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Old 25th August 2015, 20:24   #2071
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Originally Posted by graaja View Post
Looks like a very useful feature. However, I did not find this feature in my Jetta. Does this require a VCDS tweak?

It did not require a VCD tweak for me, Just keep keep the indicator stalk either on the right or left side and the headlights in the auto mode, And as soon as you open the drivers door you should hear chimes, Ignore it and lock the vehicle. Wait for sometime and it should work.
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Old 25th August 2015, 21:41   #2072
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Looks like a very useful feature. However, I did not find this feature in my Jetta. Does this require a VCDS tweak?
It should be enabled by default. But there is a sequence of step to get this going. And missing that sequence does not enable it.

Its switching of the engine, then setting the lever and then taking the key off. Or something like that.

It has to hapen in a specific sequence. I cannot google now to give you exact direction but there is a video as well i have seen earlier.
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Old 27th August 2015, 08:47   #2073
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Time does indeed fly by. It feels like only yesterday when I was scouring t-bhp looking for which car to buy after I got rid of the Verna. Jetta HL DSG won the race and it was time for the one year service. The car has been absolutely magnificent (touch wood) and the right balance between performance, economy and pleasure to drive. 11K kms in on one year is more than my normal but then the car begs to be taken on highway runs and I am more than happy to oblige.

Time came to get the 1st service and it was also time to deal with the VW dealerships (the one sore point in the car ownership). So I call VW whitefield (my nearest dealer and where I bought the car from) on monday requesting an appointment for wednesday. I know VW usually wants 2 days notice for service which I understood due to the volume of vehicles in bengaluru and the thin service network. Imagine my surprise when I was told that the earliest they can accommodate is friday. It is as if they expect us to plan our lives around their service appointment availability. Was given excuses like advisers are on leave etc etc. I blew my top a bit and gave them an earful and shot off an email to VW customer care expressing my displeasure. I wanted Wednesday because I had plans for a trip on friday and the next week looked difficult. Was also nearing the actual 1 year mark and we all know how anal VW is about getting the service done on time.

Anyway, I am not sure if my email to VW helped but I got to a call next day asking me to come early on wednesday (8 AM). Took the vehicle in after navigating the horrible early morning ORR traffic (it is not very far fetched when we have to start leaving our house at 6 AM to beat the traffic in the near future). The dealership was as usual disorganized and my SA had no idea where my car was parked by the valet. (VW dealer should attend workshops from maruti and hyundai folks to learn how to be organized).

The usual visual inspection was done and I asked what will be done. The usual oil change, oil filter, fuel filter, air filter, dust and pollen filter was accepted and I said no to wheel balancing and alignment. I knew about the AC cleaning scam run by all dealers but since the SA did not mention it I did not bring it up. Got a call around 1 PM saying the car ready and the bill was around 13 K. That sounded a little bit high based on recent feedback from fellow jetta owners (thanks for chethan for posting the most recent bill). Went to pickup the car and lo and behold the ac cleaning was there (850 rupees) and charges for cleaning the car (another 850). Got upset and asked the SA why they included AC cleaning when I did not ask for it and he did not mention it. One phone call later, LO and behold both the charges were gone, which makes me believe that they were hoping I would not notice it and pay anyway. In case someone does notice and asks, they will remove it immediately.

So the final amount came to 11K which is not bad since I used to pay around the same for my verna per annum ( service once every 6 months). All in all, a fabulous one year with the car and here is to hoping that the next time I set foot on the service center will be for the second service in a year.

Last edited by Gannu_1 : 4th September 2015 at 11:34. Reason: Spacing.
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Old 27th August 2015, 10:16   #2074
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Some interesting stats over the 1 year of ownership..

Fuel Efficiency (all tankful to all tankful)
Best : 17.57 kmpl
Worst : 11.36 kmpl

Average Fuel efficiency : 14.67 kmpl

Fuel Price:
Highest : 66.05 per liter (Oct 2014)
Lowest : 50.8 (Feb 2015)

Spent 43,321 on fuel in one year costing me 4.14 rupees per km so far
Spent 11006 on service cost costing me 1.05 per km

Total running cost works out to 5.2 rupees per km. Based on past experience I would say the running cost is about the same as my Verna before which is not bad considering that that the car is an automatic and has a bigger engine.
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Old 31st August 2015, 19:35   #2075
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

I was planning to talk a trip to Leh through Manali. Is it safe to do the trip on the Jetta? My question comes from the fact that Jetta has relatively low ground clearance and there is a good chance of under body damage. Also, is it prudent to test the automatic gear box in such terrain?
Your help is always helpful.
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Old 31st August 2015, 22:10   #2076
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
It should be enabled by default. But there is a sequence of step to get this going. And missing that sequence does not enable it.

Its switching of the engine, then setting the lever and then taking the key off. Or something like that.

It has to hapen in a specific sequence. I cannot google now to give you exact direction but there is a video as well i have seen earlier.
If the indicator is left ON when the car is switched off and keys taken off, it gets going.
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Old 2nd September 2015, 10:21   #2077
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

A few pictures of the Silk Blue colour and interiors
Attached Thumbnails
Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-20150831_155349_resized.jpg  

Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-20150831_155353_resized.jpg  

Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-20150831_155314_resized.jpg  

Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-20150831_155319_resized.jpg  

Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-20150831_155330_resized.jpg  

Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-20150831_155334_resized.jpg  

Last edited by itwasntme : 2nd September 2015 at 10:28. Reason: Colour name was wrong
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Old 4th September 2015, 11:32   #2078
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
The car does not change character purely between different countries. Checking the bare essentials before a long trip always helps you. You have a good practise why would you relax that because you are in India .
Point taken, maybe I should have put my question a bit better . What I am really trying to ask is what other members check and do before a long drive (10-12 hours)?

In this context, it would also help to know if it is worth filling tyres with nitrogen before such a long drive, from the point of view of safety.

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
Many may not agree, but i just refill with RO water simply to avoid salts and also if i need a little soap as an emergency use shampoo. You can get the wind washer liquids in any of the shops to top it up.
Thanks, got a bottle of Waxpol from a friendly spares shop this morning. The recommendation was to use 100ml of the same, with tap water to fill the windscreen reservoir. Is it ok to use tap water for this purpose? I hope I wont cause some long term damage because of using the hard water.

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
GOOD luck and its a beautiful car.
Thanks mate, really looking forward to my first proper long drive from Pune to Goa in October, cant wait , will try to do my first travelogue then. (I am not a great narrator!)

On a separate note, my Jetta has started showing "Oil change in x days" message on starting up, I guess it must be time for my 6-month checkup? Do they charge anything for topping up whatever needs topping up etc? How can I ensure I do not get ripped off?
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Old 4th September 2015, 11:40   #2079
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by harryputtar View Post

On a separate note, my Jetta has started showing "Oil change in x days" message on starting up, I guess it must be time for my 6-month checkup? Do they charge anything for topping up whatever needs topping up etc? How can I ensure I do not get ripped off?
Yes it is time for your six-month checkup. I went through it just a couple of weeks ago I think; and they don't actually do much.

In my case, the techie just looked all over the car, tried all switches and controls, opened the bonnet and touched the insides here and there, checked the engine-oil level, reset the service-warning interval, washed the car and that's it.

And no, I was not charged anything.

Actually the Jetta manual does not mention anything about this 7500 km / 6-month checkup at all. It only talks about the regular 15K service intervals and nothing else. So, technically, this 7500K checkup is not needed at all; it's just a quick look-see to make sure nothing's fallen off the car I guess.

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Old 5th September 2015, 19:55   #2080
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by mav2000 View Post
Yes, there seems to be placeholders for the speakers in the rear doors and the rear parcel tray, but I dont know if the wiring is there or not. I will get it checked in the first service.
Hi mav2000, Could you please confirm if there was wiring in the rear doors. I was thinking of adding speaker in the rear.
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Old 5th September 2015, 20:27   #2081
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Originally Posted by sarasgupta View Post
Hi mav2000, Could you please confirm if there was wiring in the rear doors. I was thinking of adding speaker in the rear.
Nope, no wiring in the rear doors.

I got my first year service done this week and my only complaint was a squeaking in one of the passenger side doors.

They kept the car for two days but made sure that the alignment of all four doors were checked and fixed. The car was also cleaned inside out and given back on day 3 morning. Very happy with the service. Costed me about 10k.
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Old 5th September 2015, 20:35   #2082
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Was there an option (port given in the rear) in the RCD 320 for adding rear speaker or would I need and amplifier for that?
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Old 7th September 2015, 15:43   #2083
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Hi all,Just curious...Are volkswagen spares available over the counter yet? Is there any option to source it elsewhere within India?
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Old 8th September 2015, 17:03   #2084
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by AmolChaps View Post
I was planning to talk a trip to Leh through Manali. Is it safe to do the trip on the Jetta? My question comes from the fact that Jetta has relatively low ground clearance and there is a good chance of under body damage. Also, is it prudent to test the automatic gear box in such terrain?
Your help is always helpful.
With a good plan, preparation and a bit of luck and dare, i would say yes it is possible. 159 mm GC in jetta could easily take me out of a land slide cleared road on Mughal road near peer ki galli. However, manali to leh is a completely different terrain and GC may turn out to be last thing you would worry. During my trip to leh, our Innova got stuck at 7 p.m. just 12 kms before sarchu. In order to save time we drove straight to sarchu from gurgaon, 26 hrs drive in Innova. Lesson learned: the naalas turn into river around evening.

Also for reference you will find one of the moderators (Ajmat i think) did a trip on this route in his laura.

Last edited by Mission_PGPX : 8th September 2015 at 17:11.
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Old 8th September 2015, 18:37   #2085
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Re: Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by Sam.k View Post
Hi all,Just curious...Are volkswagen spares available over the counter yet? Is there any option to source it elsewhere within India?
I don't think VW spares are available over the counter. But as a customer, any one can buy extra consumables from the dealer.

You can source almost any spare part from Bosch - and get it fitted too.
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