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Old 26th June 2010, 21:57   #376
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Sorry to be dumb, but where can I get the RD350's handle bar? Is it readily available in shops or should I steal it from some old RD350 ?
Sorry for not being precise.

I got a RD 350 Replica handle bar, and not the original.

The original RD bar would be very difficult to procure. Stealing sounds like an easier option

The RD 350 handle bar replicas (same specs/ shapre size as original) are easily available in Bangalore (JC road). However the RD bars never had the vibration dampening weights at the ends, so to get our bullet bar-end weights fitted on the RD bar, some tapping and welding work would be required.
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Old 26th June 2010, 22:28   #377
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@Bradhey- You need size 12socket with T handle to remove the bend. The gasket is quite thick and reusable so you dont need to worry about changing it at all. I have changed the bend more then 5 times to get on the upswept with the bend and not even once it has leaked from the head.

@Nasir- you could have also tried the machismo handle as well. It comes with the weight so you wont get the too much vibrations compared to the RD handle on C5. Did you swapped the handle grip from CI 350? as without the weights on the end you will have the exposed handle at the ends. Does the acceleration increases when you turn the
handle to right full lock?

Are you going in for a saddle type seat without the springs? Do post some pics with your feedback

@Stnair- RD handles are found in abundance at most of the RE workshops down here as lot of lads go for the RD handle on their standard 350.
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Old 27th June 2010, 15:51   #378
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Originally Posted by nasirkaka View Post
Sorry for not being precise.

I got a RD 350 Replica handle bar, and not the original.

The original RD bar would be very difficult to procure. Stealing sounds like an easier option

The RD 350 handle bar replicas (same specs/ shapre size as original) are easily available in Bangalore (JC road). However the RD bars never had the vibration dampening weights at the ends, so to get our bullet bar-end weights fitted on the RD bar, some tapping and welding work would be required.
Without wasting any time, Please post pictures of bike from few different angles to show the aesthetic beauty of the new handle bar. My friend and fellow rider recently converted his Machismo 350 to a custom made classic. He got his sprung seat made by Khajanchi of Delhi. That seat coupled with his custom made handle bar is extreemly comfortable. The quality of materials used by Khajanchi is better than OEM RE quality.
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Old 27th June 2010, 19:44   #379
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Originally Posted by bradhey View Post
Without wasting any time, Please post pictures of bike from few different angles to show the aesthetic beauty of the new handle bar.
I second that ! So Nasirkakka, dont waste time, post some pictures immediately. There are people like me in the eternal waiting list of RE, whose only consolation is 'ogling' at your girlfriends.


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Old 28th June 2010, 12:13   #380
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@ stnair & bradhey:

Here are some pics of the C5 with RD handlebar.kind of gels with the bikes appearance.

@ Randhawa:

Yeah, i think the machismo handlebar would also feel comfortable, as that would be in between the stock bar and the RD bar. Worth giving a try.

I swapped the RD bar which was on my machismo. I had already done the insert welding for the weights. So no problems there.

With the RD bar, sometimes, and only when the engine is not running, and u turn the handle to extreme RIGHT, the throttle does require some help to spring back to normal position.

UPDATE: went for a 100 odd kms ride with the new handle and the stock seat. The posture did feel better, but not as comfortable as my machismo with RD bar and stock seat.

Contemplating whether to modify the stock seat, or to get a new one done without the springs??

some pics of the new bar.
Attached Thumbnails
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The Royal Enfield 500 Classic thread!-dsc_0172.jpg  

The Royal Enfield 500 Classic thread!-dsc_0175.jpg  

The Royal Enfield 500 Classic thread!-dsc_0176.jpg  

The Royal Enfield 500 Classic thread!-dsc_0180.jpg  

The Royal Enfield 500 Classic thread!-dsc_0184.jpg  

The Royal Enfield 500 Classic thread!-dsc_0188.jpg  

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Old 28th June 2010, 19:42   #381
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Thankyou thankyou very much. This is enough for a few days.

By the way Are you the same Nasir who finds mentioned in the official blog of RE COO 'Venki' ? He says RE has taken note of all the problems in the initial batch of Classics and some 57 design improvements are on the way which includes better painting and revised air filter design. I hope a more comfortable seat is also there. Here is a link to the blog:

Welcome to Royal Enfield Motorcycles | Motorcycle India


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Old 28th June 2010, 20:29   #382
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By the way Are you the same Nasir who finds mentioned in the official blog of RE COO 'Venki' ?
Yeah. Thats me! I had written a long post on my sad experience, right from booking the C5 to delivery and problems post delivery, to Venki. He is responded to that. Seems like slowly RE is waking-up by listening to customers. Lets hope for a better tomorrow with better machines.
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Old 29th June 2010, 19:40   #383
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Originally Posted by Randhawa View Post
I haven't got it checked yet as I am still waiting for the parts for de-comp. I do not want to open up stuff and if something is wrong then wait for whole week for the parts.

But I feel now, de-comp is not to be blamed. I have a engine noise which I suspected earlier to do with de-comp and now it's more like be Piston pin noise(play between the pin and piston).

Will get it checked next month although here is the link to the offending noise(knock) you can hear it on acceleration. - music and mp3 sharing - download Sound clip 13.wav
Hey Randhawa im getting the same sound off late, should i be worried, i showed it to the mechanic (checked it on center stand) and he said it sounds normal.
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Old 29th June 2010, 19:54   #384
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my bulls handlebar

i also have similar handlebar setup on my bike.
ride position is great.(not used for long trips only city)
The Royal Enfield 500 Classic thread!-dsc00434.jpg
at nasirkaka - loved the pictures on flickr
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Old 29th June 2010, 21:58   #385
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@Dhruva-You dont need to worry now but only when the noise increases by four times and its audible to anyone then prepare to get a new crank,piston and barrel. Its a chracteristicts of UCE and mostly all of the classics have that noise but to a low intensity. But in my case there was something not right from begining so things were not that cheerfull at the end.
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Old 29th June 2010, 22:34   #386
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Hi everybody!
Just back from a 3000 KM trip to Ladakh. Group of five bikes went on this ride
1998 Std 350
2008 Electra 5s
2010 Classic 500
2010 Classic 350
2008 Karizma
All bikes except the Cl 500 were solo. I was carrying a pillion rider ( 95 Kg ) plus fully loaded Cramsters and some more luggage on a carrier.

The performance of the beast was mind blowing to say the least. My bike riding 2 up easily out accelerated all the other bikes , on the DDN Chandigarh - Pathankoth road ,i saw indicated 120 on the dial many times and the bike still had a lot of reserve power. The bike climbed all the hill gradients in 4th and 5th gears , needing lower gears only to negotiate dirt tracks ,slush , ice and water.

The bike returned an overall fuel efficiency of 29 KM/L.

Photos at Picasa Web Albums - rep_movsd - Windtalkers :...

The bike started and ran perfectly even after 45 mins on Khardung-La top in mild snowfall. More detailed report comming up.

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Old 30th June 2010, 11:18   #387
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Originally Posted by Randhawa View Post
@Dhruva-You dont need to worry now but only when the noise increases by four times and its audible to anyone then prepare to get a new crank,piston and barrel. Its a chracteristicts of UCE and mostly all of the classics have that noise but to a low intensity. But in my case there was something not right from begining so things were not that cheerfull at the end.
So did you have to get a new set of crank piston and barrel. Ill go the service center again just to make sure, because the sound is just go into my head.
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Old 30th June 2010, 11:26   #388
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Originally Posted by hexanerax View Post
Hi everybody!
Just back from a 3000 KM trip to Ladakh. Group of five bikes went on this ride
1998 Std 350
2008 Electra 5s
2010 Classic 500
2010 Classic 350
2008 Karizma
All bikes except the Cl 500 were solo. I was carrying a pillion rider ( 95 Kg ) plus fully loaded Cramsters and some more luggage on a carrier.

The performance of the beast was mind blowing to say the least. My bike riding 2 up easily out accelerated all the other bikes , on the DDN Chandigarh - Pathankoth road ,i saw indicated 120 on the dial many times and the bike still had a lot of reserve power. The bike climbed all the hill gradients in 4th and 5th gears , needing lower gears only to negotiate dirt tracks ,slush , ice and water.

The bike returned an overall fuel efficiency of 29 KM/L.

Photos at Picasa Web Albums - rep_movsd - Windtalkers :...

The bike started and ran perfectly even after 45 mins on Khardung-La top in mild snowfall. More detailed report comming up.


Great stuff mate! Who were the riders? Anyone from here?

So no problems due to the lambda sensor?
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Old 30th June 2010, 12:14   #389
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@ hexanerax: (what does it mean btw?)

That seems like a super trip. Superb pics at picasa.

Good to know that the C5 performed and pulled superbly in those difficult environments without any glitches. Were you running on the stock tyres? How were they in slippery and icy surfaces? If possible, do share a detailed experience of this trip.
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Old 30th June 2010, 13:22   #390
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From the photos I have seen, the front tyre looks different from the OEM, both in tread pattern and size. Did you put a 19" hexanerex
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