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Old 16th September 2013, 16:00   #2596
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by ghodlur View Post
What could be the reasons for the engine not starting?
It could be as simple as some particles stuck in fuel lines/carburetor or bit severe as problem with ignition coil.

Hence was thinking of fuel tank & carburettor cleanup. Can any BHPian who has got done the same share his observations?
Doesn't carb cleanup have to part of regular service, why pay extra for it? Please have fuel tank cleaned only if fuel line is getting clogged due to foreign particles in fuel tank.
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Old 17th September 2013, 20:05   #2597
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

An update. Got the Activa back today after the repairs. The SA who attended to the scooter had gone early hence could not get a detailed report. All I was told by the Workshop Manager that nothing serious with the repairs, a little tapet adjustment was required. I had also asked to get the regular servicing done for which I was charged Rs 321/-. More detailed of the repairs after I have a word with the SA. Hadnt opted for the tank cleaning though.

Upon seeing the fuel meter I was shocked to see the tank 50% empty. Pulled up the workshop Manager and he argued saying that the scooter was extensively tested. I could see the odo read 25 kms more than when given for servicing. Gave an earful to the Manager as I strongly suspect that the Scooter was used for running local errands or something more murkier than that. Registered a complaint with the workshop. I know the owner very well, will have a word with him.
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Old 18th September 2013, 11:32   #2598
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by ghodlur View Post

Even I was shocked initially when the Mechanic told me that sometimes the engine does get affected due to low running.

Same case with me regarding the morning ritual of using manual lever, but in my case I know the battery has gone kaput and hence the increased kicks. My weekly running is around 30-35 kms, have covered only 8K kms in 3 yrs of ownership. Also have been observing a drop in the FE, earlier I used to easily get 42-45kmpl, but now it has dropped to about 35-40 kmpl. Hence was thinking of fuel tank & carburettor cleanup. Can any BHPian who has got done the same share his observations?
Guess its the season of team-bhp activa trouble. My wifes activa engine got seized. The activa serviced just a month back. Engine oil ran suddenly low (don't know how!), and engine seized in the middle of the road. I didn't even new there is a engine oil which needs to be checked like 2 stroke bikes. Hmm...

As far as mileage is concerned, I think Activa once engines starts trouble (check noise), mileage false. Our Activa was giving 30+ kmpl after two years. No matter what, it never increased.
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Old 21st September 2013, 13:30   #2599
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Originally Posted by RaguHolla View Post

Guess its the season of team-bhp activa trouble. My wifes activa engine got seized. The activa serviced just a month back. Engine oil ran suddenly low (don't know how!), and engine seized in the middle of the road. I didn't even new there is a engine oil which needs to be checked like 2 stroke bikes. Hmm...

As far as mileage is concerned, I think Activa once engines starts trouble (check noise), mileage false. Our Activa was giving 30+ kmpl after two years. No matter what, it never increased.
Activa engine is four stroke.
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Old 24th September 2013, 22:43   #2600
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

We are planning to upgrade from scooty to a good 100+CC scooter.
We are highly confused between the options Activa and Wego

Why do we want to consider the following?

Activa + ves
Reliability, mileage and tubeless tyre
Activa -ves
Cost, heavy to handle

Wego + ves
Cost, easy handling and ride comfort
Wego -ves
niggling issues? (are there any?)

What do you recommend folks?
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Old 25th September 2013, 07:14   #2601
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by blorebuddy View Post
niggling issues? (are there any?)

What do you recommend folks?

My wife has been using one since March'13. Even I ride it over the weekends. Except for the fact that it has a tiny fuel tank (4lts) I have not found any issue with the scooter.

For a change, the service experience has also been good so far.

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Old 25th September 2013, 08:07   #2602
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

My Wego's Accelerator cable suddenly snapped while returning from work. It has been nearly 2.5 years since purchase.

Fortunately, found a roadside garage about 500 meters from the spot. Poor guy took three hours, yes three hours to replace the cable. Reason, the cable is placed in such a way that the entire scooter had to be stripped, all screws removed and then put back in place.

The other day, my scooter was towed away by the RTO for parking in a no-parking zone. After I paid the fine and took the scooter back from them, the speedometer has stopped functioning. .Need to take it to the service center.

Loks like its better to go with a mass market scooter like the Activa. No problem for spares and easy to repair even by the FNG.
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Old 25th September 2013, 08:30   #2603
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by blorebuddy View Post
Wego + ves
Cost, easy handling and ride comfort
Wego -ves
niggling issues? (are there any?)
See the posts above (#2602) and you will see the niggling issue list.

Every scooter has its pros and cons, would suggest to take the test drive of the short listed scooters and opt for the one which you find more conmfortable in driving, handling. Dont limit to just two scooters, there are lots of them in the market. For eg, Yamaha Ray. Mahindra Duro, Suzuki Swish/Access etc. Try them and find out.

Amongst the shortlisted ones, I would suggest to go for Activa.
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Old 25th September 2013, 09:41   #2604
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

I would any day place my bets on the Japs. Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha, in that order. If bikes, Yamaha will precede Suzuki.

Mahindra I will not even consider. It is nothing but the Aa-ho (!) of yester years from Kinetic Honda in a different garb. The original was a POS anyway!

Bajaj I will not touch even with a barge pole!

The only acceptable Indian stable, apart from Hero is TVS. But there will be niggles. They had them even during their TVS-Suzuki days.

I somehow don't like the Pleasure from Hero, though I can't place my finger on anything specific.

If one wants gearless vanity on two wheels, nothing to beat the Vespa LX 125!

Last edited by Gansan : 25th September 2013 at 09:47.
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Old 25th September 2013, 10:34   #2605
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by blorebuddy View Post
We are planning to upgrade from scooty to a good 100+CC scooter.
We are highly confused between the options Activa and Wego

Why do we want to consider the following?

What do you recommend folks?
I would recommend Activa-i. It gives you the best of both the worlds - powerful, reliable and fuel efficient engine in a lightweight body.

Ride quality and build quality are not the best, but it is excellent in everything else.

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Old 25th September 2013, 11:09   #2606
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

I had posted earlier, a month back we got Wego. primarily its for wife, for quite short distances. sometimes I take it for a ride, and surely everytime Im pleasantly surprised with the handling of the vehicle. The balancing is definitely superb.

Got the first service done: Rs.255 (ODO=112 KM)
- engine and transmission oil changed: its the same stuff going in separate compartments.

till now very happy.
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Old 25th September 2013, 11:44   #2607
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
Mahindra I will not even consider. It is nothing but the Aa-ho (!) of yester years from Kinetic Honda in a different garb. The original was a POS anyway!
Surprisingly Mahindra does have a good product in its stable, the Duro. Sadly its not been advertised the way others do nor the herd mentality allows the scooter to be tested. I have ridden the Duro (belonging to a friend) and surprisingly have found the scooter to match at par with Activa, Swish in terms of handling and performance. 125 cc engine, Telescopic suspensions, light weight, largest fuel tank (6.5lts) are the main highlights. Its just that they havent got good infrastructure to support the after sales, hence the reason for not recommending.
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Old 25th September 2013, 11:58   #2608
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Well, basically it is the 125cc 4S scooter launched by Kinetic after their divorce from Honda, which bombed. I forget the name and remember only the Aa-ho! campaign! A friend bought one for his daughter and had a lot of headaches! Tried to sell it by constantly reducing the price, but to no avail! Last I heard, he was even offering some money if somebody will only take it off his hands, but no one is biting!

Mahindra have simply taken over the Kinetic plant and technology, which was no great shakes to start with. Mahindra themselves may be great in jeeps, but nobody in two wheelers, so they don't win my confidence. The product may be improved by them now, but, thanks!
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Old 25th September 2013, 12:29   #2609
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
Well, basically it is the 125cc 4S scooter launched by Kinetic after their divorce from Honda, which bombed. I forget the name and remember only the Aa-ho! campaign!
It is the Kinetic Nova you are referring to I guess with the Aa-Ho campaign!!
And you are right, a neighbor has one and he found it a tough task to sell it away. I think it is still lying in his house though he has recently bought a Maestro!
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Old 25th September 2013, 19:23   #2610
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Did anyone have their Suzuki Access's starer motor go bust? Looks mine is done. Any idea if it is repairable?
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