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Old 9th January 2008, 11:56   #256
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flyte is better than access

no way is access better than flyte, unless u want a conservative look.
flyte offers so much more than the access and at a correct price.
access is overpriced, and outdated in terms of look, features and overall scooter package.

my friend Ishan who bought the access really regrets that he did not wait for flyte, says he could ve saved 5-6k and got a better scooter.

anyway overdrive said clearly that flyte is their choice. plus someone else (autocar maybe?) also gave flyte SCOOTER OF THE YEAR award.
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Old 9th January 2008, 14:51   #257
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Kinetic has too many past failures & customer service issues to convince me that it can bring out anything decent. Only if Honda could get their act together and bring out smarter version of Activa - flyte would be nowhere.

I personally found it too small to be even considered with Activa/Access.

As for awards, scooter of the year goes - I think Matiz was also considered as great once upon a time, and now you'd find so many problems to even sale your old Matiz - M 800 or Alto still going strong!

Nova was I think scooter of the year once, it turned out to be yet another bad product from Kinetic. Not to add k4, Blaze, Y2K and other such things to the list. Kinetic Honda was the only god product from kinetic - and probably credit goes to Honda and not pathetic Kinetic label.

Last edited by GTO : 10th January 2008 at 13:34.
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Old 9th January 2008, 15:01   #258
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Originally Posted by manish7 View Post
Kinetic Honda was the only god product from kinetic - and probably credit goes to Honda and not pathetic Kinetic label.
In the same way, Kinetic SYM flyte may turn out to be another good product. Since its the same SYM X'Pro 125 scooter sold in many countries abroad and very popular.
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Old 9th January 2008, 16:24   #259
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Originally Posted by DCEite View Post
In the same way, Kinetic SYM flyte may turn out to be another good product. Since its the same SYM X'Pro 125 scooter sold in many countries abroad and very popular.
Absolutely! I agree - but given Kinetic past record, I would still maintain my skeptical stand for at least 1 year. I have suffered a lot due to Kinetic personally and have seen it in many cases. Kinetic sucks big time - and it's not only my experience. It would be interesting to know what the owners of Flyte think of this product after 3 years as compared to owners of say Activa.

BTW, Honda launched Aviator today!
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Old 9th January 2008, 16:43   #260
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kyun dono lad rahe ho bacchon ki tarah.

its a well known fact that vehicles are emotional decisions, so we defend/attack our (un)loved mfrs vehemently. All in a day's work.

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Old 10th January 2008, 11:20   #261
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Can we move on and start discussing the scooters again? It definitely feels like there is a huge latent demand for scooters as they are more practical in our traffic jam infested cities. I love my Pulsar 180 and begin each work week looking forward to being free on a bike again (weekend travel is by car only, would never take my kid on a bike), but by Wed-Thu, the strain of carrying my laptop on my back and the constant gear shifting begins to tell and I inevitably switch to my mother's Activa for the rest of the week. I think that sometime during the year, I will switch completely to a scooter.

I love the specs of the Flyte but it looks too dainty and the way that they have promoted it as a woman's vehicle makes it a no-no for me. I was excited to hear about the Aviator but its the same puny 102 cc engine of the Activa. What I'd really like is a Blaze sized vehicle with a 150+cc engine from one of the big manufacturers (Honda, Bajaj, TVS, Suzuki).
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Old 10th January 2008, 13:30   #262
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"What I'd really like is a Blaze sized vehicle with a 150+cc engine from one of the big manufacturers (Honda, Bajaj, TVS, Suzuki)"

bajaj unveiled the Blade at the expo, but its 125cc and really Bajaj's track record in ungeareds is really bad - spirit, saffire, wave and kristal are all DISASTERS so I would not touch a gearless scooter from bajaj at all.
Similar for TVS. Scooty is ok, but their sole "real" scooter attempt - the SPECTRA - was a disaster too.

And honda & suzuki are hellbent on disappointing us , so don't expect much from them either...

what would be exciting is one of the SYM motoscooters/maxiscooters.
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Old 11th January 2008, 17:19   #263
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hollywoodhogan > sorry to say this man the car and bike award for the year 2007 to sccoter segment has been unanimously awarded to Suzuki access.
For ur reference the car&bike award is awarded collectively by seven national motoring magazines which sends one representive each and they decide the winner together.

So this ends the debate once for all which is the winner in the sccoter access or flyte any day access rules the day budddy

archie > pls do not try to keep alive an dead one bcz u have bought it sorry for u
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Old 11th January 2008, 19:03   #264
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not quite true

Originally Posted by sathyaprakash View Post
hollywoodhogan > For ur reference the car&bike award is awarded collectively by seven national motoring magazines which sends one representive each and they decide the winner together.
not true. first of all seven national motoring magazines dont exist.
and business standard has its own award, autocar india has with cnbc, overdrive has its own award, top gear has its own, and bike&car india (Which are sister magazines I believe) do with NDTV profit.

so far, the tally for scooter of the year awards is
1 for flyte from business standard motoring
1 for access from ndtv car n bike

lets see if any more are announced and then we can declare winner
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Old 11th January 2008, 19:04   #265
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also just realized, bajaj kristal is not figuring anywhere in the awards ...?
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Old 14th January 2008, 10:31   #266
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Well, we had a look at few ungeared scooters this Saturday, they were -

(1) Kristal - I have to admit that Bajaj set standards for feature list. Loved the features like parking light sensor or accelerator lock. The DTSi engine didn't feel good in the test ride though, and it's a bit small - and I am skeptical about Bajaj's quality. Dropped Kristal.

(2) Activa/Dio -- Activa has 45-60 days waiting period !!! And it still looks same after so many years. Boring!! (Annoying, one dealer asked me to pay 5000 to get it in a week!) Dio can still be considered - There are few questions though. One headlight doesn't move with the handle - it stays fixed to the body below and pillion seat rider foot rest are not convenient at all. We couldn't take test ride though.

(3) Flyte - Found it a bit smaller (I had checked it out earler), but it's feature rich & convenient. The engine didn't feel like 125 (Access 125 is much better) and I didn't find it as refined as ppl suggested. Access 125 was better. Again - I am skeptical about Kinetic qualiy, but all good review are making me reconsider this.

(4) Access 125 - looks sober and decent, better than Activa though. Engine is very powerful and smooth. But again 45-50 days waiting period here and dealer and service network is just dull - was annoyed y their apathetic attitude.

(5) HH Pleasure - was pleasantly surprised by the smooth & responsive nature of this engine - it feels much more refined and sorted out compared to Activa - though it's the same engine & transmission. Looks are just OK. The only downside is - it's just plain vanila scooter - no additional features here (no underseat light, no front fueling, nothing exciting! Just basic scooter with good engine. If they advertise it as "Why should boys ave all the fun?" - we were wondering what's the fun part they have added to this??? It's as bland as Activa! But I loved the ride quality a lot! My wife found it just right to maneuver & handle - not too small nor too big & heavy.

So we are now zeroing on these three options -

(1) HH Pleasure
(2) Dio
(3) Flyte

Each has some plus & minus and so we're little confused. Flyte is impressive - but Kinetic name is not. If it had been a scooter from TVS/Honda/HH stable - I would have bought it without any problem; but Kinetic has pathetic past record for me to give them benefit of doubt. Pleasure Or Dio lack any exciting features to get us excited (my sis's 4 year old Activa had same stuff, what do I get now??) So we are bit confused, any suggestions?
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Old 14th January 2008, 13:47   #267
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Wow within this same thread, this is the third time that someone is trying to choose among ungeared scooters..

This "which ungeared scooter" is proving to be an interesting discussion.

If you want my input, it would be better for u to choose between the two new 125cc scoots - Access and Flyte as the Pleasure and Dio do not have telescopic front suspension and that makes a big difference. Also, SYM are known to make some of the best scooters in the world so you could factor that in also.
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Old 14th January 2008, 17:31   #268
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Originally Posted by jaganm View Post
What I'd really like is a Blaze sized vehicle with a 150+cc engine from one of the big manufacturers (Honda, Bajaj, TVS, Suzuki).
Absolutely agree with you.

Stuff like the Honda silverwing/suzuki burgman (atleast the 400) are the ones i like to see here.
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Old 14th January 2008, 18:01   #269
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DCEite, Ravi -- any inputs about your Flyte as of now?
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Old 14th January 2008, 20:15   #270
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For those who have problem in selecting an ungeared scooter can wait for Honda AVIATER for which booking starts by feb and delivery by mar it has got the proven bullet proof engine of activa plus telescopic shocks at front,bigger wheels,more storage area than activa,alloy wheels+discbrake at front,and more radically designed.
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