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Old 5th March 2010, 15:36   #1
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Where to put the helmet lock?

I want to fit a helmet lock in my bike. Can you suggest where to fix it? Also, do we still get those ugly black locks only? Any other suggestions would be appreciated and better more if pics are provided.
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Old 5th March 2010, 15:41   #2
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There are many places you can put your helmet.
1) Near the end of the seat there is a handle to which your UGLY(as per your words) lock can be fit.
2)If you have a knee/leg crash guard then it can be fitted to that
3)If you have a side carrier(near the rear wheel) then you can fix it up.
Apart from these if you still want to put the helmet in other positions then you can do a small MOD job and can lock the helmet
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Old 5th March 2010, 15:42   #3
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What i used to do on my splendor is buckle up the straps >> Open your Petrol tank cover >> Put the helmet straps inside and lock the tank cover.
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Old 5th March 2010, 15:43   #4
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Which bike and helmet do you have?
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Old 5th March 2010, 16:03   #5
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get a cycle number lock . Convenient and easy to use. Now a days some of them come as wires. can be bent into various shapes too
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Old 5th March 2010, 16:08   #6
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i carry it with me wherever i go and would recommend the same,
helmet if exposed to elements and constant knocking(in parking lot)age faster and they already have a shell life of ~4 years
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Old 5th March 2010, 17:04   #7
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Sheel, that maybe true but a helmet lock is a boon in some places where you already have your hands full or cannot find a place to keep the helmet (say inside a shop or movie hall). I took a lot of years to realise that helmet lock was absolutely useful thing to have, but since then I have used it a lot. Of course I try and take the helmet with me when I know I don't have to carry it (like going in a restaurent or any house) or when the bikes are packed together closely on the road.

abhipuru16 - you can put it on the rear rail as that seems to be the best position as the helmet can "sit' on your seat while locked and hence minimising any accidental knock-about by other bikers when parked.
Or you can go with the cycle lock suggestion too.
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Old 5th March 2010, 17:42   #8
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Buy an Arai man, you'll not need a helmet lock. I mean it seriously.
IMO, get a good brand of helmet & carry them with you go, show the world you're a biker & never be ashamed so as to lock it with the bike. I know its kind of convenience to lock in the bike, but then, that's the way it gets spoiled too right?
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Old 5th March 2010, 18:03   #9
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In the Cinema halls in gurgaon there are real idiotic rules. They don't allow you to carry your helmets into the theater. Also you can't carry the stuff you have shopped in a mall to the movie. Now do they expect everyone to come in a car???
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Old 5th March 2010, 22:31   #10
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Originally Posted by aargee View Post
Buy an Arai man, you'll not need a helmet lock. I mean it seriously.
i would love to spend ~40K on a helmet, yeah, i would, if i had the money
and a Mick Doohan replica for me please

there are problems in multiplexes and * hotels, it is difficult,

Last edited by Sheel : 5th March 2010 at 22:33.
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Old 5th March 2010, 22:49   #11
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Wow! I didn't expect this many replies! You guys are very helpful. Thanks a lot!
Now, my bike is a Black Pulsar 200 and the problem is that my helmet got stolen from the security guard's room . Right now, I am using a spare helmet that I had kept for emergencies. I will be buying a costlier helmet soon but any which way there was a need for a good helmet lock. So, I decided to get one.
I went to my region's Probiking today evening itself and they had this "ERGO Helmet Locking Device" for Rs. 155, gave me for Rs. 150. The quality of the material felt good so I got it fixed. I got it fixed on the Left Hand Side Leg guard on the upper rod. While installing I checked any kind of fouling with the tank or the engine. I am happy with the purchase plus it doesn't look that ugly or out-of-place as I thought it would. It is very much camouflaged my the all-Black look of the Bike.

Also, before this stealing thing, I always used to carry my helmet around in the carry bag that came with it. It looked and felt good no matter what the world thought it to be!

Now, the replies-

In the Cinema halls in gurgaon there are real idiotic rules. They don't allow you to carry your helmets into the theater. Also you can't carry the stuff you have shopped in a mall to the movie. Now do they expect everyone to come in a car???
Seriously, it is foolish. The first time it happened with me I was already late for the movie by 5 minutes and the guys there refused to let me keep my helmet and I had to walk all the way down to keep it with the parking guys. I felt so cursed that day!
helmet if exposed to elements and constant knocking(in parking lot)age faster and they already have a shell life of ~4 years
Nah! I don't have this problem, the place where I park my bike is quite open and is quite exclusive for me.

Buy an Arai man, you'll not need a helmet lock. I mean it seriously.
IMO, get a good brand of helmet & carry them with you go, show the world you're a biker & never be ashamed so as to lock it with the bike. I know its kind of convenience to lock in the bike, but then, that's the way it gets spoiled too right?
Once, I buy a good helmet (maybe not an Arai) I shall take it with me wherever I go and werever it permits. That's what I always did.
get a cycle number lock . Convenient and easy to use. Now a days some of them come as wires. can be bent into various shapes too
No offenses meant but I find such locks funny on big bikes.

What i used to do on my splendor is buckle up the straps >> Open your Petrol tank cover >> Put the helmet straps inside and lock the tank cover.
You know, even after three years my Black Pulsar 200 is one hell of a Pulsar to look at. It's literally "scratchless". Putting the helmet like that may scratch the bike's fuel tank.
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Old 5th March 2010, 22:54   #12
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Well I suppose there arent many innovative way out of this. But then I would also suggest a cable lock, but a word of caution too thin can be easily cut, not serving the purpose at all.

It depends sometimes I carry my helmet along and sometimes I lock it up
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Old 5th March 2010, 23:12   #13
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Originally Posted by abhipuru16 View Post
You know, even after three years my Black Pulsar 200 is one hell of a Pulsar to look at. It's literally "scratchless". Putting the helmet like that may scratch the bike's fuel tank.
Sorry i beg to differ here, only the rubber parts at the helmets bottom touches the tank .

In Pulsar its different as you may have to open the petrol tank itself to secure the helmet.
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Old 5th March 2010, 23:51   #14
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I agree but the kind of makeshift helmet I am using as of now has a big collar so its metal touching the tank.
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Old 6th March 2010, 09:23   #15
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Originally Posted by Sheel View Post
i would love to spend ~40K on a helmet, yeah, i would, if i had the money
and a Mick Doohan replica for me please

there are problems in multiplexes and * hotels, it is difficult,
Boy, it doesn't cost 40K on a helmet; Genuine Arai/Shoei starts from 2.5-3K & goes up, but not till 40K. Probably a decent set of riding gears put together could cost 40K or more.

Yes, its a sad state in this country that there're some hotels do a wallet parking for a M800 while the Ducati's & Ninjas are parked outside the hotel!!!

Recently, a friend of mine did a GQ in his Ninja; he'd to call up hotels & inform them that they need to provide a covered parking for his bike.

IMO, if the hotels & theatres don't allow helmets to be carried in there're several ways to handle:
1. Refuse - Just talk to one of their manager politely, tell them the cost of helmet & tell them the risk involved leaving the helmets & if they still don't allow, ask a refund for the ticket & never go over there again.
2. Never go in for Arai/Shoei helmets, instead, have a good second set of helmets like Studds or Vega that you can afford to lock in the bike - but again the standard way of locking.
3. Or how about having the lock in the engine crash bar provided your crash bar is not a straight one?
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