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Old 27th May 2013, 10:34   #166
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Thanks for an in depth review!
Saw a Grey TN -19 registered Ecosport in Powai yesterday evening. The car sure has a road presence! The tail mounted spare wheel looked lovely too.

PS : It was very rashly driven. The driver was tailgating every now and then, sad.
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Old 27th May 2013, 10:50   #167
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
Speaking of the door locks, the system is absolutely useless!!
I dont get this at all... what difference do it make if the door is 2 stage locked ?
If the kid can pull one level, he can pull to unlock position too, 2 stage locking is not anything like super safe. If you have kids, then please use CHILD locks, Its there for a purpose.

Vento has a similar system, and didn't find any one mentioning it in POLO / Vento review.
Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
Comparison with DUSTUR
Expected more.. this is more like program generated comparison chart.

IMHO, Echo Sport review is good (read average). Its not amazing to me. I have read better reviews on Team-BHP.

Guys, everything I wrote above is from my perspective, it may be contradicting with your ideas, but lets just say IGNORE :-)
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Old 27th May 2013, 11:23   #168
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Originally Posted by ampere View Post
Lost for words here! Truly god is in the details. And Viddy sure is a hawk to spot all of them. Great review guys.

As regards to Ecosport Vs Duster, I can at least hope to answer from a perspective of having gone with the Duster. Ecosport is like a natural upgrade to a person who owned a Fusion. Many a times before I changed to Duster, I used to think, should I wait for Ecosport. And that is where my priority gave me the answer. As many here have already re-iterated : If space is a priority, no amount of gadgets will buy you that. You just need to leave the Ecosport with a heavy heart like what I did even before it was born for the Indian roads. If not, there are no two thoughts about it. Go for the Ecosport.

If I had to chose between the two today : Still I would have gone the same way. Because the priority would not have changed for me. Else my heart is still with that 90bhp TDCI and dynamics is worth all the money spent! Ask an ex-Ford owner what it takes to drive other cars! But I guess life is all about priorities ! Duster ticks all my check boxes. It never lets me feel for an instant what if I had been in the other camp !

The only sore point I still think in spite of seating 4 adults comfortably; is the small boot. That is something which people would would not like to compromise in spite of settling for a 4 seater. Add to it the fact that, if one is shopping in the city and the rear door becomes unusable thanks a car right up close, that can also create difficult situation esp. pushing that content of the monthly grocery cart just bought from the supermarket.
First of all Thanks for a comprehensive and neutral review. As an owner of Fusion D with Pete's tuning box Ecosport seems to be a natural replacement for me. All fusion values - GC, stiff suspension, perfect ergonomis, loads of space and practicality are repeated in Ecosport.
The only thing I can't understand is after removing the spare from the boot the boot floor could be redesigned to hold more luggage - why Ford overlooked such a thing ?
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Old 27th May 2013, 11:35   #169
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Firstly, thank you for an awesome review. Felt like i was in Goa and experiencing all this.
Quite a impressive feeling. rated the thread a five starrer.

This car is amazing and awesome from every aspect. The engine, the safety of the chassis, technology, economy, the ford driveability & handling,styling, and with little and ignoreable flaws. Which car doesnt have flaws. But this one scores very well in terms of every aspect of engineering.

Absolute thrill for an enthusiastic buyer.

I suspect, such a feature rich car, sharing parts bins with its pricier sister fiesta, will also be pricier.

I think the price will not be any juicy for this product. There can be a disappointment for many anxious buyers!!
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Old 27th May 2013, 11:55   #170
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Originally Posted by Kal.Wiz. View Post
First of all Thanks for a comprehensive and neutral review. As an owner of Fusion D with Pete's tuning box Ecosport seems to be a natural replacement for me. All fusion values - GC, stiff suspension, perfect ergonomis, loads of space and practicality are repeated in Ecosport.
One correction: Space in Fusion is much more than Ecosport in my opinion. (4.3mm Vs 3.9mm). Of course I could not check out space in person for the Ecosport, but I think if you look at it, you would find Fusion to be more comfortable in the backseat. Ford has tried to give the best in the rear seat at the expense of boot space. But I think thats the best one can get with a sub 4m product. Look at Jazz for example. I found Fusion to be more spacious there as well.

The only thing I can't understand is after removing the spare from the boot the boot floor could be redesigned to hold more luggage - why Ford overlooked such a thing ?
Two reasons:
- The spare wheel at the back, is the one that defines the SUV look. So they wanted it that way.
- With <4m I dont think they could push the tyre under the boot. Its just not possible.

Last edited by ampere : 27th May 2013 at 12:23.
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Old 27th May 2013, 12:11   #171
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Fantastic review indeed! The attention to detail is worth a mention. This is a review you call as NERDY (meant to be taken in a positive sense). Absolutely love the review as it leaves nothing unmentioned, not even the missing tweeters for that matter of fact .

Thanks again for the review, really appreciate the time and energy you have put in so that we get to feast in on a comprehensive review of the most awaited car of the year
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Old 27th May 2013, 12:13   #172
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Originally Posted by ampere View Post
One correction: Space in Fusion is much more than Ecosport in my opinion. (4.3mm Vs 3.9mm). Of course I could not check out space in person for the Ecosport, but I think if you look at it, you would find Fusion to be more comfortable in the backseat. Ford has tried to give the best in the rear seat at the expense of boot space. But I think thats the best one can get with a sub 4m product. Look at Jazz for example. I found Fusion to be more spacious there as well.

Two reasons:
- The spare wheel at the back, is the one that defines the SUV look. So they wanted it that way.
- With <4m I dont think they could push the tyre under the boot. I think its just not possible.
@Ampere - I guess the question was on why the lower part of the boot could not be utilized for extra space. But that means that there would be a height difference between the loading lip and the boot floor. It would be light the old ambassadors then

• Hyundai-esque light electric steering on the Highway
• Ride quality isn't as plush as that of the Renault Duster. Underlying stiffness obvious
• 362 liter boot is significantly smaller than all competitors
• Narrow cabin width makes a 5th occupant unwelcome. Best for 4 onboard
• Sub-4 meter size and compact dimensions take street cred away
• Tree trunk thick A-Pillars result in severe blind spots
• EcoBoost only on top variant. No high-powered diesel like the Duster 110PS
After hearing a lot of you discuss the various elements, i am probably still leaning towards the Ecosport.
Being a Fusion owner, i can completely relate with stiff ride quality. So there is not much of a difference there
362 litre boot - while it might be lesser than the Fusion, this one comes with roofrails and a Thule box should do wonders in carrying luggage. Ofcourse, you can move your Lazyboy along with your family when you go for a vacation. Maybe Ford will come up with a trailer to this
Tree Trunk A pillar - This is scary
Steering - This is a downside from the Fusion. The steering really defined it. A lot of my friends after driving the Fusion hated their Hyundai and Toyotas for the poor steering feedback
Locking mechanism - Same as in Fusion with the central locking which can be easily opened from other doors. More helpful when your car is upset with a bang here or there. Individual openings can be better suited and for the kids i believe child lock is available. They are better off in the rear seats than in the front
DRL Option - This must be an accessory rather than a mid year upgrade.

@Vid6639 - Just a question on after market.
You just know this car will be a favourite with after-market customisations. We expect to see a load of blinged out EcoSports on Indian roads.
The Fusion was a party pooper when it came to after market customisations. Are we saying that Ford has changed its tack. Their accessory list is still the most pathetic according to me
To me this is a no nonsense car and it would have been great if Ford had managed to make it a bit wider to accommodate the fifth guy. Maybe they are just practicing family planning.
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Old 27th May 2013, 12:19   #173
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Fantastic review. Voted 5 Stars!

One gripe with the Ecosport though. This is not a child-friendly car. I've always hated that my 18 month old kid can easily and conveniently open the passenger-side door of my i20 even when it's locked - the mechanism is unfortunately very easy to operate.

Apart from the child lock system available for the backseat passengers is there any facility to keep the passenger door locked or a way to make it harder for kids to operate the door locks?
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Old 27th May 2013, 12:25   #174
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Just finished reading the whole review.
Hats off @Vid6639! The best review on T-BHP in recent times!

Now to wait and watch on the success the Ecosport gets and if so, Renault will need to up the ante by providing more equipment!

May the consumer win!
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Old 27th May 2013, 12:30   #175
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Excellent and very very informative!! Thanks a ton for putting this up. Ford clearly have a unique product coming up and hope they dont muck up with the pricing.
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Old 27th May 2013, 12:41   #176
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Mod team note: Please use Preview before Submitting posts. Fixed the Quotes.

Originally Posted by ampere View Post
One correction: Space in Fusion is much more than Ecosport in my opinion. (4.3mm Vs 3.9mm). Of course I could not check out space in person for the Ecosport, but I think if you look at it, you would find Fusion to be more comfortable in the backseat. Ford has tried to give the best in the rear seat at the expense of boot space. But I think thats the best one can get with a sub 4m product. Look at Jazz for example. I found Fusion to be more spacious there as well.

I agree regarding Rear seat width as well as boot space the fusion was far better in both depts. As I usually take long drives with only occasional 5th passenger, space would be adequate for my purpose. I am keeping my fingers crossed regarding pricing. If 1.5 D titanium costs more than 12 L OTR; it's Vento TDi Highline for me

Last edited by Jaggu : 27th May 2013 at 13:01.
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Old 27th May 2013, 13:12   #177
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Originally Posted by 9thsphinx View Post
One gripe with the Ecosport though. This is not a child-friendly car. I've always hated that my 18 month old kid can easily and conveniently open the passenger-side door of my i20 even when it's locked - the mechanism is unfortunately very easy to operate.
You think kids will not learn to operate the levers used like in cars like Alto, Santro or Duster?

The only way to make sure kids can't open the door, is by using the child locks in rear door and never allowing them to occupy front seats.
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Old 27th May 2013, 13:31   #178
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Excellent review. 5-star worthy. Thanks for capturing all the minute details.

I have a few comments and queries too (please note they are in comparison with Linea)

First the locking mechanism all door . The mechanism is same as that in my Linea where there is no double locking mechanism. I have not faced any issue with adult passengers till date in the rear seat. Where children are involved child lock is a solution , double locking fails there too.

Secondly about A/C going into "Fresh Air" mode by default. I find this useful in Linea too since and do not find it a nuisance at all.

Third I find the windows fully opening a hazard when having rear passengers especially at signals or when the car is at a stop.

Fourth I did not see (I may have missed out) a power windows lock (for rear windows) on the driver side.
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Old 27th May 2013, 13:35   #179
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Originally Posted by subraiyr View Post
@Ampere - I guess the question was on why the lower part of the boot could not be utilized for extra space. But that means that there would be a height difference between the loading lip and the boot floor. It would be light the old ambassadors then
I dont think the problem is with keeping it below the boot. Its just that they dont have enough lateral space thanks to <4m dimension. I think that is the primary reason.
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Old 27th May 2013, 14:15   #180
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Re: Ford EcoSport : Official Review

Originally Posted by 9thsphinx View Post
Fantastic review. Voted 5 Stars!

One gripe with the Ecosport though. This is not a child-friendly car. I've always hated that my 18 month old kid can easily and conveniently open the passenger-side door of my i20 even when it's locked - the mechanism is unfortunately very easy to operate.

Apart from the child lock system available for the backseat passengers is there any facility to keep the passenger door locked or a way to make it harder for kids to operate the door locks?
We (wife, 6 year old son and myself) have seen a child fall off from a Santro / Wagon R (not sure anymore which car) rear door after opening the door herself. Luckily it was at a traffic signal, just about to start off from stop. Prior to witnessing that incident, we would always child lock the rear door whenever our son is there. Since then he has been very conscious about it and checks it himself. Whenever he is in the front seat he is on his child seat. Conversely, no child seat = no front seat.

So double lock or no double lock, safe practice should be:
1. Child lock must be always engaged whenever kids are in the rear seat.
2. No kid in front seat unless buckled up appropriately. Which also means no kids on the front, at all.

Now why would you need child lock or double lock on front passenger seat where the person is supposed to buckle up anyway?
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