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Old 16th January 2016, 22:04   #1306
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

A question about the mirrors. Are they India friendly or would the mechanism be affected by any unwanted forces, say a biker hitting them or being forcibly pushed in as happens in many parking lots in our country?
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Old 16th January 2016, 22:42   #1307
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

Originally Posted by nmenon View Post
A question about the mirrors. Are they India friendly or would the mechanism be affected by any unwanted forces, say a biker hitting them or being forcibly pushed in as happens in many parking lots in our country?
Generally, electric fold mirrors can also be manually folded with no damage to the electric mechanism.
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Old 18th January 2016, 16:32   #1308
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

Completed 1000 kms on Ciaz yesterday in one week
a 600 kms trip (mumbai-pune-within pune- mumbai) was the reason for the quick 1000

We had topped up at 425 kms and 30.04 again at 1053 kms.
got an economy of 20.9 with ACC at 23 deg C and 80-90 kmph speeds & 180 kms of Pune city driving.
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Old 18th January 2016, 16:35   #1309
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

We are looking at the Ciaz and it is an all rounder. Except for a few glaring misses, which I hope the 2016 FaceLift Ciaz would carry.
  • Cruise Control
  • Rear adjustable headrests

Maruti, if you are reading this, bring these features on the FL Ciaz. And probably throw in the HIDs from the Baleno/S Cross as well.
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Old 20th January 2016, 11:05   #1310
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

The Princess got her first kiss of love from big Brother (BEST Bus)
Vehicle was standing at the signal and waiting green. The bus driver behind us was aggressive and around 3-4 secs to go moved the bus ahead and kissed it.

Damage is not extensive but its the first one hence it hurts...

Maruti Ciaz : Official Review-img_1276.jpg
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Old 20th January 2016, 11:56   #1311
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

Originally Posted by 1.2TSI7DSG View Post
The Princess got her first kiss of love from big Brother (BEST Bus)
Vehicle was standing at the signal and waiting green. The bus driver behind us was aggressive and around 3-4 secs to go moved the bus ahead and kissed it.

Damage is not extensive but its the first one hence it hurts...
Sorry to see the damage to your princess.

It shall not be difficult or costly to remove this dent since it is accessible from inside.

You can even give a try yourself. Just press or gently bang your fist on the inside of the dent.
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Old 21st January 2016, 12:47   #1312
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

Originally Posted by nmenon View Post
A question about the mirrors. Are they India friendly or would the mechanism be affected by any unwanted forces, say a biker hitting them or being forcibly pushed in as happens in many parking lots in our country?
My mirrors have been hit n number of times (Especially by bikers) while standing at signals. It turned completely outwards too once. All you have to do is just fold it electronically once and open it again and it resets itself.

Had my third free service. Really annoying rattle near the left front door panel which has not been fixed :( My armrest also squeaks a lot. :(
No complaints other than these two after completing one year Been on a few long drives but mostly city drives.
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Old 21st January 2016, 13:40   #1313
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

Originally Posted by Abhiram View Post

Had my third free service. Really annoying rattle near the left front door panel which has not been fixed
Are you sure it is from the door panel. My Ciaz is due for 3rd Service (Clocked 10K in 5 Months) and noticed this rattle very recently. Upon careful checking found that it comes from behind the glove box. Initially though it is from glove box it rattles even after removing the glove box. This happens only while driving it in higher gear at lower speed.
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Old 21st January 2016, 13:46   #1314
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

Originally Posted by Abhiram View Post
Had my third free service. Really annoying rattle near the left front door panel which has not been fixed :( My armrest also squeaks a lot. :(
Originally Posted by sathya_g_m View Post
Are you sure it is from the door panel. My Ciaz is due for 3rd Service (Clocked 10K in 5 Months) and noticed this rattle very recently. Upon careful checking found that it comes from behind the glove box.
Every car is unique in terms of rattle !!
I hear a rattle from central console/cubby hole below the auto ac panel. The sound goes off when I close the lid of panel ! So for now I have a workaround, will get it rectified in my third service.
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Old 24th January 2016, 13:24   #1315
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

I really love the Ciaz for the looks. Would love to get one. Does anyone know how much does ZXI+ and ZDI+ SHVS cost on road in Bangalore ?
Don't want to go to a dealer, they keep pestering for phone numbers.

Also any idea about the second hand ones? How much will it cost for a 2014 make?

Lastly, what do Team bhpians feel about the price of Ciaz when compared to Baleno and S cross? I feel the Ciaz is more premium and looks much better. I don't care much about the car being a hatch or sedan (Read status symbol), but I truly feel Sedans drive better.
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Old 25th January 2016, 18:37   #1316
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

After much deliberation, I'm posting this for a few reasons.
1. Expressing thanks to the wealth of information available on this wonderful forum that helped me make a decision that helped balance both the head and the heart.
2. I tried creating a new thread , but could not get it out of the assembly line and could not get help with whats wrong with it too. So i decided to post it here. So here goes.

Please excuse me for the lack of pictures.

I had an SX4 Petrol for eight years. In short I loved it and I still do. The best experience of SX4 is in riding the highways. Its an effortless cruiser. I wanted to change it before it grew too long in the tooth and started giving problems. I did not want to get into a phase when I would not love the car any longer.

My hunt took me a good 3 months starting September '15. With a budget of max 9 lakhs, the hunt began. The key must haves being
1. Ease of ingress egress for my mother.
2. Best service network
3. Decent boot space
4. Petrol engine - I've concluded that the smoothness of the petrol is worth the price at the gas station.

The vehicles tested
1. Scross - Sigma sucked, zeta was out of budget . In short, I could not see the VFM - Result: Knocked out.
2. Baleno - Loved the looks, it had the panache that no other Maruti has had in a long time. But the backseat ingress egress was a pain for my mother. Head bumped in the door sill and had to disqualify this car though the heart beat for it
3. Jazz - It ticked all the boxes! Period. Had the space, it had good driveability and the design also had character.
4. Ciaz - One look at the car on the road, I disqualified it as a surefire backseat ingress-egress fail. Wait, I bought it right? Here is what happened.

On a bored rainy day (Chennai , 2015) I took a stroll(yes, the showroom was walking distance) to the nearby Maruti dealer to take a look at the Ciaz. I went straight to the backseat and I was gobsmacked!
Not only was the ingress, egress easy, it had space. Loads of it. I could actually sit cross legged in the backseat! Turns out that the ad was not a joke !
The interiors were a class above the jazz in looks. The beige overload notwithstanding, that is. It was also fairly loaded compared to the jazz which pinched on silly stuff like mudflaps, central locking, spare remote keys etc.,

But then the price was way out of my budget. I came a little confused, I had not one, but two contenders for my wallet. My wife and son were edging me towards the Jazz as it was not huge (their complaint on the Ciaz). My daughter and parents leaned towards the Ciaz as it was more luxurious. My SA from whom i had bought my 3 earlier cars asked me to wait for December discounts and promised to sweeten the deal. Honda declined any discount whatsoever. I must admit he did offer 10k worth accessories.

My mind was vacillating in the interim weeks till December arrived. After seeing the Ciaz, which is priced fairly close to the Jazz top end, I felt what has been recorded in these forums. Jazz is overpriced by a good 75k. I was starting to feel that Honda was trying to cheat me. What scared me further was some friends who owned Honda to told me that the cars were good but the service network wont compare to the Marutis or the Hyundais. They themselves relied on multibrand car service outlets for a decent service.

Then December dawned, floods came and went and the 2nd week the SA called. When he told me the final price, he hit the sweetest spot! He undercut the jazz and met my budget for the vxi+! including 4th year warranty and zero depreciation cover!

yay! that sealed it for me. Sorry Honda!
Cut Scene - Loan @ SBH - Part payment allowed, no foreclosure charges. 600 processing fee. Processed in 3 hours. Money in the dealer account in the 4th hour.

Cut-Scene - I now drive a Vxi+. Stock. No additions barring Nomad mats.
Made in august, bought in December. checked for flooding signs. All clear. The SA was transparent with me!

How is the car? here is how it stacks up. I'll try not to repeat whats already been said earlier in other threads on Ciaz. All of whats been written before in these forums on the subject is correct. so, I'll try to add whats not been said earlier. pardon me if i still end up repeating.

Cons first - get the bad stuff out of the way
- Tyre is noisy!! - blame it on the otherwise whisper quiet car. I'll wait for it to wear out and replace it with a quieter one.
- No Reverse beeper - The external one. I'll have my heart in my mouth when I reverse in a crowded area. My wife asked me "why would you want to reverse in a crowded area?".
- The reverse warning buzzer volume inside the car is a little too low to my taste.
- No pause button for bluetooth music. Have to use the phone. Else it starts from the beginning of the track when the engine is shutoff at the traffic light.
- No vari-speed wiper. Only low, medium, high speeds. My sx4 had a dial to vary speeds!
- The electromagnetic boot lid is a pain to close. It has to be slammed hard to make it lock. Maybe I should have this checked.
- All beige seat fabric is a dirt magnet! I'll wait to ruin this and replace the originals with something darker

What i love
- The car is super quiet. I have gone up to 70 and the engine is barely audible
- The car's calm and composed unhurried attitude. makes me drive the same way. Calm, gentle, ease it down the bumps, shift earlier, give way more!
- The sound system is great (am not an audiophile)
- Mileage. Its besting my Diesel Ritz in the city! Going by the MID(reset after each tank-full), so far I've gotten on the plus side of 13 in drives involving a 10km radius. Sx4 gave 8 or 9 in similar runs!
- Speed sensing lock works even after manual unlock! Great when we drop folks and forget to lock it again.
- 2 reverse lights! - no money pinching 1 sided light!

Its soon will be 1st month service. I'll try to keep this thread posted with ownership experience as it happens.

Last edited by Venkatesh.C : 25th January 2016 at 18:47.
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Old 26th January 2016, 22:21   #1317
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Got word from My RM about the despatch of My Ciaz Zxi+ hope to receive it by the weekend. I had booked a Baleno Alpha on the 24th of Nov 15, still no word on the delivery date from Nexa, now will be cancelling the booking.

Frankly got much better response and treatment from the good old Maruti showroom than the fancy Nexa"BAD"experience.

Venkatesh C ,Congratulations!! On your new addition to the family. its a complete VFM package.
I jumped from the Baleno & on to the Ciaz cruise liner & hope to be driving one soon!!

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Old 27th January 2016, 00:16   #1318
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Originally Posted by rdhan View Post
Got word from My RM about the despatch of My Ciaz Zxi+ hope to receive it by the weekend. I had booked a Baleno Alpha on the 24th of Nov 15, still no word on the delivery date from Nexa, now will be cancelling the booking.
Congrats. Are you getting 2016 manufactured car?

There were news last month that Maruti, Hyundai and few more manufactures would hike car price in Jan. Did that happen already? What's your invoice quote?
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Old 27th January 2016, 08:27   #1319
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

Originally Posted by Midas View Post
Congrats. Are you getting 2016 manufactured car?

There were news last month that Maruti, Hyundai and few more manufactures would hike car price in Jan. Did that happen already? What's your invoice quote?
That was my condition a 2016 manufactured Ciaz!! Booked on 27Dec15!! Price quoted wasRs10.65L + mats ,door visor, side beading.
The RM did mention that there was no increase in price.
Will be visiting the showroom today to confirm the price, will update.
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Old 27th January 2016, 12:01   #1320
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Re: Maruti Ciaz : Official Review

Is there a way to stiffen the suspension of Ciaz? In my 10K KMS of running, I enjoy driving the car when it is loaded with 5 well built adults. It feels more planted, steering becomes crisp (?!) and no bounciness at good speeds.

One of my friend explained that it is due to suspension which gets stiff when the car is fully loaded. Is that correct?
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