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Old 15th December 2020, 13:56   #3571
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

You are paying too much. Also I have been most satisfied with the dealer. Except when fitting non OEM parts. Mine is a 2012 with 3.5lakh on the odo. Got a used engine at 3.30 lakh when that one seized.
Running bilstein b6 very happy with it.
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Old 15th December 2020, 16:50   #3572
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by paras211 View Post
You are paying too much. Also I have been most satisfied with the dealer. Except when fitting non OEM parts. Mine is a 2012 with 3.5lakh on the odo. Got a used engine at 3.30 lakh when that one seized.
Running bilstein b6 very happy with it.
3.3L kms on Odo Before changing engine! Wow!!!
Please share the secrets to reach similar odo in other Jettas also
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Old 15th December 2020, 21:40   #3573
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

New problem, not uncommon to VW cars. Rear right door latch wouldn't lock. Tried WD-40, silicone spray, manual locking and unlocking, nothing worked. Locked the door manually and looked around for replacements. OEM was 12K+ labour, used ones at 5.5K. Decided to take a go at it myself. If it works great else pay up for a new one.
My past experience working with a company that designs these things told me that nothing mechanical breaks in these. It's either electrical or electronics. My past company designed these exact latches and these are called the 'Basis Latches'. Took help from my buddies during the course of repair. The greatest tutorial is from lord 'YouTube". The guy takes apart and repairs the driver door latch of a Jetta MK6.

But VW has a curve wrench it throws into every situation. The latches can only be removed with a M6 spline bit apart from the TorX bits it uses.
To start with, the right rear door was not locking and there was a back fire like noise when the unlock button was pressed. Ordered the spline bit set from Amazon yesterday and was delivered by late evening.
Got up early morning and undid the door trim which is a pain and got the latch out. The latches are designed to be replaced only and not serviced. There is a rivet which needs to be drilled out to take apart the latch. Followed the sequence as in the video. Took the latch apart, cleaned out the actuator motors and cleaned up everything. Gave it a dose of silicone spray and put it back together. Tested the latch connected to the car and everything worked as it should. Buttoned up the latch with adhesive, fashioned a rivet out of a SS screw. One thing my buddies let know was if the rivet goes on too tight then the latch mechanism will lock up and would not work. So took care of that. Put it back on the car and works like a charm.

Expense: Rs. 677.00 for the Spline bit set.
Elbow grease as usual.
Attached Thumbnails
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Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-11.jpg  

Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-12.jpg  

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Old 17th December 2020, 17:10   #3574
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

After living with my car's sagging headliner for more than a year, I finally got it replaced. I asked my FNG to get this done since they had done this for a few other cars as well. The fabric color is not a perfect match but the pattern is almost identical. He couldn't source the exact color and told me that this is Skoda OEM; can't verify this claim but the material looks like it's good quality. Posting a few before and after pics.

After my recent trip to Goa, the headliner had almost given up.
Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-old-headliner-2.jpeg

The rear reading light playing peek-a-boo
Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-old-headliner-3.jpeg

It had started to come out from everywhere
Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-old-headliner-4.jpeg

After replacement:
Didn't know the headliner had contours
Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-new-headliner-1.jpeg

Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-new-headliner-2.jpeg

Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-new-headliner-3.jpeg

Fitment could have been better around the front dome light/sunglass holder but I can live with it.
Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-new-headliner-4.jpeg

The color difference is also visible in the above pic but then again, what would you rather have...a drooping ugly color matched headliner or a slightly different colored but a good fitting one? I know what I wanted.

Also, if someone wants to go the OEM route and order the headliner from somewhere, following is the code:
Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-headliner-code.jpeg

I got the job done for 10k. If you're in Bangalore and around the HSR/Kormangala area, you can get in touch with Ravi from Motovise at +91 9663689392 if you're interested in getting this done.
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Old 21st December 2020, 12:13   #3575
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by kkunal.shah View Post
Need some guidance.

I was looking at a 2014 HL DSG with 55k on the odo through a dealer in mumbai. I took it to VW ASC to get it checked & they suggested that the flywheel, timing belt, water pump, suspension require change plus a few misc. items total adding up to 1.5L
The dealer says these things don’t need change & has quoted 8.5L
While I know I should go for what the ASC is recommending but while driving I found the DSG to be smooth without any issues.

Kindly suggest.
Hi there,

I'm sorry if this a bit late, but I would like to share a few of my experiences with a pre-owned Jetta. 2 years ago when I got my 2.0 HL it had 45K on the ODO. I knew a guy in the Authorised Service Centre here in Pune and showed him the car before I made the purchase. Even I was told that the entire clutch assembly would need to be changed which would cost around 75K. I factored that in and bought the car with the knowledge that this is something that might come up later.

Everything was fine till one day on my way to work the clutch pedal sank to the floor. The car at that point had about 70K on the odo. I knew that it was probably something to do with one of the slave cylinders. I took it to my FNG and he tired bleeding the clutch. The pedal came back up for a while but sure enough it sank again. I was told that replacing the slave cylinder will solve the problem. But he also said that there was a play developed in the pressure plate assmbly and recommended to replace the entire set. It was LuK that we put in along with the flywheel. At an FnG it cost me about 43K for all the work.

If you do go ahead with buying the car my 2 cents find an excellent FNG in your area. Jetta out of warranty at ASS can milk you dry and they are no better than a good FnG. The price being quoted to you is fair, the car is a dream to drive.
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Old 21st December 2020, 13:28   #3576
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by Akshay_Rebel View Post
Hi there,

I'm sorry if this a bit late, but I would like to share a few of my experiences with a pre-owned Jetta. 2 years ago when I got my 2.0 HL it had 45K on the ODO. I knew a guy in the Authorised Service Centre here in Pune and showed him the car before I made the purchase. Even I was told that the entire clutch assembly would need to be changed which would cost around 75K. I factored that in and bought the car with the knowledge that this is something that might come up later.

Everything was fine till one day on my way to work the clutch pedal sank to the floor. The car at that point had about 70K on the odo. I knew that it was probably something to do with one of the slave cylinders. I took it to my FNG and he tired bleeding the clutch. The pedal came back up for a while but sure enough it sank again. I was told that replacing the slave cylinder will solve the problem. But he also said that there was a play developed in the pressure plate assmbly and recommended to replace the entire set. It was LuK that we put in along with the flywheel. At an FnG it cost me about 43K for all the work.

If you do go ahead with buying the car my 2 cents find an excellent FNG in your area. Jetta out of warranty at ASS can milk you dry and they are no better than a good FnG. The price being quoted to you is fair, the car is a dream to drive.
Thanks for your inputs. I am evaluating the car through a local mech. & will take a decision accordingly.
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Old 22nd December 2020, 07:23   #3577
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(Cross-posting from my thread)

After 40k Kms and 4 years + 4 months, it was time to change shoes of my BlueJay. Without much search, decided on Yokohama Bluearth GT AE51. My friendly tyre guy got for me 4 tyres of same batch - 4020, meaning Oct 2020. Cost: ₹7500 a piece. He charged for balancing and did free alignment check. Not surprisingly, alignment was intact and needed no adjustment. In past 4+ years, I never did alignment check or adjustment. My old tyres had uniform wear and as per the tyre guy, those had 10k kms of more life.

Drove the car for about 200 kms. Compared to GY NCT5s, the ride was smoother and braking was slightly better. However, I felt slight wobbling or Body roll on bends. Probably, due to slightly softer side walls only in comparison with GYs. Tyre pressure was set at 33 psi.
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Old 22nd December 2020, 19:03   #3578
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It was in the year 2015, when we thought we should buy an additional car for the family. We had an I 20 and wanted a full-sized sedan to cater our requirement at that point of time. Out of the various options considered, which included the Hyundai Verna, the Renault Duster, the Ford Fiesta and Volkswagen Vento TDI, it was the Volkswagen that stood out primarily because of the solid build quality and the way it drove. The Vento is 5 years told , it’s a joy to drive every single time I take it out. It was only after owning the TDI (1.6 litre) that I discovered my love towards Diesels and the excellent driveability it provided on our roads. Even though the Vento had its share of common problems like the ABS failures and the fuel injector that got Kaput 2 days ahead of my wedding, we have had a good ownership experience until date ( Unhappy with the diesel gate fix though- we had to concede defeat when SA mentioned that the extended warranty would not be applicable for fuel system /injector etc if we do not oblige). Come Year 2018, I had to move to Bengaluru. A pre-owned I 10 Grand was purchased as a car was deemed necessary to meet my personal / official trips which turned out to be a bad decision subsequently. Considering the horrendous traffic/parking/road conditions, this car was seldom used clocking not more than 10k Km in 2 years. We were highly reliant on cab aggregator services and until date think it’s the best option to commute in this city ( I would like to stress that the I10 automatic is an excellent car, especially in a city like Bengaluru- I cannot think of anything better if anyone prefers to self-drive)

Year 2020 May, we welcomed a baby boy home. I had to make repeated interstate trips to Kerala to visit my loved ones driving my I 10 automatic. Shift to “D”, its most comfortable cruising at 2100 rpm, just ticking 100 Kph. In the Ghat roads, its more enjoyable manually shifting the gears especially if you are driving alone. If you remember, I said earlier that I loved driving the TDI and loved sailing the Torque curve. Like any motorhead, there was always an aspiration to buy something better and powerful. Starting off with my Yamaha R3 and then the I 10 automatic, I was fascinated by the enormous value proposition that the preowned route offers. Even though I was not serious with about any capital purchase in the near future (everything seems expensive to me these days), I used to browse OLX and Team-BHP classifieds regularly to kill time. Something that I am very sure about the future is that there is going to be a dearth of powerful diesel sedans with manual transmission. As you would have guessed, my search was streamlined to VAG cars. I always used to tell my wife that we will target owning a pre-owned Jetta as our next car, it was more of a passing thought though. But then as the frequency of my interstate travel increased and since I envisaged that most of this travel will be done by car in the near future, the quest for an upgrade began to take shape. It was during this time that the post on team Bhp “Pre-worshipped car of the week: Used Volkswagen Jetta (6th-gen) “was featured. This along with various exhaustive review in the forum further buttressed my decision of proceeding with the hunt for a preowned Jetta TDI.

It was exactly 2 days before Diwali that I bought my Moon Rock Silver Jetta TDI 2012 model. It might sound ludicrous, but this is my first ever purchase of an automobile without even experiencing how it rides. The purchase was facilitated through an acquaintance who worked at the authorised service centre, who assured me of the condition of car as the same was serviced recently. Also note that, even though I am based in Bengaluru, the car was purchased from Kerala.

Initial impressions on the car
  • The car has been impeccably maintained, most of the folks could not believe it’s an 8-year-old car. Posting some picturesVolkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-img_20201220_103717.jpg

    Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-img_20201220_103727.jpg

    Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-img_20201220_103739.jpg

    Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-img_20201220_103751.jpg
  • The car comfortably seats 5, the floor hump at the rear is a downer. Even for a 6-footer, there samples of leg room at the rear. The boot space is huge.
  • The car comfortably seats 5, the floor hump at the rear is a downer. Even for a 6-footer, there samples of leg room at the rear. The boot space is huge.
  • The car pulls effortlessly at full load, there is no strain felt on the engine at any point of time
  • Minimal noise while driving at 120 kmph, I can listen to the ringtone from the earpiece of my mobile phone placed on my lap
  • It feels planted at high speeds,especially during those long corners on the highway. At 1600 rpm, you hit 100 kmph( indicated) and 120 kmph (indicated) comes at 1800-1900 rpm.The stability at full load, both in straight line and at the corners is commendable.
  • Not much bothered about the fuel efficiency, the indicated Kmpl varies between 18-20 on the highways
  • I felt the 6th gear is only engageable post 80 kmph, at speeds below this I felt the pull to be very sluggish.
  • There is no squeak or rattles felt until date, hope I can maintain this.
  • The car is equipped with Dynavin N6, I am still getting used to the controls. The sound quality is decent, I expected it to be much better though.
We did couple of interstate trips without any hassles, I could not explore the full riding potential as I was driving along with my family. It was during my 3rd interstate trip along with my parents that I really began to test its potential. This was my trip from Bengaluru to Kerala and given the butter smooth highway until Krishnagiri, I was awed by its capability. Around 5 Km post having a stopover, I was overtaking a vehicle slotting from 4th to 5th, the engine suddenly revved highly, and I discovered that the gear lever had a huge play (it felt it was not bound by anything whatsoever). I had disengaged the clutch the moment this happened and parked my car at the roadside. On close introspection, I found that the car could move from standstill, though it felt as if I am starting off from a very high gear. As I am not inclined mechanically, I never tried to fiddle much and was left with the option of contacting the RSA of Volkswagen. Various rounds of call and an hour later, I knew this wasn’t working. Was very fortunate to locate a flatbed whose contact we got through google. Even though we had to reach Kerala to handle set of urgent affairs the next day, we finally decided to tow the car to Bengaluru. In hindsight, I believe this was one of the wisest decisions taken that day by my dad, as I was personally inclined to tow this to Salem Volkswagen as it was on the way. All 3 of us decided to go along with the tow van to Volkswagen Bengaluru at Electronics city. I was relieved to see my parents being a sport and accepting the situation the way it is. Couple of selfies and 3 hours & 110 km later we reached the dealer ship. I had to spend a few minutes to make the lady at the service reception understand the criticality of situation. I was assigned a service representative, was told that this could be the case with broken gear cable. As the required part was not available at that point of time, we had to leave the car and return home. I must say this is one of the most tormenting experience that I have ever had as far as a family trip is concerned. Our family has been owning automobiles for the last 30 years, never we had an experience like this.

The very next day (Thursday), got a call from the SA and was informed that the set which includes gear cable, selector cable, gear shift housing had to be changed. The quote inclusive of child parts and labour was around 26000/-. As I am not privy to the mechanicals, I could not speak much on the diagnosis part, I asked them to re look into the labour costs. The following day, I called the SA to check if the parts had arrived, as he had informed that this had to be delivered from Pune. He then appraised me that the gear shifter housing need does not need to be replaced, but then added gear shift lever to the existing list. The servicing was completed on Tuesday (6 days since I left it in the service station) and minutes before the scheduled time, I was informed that the battery was fully drained. By the time I reached the service station, I was informed that the car battery was plugged in for charging. I am inclined toward thinking that this would have caused due to the negligence at the service centre. The total bill for changing the gear cable/accessories was 17500/-. I also changed the battery the same day at battery service centre, the amount for the same was 5800/- (Exide 60 ah with replacement of existing battery). I have not ridden my car much after changing the cable set, we will have to wait and watch if the problem was caused due to the cables snapping.

I would like to admit that I am the sort of person who might be brooding all day over simple mechanical faults faced by my automobiles. I have had a stress-free ownership of all my automobiles owned until date. Even though the purchase of the Jetta was a spontaneous decision I would not say it was impromptu, it was more of heart over head decision. Even though I am an ardent reader of Team-bhp articles, I started reading more forums related to Jetta/ TDI. The international threads/articles related to Jetta’s are promising, but then should I worry? Since this is an 8-year-old car, have I made a conspicuous bad decision? This is one of the biggest aspirations that I ever had, i.e. owning a powerful diesel. At times, thinking about the anticipated maintenance costs I feel I have bitten more than I can chew. I would like my fellow Bhpians to comment on the below concerns
  • The car has clocked 62000km and is 8 years old (the routine service which includes the oil change was done 3 months back). Can you suggest the preventive maintenance that needs to be done on immediate basis? As of now, I can only think of the timing belt replacement and the poly V belt replacement – I am considering this to be replaced under 6 months’ time as it’s an expensive ordeal. Please comment.
  • I had read an article on Team-Bhp which mentions the gas pressure valve ( related to AC)of the Jetta, conks off at 65-70k Km. Can any of you throw more light on this aspect and the possible outlets where I can get this done at Bengaluru
  • The car emits a subtle khat khat noise at the front while making “U” turns/ 90 degree turns, both left and right under acceleration. I had done some diagnosis, later found out this was due to drive shaft issues which was also confirmed by an independent garage. This is not felt on straight roads or while taking turns without acceleration. The garage recommended conditioning of the CV joints as replacing would be mouth-watering expensive. Has anybody conducted the servicing of their Jettas/Octavias driveshafts? Is it reliable getting done by an independent mechanic?
  • Since it’s an 8-year-old car, do I need to go for replacement of the engine mounts?
  • As I had to change the gearbox cable/accessories, I was contemplating if this happened due to low transmission fluid? Is there any way to check the transmission fluid? I checked the manuals, there is no information regarding changing transmission fluids for manual transmission. I also felt the gear bouncing back to neutral from the first gear at times( 4-5 times post purchase), I am not giving it much serious thoughts as I do not find any trouble in slotting the lever to any gear. I am now making sure that I depress the clutch fully while shifting. I really hope these are not issues related to gear syncros.
  • Coming from Vento 1.6 TDI, I felt the initial acceleration of the Jetta very low. I mean the Vento surges forward without any throttle inputs. I have had instances wherein the Jetta has stalled in 2nd gear at speed breakers due to lack of throttle input. Is this normal? Have any of you guys felt lack of Torque in the seconds gear?
  • Now this would be of least priority, what’s the opinion on remapping an 8-year-old car? I would like to keep this car for a while, should I expect a higher mechanical/electronic failure rate in case of remap?
  • It would be great if some of you can suggest a good FNG in Bengaluru who specialises in VAG.
I rode around 115 km today, the first long drive post the breakdown incident. I discovered my cruising speed is 120 kmph, I mean the car doesn't feel its traveling at such high speed. I have got limited experience in driving cars that are above the C Segment. In my opinion, this car is very confidence inspiring in the way it drives. I have not tried its high speed capabilities, but I am content. I would want to keep this car for the next five years at least, I believe this is viable considering the build of the car. I hope VW will support in offering spares considering that production in India was stopped 4 years back. I would keep updating this post with my ownership experience of this car.

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Old 22nd December 2020, 22:36   #3579
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by drift87 View Post
It was exactly 2 days before Diwali that I bought my Moon Rock Silver Jetta TDI 2012 model.
Congratulation and welcome to the Jetta Club.

This is one beautiful car that spoils you when or if you want an upgrade in future. I am already spoiled. Relate thread (Cars that are difficult to upgrade from)

I can either upgrade to

Last edited by sangam_mm93 : 22nd December 2020 at 22:44.
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Old 23rd December 2020, 01:50   #3580
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by drift87 View Post
I would like to admit that I am the sort of person who might be brooding all day over simple mechanical faults faced by my automobiles. I have had a stress-free ownership of all my automobiles owned until date. Even though the purchase of the Jetta was a spontaneous decision I would not say it was impromptu, it was more of heart over head decision. Even though I am an ardent reader of Team-bhp articles, I started reading more forums related to Jetta/ TDI. The international threads/articles related to Jetta’s are promising, but then should I worry? Since this is an 8-year-old car, have I made a conspicuous bad decision? This is one of the biggest aspirations that I ever had, i.e. owning a powerful diesel. At times, thinking about the anticipated maintenance costs I feel I have bitten more than I can chew. I would like my fellow Bhpians to comment on the below concerns
  • The car has clocked 62000km and is 8 years old (the routine service which includes the oil change was done 3 months back). Can you suggest the preventive maintenance that needs to be done on immediate basis? As of now, I can only think of the timing belt replacement and the poly V belt replacement – I am considering this to be replaced under 6 months’ time as it’s an expensive ordeal. Please comment.
  • I had read an article on Team-Bhp which mentions the gas pressure valve ( related to AC)of the Jetta, conks off at 65-70k Km. Can any of you throw more light on this aspect and the possible outlets where I can get this done at Bengaluru
  • The car emits a subtle khat khat noise at the front while making “U” turns/ 90 degree turns, both left and right under acceleration. I had done some diagnosis, later found out this was due to drive shaft issues which was also confirmed by an independent garage. This is not felt on straight roads or while taking turns without acceleration. The garage recommended conditioning of the CV joints as replacing would be mouth-watering expensive. Has anybody conducted the servicing of their Jettas/Octavias driveshafts? Is it reliable getting done by an independent mechanic?
  • Since it’s an 8-year-old car, do I need to go for replacement of the engine mounts?
  • As I had to change the gearbox cable/accessories, I was contemplating if this happened due to low transmission fluid? Is there any way to check the transmission fluid? I checked the manuals, there is no information regarding changing transmission fluids for manual transmission. I also felt the gear bouncing back to neutral from the first gear at times( 4-5 times post purchase), I am not giving it much serious thoughts as I do not find any trouble in slotting the lever to any gear. I am now making sure that I depress the clutch fully while shifting. I really hope these are not issues related to gear syncros.
  • Coming from Vento 1.6 TDI, I felt the initial acceleration of the Jetta very low. I mean the Vento surges forward without any throttle inputs. I have had instances wherein the Jetta has stalled in 2nd gear at speed breakers due to lack of throttle input. Is this normal? Have any of you guys felt lack of Torque in the seconds gear?
  • Now this would be of least priority, what’s the opinion on remapping an 8-year-old car? I would like to keep this car for a while, should I expect a higher mechanical/electronic failure rate in case of remap?
  • It would be great if some of you can suggest a good FNG in Bengaluru who specialises in VAG.
I rode around 115 km today, the first long drive post the breakdown incident. I discovered my cruising speed is 120 kmph, I mean the car doesn't feel its traveling at such high speed. I have got limited experience in driving cars that are above the C Segment. In my opinion, this car is very confidence inspiring in the way it drives. I have not tried its high speed capabilities, but I am content. I would want to keep this car for the next five years at least, I believe this is viable considering the build of the car. I hope VW will support in offering spares considering that production in India was stopped 4 years back. I would keep updating this post with my ownership experience of this car.

Firstly, congratulations for owning what is a unicorn. A moonrock silver Jetta is very very rare. I have spotted a handful of midnight and silk blue Jettas as well, but only a couple of moonrock silver cars in the past 5-6 years.

Here's the preventive maintenance you can carry out;

- Get the timing kit (including the water pump) changed immediately. Don't delay any further since the car is already at the 8 year mark. It's not something to risk IMO even for 6 months. If you don't want to get it done urgently, get the belt checked physically at the very least. Also get the compressor oil changed. Will surely help in prolonging the life of it. As for the pressure valve, yes it does go bad sometimes. Costs 4.5K a pop I guess. You can get it replaced as a precaution if you find it is sticking. I haven't really read up or had drive shafts serviced so can't comment, but do get the link rods, strut bearings and control arms checked thoroughly once again for play before moving onto driveshafts.

- A gearshift linkage issue won't happen due to low transmission fluid IMO. The linkage failure is a known issue and I have personally heard of 2-3 Jettas requiring this around the 70-80K mark. One of which was on this forum. The linkage snaps and the gearbox gets stuck in 3rd.The bouncing back of the gears might have been due to bad linkage as well for all you know. Yes, its a good practice to get the fluid changed every 5 years or 70-80K km IMO (though VW claims it is sealed for life). Will set you back around 6-7K at VW ASC.

- I haven't driven the 1.6 TDI personally, but I can confirm that the 2.0 TDI does feel a bit sluggish in 2nd. The fact that it has a DMF coupled with a clutch whose travel and biting point are a bit imprecise can cause one to stall the car. The trick is to feed it a few more revs when starting off in 2nd. It's nothing to worry about though. Completely normal behaviour.

- Technically, you can go in for a remap at this point. 62K km on the odo should pose no issues if you wish to do so. I would infact suggest you go for it since the VW Dieselgate fix has been known to put undue pressure on the EGR valve and cause failures. VW themselves know of this and offer goodwill replacements in EU, but not here in India. At the very least, I suggest you get an emission rollback done. A mechanical or electronic failure is something which is highly unlikely if you get the remap done from a reputed tuner and treat the car well (turbo idling and sticking to service intervals). There's nothing more to it TBH.

- I am not based in Bangalore but have heard good things about CarSmith motors. You can check with other bangalore bhpians on this part. I understand the way you feel about the Jetta since I personally have a 6 year old Comfortline TDI standing down in the garage. Have spent quite a bit on upkeep (mostly wear and tear coupled with my negligence) but it's an honest car and I genuinely struggle to find a viable upgrade every time I flirt with the idea. It's a gem. Cars like these seldom appear in the Indian automotive landscape. As for parts, again, there's very little to worry about. The 2.0 TDI is a staple motor shared across numerous Audis and Skodas so OEM parts aren't hard to come by. The same applies to suspension components as well. Very easy to source OE Sachs and Lemforder components if you know where to get these from.

Hope I was able to answer your queries. Wishing you many happy miles with the Jetta.

Last edited by vishy76 : 23rd December 2020 at 01:51.
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Old 24th December 2020, 12:23   #3581
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by sangam_mm93 View Post
Congratulation and welcome to the Jetta Club.
Thanks sangam_mm93. I would love to utilize this car to its fullest potential.
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Old 24th December 2020, 13:44   #3582
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by vishy76 View Post
Firstly, congratulations for owning what is a unicorn. A moonrock silver Jetta is very very rare. I have spotted a handful of midnight and silk blue Jettas as well, but only a couple of moonrock silver cars in the past 5-6 years.
Thanks vishy76, even I have not seen Jetta of a similar color. I must also admit that I had done an extensive review of your thread to familiarize my self with ownership experience of the Jetta.

- Get the timing kit (including the water pump) changed immediately. Don't delay any further since the car is already at the 8 year mark. It's not something to risk IMO even for 6 months. If you don't want to get it done urgently, get the belt checked physically at the very least.
This is no.1 on my list. I am considering getting this done during my next trip to Kerala. I hope this is half a days job at the dealership.

Also get the compressor oil changed. Will surely help in prolonging the life of it. As for the pressure valve, yes it does go bad sometimes. Costs 4.5K a pop I guess. You can get it replaced as a precaution if you find it is sticking.
Do you suggest changing the compressor oil and gas pressure valve at the dealership or is it alright getting it done at a place that is good with car HVAC?. I hope this may also include refilling the a/c gas (in case of changing the valve)

- A gearshift linkage issue won't happen due to low transmission fluid IMO. The linkage failure is a known issue and I have personally heard of 2-3 Jettas requiring this around the 70-80K mark. One of which was on this forum. The linkage snaps and the gearbox gets stuck in 3rd.The bouncing back of the gears might have been due to bad linkage as well for all you know. Yes, its a good practice to get the fluid changed every 5 years or 70-80K km IMO (though VW claims it is sealed for life). Will set you back around 6-7K at VW ASC.
I may postpone this as this does not seem to be urgent. But then, i surely don't want to be stranded again due to gearbox issues.

The fact that it has a DMF coupled with a clutch whose travel and biting point are a bit imprecise can cause one to stall the car. The trick is to feed it a few more revs when starting off in 2nd. It's nothing to worry about though. Completely normal behaviour.
This is what I generally do. Just wanted to be certain that its a common occurrence in the Jetta.

- Technically, you can go in for a remap at this point. 62K km on the odo should pose no issues if you wish to do so. I would infact suggest you go for it since the VW Dieselgate fix has been known to put undue pressure on the EGR valve and cause failures. VW themselves know of this and offer goodwill replacements in EU, but not here in India. At the very least, I suggest you get an emission rollback done. A mechanical or electronic failure is something which is highly unlikely if you get the remap done from a reputed tuner and treat the car well (turbo idling and sticking to service intervals). There's nothing more to it TBH.
I am not sure if the car has undergone the dieselgate fix. I was informed by my acquaintance in the ASC that they have done this exercise in this car, is there any alternate way to find this out?.
I didn't know the dieselgate fix caused failures. My vento has undergone this exercise, I was informed by the ASC that we cannot rollback whats already done.
In the event of going for a re map, I may be considering Petes, given his reputation in tuning VAG.However, I would want to run the car on stock for a while.

I understand the way you feel about the Jetta since I personally have a 6 year old Comfortline TDI standing down in the garage. Have spent quite a bit on upkeep (mostly wear and tear coupled with my negligence) but it's an honest car and I genuinely struggle to find a viable upgrade every time I flirt with the idea. It's a gem. Cars like these seldom appear in the Indian automotive landscape.
Yes, I am close to the automobiles that I own . And I may get finicky as far as maintenance is considered.

As for parts, again, there's very little to worry about. The 2.0 TDI is a staple motor shared across numerous Audis and Skodas so OEM parts aren't hard to come by. The same applies to suspension components as well. Very easy to source OE Sachs and Lemforder components if you know where to get these from.
That's a huge relief to hear, I seldom thought about this part during my purchase decision.

Hope I was able to answer your queries. Wishing you many happy miles with the Jetta.
Thanks a ton vishy76 for your time and the inputs provided. It means a lot since I do not know any folks close to me who own a Jetta.


Last edited by drift87 : 24th December 2020 at 13:58.
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Old 24th December 2020, 14:54   #3583
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

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It would be great if some of you can suggest a good FNG in Bengaluru who specialises in VAG.[/list]I rode around 115 km today, the first long drive post the breakdown incident. I discovered my cruising speed is 120 kmph, I mean the car doesn't feel its traveling at such high speed. I have got limited experience in driving cars that are above the C Segment. In my opinion, this car is very confidence inspiring in the way it drives. I have not tried its high speed capabilities, but I am content. I would want to keep this car for the next five years at least, I believe this is viable considering the build of the car. I hope VW will support in offering spares considering that production in India was stopped 4 years back. I would keep updating this post with my ownership experience of this car.

Congratulations. Jetta is a solid car.

I own a 2013 Jetta Highline 2.0 TDI Manual. I have got it remapped from Petes. Makes a world of difference but before remap sort out any mechanical issues the car has.

Bay6 motorworks is a good FNG in Bengaluru who work on VAG cars. Check them out. They can also help you out on the CV Shaft rebuild work.

Last edited by bipinbn : 24th December 2020 at 14:55.
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Old 25th December 2020, 19:25   #3584
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by bipinbn View Post
Congratulations. Jetta is a solid car.

I own a 2013 Jetta Highline 2.0 TDI Manual. I have got it remapped from Petes. Makes a world of difference but before remap sort out any mechanical issues the car has.

Bay6 motorworks is a good FNG in Bengaluru who work on VAG cars. Check them out. They can also help you out on the CV Shaft rebuild work.
Thanks bipinbn. As you said, I would be more inclined towards sorting mechanical issues than the remap as of now. I had approached Bay6 for the CV joint reconditioning. They had diagnosed the issue at the first instance. I shall be getting this work done from them soon.


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Old 27th January 2021, 14:13   #3585
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by vishy76 View Post
Hi folks. My jetta was recently idling for a longer period of time and the radiator fan kicked in as usual. However what I did notice is that during shut down, there was a chic chic sound which was quite noticeable. The air con fan wasn't making this sound either at all.

- What could be the issue here? Am I looking at a complete radiator fan set replacement?

- the car was driven through a lot of water. Can it be due to this?
Hello. So I have always wondered about this noise. I hear about 4 "chic" sounds every time I shutoff the engine. Have you been able to figure out what it is? Right now the car is in the garage because of a play developed in the radiator fan and will have the fan assembly replaced. So if it is the fan it should go away once I get the car back.
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