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Old 9th September 2012, 20:35   #1
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Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

For car owners who's cars are always parked in the open including mine have a constant problem of rats chewing the wires inside the engine bay. To me running back and forth to the workshop was becoming a headache and also trying out local remedies like tying tobacco pouches, getting diesel wash done every now and then was not solving the problem. Despite of doing all these the rats still were happy chewing on wires. Once fine morning two week I was generally discussing this issue with my car detailer Parag bhai from Autoshine (kandivali -Mumbai) and he told me to try out some spray which would deter rats from even coming close to the car engine bay. Without wasting any time I took my car to his place the very next day and got my engine bay sprayed with the recommended liquid. Since then I havent had the problem and even when I open the hood to check for any chocolate/biscuit packets or some fruit remains I dont find any. Previously the rats used to leave behind some or the other left over stuff inside the hood.

So I recommend you guys to get it done. I will post a review again in a few weeks to update if the rats have finally said a goodbye to my cars or not .

About this product:

Keeping Rats away with just a SPRAY !!

This unique formulation is designed to keep away the rats from the engine bay.

Net Content :550ml

1. Clean Engine Bay. Ensure the cables are clean for better results
2. Shake the bottle vigorously and spray the contents liberally holding the can 15-20cms away.
3. Do not spray on hot surfaces /fames
4. Avoid usage of water in the engine bay compartment after this treatment
5.Avoid Eye and skin contact

Contact : Parag from Autoshine ( 9821048334)

I am sharing this information only and only because others can take benefit of this treatment. I do not have any commercial involvement with this agency.
Attached Thumbnails
Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)-rat-free-cars.jpg  

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Old 9th September 2012, 20:48   #2
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Re: Autoshine- Protecting CARS from the RAT menace

This indeed does sound like a decent product. Can we have some pictures of the bottle/container? Also, it would help if you could post specific details about the procedure of application of this spray, like where to spray from, i.e., above/below, how much to spray, which parts to spray on and which to avoid, etc. so that other others including me can have an easy process of applying this to our vehicles?

Also, this, as you said, is available with your detailer in Mumbai. Any idea if this can be procured in other cities, and where from? In the worst case, will it be possible for him to ship this to other parts of the country?

And finally, the "least" important query of all: What's the $$?
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Old 9th September 2012, 21:27   #3
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Re: Autoshine- Protecting CARS from the RAT menace

Originally Posted by swarnava.m View Post
This indeed does sound like a decent product. Can we have some pictures of the bottle/container? Also, it would help if you could post specific details about the procedure of application of this spray, like where to spray from, i.e., above/below, how much to spray, which parts to spray on and which to avoid, etc. so that other others including me can have an easy process of applying this to our vehicles?

Also, this, as you said, is available with your detailer in Mumbai. Any idea if this can be procured in other cities, and where from? In the worst case, will it be possible for him to ship this to other parts of the country?

And finally, the "least" important query of all: What's the $$?

Dear Swarnava,

The bottle contains 550ml of this liquid. This is an aerosol based product. The procedure is simple
1) Clean the engine bay with jet water spray.
2) Ensure the areas are dry before this liquid is sprayed.
3) Shake the can and spray liberally on the rubber and electrical parts which need to be protected.
4) Avoid Eye and skin contact
5) Avoid usage of water in the engine bay compartment after this treatment

For smaller segment cars this 550 ml can last upto 3-4 times usage. For medium sized sedans 3 times and for larger SUV's say around 2-3 times.

One time application lasts atleast for around 3 months. You will need to repeat the procedure every 3 months to ensure that the engine bay is free of rats.

This can costed me Rs.1800/- in Mumbai. I think the courier charges would be extra if shipped outside Mumbai

Also some of these courier agencies do not carry aerosol based contents. Since these are flammable liquids
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Old 10th September 2012, 14:06   #4
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Re: Autoshine- Protecting CARS from the RAT menace

Originally Posted by hvishwanathan View Post
I will post a review again in a few weeks to update if the rats have finally said a goodbye to my cars or not .
Sounds interesting, will eagerly wait for your next review in a couple of weeks time.

What does the spray cost? Is it available outside Bombay in other cities? Who is the manufacturer?
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Old 10th September 2012, 14:14   #5
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Re: Autoshine- Protecting CARS from the RAT menace

I currently do something only crazy car owners do.

- Have tobacco packed in socks.
- There are close to 15-20 socks with tobacco packed in it
- After i park my car and let it cool down a bit i patiently place these socks into areas where i have seen rats messing around
- It takes 10 minutes to prep the car like this
- I always take them out early morning before i take the car.

After the first incident i have not seen many rats. I have seen some mice around. But they are absolutely harmless.

I also pack my garage with Rat poison, those cakes and have not seen much menace after that.

Important deal is to take the car out once everyday. Else you are asking for trouble.

I also would like to know more about this product, availability and manufacturer details?
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Old 10th September 2012, 17:35   #6
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Re: Autoshine- Protecting CARS from the RAT menace

Originally Posted by n.devdath View Post
Sounds interesting, will eagerly wait for your next review in a couple of weeks time.

What does the spray cost? Is it available outside Bombay in other cities? Who is the manufacturer?

Dear Devdath,

The 550ml bottle costs Rs.1800/- . As mentioned in my earlier post, courier charges would be additional . This is their own product. So on the bottle I found Autoshine written.

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
I currently do something only crazy car owners do.

- Have tobacco packed in socks.
- There are close to 15-20 socks with tobacco packed in it
- After i park my car and let it cool down a bit i patiently place these socks into areas where i have seen rats messing around
- It takes 10 minutes to prep the car like this
- I always take them out early morning before i take the car.

After the first incident i have not seen many rats. I have seen some mice around. But they are absolutely harmless.

I also pack my garage with Rat poison, those cakes and have not seen much menace after that.

Important deal is to take the car out once everyday. Else you are asking for trouble.

I also would like to know more about this product, availability and manufacturer details?
The product is available in Mumbai. If you want a DIY solution then only the bottle would cost Rs.1800/- else with all the washing cleaning of engine bay and their services in mumbai would cost additional.
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Old 10th September 2012, 18:02   #7
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Re: Autoshine - Protecting Cars from the RAT menace

Hi hvishwanathan,

I googled for rat protection engine spray and ended up at a US site called

How the Rataway product works is that it apparently kills all odours. So that rats and other animals who spray your car with their odours are unable to attract OTHER animals to the smell and hence your car is protected.

Some other forums on which this topic has been discussed advocate Cayenne pepper spray.

In any case, I am a little skeptical trusting a product whose composition you don't know. What about the long-term effects of this Autoshine spray? What is it corrodes your engine?

A lot of people have this cardinal rule about engines- do not use anything but water in there. I am even cagey about people using high-speed water jets under the hood. Oil or any other liquid, especially an unknown one? No thanks!

Check this link where a pest control expert says there is no instant cure to rats attacking engines.
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Old 10th September 2012, 18:06   #8
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Re: Autoshine - Protecting Cars from the RAT menace

I tried the option given by GTO in similar thread discussed.

For team-bhp members the price is
Rs. 350.00 - Set of 4 (each 1 will last for 1 month)
Rs. 500.00 - Set of 6
Rs. 800.00 - Set of 10
[courier charges extra Rs.50]

I have used this product for the last 2 months with great results.
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Old 10th September 2012, 18:35   #9
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Re: Autoshine - Protecting Cars from the RAT menace

Many thanks for sharing! I'm going to wait for your follow up review. If you are still convinced about the results, I'm getting this treatment for my cars.

Originally Posted by lavish_n View Post
I tried the option given by GTO in similar thread discussed.
Please refer to my latest updates on that thread. The rats are back and have destroyed the wiring of my car. Worse still, they chewed through the tufkote bottles! I'll click and put up pictures later.
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Old 10th September 2012, 18:36   #10
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

A lot of people have this cardinal rule about engines- do not use anything but water in there.
I hate even water in my engine bay. I always ensure i constantly monitor where i park my car in my garage, monitor the surroundings and always pack the surrounding with lots of rat poison

Learnt the hard lesson after i saw rats running out of engine bay but survived rat bites.

I believe tobacco does repel those big size rats or bandicoots and rats.

Mice dont bother much about the tobacco. They love free space though.

CHeck the following areas and clean them up.
- Fog grill(Inside of fog grill)
- Open space in the engine bay above the protective tray
- WHeels(Best entry point for rats)

I block all these spaces everynight religiously with tabacco loaded socks. I also set specific rat poison on a weekly basis.

Most important - Take your car out once atleast in a day. This definitely helps to avoid stationary effect where the car becomes a nest.

--- Clean up your space mentioned above where you can find coconut shells and what not if you dont clean up.

The rats are back

Are you sure they are rats. I think they are those bandicoots or what they call "Peruchali" in tamil( I cannot find the right english name )

Next to try is peppermint oil which seem to work a bit.

Last edited by moralfibre : 11th September 2012 at 19:52.
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Old 10th September 2012, 18:52   #11
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Re: Autoshine - Protecting Cars from the RAT menace

Originally Posted by noopster View Post
Hi hvishwanathan,

I googled for rat protection engine spray and ended up at a US site called

How the Rataway product works is that it apparently kills all odours. So that rats and other animals who spray your car with their odours are unable to attract OTHER animals to the smell and hence your car is protected.

Some other forums on which this topic has been discussed advocate Cayenne pepper spray.

In any case, I am a little skeptical trusting a product whose composition you don't know. What about the long-term effects of this Autoshine spray? What is it corrodes your engine?

A lot of people have this cardinal rule about engines- do not use anything but water in there. I am even cagey about people using high-speed water jets under the hood. Oil or any other liquid, especially an unknown one? No thanks!

Check this link where a pest control expert says there is no instant cure to rats attacking engines.

The product is a aerosol based one. In most cases we cannot get the composition of the product even if it is a branded one. It would just have the method of application and the write up about the product.

Since most of the engine bays would have dust/ dirt accumulated in certain places where we cannot wash/wipe using our hands, it is recommended you clean the engine bay using plain water before using this product.

Its just around two weeks and I will give my feedback on this maybe in the coming month once I am completely satisfied. But even now I don't feel rats come close to the bay maybe because of a repelling smell that keeps them away.
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Old 10th September 2012, 19:05   #12
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Has any one tried MOTH BALLS ? I think they too work on the principle of eliminating odour and hence keeping the trouble away.
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Old 10th September 2012, 22:47   #13
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

This is the sock method i am using. Just thought pictures could help. Only issue is that its time consuming and pain staking to load the compartment with socks and remove them when you take the car out.

Now it has become a habit that its not difficult. Can definitely say i have not seen a rat in the last on year.

I even replenish the tobacco every 3-4 months.
Attached Thumbnails
Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)-img_20120910_222112.jpg  

Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)-img_20120910_222225.jpg  

Last edited by VW2010 : 10th September 2012 at 22:49.
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Old 11th September 2012, 15:53   #14
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

Guys I have some update.

Last night just a small experiment I conducted. I left my car hood open for more than two hours and had two spot lights focus on the entire engine bay area. I saw one rat coming in from the tyre area it climbed halfway till the top but maybe due to some repelling smell it hopped out and ran away.

I spent another half an hour to forty minutes and just before I was tired and wanted to shut the lights, I saw a big rat trying to climb from the front bumper side between the radiator but it stood on its hind feet , sniffed something and ran away.

I now am sure there is some odour which keeps these creatures away. And the best thing is that I dont have to dirty my hands now and then by keeping either tobacco or any other poisonous substance inside which might be harmful to humans.

I will respray the engine bay area one post monsoons.
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Old 24th October 2012, 22:28   #15
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

This is really good news and if its really working it will be a boon for all the car owners. I am hooked on to this thread and would like to see further updates on the product. I will surely want to buy this and try it out in my car. I will keep the thread updated with my experience.
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