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Old 31st October 2015, 10:18   #121
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

Originally Posted by vsathyap View Post
Can anyone else confirm if the engine vibrates a lot while idling in neutral? I just popped the hood and was shocked to see the engine vibrating with a play of about 1cm. I'm specifically speaking about the area where the engine is mounted on the left side, just ahead of the shock absorber. There is a rubber bush that is absorbing all that vibration. But is it normal that the engine vibration has so much play or is my engine not mounted tightly?
Hi vsathyap. No, the engine does not vibrate that much. I have checked in my K10 and I can say the vibration play is ~0.5cm near the rubber bush you are saying. I have checked in idling with and without AC and the vibration level is same. Do visit MASS and get it checked. My K10 has clocked slightly more that 12k kms in 7 months of ownership and is performing fine.
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Old 31st October 2015, 12:20   #122
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

Originally Posted by Torino View Post
Hi vsathyap. No, the engine does not vibrate that much. I have checked in my K10 and I can say the vibration play is ~0.5cm near the rubber bush you are saying. I have checked in idling with and without AC and the vibration level is same. Do visit MASS and get it checked. My K10 has clocked slightly more that 12k kms in 7 months of ownership and is performing fine.
Thanks Torino! I have read your ownership report in depth and only then I took the plunge to get the AMT. I had the 2011 Alto K10 earlier and loved the little pocket rocket. I'm starting to get the hang of how the AMT behaves and as you aptly suggested in your review, it takes a little getting used to the AMt to fully enjoy the ride. However, this vibration issue is bothering me a little. I am attaching the TBHP Review's official pic and have pointed to the place I'm referring to in my earlier post. Please confirm if this is the same mount we are both referring to.

Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review-marutialtok101.png

I'll attach a video of the vibrating engine if we need to compare notes further.

Last edited by vsathyap : 31st October 2015 at 12:21.
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Old 31st October 2015, 13:23   #123
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

AMT owners: Does any one has this issue of indicator clicking too fast after spending quite sometime in stop-go traffic?
I checked with MASS and SA said indicator clicking fast means some issue in electrical. Though no problems were identified later. OBD too has no warnings / errors.
One more point to note: if the manual mode is selected in slow traffic, this issue isn't observed.
Is is something to do with the Auto gear selector? May be getting too hot?
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Old 1st November 2015, 10:42   #124
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

Originally Posted by wishnipon View Post
As my Alto K10 AMT nears one year of completion, I have a couple of questions unanswered.
  1. Is the fuel tank in K10 made of plastic?
  2. Is the engine covered i.e. is there underbody protection?
Hi wishnipon,

1.No. The fuel tank is made up of steel. If you look from below the rear number plate you can reach the tank easily and tap the fuel tank with your key to confirm yourself.

2. There is no under body protection for the engine. But do not worry, you will not have any issues from normal urban and city use.

Originally Posted by iamswift View Post
AMT owners: Does any one has this issue of indicator clicking too fast after spending quite sometime in stop-go traffic?
I checked with MASS and SA said indicator clicking fast means some issue in electrical. Though no problems were identified later. OBD too has no warnings / errors.
One more point to note: if the manual mode is selected in slow traffic, this issue isn't observed.
Is is something to do with the Auto gear selector? May be getting too hot?
Hi iamswift, I have not faced such issue. Better get it fixed in MASS. Fault could be with the relay or alternator wiring.
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Old 1st November 2015, 10:47   #125
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Originally Posted by Torino View Post
1.No. The fuel tank is made up of steel. If you look from below the rear number plate you can reach the tank easily and tap the fuel tank with your key to confirm yourself.
Isn't it the spare wheel enclosure that your referring too? I thought fuel tank is placed below the rear seat.
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Old 4th November 2015, 17:17   #126
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

I'm attaching a video of the amount of vibration at the engine mount - can AMT owners check their cars and confirm if the vibration is apprently "common" or if my car's mounts are not tightened correctly?

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Old 7th November 2015, 20:48   #127
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

Originally Posted by a4anurag View Post
Isn't it the spare wheel enclosure that your referring too? I thought fuel tank is placed below the rear seat.
Hi Anurag. Yes, the fuel tank is below the rear seat and it is just in arms length when seen from the rear. The spare wheel enclosure is hard to see with the rear axle right below it.

Originally Posted by vsathyap View Post
I'm attaching a video of the amount of vibration at the engine mount - can AMT owners check their cars and confirm if the vibration is apprently "common" or if my car's mounts are not tightened correctly?
Hi vsathyap. The vibration looks similar in my K10 and it is normal. If you still feel its a bit too much then get it checked by MASS.

Last edited by Gannu_1 : 28th November 2015 at 10:05. Reason: Removing video from the quoted post.
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Old 10th November 2015, 13:07   #128
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

The Vibrations seem normal as I noticed similar movement when I bought my car a year ago. I have now done 17500 Kms...

A question to all : What is the model number mentioned on your RC copy. Mine says Alto K10B VXI without mentioning any AMT anywhere, even though it is an AMT model.

Also has anyone tried the Full Tank method for mileage calculations? What are the mileage figures one gets for a full tank calculation.

Last edited by Knowall : 10th November 2015 at 13:08.
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Old 12th November 2015, 00:13   #129
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

Originally Posted by Knowall View Post
A question to all : What is the model number mentioned on your RC copy. Mine says Alto K10B VXI without mentioning any AMT anywhere, even though it is an AMT model.
I just checked my smart card. It mentions the model as Alto K10 VXI AMT.

Originally Posted by Knowall View Post
Also has anyone tried the Full Tank method for mileage calculations? What are the mileage figures one gets for a full tank calculation
I drive in bumper-to-bumper traffic, for mostly short distances before the engine has warmed up enough, and get very poor mileage figures. Since the last tank full I have taken taken great care to drive in a fuel-efficient way and drove extra distance during each ride. I will update my mileage figure during next tank full, in a day or two.
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Old 14th November 2015, 22:23   #130
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

Originally Posted by wishnipon View Post
I will update my mileage figure during next tank full, in a day or two.
I did a full tank today. Mileage calculation since last full tank: 10.44 kmpl (with AC) Despite my best efforts to drive in a fuel-efficient way, it is impossible to expect good mileage figures in the routes I drive, with average speed 20-30 kmph. Taking the car on a long drive on Durgapur Expressway soon. Need to free up the engine a bit. Also, my car completed one year today. Did 6000 km on the odometer. Car is doing very good. My one year ownership report is ready. Will publish it after third service which is due soon.

Originally Posted by iamswift View Post
AMT owners: Does any one has this issue of indicator clicking too fast after spending quite sometime in stop-go traffic?
I always drive in the Automatic or "D" mode and 90% of my transit is in stop-and-go slow-moving traffic. I have never faced this issue.

Last edited by wishnipon : 14th November 2015 at 22:36.
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Old 16th November 2015, 11:27   #131
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

Just a quick update : We(family of 4) did a road trip from Gurgaon to Biling(Himachal) and back over the long weekend Thursday to Sunday where I managed to calculate the mileage which was a combination of City-Highway-Hill Climb.

The calculations are basis two refills
Refill A: 609kms/31.05 Ltrs : Mileage : 19.61
Refill B: 593Kms/31.5 Ltrs : Mileage : 18.82
Total 1202kms / 62.55 Ltrs : Mileage : 19.21

The above was without A/C as it is winters here and 4 adults with luggage.

As a reference my city mileage(Gurgaon-Delhi-Gurgaon) is usually around 17kms or somewhere between 500-540kms on a tank full method. Lowest mileage in the summer with AC was 485Kms, highest City mileage was 546kms until we broke that record with 609kms on the trip. We have now covered 18500kms and I will be sending the car for its 3rd service next month.

A note on the AMT : It was truly a breeze to drive on the long stretches and we were managing to drive easily between 90-100 without much fuss in 'D'. On the uphill climb we discovered that it is better to drive in Manual mode as the AMT will choose to be in a lower gear than actually required, but while coming down its best to drive in 'D' and let the car choose the best gear and drive accordingly.

I also drive a Chevy Spark and it is always an interesting comparison between the two cars.

Last edited by Knowall : 16th November 2015 at 11:30.
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Old 27th November 2015, 16:49   #132
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

Hi All,

Just added rear speakers to the stock K10 AMT unit. I didn't purchase these speakers and simply removed them from my old Alto K10 and put them into the AMT, albeit on a new MDF board. Just a brief flash-back on my ICE installation story!

When I visited my usual accessories guy, he said that its impossible to fit rear speakers separately onto the K10 unit (Nippon NC67P0) as these low cost units do not offer a separate rear channel and that they are built to cost. He even went on to say that these units barely cost 800-1000 rupees and they are worthless. He offered to connect the speakers to the same channel as the front (stock) speakers, as in, drawing a parallel from the speaker connections. This meant two things - I'd lose the ability to Fade music between front and rear speakers, and more importantly, output would suffer. Despite double checking this with "Mr. Adamant Accessories" (lets call him Mr. AA) he flatly refused to do the connections in any other way, giving excuses that the front panel housing the ICE will crack and break if he tried to open it. In fact he also persuaded me to upgrade the system to a single/dual din unit which would have separate channels for front and rear - but he would not open my stock unit, not even to check! That may be his opinion and I thought differently.

Cut to the chase - and I come across TBHPian Torino's ownership review of the K10 AMT. Even he was on the lookout for a decent ICE and didnt want anything too fancy. He also directed me to his post on his ICE setup where he added rear speakers and tweeters.

After getting further info from Torino and making sure that the rear speakers CAN in fact be fitted to the stock unit, I decided to challenge Mr. AA! Armed with this info, I met Mr. AA again and he wouldn't have a word of it - he was adamant that this unit cannot have a rear output. So be it! I left without saying a word as I knew it could be done.

I tried my luck at another accessories place, but this time, one which was listed on the TBHP Directory listings. The place is Konarks in 9th block Jayanagar. I met "Gurudev" and told him about my dilemma. 10 minutes later, his boys are working in the car, fitting the speakers!

Fast forward 1-2 hours and the job has been done. I now have output on all 4 speakers and I couldn't be happier. Job done, $$$ saved!

I have clicked some pictures of the installation. As I had requested not to cut any wires, the boys at Konarks did a wonderful job rummaging through their "spare connectors" box and finding a plug-type bracket that fit the stock Nippon Unit. They then did the wiring and everything worked perfectly without a wire being cut. Total damage: 850 Rs (as I had my old speakers with me)!

Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review-img_20151121_132837.png
^^This is how the stock unit looks when the outer trim is removed. Use a screwdriver and pry open the piano black trim from the steering column side.. it comes off cleanly and only thing holding the trim are 4-6 snap-on clips. Once the trim is removed, remove the 4 screws as indicated to pull out the stock unit.

Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review-img_20151121_124915.jpg
View of the stock Nippon unit.

Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review-img_20151121_124522.jpg
^^Notice that the pins are very much there for rear channel out at the back of the unit. If there were pins missing, Mr. AA would have been right. Take that Mr AA!

Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review-img_20151121_130420.jpg
^^They finally found a matching socket connector.

Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review-img_20151121_130425.jpg
^^And the wiring process is almost done.

Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review-img_20151121_130928.jpg
^^Wires attached to the unit. The open end of the blue plug connects to the stock wiring kit that comes from the manufacturer. The loose Grey and Yellow-White Wires connect to the rear speakers.

Many thanks to Torino for giving me the right information on this setup. Else, I would have become a scapegoat and would have probably bought a new unit from Mr AA.
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Old 27th November 2015, 18:25   #133
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

Originally Posted by iamswift View Post
AMT owners: Does any one has this issue of indicator clicking too fast after spending quite sometime in stop-go traffic?
I checked with MASS and SA said indicator clicking fast means some issue in electrical. Though no problems were identified later. OBD too has no warnings / errors.
One more point to note: if the manual mode is selected in slow traffic, this issue isn't observed.
Is is something to do with the Auto gear selector? May be getting too hot?
I would recommend you to check if :

- The fast clicking happens on both sides or just one.
- Get off the car with the indicator on and check if all the bulbs are on.

This would happen when one of the bulbs is not working.

Originally Posted by Knowall View Post
Just a quick update : We(family of 4) did a road trip from Gurgaon to Biling(Himachal) and back over the long weekend Thursday to Sunday where I managed to calculate the mileage which was a combination of City-Highway-Hill Climb.

The calculations are basis two refills
Refill A: 609kms/31.05 Ltrs : Mileage : 19.61
Refill B: 593Kms/31.5 Ltrs : Mileage : 18.82
Total 1202kms / 62.55 Ltrs : Mileage : 19.21

The above was without A/C as it is winters here and 4 adults with luggage.

As a reference my city mileage(Gurgaon-Delhi-Gurgaon) is usually around 17kms or somewhere between 500-540kms on a tank full method. Lowest mileage in the summer with AC was 485Kms, highest City mileage was 546kms until we broke that record with 609kms on the trip. We have now covered 18500kms and I will be sending the car for its 3rd service next month.

A note on the AMT : It was truly a breeze to drive on the long stretches and we were managing to drive easily between 90-100 without much fuss in 'D'. On the uphill climb we discovered that it is better to drive in Manual mode as the AMT will choose to be in a lower gear than actually required, but while coming down its best to drive in 'D' and let the car choose the best gear and drive accordingly.

I also drive a Chevy Spark and it is always an interesting comparison between the two cars.
I have a Celerio and i am getting exactly similar figures. I have a daily run of 70 KM from Dwarka to Manesar Toll.

I did a trip to Chitkull and got a mixed millage of 23 KMPL and most of the highway driving was in D and Mountains were in M most of the time.

I can safely say that AMT is more fun in hills as compared to a Manual.
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Old 29th November 2015, 14:38   #134
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

Originally Posted by vsathyap View Post
Hi All,Just added rear speakers to the stock K10 AMT unit..........many thanks to Torino for giving me the right information on this setup. Else, I would have become a scapegoat and would have probably bought a new unit from Mr AA.
Hi vsathyap. Happy to help. Good job on the speakers install, neatly done. The sound output must be decent with the stock HU.

thats a really good mileage. I always do tank full in every fuel stop and my fuel efficiency remains between 16-17 in city and around 19kmpl in highway using BPCL unleaded petrol. I am a sedate driver in city and AC is used always. I have never used M mode in the last few months. Can you elaborate your driving habit? What speeds you maintain inside city and in highway?
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Old 30th November 2015, 10:01   #135
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Re: Maruti Alto K10 : Official Review

Originally Posted by Torino View Post
Hi vsathyap. Happy to help. Good job on the speakers install, neatly done. The sound output must be decent with the stock HU.

Hi and thats a really good mileage. I always do tank full in every fuel stop and my fuel efficiency remains between 16-17 in city and around 19kmpl in highway using BPCL unleaded petrol. I am a sedate driver in city and AC is used always. I have never used M mode in the last few months. Can you elaborate your driving habit? What speeds you maintain inside city and in highway?
Hi Torino,

I do a 70 KM trip every day, that's home> office > Wifes office> Home. SO normally i am at 60 KMPH for around 20 KM from home to office and then next 15 KM i am at 100 KMPH. and the evening circuit is 40-60 KMPH. All driving is done with almost no traffic. So normally i get around 520-540 KMPL, but for last two times i got 620-630 KMPL. I think that is because of less usage of the AC.

i also would like to mention that usually i keep 28 pressure in tyres, as it feels really bumpy at 33. But the 600+ have been at 33 PSI.

On highways i have been comfortable with speeds like 100-120. and over all millage used to be 20-22 KMPL. On our ride to Chitkull we got 23.something. I was really amazed by the performance and efficiency of the car. I rarely used M cause then i forget to change gears :P
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