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Old 28th November 2012, 18:27   #16
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

Hello team! I got the anti rodent treatment done on my new Toyota Liva.
It has been just over 2 months now and the treatment has been bang on.
I had also recommended this to a friend, who tried it out on his Dzire. And it has saved his car from the rodents so far. Parag has also provided him a kit for home use.
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Old 14th March 2013, 10:09   #17
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

Originally Posted by renney.varghese View Post
Hello team! I got the anti rodent treatment done on my new Toyota Liva.
It has been just over 2 months now and the treatment has been bang on.
I had also recommended this to a friend, who tried it out on his Dzire. And it has saved his car from the rodents so far. Parag has also provided him a kit for home use.
Please provide more details..
From where did you get it done, how much did it cost? And please provide updates about the effectiveness.
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Old 20th June 2013, 16:18   #18
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

Guys I have booked an appointment next week to get my new vehicle protected using this treatment.
Found this link to their Facebook page where guys have used it on their BMW's And Mercs - thought it would be worth sharing
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Old 23rd July 2013, 14:41   #19
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

Originally Posted by karan561 View Post
Has any one tried MOTH BALLS ? I think they too work on the principle of eliminating odour and hence keeping the trouble away.
Moth balls, Naphthalene, tobacco all appear very temporary. What's more, the creatures tend to get accustomed to these quite quickly. Haven't tried the new spray recommended by this thread. Any further reviews from people who have used the autoshine spray?

Also, haven't heard much about ultrasonic repellants, and some form of gel that was recommended by the HASS.
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Old 23rd July 2013, 20:16   #20
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

How to avoid rats getting inside the cabin?
They get inside & chew the mats, seat covers and droppings as well...
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Old 12th August 2013, 15:19   #21
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

Read my story here:

I have used Autoshine's spray and looks like my problem is solved for now.
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Old 5th September 2013, 12:41   #22
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

IMHO, rat repellants will only work temporarily. As soon as they get accustomed to it, they'll be back in business. The worst part is that the next generation of rats is already accustomed to your 'tried and true' repellants at birth!

There's a reason why lab experiments with chemicals are conducted on rats/mice before being cleared for humans; they're very similar to us. Look at it this way, if you have a pesky neighbor who's (normal) actions cause havoc in your life, and if you're unable to reason with him (maybe because he speaks and understands a language that you don't ), you try to do things to him that annoy him; i.e., use a repellant. For a while it bothers him, but he soon 'adjusts'! Rats are no different. They adjust!... and if that's not bad enough, they teach the next generation to adjust, too!

Boy, I'm just glad they're not the dominant species, yet!
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Old 19th September 2013, 06:12   #23
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

There is a website for the product.
With FAQs on most of the questions that we may have while trying these on our machines. The videos of the treatment done on expensive cars like Merc prove that the product is safe to be used in highend cars as well.
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Old 8th December 2014, 11:05   #24
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

Bumping on an old thread since I thought of sharing my experience with the Autoshine anti-rat spray. Mods, please merge it with relevant thread if necessary.

I purchased this spray from their website just a couple of weeks back for INR 1947. I stay in Bangalore and this was shipped from Mumbai and took about 4-5 days for delivery. Had to purchase it because there's one big rat (or perhaps a bandicoot) that has made the engine bay of my car as it's dwelling place during twilight.

I had tried the tobacco solution for a week or so, but that didn't deter that monster rat. It seemed to work for a day or two, but the rat seemed to have gotten used to it. None of the rat poisons available in the local store seemed to work. Even the rat glue-trap went missing. Have been trying to procure the Roban rat killer but it's out of stock in the stores I visited.

So, I tried the autoshine spray after cleaning the engine bay thoroughly. Seemed like it worked until yesterday morning when I noticed some signs of the rat visit in my engine bay again. So, I sprayed a little more again throughout the engine bay and thought it may work.

It was 8:30 AM today when I got into the car and cranked the engine and at the very moment saw that monster rat running out from underneath the car
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Old 8th December 2014, 18:06   #25
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

I put napthalene/moth balls in and around the engine bay of my safari. Its helped me keep rats away since the rats had become tobacco addicts.
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Old 10th December 2014, 08:07   #26
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

Originally Posted by Car-go-man View Post
Bumping on an old thread since I thought of sharing my experience with the Autoshine anti-rat spray. Mods, please merge it with relevant thread if necessary.

I purchased this spray from their website just a couple of weeks back for INR 1947. I stay in Bangalore and this was shipped from Mumbai and took about 4-5 days for delivery. Had to purchase it because there's one big rat (or perhaps a bandicoot) that has made the engine bay of my car as it's dwelling place during twilight.

I had tried the tobacco solution for a week or so, but that didn't deter that monster rat. It seemed to work for a day or two, but the rat seemed to have gotten used to it. None of the rat poisons available in the local store seemed to work. Even the rat glue-trap went missing. Have been trying to procure the Roban rat killer but it's out of stock in the stores I visited.

So, I tried the autoshine spray after cleaning the engine bay thoroughly. Seemed like it worked until yesterday morning when I noticed some signs of the rat visit in my engine bay again. So, I sprayed a little more again throughout the engine bay and thought it may work.

It was 8:30 AM today when I got into the car and cranked the engine and at the very moment saw that monster rat running out from underneath the car

Off topic but i have used Ratol poison tube along with Roban cake combination and have seen a guaranteed kill in max 2 days. Apply the ratol poison tube on the cake and keep it in the car.The fumes from the Ratol tube are not healthy and should not be inhaled also the the paste should not be touched as it leads to a burning sensation.Try this and see if it works.

Edit: Just noticed now you are not able to find the Roban cake. Try another poison cake if available with a combination of the Ratol tube and see.Good Luck.

Last edited by sumeethaldankar : 10th December 2014 at 08:09.
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Old 30th October 2018, 23:26   #27
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

Anyone facing mild headache like symptoms after applying this in car? I have used this in my car but somehome I am facing mild headache daily while using the car. I am not sure if it is due to this.
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Old 31st October 2018, 07:17   #28
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

There is a suggestion to use Phorate Granules in engine bay to keep the rats away. Anyone ever tried it out? Also how do we keep such items whether its tobacco or any granules in the engine bay? Muslin bags?
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Old 31st October 2018, 10:49   #29
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

Originally Posted by Surprise View Post
There is a suggestion to use Phorate Granules in engine bay to keep the rats away. Anyone ever tried it out? Also how do we keep such items whether its tobacco or any granules in the engine bay? Muslin bags?
I have purchased and have Phorate in stock with me but haven't put them in the engine bay yet but going by the smell the bag emnates, it looks like it should be effective.

If you dont have muslin bags, use old, untorn socks, simple.

I haven't seen tobacco leaves being effective and hence do not recommend them.
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Old 15th February 2019, 15:06   #30
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re: Protecting cars from the RAT menace - Autoshine Rat Spray (Mumbai)

Back in Aug when I was expecting delivery of my new car I ordered the Autoshine product. There was no one to deliver since it was some festival time and a holiday. Mr Parag personally came with the bottle and delivered the spray can at the railway station nearest to me. The product is good and seems to work. I use it along with my own home made defenses. (Rat-proof Fencing as a solution for the rodent menace?)

Make sure not to use it too much as the smell tends to come inside the cabin when the a/c is on. I prefer to spray it near the wheels, suspension joints etc at the bottom of the car away from the radiator though as rats tend to come from the bottom.

Last edited by sumeethaldankar : 15th February 2019 at 15:12.
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