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Old 22nd January 2014, 08:18   #2761
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Originally Posted by audioholic View Post

To ensure the combi brakes are working properly, move the vehicle front manually and brake to a halt, say from a very less speed using only the left lever. The front of the scoot must not dive or raise up. If it dives, then the brake balance is towards the rear. In this case, you can observe the front suspension going down. If the front of the vehicle seems to raise up while braking, the front brakes are biting more.
Should it not be the other way round? Front brake application makes the front of vehicle dip
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Old 22nd January 2014, 09:12   #2762
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
Should it not be the other way round? Front brake application makes the front of vehicle dip
This I guess is true for scooters with telescopic suspension up front and for motorcycles. But for scooters with trailing arm link suspension what audioholic mentions in his post holds true IIRC.

Last edited by abhinav.s : 22nd January 2014 at 09:29.
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Old 22nd January 2014, 09:21   #2763
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by abhinav.s View Post
This is guess is true for scooters with telescopic suspension up front and for motorcycles. But for scooters with trailing arm link suspension what audioholic mentions in his post holds true IIRC.
Exactly. The telescopes dip but in the trailing arm suspension it raises up. I think for telescopic shocks at front application of both brakes will make the suspension dip itself.
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Old 22nd January 2014, 10:59   #2764
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by S_U_N View Post
Got an opportunity to do a proper test drive my neighbor's Activa today.
Basically, I rode the scooter to office on my usual route, to compare how different it is to the Access that I use every day.
We are here comparing a 3 year old Access with 11500 KM on the odo with a 1-1.5 year old Activa with 4500 KM on the odo. So, a lot would depend on how the two vehicles are maintained and there could be specific problems with those particular vehicles as well.
I think you should give Wego another try. Its a pretty good scooter and has served me well for the past 3 years now. Maintenance has been on the lesser side compared to my Pulsar.
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Old 23rd January 2014, 12:48   #2765
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

I am planning to change tyres of my Honda Activa by next week. Its 6.5 years old and more than 20k on odo.
Checked with couple of vendors in Thane. One guy suggested for Dunlop tubeless for 1500/- each whereas another guy suggested to go for tyre with tube only as according to him tubeless tyre fitment is difficult for old rims and may not match. He qouted 1350/- for CEAT ones.

Any suggestion on Activa tyres ?
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Old 23rd January 2014, 15:45   #2766
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Please go ahead with tube+tyre for Activa. I am using Ceat Secura on Activa for last 2 years.
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Old 23rd January 2014, 16:30   #2767
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by sukiwa View Post
Please go ahead with tube+tyre for Activa. I am using Ceat Secura on Activa for last 2 years.
But is it a Tuff up tube as in the original Activa. What does Honda suggest in such cases, do they provide the tyre themselves?
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Old 23rd January 2014, 19:43   #2768
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by ghodlur View Post
But is it a Tuff up tube as in the original Activa. What does Honda suggest in such cases, do they provide the tyre themselves?

Think the tube and tyre must be purchased either from Honda ASC or Parts store.

I think its better to go in for tubeless. The rims werent changed when the activa transitioned from tube to tubeless. Hence, fitting must not be an issue. Perhaps the tyre dealer is still new to tubeless tyres and hence he is not sure about fitting one onto the rim. It requires an automated machine AFAIK? I think its better to consult the Honda guys if they are offering tyres at the same price.
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Old 24th January 2014, 09:19   #2769
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by ghodlur View Post
But is it a Tuff up tube as in the original Activa. What does Honda suggest in such cases, do they provide the tyre themselves?
Honda dealers do provide tyres, but I didn't bother to check prices at dealer. For me, I haven't seen much benefit of tuff-up tubes & type of tubes don't matter much as I fill air regularly myself. Punctures are less if air gets filled regularly, at least that's what my experience has been. My tyre dealer(Lokmanya tyres) didn't have tubeless tyres, else I would have explored those.

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Perhaps the tyre dealer is still new to tubeless tyres and hence he is not sure about fitting one onto the rim.
Very much possible.
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Old 24th January 2014, 10:00   #2770
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Has anyone faced problems of the scooter randomly switching off? Faced this issue once yesterday as well as once day before. The turn of events is like this: I decelerated from a moderate speed say 40kmph as there was a signal. Once the vehicle stopped and the signal turned green, it had switched off. I got to know this only when I tried to accelerate. The problem is not with idling since the idling speed is standard and I had instructed the ASC not to set a low idle like how they usually do. Is it an issue with the sparkplug? I need to get it serviced soon. So I dont want them to do what isnt required and not do what is required.
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Old 24th January 2014, 10:12   #2771
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Is it an issue with the sparkplug? I need to get it serviced soon. So I dont want them to do what isnt required and not do what is required.
Check the battery terminals and ensure they are connected properly. If that is fine, then check the spark plug cover as well as the spark plug. Ideally you would have to replace the spark plug at around 12-15k kms on motorcycles but have not paid attention to the TVS Wego manual as to the recommendation on when to change the spark plug so not sure what the interval is like for the scooters.
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Old 24th January 2014, 14:20   #2772
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by sukiwa View Post
Honda dealers do provide tyres, but I didn't bother to check prices at dealer. For me, I haven't seen much benefit of tuff-up tubes & type of tubes don't matter much as I fill air regularly myself. Punctures are less if air gets filled regularly, at least that's what my experience has been. My tyre dealer(Lokmanya tyres) didn't have tubeless tyres, else I would have explored those.

Very much possible.
Thank all for comments and suggestions.
I checked with Honda S.S. They dont keep tyres or tubes. They told me to check for MRF tyre and MRF tube which is the only one with Tuff-up.

I may go for CEAT with tube only.
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Old 24th January 2014, 16:12   #2773
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Booked a TVS Jupiter

Dear friends,
After riding a pre-owned Kinetic Honda (KH) for 14k kms, we had to move to a better scooter for my wife. We had the following considerations.
1) Should be a purely Indian brand
2) Should have a higher ground clearance, as she always bangs the KH even over small speed brakers
3) Saddle height should be short, because we both are not tall
4) And finally a decent fuel economy
So we had shortlisted Hero Pleasure, TVS Wego & Jupiter.
After taking test drives we were more happy with the Jupiter and Wego. A number of decent enough positive reviews about Wego, the 12" tyres, Pass function for high beam, 5 kg of lesser weight, and the fact that I didn't like the rear sharp ending of the Wego we took the plunge and booked a Jupiter yesterday. Now we have to wait for 3 months to ride the scooter.

Last edited by ilangop : 24th January 2014 at 16:14.
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Old 24th January 2014, 18:33   #2774
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Has anyone faced problems of the scooter randomly switching off? Faced this issue once yesterday as well as once day before. The turn of events is like this: I decelerated from a moderate speed say 40kmph as there was a signal. Once the vehicle stopped and the signal turned green, it had switched off. I got to know this only when I tried to accelerate. The problem is not with idling since the idling speed is standard and I had instructed the ASC not to set a low idle like how they usually do. Is it an issue with the sparkplug? I need to get it serviced soon. So I dont want them to do what isnt required and not do what is required.
Just because u gave the instructions to them not to touch the idling doesn't guarantee that they may not have fiddled with it. Check it by ear and set it because the mechs do whatever they feel like doing and no one monitors if they have touched the idling screw or not. I am just telling this by experience and I started setting it myself regardless of what instructions I give. It became too minor to argue with them anymore.


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Old 24th January 2014, 18:53   #2775
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by prajwalkashyap View Post
Just because u gave the instructions to them not to touch the idling doesn't guarantee that they may not have fiddled with it. Check it by ear and set it because the mechs do whatever they feel like doing and no one monitors if they have touched the idling screw or not. I am just telling this by experience and I started setting it myself regardless of what instructions I give. It became too minor to argue with them anymore.


Hi Prajwal,
Its four months since the scoot went for a service and the idling was set by me itself before that time. Though I rode a lot the last two weeks, this happened only twice and the idling is high enough to sustain the engine running without stalling. I think this issue is to do with either the ignition timing or spark plug.

Guess I will replace the spark plug and air filter for now and get a service.
Any suggestion for the spark plug?
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