post
5th gear can be engaged in 30+ speeds
Should we engage 5th gear in 30+ speeds for better mileage? Fuel efficiency meter recommends 60kmph on a 4th gear to which I am getting a green ring.

Originally Posted by vishnurajanme View Post
Dashboard, gear knob vibrations
Low end torque is too low. This results in difficulties in moving the car off a ramp. Engine becomes torquey after 2.5krpms only
Dashboard vibrations - yes, a small squeaky sound comes when you drive on un-even roads, for me it is on driver side dashboard (thinking it is behind the steering rod). But on a flat road, it is butter smooth. A feeling of driving in air.

Moving the car off a ramp - Absolutely spot on. Yes, it is difficult and you feel it more on a steep ramp. Had mentioned about it in my earlier post.
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Old 9th December 2015, 15:10   #1078
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by vishnurajanme View Post

The good:
Good fuel efficiency
5th gear can be engaged in 30+ speeds
Leg room
Smooth and rev happy engine

The bad
Lots of assembly vibrations that the showroom guys cant fix.
Dashboard, gear knob vibrations
Inferior fit and finish
Panel gaps.
Low end torque is too low. This results in difficulties in moving the car off a ramp. Engine becomes torquey after 2.5krpms only
Dear vishnurajanme,

Thanks for sharing this.

I cannot really comment on most of your comments - since I have a V-CVT version.

The FE is indeed great. The leg room in the front and rear is generous - even for a 'tall family' like ours!

I am not getting ANY vibrations from ANYWHERE! Am I lucky or am I just in-sensitive? But, almost all friends and relatives who sat in the car were impressed with the silence and smoothness. In fact, a couple actually asked if the engine was running! Do you think this could be an effect of the CVT?

Low end torque? Actually, my experience is different. Maybe this is due to the HUGE range of the CVT's ratios - but - I have taken the engine above 2000 rpm only 2~3 times. I am getting super pulling even though the engine is running between 1000~2000 rpm only. I have decided n number of times to get some friend to do video recording of my car entering the office - and not done it yet! Anyway, the car has to take a sharp left turn and climb a steep rise. In my other cars, I have to go to 1st gear, almost stop, turn steering, use half clutch and high rpm, drive/climb/turn slowly , etc etc - you got the idea. With Jazz, it is as if I am turning and parking on a flat level ground! The ratio changes, the rpm increases, etc just very smoothly! I have said this in my ownership review that the car goes at 10 kmph at 1500 rpm and also at 80+ kmph at 1500 rpm!

I did not check with you - I just assumed - that you have a petrol version! Please correct me if I am wrong.

I have not yet found any fitting or paneling gaps. I will try to find.
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Old 10th December 2015, 01:00   #1079
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

I've ordered the SmileDrive Cleverdog IP camera for 3500 bucks and will place it behind the window glass since it directly overlooks my vehicle's parking area. This one takes a 32gb SD card and can record up to 7 days of video before it re-writes. I better spend 3500 bucks now than to keep going through this trauma.

Originally Posted by prakashrs View Post
Looks like someone intentionally doing it.
probably you should try some "Dash Cams with Parking Protection".
Might cost between 3k-4k around.

Dash cams with this feature will automatically engage parking mode when they detect that the ignition has been turned off or that the vehicle has been stationary for a predetermined period of time. To save on memory and power consumption the camera will usually engage a motion detection function and only record video when it detects movement, such as a car or a pedestrian passing within it’s field of view.

Originally Posted by tazmaan View Post
Oh no what pleasure do people get out of this. This for sure is done on purpose maybe kids?

If your policy allows more than 2 claims a year go claim the insurance. You will lose the NCB but whats the guarantee you won't lose it later? I would suggest claim insurance and get it done at Honda.
This would be the first claim that I would make so wont have any issues. NCB would be around 15-20% and claiming insurance makes sense to me.
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Old 10th December 2015, 10:44   #1080
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Re: Honda Jazz : Official Review

Originally Posted by k.sumit View Post
I've ordered the SmileDrive Cleverdog IP camera for 3500 bucks and will place it behind the window glass since it directly overlooks my vehicle's parking area.
Hi k.sumit. If I get you correctly you will be placing this camera in your house and not in your Jazz, right?

Don't you think a camera that can be placed in the vehicle itself will be much more practical and suitable? I mean, what if due to some reason you have to park your car at a different location near your house? Like due to road repairs and so on. The miscreant will have a go at it anywhere near your home.
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