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Old 21st August 2016, 13:13   #5011
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re: 4th-gen Honda City : Official Review

Originally Posted by iss1307 View Post
OT, but refer to THIS article to understand proper running in of the car.
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Old 21st August 2016, 22:51   #5012
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Originally Posted by vsrivatsa View Post
Any tips from other experts on what I should check for tomorrow when I take delivery of the repaired car?
Hello vsrivatsa, can you share your experience with honda assure and also feedback on the work done on the car? Surely you must have driven some kms by now.
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Old 22nd August 2016, 12:15   #5013
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re: 4th-gen Honda City : Official Review

I had to stop my car on the basement parking exit incline of my building last night, so I engaged the handbrake to hold the car in place before I could get moving again. After fully pulling up the hand brake I let go off the brake pedal, only to find the car rolling back!

I managed to take control of the situation and got the car to the top of the slope without any issues, but was very surprised by this.

On the way back in, with the car pointing down, I stopped the car on the slope and repeated the action. The hand brake seemed to hold the car in it's place only after letting the car roll down for around a foot or two. I double checked if I had not engaged the hand brake properly or if I was making some other error, but found that wasn't the case.

I haven't seen this happen in any of my other cars and hence, don't think this is normal. Has anyone experienced this too?

My car is a 2016 City (VX-MT) with a little over 3,000 kms on the ODO.
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Old 22nd August 2016, 12:32   #5014
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Originally Posted by fordfreak View Post
I haven't seen this happen in any of my other cars and hence, don't think this is normal. Has anyone experienced this too?
Check the handbrake cable play (Read setting).

Since the car is new brake shoes would be in good condition so not doubting that. Check the cable setting and is working.
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Old 23rd August 2016, 20:33   #5015
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re: 4th-gen Honda City : Official Review

Originally Posted by fordfreak View Post
I had to stop my car on the basement parking exit incline of my building last night, so I engaged the handbrake to hold the car in place before I could get moving again. After fully pulling up the hand brake I let go off the brake pedal, only to find the car rolling back!

I haven't seen this happen in any of my other cars and hence, don't think this is normal. Has anyone experienced this too?

My car is a 2016 City (VX-MT) with a little over 3,000 kms on the ODO.
Honestly, its absolutely nothing to worry about.
Its a simple case of a loose handbrake cable. Just needs readjustment. Take it to Honda and they will readjust it.
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Old 23rd August 2016, 23:32   #5016
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I own a Honda from November 2015. I was out of town for 3 months from that time but other than that ibhave used it continually. My feedback is that all the niggles and problems that everyone has pointed out in many threads are ironed out by Honda. Yes there are glaring examples of cost cutting, but if they haven't yet caused any problem than being an eyesore.
1) The panels in the newer version are more neatly fitted as compared to earlier versions which shows that Honda has worked on the feedback. 2) The dashboard noise which lot of folks complained about is no more. Hope these improvements start giving results to the people.

Always loved the ivtec refinement but all these negative comments had created doubt in my mind if I had made the right choice. Thankfully, it seems I wasn't wrong either.

Do other newer Honda owners have the same feedback or is it that I was more Lucky in getting a better crafted piece
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Old 24th August 2016, 11:57   #5017
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re: 4th-gen Honda City : Official Review

Gave my car for the 1 year - 4th servicing yesterday. Disappointing that SA has already started trying to sell useless stuff to me. The initial quote was something like 6700 and included unnecessary items like engine and interior detailing. Finally reviewed all items on call and bill came to 4400. Not too cheap considering these are the costs every 6 months. Post servicing the car interiors were covered with some strange sticky coating which was on everything - stereo, plastic parts, and steering wheel which I had to rub off since it was too annoying. I guess they used too much cleaning substance or the compound is not of good enough quality. The SA claimed they found the issue with the dashboard noise and have rectified it; still need to verify this though on a bumpy road. Also noticed that when I gave the car, the mileage displayed was 8.5 km/lit but when I got it back, it was only 8.0 km/lit. Since the service station is only 2-3 minutes from my home and there's no traffic I wonder how the mileage reduced. The rest of the experience was fine.

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Old 24th August 2016, 12:20   #5018
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re: 4th-gen Honda City : Official Review

Hello fellow city owners,

I own a 2014 city. It has done around 30000kms and i found a strange issue with my car. Fine day, while taking the car out, I was checking all the vital fluids of the car. During the inspection, I noticed the coolant reservoir tank had coolant below 'MIN' marking.

The radiator was dry with no coolant near the radiator cap. Immediately purchased coolant mix and filled it again.

After two weeks, When i checked the level again dropped below 'MIN'. There were no traces of leaks when the car is parked. Throrough inspection was made with the hoses and their connections. No leaks are found and no stains anywhere.

No traces of white smoke in the exhaust during hard acceleration either. I am stumbled that how the coolant level drops so frequently. No overheat warning in the dash popped up.

Did anyone faced the same issue? Bhp-ians, Please help !
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Old 24th August 2016, 12:45   #5019
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re: 4th-gen Honda City : Official Review

Originally Posted by CGB View Post
The radiator was dry with no coolant near the radiator cap. Immediately purchased coolant mix and filled it again.

After two weeks, When i checked the level again dropped below 'MIN'. There were no traces of leaks when the car is parked. Throrough inspection was made with the hoses and their connections. No leaks are found and no stains anywhere.
Though I haven't seen this on my Honda City, something similar occurred in my VW Passat twice. In fact my Passat is currently in the workshop, waiting for the necessary parts to arrive.

The water pump had sprung a leak and was slowly letting the coolant leak out. The first time this occurred, I couldn't see any puddle under the car nor could I see any obvious leaks and thus, had no clue how the coolant vanished.

I'm guessing it could be something similar with your City. Take it to the service center and have the car looked at.
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Old 24th August 2016, 12:50   #5020
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re: 4th-gen Honda City : Official Review

^^ faced a similar issue in a friend's 2007 Accord.The fan wasn't turning on even after temperature crossed 50% of range resulting in boiling liquid getting lost through the coolant expansion bottle.

The fan would turn on when a.c. is switched on so the issue wasn't obvious for months.

Problem was traced to a faulty connection at the temp.switch on the coolant circuit.removed ,sprayed the coupler with some wd40 and all was well.

Saw the same issue on a 2008 ZX.

Your car's radiator cap and neck will also need an inspection just to rule these two out.

I can help.
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Old 25th August 2016, 00:40   #5021
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Originally Posted by CGB View Post
i checked the level again dropped below 'MIN'. There were no traces of leaks when the car is parked.
Did anyone faced the same issue? Bhp-ians, Please help !
Possible that the coolant is lost only when the car is warm and running due to imperfect radiator caps with seals gone bad. Hence you don't see any leaks because it's escaping from the cap only when it's heated. Did you try and check for leaks when the car was warm and running?:what:
If you still have the same problem, a pressure test will tell the service center folks quickly the source of the leak. Better show it to a service center in that case.
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Old 25th August 2016, 10:36   #5022
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re: 4th-gen Honda City : Official Review

Any purchases of a mobile holder for the latest generation City for placement in the piano black area next to the power button of the deck and below the hazard light? Or any other mobile holders in general? I want something not on the windshield but at the same time the location should make it easy for navigation using the phone.

Image link from official review:

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Old 25th August 2016, 15:04   #5023
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re: 4th-gen Honda City : Official Review

Try this one. Got this for my 2014 Honda City idtec. It has the option of placing the holder on the dash at the exact location mentioned by you as well as the windscreen. On the console, you may find it acquiring too much of space for your liking however I think it is fine.
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Old 25th August 2016, 15:33   #5024
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re: 4th-gen Honda City : Official Review

Originally Posted by fordfreak View Post

I'm guessing it could be something similar with your City. Take it to the service center and have the car looked at.
Originally Posted by vigsom View Post
^^ faced a similar issue in a friend's 2007 Accord.
Originally Posted by Shashankjk View Post
If you still have the same problem, a pressure test will tell the service center folks quickly the source of the leak. Better show it to a service center in that case.
Thanks all for your help. Will check for all the possible causes which you Bhpains have pointed out. Taking it to service centre and will post the updates.
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Old 28th August 2016, 11:41   #5025
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re: 4th-gen Honda City : Official Review

Originally Posted by uday.ere View Post
It must have been a harrowing time for you and the family to see the car in that state, you must now celebrate and put those memories behind you and enjoy this as a new car.
Thanks - it felt like receiving a new car itself. The Insurance guy was also there and he said I could potentially be refunded of additional 2,500 as there was a bill related to a "Car-O-Liner" that had been rejected but may get approved.

Originally Posted by Shashankjk View Post
Hello vsrivatsa, can you share your experience with honda assure and also feedback on the work done on the car? Surely you must have driven some kms by now.
As called out earlier the total bill amount came to 3.88L and from pocket I have had to pay about 8.9K. I may get a refund of another 2.5K. Given the amount the bill ran to - I think its a good deal in the end.

Honda Assure provides an immediate approval for amounts upto Rs 1.0L - for amounts that exceed that and come close to 50% of the IDV value they have additional levels of approval. So, the Workshop guys could not work on the car for exactly 1 month as the Insurance approval did not happen

Once the Insurance approval came in - Inspire Honda, Mysore placed order to procure the parts. The parts were shipped from North India from the Honda Factories and these take about a week to reach Bangalore. Now from the batch of parts they received they rejected one part due to quality issues and re-ordered it - this added another week.

Finally it looked like I would have the car by 20-Jul. Come 20-Jul, the SA calls me and says that they did speed tests and found that the rear axle needs to be replaced. At this point of time I called some senior people in Inspire Honda and they retrieved the axle from Chennai rather than North India. Once the car was fully ready - the Insurance guys have to tally and produce the final bill which again takes another 4 working days. In the end I took delivery of the car finally on 19-Aug. BHPian Amyth (URL) also accompanied me to Mysore for the car delivery.

In terms of the work done - I must say the car looks new from the outside. Some of the inner cosmetic items were missed out as noted below:
  • The interior dome light in the center had a crack but the light works
  • The rear seat-belt cloth has some damage
  • They had missed some of the clips in the roof
  • The brake lights at the rear don't switch on when I use the brakes
  • The V variant badge at the rear was missing

I will have to get it done on my own as the Insurance paperwork was fully complete and I did not want to prolong/re-open it again. Also some accessories such as Illuminated Scuff Plates that I had added were gone without a trace. It is important to note that Insurance replaces only standard accessories and they wont replace anything that is not - even simple things like Floor Mats and Mud Flaps.

Another thing to note is, the car towing is provided only to the nearest Authorized Service Station and since Mysore was neared from the spot, the car was towed to Mysore. Had it been in Bangalore, I would have had the opportunity to review and monitor the work more closely.

Given the volume of work that was done, I would still say these are all cosmetic and leave it at that. Major items such as high speed stability etc has been restored to original levels and I am happy about that and thankful to Inspire Honda, Mysore for the good work done. Also, Mr Lingaraju, the Service Advisor was kind enough to send me regular pictures of the car repair work over WhatsApp so I could remotely keep track of the progress. His superior, Mr Dinesh also assisted in quick procurement of parts.

The drive back from Mysore to Bangalore was peaceful and I enjoyed driving the car again When I looked at the MID near Bangalore it was showing 23.5 kmpl which is so typical of the iDTEC. I tried more speed tests on NICE road and ensured that all is indeed fine with high speeds.

Last edited by vsrivatsa : 28th August 2016 at 11:53.
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