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Old 15th July 2011, 19:47   #751
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

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Ganesh Jayaraman
And no leather, no front armrest, 10 lacs+????
Ford Fiesta Hi Ganesh, we value your feedback. We believe the car is priced appropriately considering the many first-in-segment features it offers and the brilliant driving dynamics that are ingrained in all Ford vehicles. We would like to invite you to test drive the car and feel the difference. Do send us your contact number and we shall ensure our executive contacts you for a test drive. Thanks again for your feedback.
Heated discussions over there
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Old 15th July 2011, 19:51   #752
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Originally Posted by zulfi hansi
When ever I go and check out a new launch of any car manufacturer I leave my number for them to call me for TD when ever the car is available. But invariably they never call for good 2 months, that is until the hype and crowds subside from the dealer place. Its only when the inquisitiveness and the rush of booking comes down the sales guys start searching for numbers of those guys who had shown interest in the car and would have come just before the launch, such guys do make good prospective customers for any sales guy.

That said, I never in my life have got a call from any car dealer to do the TD of a latest launch within 1 day from the date of launch. First time in my life I have got a call from the sales guy of Metro Ford for TD of new Fiesta on the very next day of the launch, that is today afternoon (the car was launched only yesterday). These very guys never bothered to even call me for Figo even 6 months after its launch.

And I couldn't help but sympathize with him after hearing such a low tone of his voice as though he had no will to live any longer. I felt in his voice he was crushed inside and was expecting even I would tell him "with a price like that .. go take a hike", I wanted to, but did not feel like doing it. Felt bad for the poor guy, he must have written-off his incentives for the next 6 months, and probably started searching for potential customers for the old Fiesta & Figo by now.
What if the dealer was really genuine? I also gave my number. But I never got any call. I think its too early to write off the Fiesta. Especially without taking the test drive. There are many people who are willing to buy a car if it gives them a good feel even if it is prized on the higher side. Atleast that's what the market goes by in my opinion.
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Old 15th July 2011, 19:58   #753
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

The Fiesta pricing might not seem value for money, but Ford has not compromised on the Safety or the Build quality aspect! Ford din't want to compromise on its customer's safety and hence gave ABS and Airbags as a standard feature. Also, has everyone forgotten the fact that Ford is importing the extra rigid Boron-steel body parts as the Indian suppliers could not meet the high quality and strength they expected. Kudos to Ford for their bravery Especially since they know how to play the VFM card well too (Figo). But if I were in the market for the Fiesta, I would go for the Style model, then get my snazzy set of alloys and enjoy driving the Fiesta!
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Old 15th July 2011, 20:02   #754
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by Poitive View Post
Maybe they don't want to position themselves as a sub-Hyundai brand in the longer run. That they'd rather take some hit in sales now, than take more time and money, building the brand for launches in the coming years. Surely questionable logic. But possible logic.
Very much possible. This can be the only reason why they have priced it higher than Verna. And also I read in a paper that they are bringing 8 more sedans [or cars?] by 2015 to India.

Originally Posted by Poitive View Post
Had Fiat had better A$$ and reliability and a 1.6 on the Linea, it would have a killer of an opportunity now, with the Verna and Fiesta prices.
Something I am really hoping to happen. And I seriously wish they employ some Maruti guys to tune the engine as well. Fiat guys just dont cut it when it comes to tuning their engines.

Originally Posted by zulfi hansi View Post
Felt bad for the poor guy, he must have written-off his incentives for the next 6 months, and probably started searching for potential customers for the old Fiesta & Figo by now.
This is BAD ! It would have been nice if these guys were given a heads up by Ford. Cancellations right after a launch can be very de-motivating for these guys. And as always these negative news spread faster and will have a wider effect. Imagine any news channels covering this story of cancellations.
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Old 15th July 2011, 20:04   #755
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by AutoIndian View Post
  • Leather upholstery
  • 5 alloy wheels (spare wheel is an alloy unike Fiesta)
  • 16" wheels against 15"
  • All wheel disk brakes (unlike front disk & rear drums)
  • 6 air-bags
  • Cooled glove box,
Did I miss something?
Nope, you're spot on, I'd gone into their site after I posted & checked.
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Old 15th July 2011, 20:09   #756
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by Mustang.101 View Post
Hi everybody, though I expected the petrol car to start at 7.75 instead of 8.23 and the diesel to start at around 9 lacs but I drove the new diesel fiesta back to back after the classic tdci and let me tell you that there is no competition.

PS the pricing is certainly not vfm for sure
Thank you for being honest. The general sentiment seems to be the same. New Fiesta prices are a bit too optimistic. Yes, ABS & airbags on all 4 variants. Full marks for that. Good on you Ford.

Yet, i cannot help but think that Ford have their customers confused and disappointed.

Firstly, they should have kept the number of variants down to 3, with the base variant losing a few creature comforts (while keeping the safety features) at a lower price point, just to get the customer into the showroom. I suspect we might see such a variant in future, if and when sales are not up to expectations.

Secondly, Ford could have cashed in on momentum from the Figo success. After all, they built up a reputation of being damn good VFM with the Figo. No harm in playing to your strengths.

Finally, the new Fiesta was initially expected with 1.6 petrol & diesels. The 1.5s are a bit too neutral. As in, a current Fiesta 1.4 TDCi owner would not see the NFS 1.5 TDCi as a major step up in terms of performance. And as per reports, the driveability is not spectacular either. In the case of the 1.5 petrol, clearly it is a step down from the Ikon/Fiesta 1.6 petrol. These cars were bought mostly by enthusiasts for whom FE was secondary.

And as a final thought, a 13 lakh Ford Fiesta with exposed arm rest hinges and el-cheapo plastic door trims? Thanks, but I'm hanging onto my current Fiesta!
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Old 15th July 2011, 20:10   #757
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by Mustang.101 View Post
Hi everybody, though I expected the petrol car to start at 7.75 instead of 8.23 and the diesel to start at around 9 lacs but I drove the new diesel fiesta back to back after the classic tdci and let me tell you that there is no competition.
Yes you do spend more but what you get is much much better than the classic. A test drive won't be harmful for anyone. And when you do test drive, test drive it spiritedly and you will know what I'm talking about. (especially the fiesta classic owners will know).
Test drives will begin v.soon. check with the dealers for exact dates.
Tomorrow I'll be driving the petrol and will let u kno its comparison with the classic.
PS the pricing is certainly not vfm for sure
Thanks Mustang. Can you please share your driving impressions a bit more in detail (once you are done with petrol TD as well)?

Originally Posted by xingamazon View Post
1. Competetive Analysis:
Of course, the remaining companies are selling stripped down version of thier models, whereas Ford has launched thier internation varient as it.
This is where I have isssue. They should have either launched it as stripped down or rather not launched it at all.
Sorry to disagree Xingamazon; Ford should be lauded for not following the norm and provide a stripped down version of an international car. I am not a hardcore Ford fan; but I would like this car to be a success. Reason – Here is a mainstream manufacturer who has provided us with an international model, with no India-specific cost cutting measures whatsoever. Before this, Honda has shown the way with providing us with relevant models and standard safety features across all variants. I personally support these kinds of manufacturers more than the Toyota / VW way.

Originally Posted by xingamazon View Post
But on contrary what Ford has done is launched Fiesta in the Corolla, Civic teritory. Which is where the issue starts. Anyone who has slight knowledge of overseas market behaviour will not go for Fiesta at all.
Moreover, now Focus will end up in the Accord teritorry. Which will be another mistake.
Is it really in the Corolla, Civic category? If Focus comes to India, it will be right up there with the likes of Skoda Laura, Civic and VW Jetta. And if I am correct, the Focus notchback internationally is compared with cars like VW Golf and Opel Astra.

Originally Posted by xingamazon View Post
2. Marketing campaign:
Second place where Ford did the mistake was thier marketing campaign, all the while they were giving out feelers as if Ford is going to be "competively priced". They should have right away during the launch mentioned that they are keeping quality in mind not the price etc etc. That would have reduced the number of disappointment.
Due to thier initial campaign even people with INR 7L budget started waiting for launch and needless to say they got pissed off, cheated. Had anyone given out feelers that its going to be premium, then only people with 10L budget would have waited for the car.
Take Hyundai, ask anyone before the pricing was announced. Everyone had a feeler that its going to be costly.
Marketing drives the was a customer positions a product in his mind. Its a delicate process to make sure only the right eyes are turned.
Yes, I do feel that marketing part was flawed. They did gave an impression that it is going to be competitively priced in comparison with the segment players

Originally Posted by lamborghini View Post
Just when I thought the NFF would be the answer to my car dilemma, and after spending hours trying to digest its looks and convince myself that it could be the one, Ford goes and announces its pricing structure.
The difference is 1L between the Fiesta D Titanium, and the VW Vento HL, and for the 1L more, I get:
- Better ICE (a similar set up would be around 25-30K for the Vento)
- Better handling, and sportier suspension
- Wider tyres
- Some extra features such as the voice recognition program and the sportier front seat.
However, I would lose out on the VW image, better quality interiors, and a much better engine. Also, with the 1L I would save, I would be able to get a good touch-screen HU and speakers, wider tyres, and leather seats!
I hope Ford is reading this, and announces a price correction within the next week, for all existing bookings and new bookings!
You have mentioned some important plus points there. I will suggest you to follow the standard procedure you have followed – do a TD and see if you like it. I don’t how much of euphoria is there for the VW brand in India. For me both VW and Ford is people’s car in their respective country of origin. And in International markets, their cars in respective segments are always chosen for a comparison – e.g.; Golf v/s Focus, Passat v/s Mondeo. I feel your choice will narrow down to New Fiesta v/s New Jetta
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Old 15th July 2011, 20:11   #758
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by swiftnfurious View Post
Something I am really hoping to happen. And I seriously wish they employ some Maruti guys to tune the engine as well. Fiat guys just dont cut it when it comes to tuning their engines.
This is BAD ! It would have been nice if these guys were given a heads up by Ford. Cancellations right after a launch can be very de-motivating for these guys. And as always these negative news spread faster and will have a wider effect. Imagine any news channels covering this story of cancellations.
Hormazd had said in one of his tweets (had put it up on the Spacious Diesel Sedans thread) that the 1.6 is not in Fiat's India plans anymore. Hope this changes.

Weren't Fiat meant to be brilliant with their (diesel) engines - the "National Engine", which Maruti too uses? Been a long time since I TD the swift, but remember it being rather smooth. The Linea seemed more coarse in comparison. Maybe that is what you mean.

Coming back to Ford. Yes, the sales chappies being demotivated isn't good for any company. "How" people speak and interact an effect on sales. See what people have to say about being put off by VW (the way their sales guys interact). Ford should handle this better.

As was said above, it brought up the wrong set of eyeballs to their cars. The 7-8L bracket instead of the 10-12L bracket.
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Old 15th July 2011, 20:11   #759
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

Reflecting on Ford's pricing strategy, I feel they are playing it their way ... post Verna's pricing, running after volumes at the cost of profitability may not have been sensible. After all, beating Verna at its VFM game would have been an extremely difficult proposition.

Instead, they have played the value proposition card for a niche audience - an audience that appreciates an involving drive, car dynamics etc. Its the same game they played with the Fiesta Classic over the last 5+ years ... even with the Dzire and Manzas launching, they continued to maintain and sell a higher priced product.

Post Figo, we had expectations that they would always provide mouth-watering prices with every new launch- apparently, they wanted to play the price card only in the Figo segment - not in the C segment.

So, seems like they want a mix of volume-oriented cars and money-making cars ...

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Old 15th July 2011, 20:12   #760
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

My cell phone number was registered by the SE during the time of launch (July 10). This evening I got a call

SE: Sir, you had shown interest on NFS. Pricing for different variants has been announced. Just wanted to check with you on that

ME: Pricing structure is more than what I expected..I had already booked the car, but would be canceling the order shortly

SE: Why sir?

ME: I had mentioned the reason already...I expected it to be around 75k-1L lower

SE: What's your budget?

ME: 9.25L (Ex) for the Trend Variant....why are you asking the budget? Will there be any discounts offered?

SE: No idea.

ME: Call me, if anything comes up on those lines

PS: I wanted to hold the booking for another 10 days..... anyway having waited for 2.5 months, this is not a big deal

PS1: Both Verna and Vento delivery time frames are already 4-6 months

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Nice signature

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Old 15th July 2011, 20:17   #761
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by aravind.anand View Post
Also, has everyone forgotten the fact that Ford is importing the extra rigid Boron-steel body parts as the Indian suppliers could not meet the high quality and strength they expected. Kudos to Ford for their bravery
Hope they are building a car not a tank..! Does this mean that you can crash this car at 100KMPH and you will come out unscathed.
Statements like these are an insult to a country which has one of matured steel industry.
If you believe them for a moment what will be the repair cost in case of an unfortunate accident.
Every one can have their own opinion.Everyone on the forum applauded Ford for their Figo effort.But few are trying to justify Ford for the sake of it. The real admiration for Ford will come if they hold on to this pricing in the long run unlike what Honda has done with Jazz and City.

Last edited by poloman : 15th July 2011 at 20:19.
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Old 15th July 2011, 20:23   #762
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

The pricing of the Fiesta makes me worry about the space for the Focus! If the Classic was the reason behind this pricing, then I would have preferred the Classic SXi to be axed instead. But if the imported boron-steel panels are the reason, then I wouldn't be completely convinced either! In India, a car made of ordinary steel at about 50-75k lesser would have sold well I feel
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Old 15th July 2011, 20:32   #763
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by Poitive View Post
As was said above, it brought up the wrong set of eyeballs to their cars. The 7-8L bracket instead of the 10-12L bracket.
They could have very well got away with this pricing, had they brought in the car before Verna did. Its very humane to compare the cars in the same segments on feature / price front and here Verna already set a benchmark. Had Fiesta come initially, there would not have been much of a comparison [with Vento always seemed as NO VFM, lesser on features etc] or so much negative comments / feed-backs on the pricing.

Originally Posted by Poitive View Post
Hormazd had said in one of his tweets (had put it up on the Spacious Diesel Sedans thread) that the 1.6 is not in Fiat's India plans anymore. Hope this changes.
I read recently that Maruti just got their license for the 1.6 MJD. How come then ?

Originally Posted by Poitive View Post
Weren't Fiat meant to be brilliant with their (diesel) engines - the "National Engine", which Maruti too uses? Been a long time since I TD the swift, but remember it being rather smooth. The Linea seemed more coarse in comparison. Maybe that is what you mean.
They do make good engines. When they plonk it in their machine, they don't do the tuning well [gear ratios?]. We just saw that a 90 bhp engine was plonked into the Punto and still could not make the car much faster than the 75 bhp. Imagine the same engine in a Swift. I know this is partially because of the weight factor, still !

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Old 15th July 2011, 20:32   #764
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Originally Posted by poloman
Hope they are building a car not a tank..! Does this mean that you can crash this car at 100KMPH and you will come out unscathed.
Statements like these are an insult to a country which has one of matured steel industry.
If you believe them for a moment what will be the repair cost in case of an unfortunate accident.
Every one can have their own opinion.Everyone on the forum applauded Ford for their Figo effort.But few are trying to justify Ford for the sake of it. The real admiration for Ford will come if they hold on to this pricing in the long run unlike what Honda has done with Jazz and City.
Do Volkswagen, Hyundai, Honda etc use steel made out of India? Baron steel is famous. And serves it's purpose. Please do a google search on it. Just because we are a mature steel Market does not mean there is no space for other steel?
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Old 15th July 2011, 20:33   #765
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Re: Ford Fiesta : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by poloman View Post
The real admiration for Ford will come if they hold on to this pricing in the long run unlike what Honda has done with Jazz and City.
It would be interesting to see if Ford holds on to the prices of Fiesta announced yesterday even 6 months down the line. I seriously doubt that would happen. With the onset on monsoon the automobile sales are already sagging & would continue to be so for the next couple months (at least till Diwali). I personally think Ford has timed it wrong. Had this launch happened in the middle of festive season, it would have been a different story altogether. With the rising interest rates, rising fuel prices (not to mention inflation), there are many headwinds, which would make the new Fiesta journey pretty difficult at least to begin with.
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