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Old 4th July 2017, 15:56   #2941
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by bhavik.1991 View Post
Hello folks,

I have seen many Jettas MK6 (pre-facelifted) with the tail light part which is integrated into boot not working (usually either side). I always thought the owner might be unaware of it hence didn't get it fixed however couple of days back, I became the victim myself.

Couple of days back, MID showed error "Please check driver side tail light" & a yellow warning symbol popped up in the console as well. (I will upload images soon). It appeared after I drove her through the water puddle of approx 5"-6" deep & 3-4 feet in the length in reverse. (Coincidence?)

Has anyone faced the similar issue? My SA told me over telephone that most probably it won't be covered under extended warranty :( If not, what repair cost I am looking at?
Mostly, this would require just a bulb change, I guess. I don't think the complete assembly would need a change. So, just the cost of the bulb should be the damage.
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Old 4th July 2017, 15:58   #2942
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by graaja View Post
Mostly, this would require just a bulb change, I guess. I don't think the complete assembly would need a change. So, just the cost of the bulb should be the damage.
Thank graaja. I will visit the workshop & update how it goes!
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Old 5th July 2017, 16:02   #2943
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Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
If you have the clip that will retain the rubber, you can simply swap the rubber from a hella or bosch into the OEM wiper frame itself. Thats what i have done and will continue to do. Its a 15 min DIY with effort and 15 minute without much effort.
Hi VW2010,

Re-using the clip was already thought of, but I had lost the left rubber-blade (and I couldn't have potentially stepped out to search for it). I can re-use the driver side one, but then again, not meeting my need of left-one.

Originally Posted by Chethan B G View Post
Trico model suits Jetta MK6. If you are still in doubt, please post a picture of your wipers and I will confirm. 😊
Hi Chetan,

Since I didn't want to get stuck on the road, I went with an OEM piece yesterday from VW dealer. Costed about 2.9K and I guess it's decent one.

Anyways, I went ahead and ordered Trico Force to my sisters address in LA so that she can get it in two months. Could save roughly 25$ for the shipping charge for both pieces. Thanks.

Btw, the same Trico Force model is available in Amazon India now, but an exorbitant price :(

So it seems VW have the App-Connect feature in their bag now, but they're charging 28K to enable it. You need to order it and has to come from Pune plant/office, which is just a CD with some firmware release and an activation code. No hardware change at all - they say.

Apparently 28K for one service, so you got to pay double if you need both Android Auto and Apple CarPlay - or ask your spouse to switch brands

Bharath have done that already, and when I spoke with him yesterday, I was sure that I don't want to spend that money for Apple CarPlay, which still has a very limited apps enabled for CarPlay - and Google Map was not one of them, so my main requirement is not met!

Originally Posted by bharat4ever View Post
Finally activated App Connect to enable Carplay, Android Auto, Mirrorlink and Voice Commands. Asked them to order the parts end of March, and finally got the installation after a whole 2 months...
Bharath, did you get a chance to test CarPlay ? Is CarPlay (enabled and) working for you ?

Last edited by moralfibre : 26th July 2017 at 15:24. Reason: Back to back posts.
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Old 18th July 2017, 13:12   #2944
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Dear BHPians,

Yesterday, I received a letter from Volkswagen India. It was a registered one, where the details of the famous Diesel Gate was described.

Now, the main question I want to ask you guys is,

1. Is this update worthy ?
2. Is there drop in performance post update ?
3. How to know whether Update has been done or not ?
4. Any other problems faced by Jetta Owners here post update ?

Thanks in advance.
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Old 18th July 2017, 13:31   #2945
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by CarguyNish View Post
1. Is this update worthy ?
2. Is there drop in performance post update ?
3. How to know whether Update has been done or not ?
4. Any other problems faced by Jetta Owners here post update ?
This thread should answer your queries:

Most members do not plan to get it done, and those who have - majority are not happy with the update.

Performance is not as thrilling (more linear), FE has dropped, engine noise is marginally higher, and some 2.0TDi owners are facing issues with DPF regeneration.
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Old 23rd July 2017, 11:18   #2946
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by Gannu_1 View Post
It does.
Do check Aliexpress. The pedals are not OEM and are made by third party manufacturers, the fit may not be perfect and you'll need to use some sort of glue to hold them in place, judging by the reviews of pedals sold for other cars. But customers are happy as they are a lot more cheaper compared to the original pedals which retail for close to 200 USD.

Do note that you'll need to check how to remove the accelerator pedal off the organ type pedal assembly. It may not be as easy as prying and removing the original one and inserting the replacement. Please check.
I ordered the pedal set for RHD without dead pedal with Ali Express on 5-7-2017.
Price: US$.24.34
Delivered on 20-7-2017.
The packaging was so flimsy, the gas pedal was slightly bent at the bottom end. I had to do some minor tinkering.

Clutch and Brake pedal covers were pull off and put on type, while the gas pedal was just overlay and clip on type. There was no need to remove the gas pedal set from the floor.


Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-old-pedals.jpg

After fitment

Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-new-pedls.jpg

As you can see the original gas pedal has rubber pad with vertical grooves. While trying to move my right foot from gas to brake quickly, these grooves were kind of restraining sliding motion of the shoe. But the new pedal has lateral rubber buttons which just make the shoe bottom glide, when I want to move the foot quickly.

Overall, the fit was Perfect and 5 minutes DIY job. Purpose achieved and I am one happy man.
Thanks folks, for guidance.
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Old 24th July 2017, 14:28   #2947
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Car play works with VW Jetta MIB2-
APP connect software
iphone compatible usb port

Thanks GTO for your thread on the same, helped me in getting the IPhone compatible USB plug

Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-img_2714.jpg

Last edited by Aditya : 24th July 2017 at 17:31. Reason: Image orientation rectified
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Old 26th July 2017, 10:38   #2948
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by Gannu_1 View Post
Check out the RCD 330G Plus. Cheap, has a better resolution display, capacitive touch works as good as a smartphone, has a built in Bluetooth module. The climatronic and OPS display works.

Downside - does not show the music info, contacts on the cluster's MFD.
Originally Posted by prash26 View Post
Car play works with VW Jetta MIB2-
APP connect software
iphone compatible usb port

Thanks GTO for your thread on the same, helped me in getting the IPhone compatible USB plug

Attachment 1660102
Hey guys - I need some help. I've also been looking for a touch screen HU to replace my archaic one that I got on my CL TDI. Can you please tell me:

1. Is the RCD 330G Plus Gannu is recommending same as the MIB II?

2. Need reference links to get one from AliExpress plz..

3. Also can you please re-direct me to the GTOI thred on the Carplay work. Struggling to get hold of that

4. Can any of the newer HUs VW has - like the one of new Golf or Octavia (the 'single pane of glass' look ones) - fit in the existing Jetta CL?

Looking fwd to a quick reply. I am looking to buy the HU very soon (read:right now!)

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Old 26th July 2017, 10:52   #2949
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by Gannu_1 View Post
Check out the RCD 330G Plus. Cheap, has a better resolution display, capacitive touch works as good as a smartphone, has a built in Bluetooth module. The climatronic and OPS display works.

Downside - does not show the music info, contacts on the cluster's MFD.
Originally Posted by prash26 View Post
Car play works with VW Jetta MIB2-
APP connect software
iphone compatible usb port

Thanks GTO for your thread on the same, helped me in getting the IPhone compatible USB plug

Attachment 1660102
Hey guys - I need some help. I've also been looking for a touch screen HU to replace my archaic one that I got on my CL TDI. Can you please tell me:

1. Is the RCD 330G Plus Gannu is recommending same as the MIB II?

2.Need reference links to get one from AliExpress plz..

3. Can any of the newer HUs VW has - like the one of new Golf or Octavia (the 'single pane of glass' look ones) - fit in the existing Jetta CL?

4. Also can you please re-direct me to the GTOI thred on the Carplay work. Struggling to get hold of tha

Looking fwd to a quick rpely. I am looking to buy the HU very soon (read:right now!)

EDIT: Got hold of the GTO thread. New question - can the Carplay module be purchased online etc? Or just a HU that has one, but is OEM/replica. I don't want an aftermarket looking HU

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Old 26th July 2017, 15:02   #2950
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by Chethan B G View Post
Dear Ganesh,

VCDS autoscan report does not show the BCM separately..
Hi Chethan,

First of all, apologies for the very long delay. I wanted to have a first hand look at a similar Jetta before providing my inputs. Last week end, got a chance to check out a high line DSG Jetta with halogen lights. Did a VCDS scan and following are my observations.

1. The BCM is the same as yours. The BCM has a setting for BiXenon headlights. So, the BCM does support BiXenon function.
2. Auto light feature is active using the rain light sensor
3. Static cornering function is implemented using fog lights
4. DRL is implemented using halogen
5. The headlight has a 10 pin connector

Based on the above observations, you can do a OEM BiXenon upgrade with various levels of feature adds.

Basic Operation:

The simplest and the basic modification is to use a 10-14 pin wiring harness adapter and connect the BiXenons. This will enable the high beam, low beam, DRL, parking lights and indicator functions. In this step, you will not have the cornering light, auto leveling and dynamic cornering features.

As the car already has a halogen DRL, it should be possible to wire this DRL signal to the LED DRLs in the BiXenon headlights. Only difference is that the LED DRLs take two signals - one enable to turn on/off the DRL and a PWM to set the brightness. The PWM signal may not be present in the halogen (somehow I missed to check this). If the PWM signal is not present, you can connect the same DRL signal to both the on/off and PWM signals in the BiXenon headlights. This will result in some features like half brightness of the DRLs in parking mode and when headlights on, not working.

Fog lights and static cornering:

Disconnect the fog light signals and route these to the cornering lights in the BiXenon headlights. This will enable cornering function, but the fogs will not be active. If you need the fogs as well, then you will need to take the fog light signals from the headlight wiring and using a relay drive the fog lights. This will need some study of the headlight switch wiring.

Auto leveling and AFS:

In this step you can install the level sensor and AFS controller. The level sensor will be fixed to the chassis of the car on the rear and will connect to the AFS controller. The AFS controller output will then be connected to the up/down and right/left drive motors in the headlight. This will enable auto leveling (the calibration that takes place in the lights when they are turned on), and active cornering where the lights follow steering input.

Hope this helps.
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Old 18th August 2017, 20:30   #2951
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My 2014 Jetta will soon hit 100k kms and I am planning to remap it to 190bhp, along with suspension and brake upgrades. Is this too late for a remap and upgrades? Will the engine be fine if I remap it now? Any particular issues I should watch out for?

Thanks in advance.
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Old 21st August 2017, 09:36   #2952
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by pavanmadhini View Post
My 2014 Jetta will soon hit 100k kms and I am planning to remap it to 190bhp, along with suspension and brake upgrades. Is this too late for a remap and upgrades? Will the engine be fine if I remap it now? Any particular issues I should watch out for?

Thanks in advance.
GO ahead and take the plunge. Z germans age very nicely and slowly. So it is never too late for upgrades. After remap you will feel that you are actually late and that you should have done it much earlier. Suspension upgrade is a luxury, but tyre upgrade is a necessity to handle additional (monster) torque and power. The lousy NCT5 will not make the cut. Brakes were always more than satisfactory coupled with ABS and EBD. Brake upgrade may not be really necessary, but you can check the health of brakes at the moment after 100000 kms.
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Old 23rd August 2017, 17:16   #2953
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

After 5.5 years & close to 40,000 km, my brother's Jetta had its first failure - water pump gone. We were going out at night when the 'low coolant' sign popped up on the MID. Opened the bonnet and saw the coolant tank completely empty. This is unusual, so didn't want to take any chances and parked her back in. With European cars, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

I thought it was a leak somewhere. Sent to VW and the water pump was replaced. Bill of over 20k.

Of course, he has had a sensor or two fail here & there, but this was the first major replacement.
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Old 23rd August 2017, 17:28   #2954
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
After 5.5 years & close to 40,000 km, my brother's Jetta had its first failure - water pump gone. We were going out at night when the 'low coolant' sign popped up on the MID. Opened the bonnet and saw the coolant tank completely empty. This is unusual, so didn't want to take any chances and parked her back in. With European cars, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

I thought it was a leak somewhere. Sent to VW and the water pump was replaced. Bill of over 20k.
20K sounds too much.

Graaja recently got his pump replaced and a member on the thread said it didn't cost more than 8K, which included the timing kit charge being waived off. Does this mean the timing kit costs 10K+?

Had to change the water pump on my Superb due to a minor leak. However this was found when the car went in for timing belt replacement (at 60000 km). Costed me 5300 for the pump and a labour of 3000 for the coolant pump replacement + coolant fill. The ASS waived off the timing kit labour charges .
Have heard that the accursed Octavia Vrs's pump itself costs 14K and not anymore.

Do ask your brother do get the bill checked and upload a copy if possible.

Of course, he has had a sensor or two fail here & there, but this was the first major replacement.
Could you please give me a rough idea of what these sensors were? Sorry for my curiosity, but I am just a bit too inquistive to know more about what goes wrong with cars.

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Old 23rd August 2017, 22:44   #2955
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Had my cars water pump failure 3 weeks back at 54500 kms. Pump and timing belt assy was replaced, specifically told them not to do the software update, which was complied with, thankfully.
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