Team-BHP - Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

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Originally Posted by hubolt (Post 3734856)
Had a problem with ac not cooling immediately after starting my car in the morning. Took it to the service centre , on investigation turned out to be a faulty expansion valve , this along with dryer was replaced under warranty, so far its working ok

Hello, i am facing the same issue just to confirm is it during the cold start? And the ac starts throwing cool air only after a minute or so and when the car starts moving, Is it the same with you? And it takes longer for the ac to start throwing cool air if the car is stationary.


Take it to the service center. if you are under warranty, get the complete compressor and drier replaced if possible.

They are one of the weak areas of jetta.


Originally Posted by VW2010 (Post 3735003)

Take it to the service center. if you are under warranty, get the complete compressor and drier replaced if possible.

They are one of the weak areas of jetta.

Yes my car is just around 9 months old, ill probably do that, i just hope the service center guys try to understand the problem atleast, since my last visit to them was because of the glovebox light not working and it took them 2 days to find the issue for it which eventually was a kaput fuse.:deadhorse


Originally Posted by Tanveer_2558 (Post 3734889)
Hello, i am facing the same issue just to confirm is it during the cold start? And the ac starts throwing cool air only after a minute or so and when the car starts moving, Is it the same with you? And it takes longer for the ac to start throwing cool air if the car is stationary.

Hi Tanveer,

I had a similar problem with my Jetta and it is rectified after AC solenoid replacement under warranty. This seems to be a common problem with Jetta. I heard that the Solenoid now has been modified and the new one after replacement works fine. Please get your's replaced. All the best!

For details:

Hi tanveer, yes my problem was the same


Originally Posted by Chethan B G (Post 3735053)
Hi Tanveer,

I had a similar problem with my Jetta and it is rectified after AC solenoid replacement under warranty. This seems to be a common problem with Jetta. I heard that the Solenoid now has been modified and the new one after replacement works fine. Please get your's replaced. All the best!

For details:

Thank you very much for the info, i have a checkup for the car comingup so ill get it done that time, i just hope the service center is aware of this issue.


Originally Posted by hubolt (Post 3735429)
Hi tanveer, yes my problem was the same

Thank you, seems to be a common problem then.:thumbs up

Do we not get an alert, some sorry of flashing light of the battery is low?!

Normally, esp and abs sensors failure starts showing every few days intermittently , those are the battery charge low signs normally could also be sensor issue , but intermittent fault explained above usually indicates battery issues , funny how such a sophisticated car has to use such unrelated Telltale's to warn of pre eminent battery failure that too to be learnt from user experience


funny how such a sophisticated car has to use such unrelated Telltale's to warn of pre eminent battery failure that too to be learnt from user experience
Its a little more sophisticated and cost inefficient to build a true battery indicator. The reason why you are seeing glow all over the dash board is because of the indifferent voltage received by these sensors which in a way is the easiest way to identify battery failure.

These batteries actually get charged to full while driving, its only the discharging pattern determines if they are kaput. They simply discharge super fast.

I think it has simply got to do with the cost involved in investing on getting the battery indicator which is used once every 3-4 years and it doesnt make any practical sense to have one.

The problem is this fault does not oçcur as infrequently as every 3 to 4 years though ideally I agree it should , also if the sa can find the fault thought their diagnostics , that means the fault code of that nature is being recorded all that has to be done is report it on the screen or keep the battery light on or flash it with a bell , I don't think to do such such an investment is prohibitive , also battery failure advance warning is quite useful and important

To be fair, i was warned that the battery will die soon. The voltage was a little lower than normal.

when it did happen, i did not panic, merely got a new battery and put it in


Originally Posted by VW2010 (Post 3735787)
Its a little more sophisticated and cost inefficient to build a true battery indicator. The reason why you are seeing glow all over the dash board is because of the indifferent voltage received by these sensors which in a way is the easiest way to identify battery failure.

These batteries actually get charged to full while driving, its only the discharging pattern determines if they are kaput. They simply discharge super fast.

I think it has simply got to do with the cost involved in investing on getting the battery indicator which is used once every 3-4 years and it doesnt make any practical sense to have one.


Originally Posted by hubolt (Post 3736018)
The problem is this fault does not oçcur as infrequently as every 3 to 4 years though ideally I agree it should , also if the sa can find the fault thought their diagnostics , that means the fault code of that nature is being recorded all that has to be done is report it on the screen or keep the battery light on or flash it with a bell , I don't think to do such such an investment is prohibitive , also battery failure advance warning is quite useful and important

Not sure of Jetta but in Octavia it shows the status of the battery, below is the pic, in Octavia press and hold the trip set button to get this info.
SOC = state of charge
Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review-20150622_140655.jpg

Again it's very important to check the battery under load as I have experienced this just very recently. VAG service centers have a special device to check out the battery. They simply connect it to the terminals and press a button, out comes a receipt that reads the fault in the battery. That's it. That small bit of paper decided that my Octavia's battery had failed and they replaced it within no time.

I first noticed that my new Jetta showed an increase of ten+ kms in the distance driven door-to-door Bangalore to Madras when compared to my old i20.

Then, two days ago, I decided to verify it. I used VW's own app to trace my route over a few rides and compare it with what the odo showed.

The app's GPS tracker showed 12.15 km and the odo showed 13.5; the app showed 10.91 and the odo showed 11.7; and the third trip the app showed 26.43 kms and the odo showed 28.3.

And as I mentioned in the beginning of this post, my BLR-MAA distance showed around 360 kms instead of the 343 shown by my i20.

I want to know if other Jetta owners have noticed something similar.

Some of the other T-BHPers I spoke with thought it might have to do with any tyre size changes, but I am running the original wheels and tyres the car came with.

Yes, I agree that the difference does not seem to be significant, but I am unable to find a steady pattern to the difference, and was wondering how I may have this corrected.

As to WHY I would like it corrected, it would show a higher usage of the car over time, and also the fuel-consumption figures would not be accurate; not to mention the speedo also being optimistic.

Thanks and cheers

Could be a sensor issue or sensor calibration issue?

Did you check with VW.

Also any mods to the rims or tyres

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