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Old 10th January 2013, 16:19   #2326
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by Oxy View Post
The various guards I think are the ones that cover the front turn indicators (Armour Guard), one that runs across the front wheel (fender) and the one that runs from footpeg to footpeg through the rear of the vehicle (All round Guard). You have a choice of black powder coated ones and steel ones in these.
These guards IMO just give the feel of protection but actually dont. I got all of them installed for my Activa (due to wife's insistence) but find no value addition. Above that the Honda workshop sweet talked my wife into applying anti rust for one monsoon and messed up by putting the Anti rust on the metal body at many places.

I dont think these guards would look good on the Aviator either, spoils the manly look IMO.
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Old 10th January 2013, 17:00   #2327
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

The guards spoil the look on any two wheeler. Moreover, it cant prevent a panel from getting scratched and dented except if the vehicle experiences a fall, that too against a flat surface. Most of the accessories are like that.

A mechanic once told me that running in is very crucial to determine engine life of a two wheeler, as a two wheeler engine works harder than a car engine. Improperly run-in engines develop problems as early as 45-50k kms, while properly run in engines can last twice that distance. So, I dont know how your friend has used his aviator, still, be careful with used two wheelers. What is the reason for selling anyway?
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Old 10th January 2013, 17:11   #2328
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
The guards spoil the look on any two wheeler. Moreover, it cant prevent a panel from getting scratched and dented except if the vehicle experiences a fall, that too against a flat surface. Most of the accessories are like that.

A mechanic once told me that running in is very crucial to determine engine life of a two wheeler, as a two wheeler engine works harder than a car engine. Improperly run-in engines develop problems as early as 45-50k kms, while properly run in engines can last twice that distance. So, I dont know how your friend has used his aviator, still, be careful with used two wheelers. What is the reason for selling anyway?
Just checked out the vehicle and it looks in decent condition. It has got all those guards though.

It's not used very extensively. The odo reads 1920 kms as of now. It was purchased on September 2012. He is a colleague of mine and says he's selling it because he's not enjoying the ride anymore, wants to buy a geared bike.

He is expecting 58k. I don't think there's much scope for negotiation.
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Old 10th January 2013, 17:48   #2329
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

58k is fine I think, as the scoot is less than six months old. Think it will be a good deal, considering you will get a benefit of over 7k easily for a nearly new vehicle. So you finalised the deal?
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Old 10th January 2013, 19:01   #2330
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by prajwalkashyap View Post
Yeah! disc brakes on the Wego. I didn't see it from close, but i think he had just picked up the entire assembly of the disc, rim and the wheel of the Aviator and plonked it into the Wego. I went back home and checked out the Wego's front wheel and I think that's what he had done. I didnt see anyway of putting in just the disc brake on the Wego wheel. There isn't any provision of fixing the disc brake anywhere.

Prajwal, shows different pricing for disc-brake version, for example:

Wego Price : Rs 45893 (EX Showroom price) *
Wego(Disc) Price : Rs 48693 (EX Showroom price) *
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Old 10th January 2013, 20:36   #2331
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by sschivate View Post
Prajwal, shows different pricing for disc-brake version, for example:

Wego Price : Rs 45893 (EX Showroom price) *
Wego(Disc) Price : Rs 48693 (EX Showroom price) *
I am surprised that this has not been featured in the tech specs at all in the same website! If this is true, then I am getting the disc brakes fitted in right away.

Nice find mate! This calls for a visit to my dealer to find out.

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Old 11th January 2013, 15:10   #2332
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
58k is fine I think, as the scoot is less than six months old. Think it will be a good deal, considering you will get a benefit of over 7k easily for a nearly new vehicle. So you finalised the deal?
More confusion!

Just got to know that the TVS Wego is now available with a front disc brake. Available in only two colours - White and Red. OTR price in Bangalore is Rs.61,000. Accessories are extra I think.

What do I do now? I like the used 4 month old Aviator DLX and the guy may further reduce the price too. But does it make sense now over a new Wego?
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Old 11th January 2013, 15:19   #2333
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by Oxy View Post
More confusion!

Just got to know that the TVS Wego is now available with a front disc brake. Available in only two colours - White and Red. OTR price in Bangalore is Rs.61,000. Accessories are extra I think.

What do I do now? I like the used 4 month old Aviator DLX and the guy may further reduce the price too. But does it make sense now over a new Wego?
@Oxy, If I were you, I would have gone in for the new Wego because from your various posts, you want
1) A metal body - Wego check
2) A new scooter is a new one and a second hand one is a second hand one even if its a month old. Given the price factor, the brand new Wego fits into your budget. Running in your own new scooter is of more pleasure than any second hand one - Wego check
3) Skeptical about someone selling a new scooter after a few months of purchasing it, try to get to the underlying reason, however the Wego you will buy a fresh after being sure that this is the scooter that you will put your money down on. There have been positive responses on t-bhp for the Wego - Wego check

All the best, hope you take a decision that best suits your need and pocket.


Last edited by yikes6633 : 11th January 2013 at 15:21.
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Old 11th January 2013, 15:32   #2334
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by Oxy View Post
More confusion!

Just got to know that the TVS Wego is now available with a front disc brake. Available in only two colours - White and Red. OTR price in Bangalore is Rs.61,000. Accessories are extra I think.

What do I do now? I like the used 4 month old Aviator DLX and the guy may further reduce the price too. But does it make sense now over a new Wego?
Second yikes. I think as a new vehicle, the wego would be a better choice. 3k more for a new vehicle feeling. Also, you can run in the vehicle carefully and avoid any later consequences which may arise due to improper care by tge previous owner. If the wego were not to be available in disc, the aviator would have made sense.
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Old 11th January 2013, 15:44   #2335
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Second yikes. I think as a new vehicle, the wego would be a better choice. 3k more for a new vehicle feeling. Also, you can run in the vehicle carefully and avoid any later consequences which may arise due to improper care by tge previous owner. If the wego were not to be available in disc, the aviator would have made sense.
Thanks yikes and audioholic.

I am thinking about the peace of mind factor that comes with the Honda badge, specially after reading your review about how you struggled with getting spares for the Wave. If not for the Honda brand, even the Ray makes sense to me, albeit it has no disc brakes.

One more thing, I am also inclined towards the Jive, since it's supposed to be really easy to drive. But TVS customer care told me that the Jive has been officially discontinued. Does it make sense to go for a Jive if it's still available in some showroom?

Last edited by Oxy : 11th January 2013 at 15:58.
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Old 11th January 2013, 16:01   #2336
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

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I am thinking about the peace of mind factor that comes with the Honda badge
In your place I would have gone for the Aviator precisely for the same reason as you quoted plus the dropped price is an added advantage. No doubt that Wego is a good scooter but getting an almost new like scooter for that price is mouthwatering. I am sure you must have already taken a TD and ensured yourself that there's nothing wrong with the scooter.
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Old 11th January 2013, 16:12   #2337
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by ghodlur View Post
In your place I would have gone for the Aviator precisely for the same reason as you quoted plus the dropped price is an added advantage. No doubt that Wego is a good scooter but getting an almost new like scooter for that price is mouthwatering. I am sure you must have already taken a TD and ensured yourself that there's nothing wrong with the scooter.
Yes ghodlur, I did take a TD and nothing feels out of place.

Though yikes and audioholic do have valid points about new vehicles being NEW, which matters a lot and makes perfect sense, I feel foolish of letting an offer like this go by.
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Old 11th January 2013, 16:16   #2338
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by Oxy View Post
I am thinking about the peace of mind factor that comes with the Honda badge, specially after reading your review about how you struggled with getting spares for the Wave. If not for the Honda brand, even the Ray makes sense to me, albeit it has no disc brakes.
With Bajaj, after sales was excellent, but sadly even they tried their best to source spares for me. But they just couldn't do it. They were helpless. With honda, I think it will be the opposite. Bad aftersales but good availability of parts. I would anyday prefer the latter. I have no idea of the Rays future, but it is doing just good numbers, if not excellent. From what I see, apart from the Hondas, the Access is the only other scoot that manages excellent sales. Apart from the scooters, scooterettes from TVS are the other lot which does very good numbers.

I visited the spare part dealer of Honda casually yesterday, and I was pleased to know they had a large inventory. I also came to know that the front panel of my Dio costs Rs. 1100. And it is painted. Considering this, I really feel that plastic panels are an advantage. Suppose it gets damaged, throw the panel and get a new one. One can even fit a new panel all by himself. In the case of metal parts, the ASC needs to paint the new panel. And this depends upon how good the particular setup is. If they mess it up, its another big story.
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Old 12th January 2013, 10:52   #2339
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

More drama!!

I weighed up all pros and cons and decided on the Aviator. Wrote a check to the guy yesterday and he promised I can take the vehicle anytime during the weekend. He will give it a thorough wash and clean it up by then.

When I broke the news to my wife, her reaction was, "Well Ok, but what's the hurry? Anyways, if you are convinced then go for it."

But when my parents got to know about this, they brought the house down. So I am now ordered to JUST BUY A NEW VEHICLE EVEN IF IT COSTS MORE.

Called the colleague back and apologized. So the scoot is still available. Anyone in Bangalore who's interested can PM me.

Now I am back to square one. The hunt for a new vehicle is on. The Wego and the Ray are on my shortlist so far.

Originally Posted by Oxy View Post
I am also inclined towards the Jive, since it's supposed to be really easy to drive. But TVS customer care told me that the Jive has been officially discontinued. Does it make sense to go for a Jive if it's still available in some showroom?
Does anyone think this is a good idea?
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Old 12th January 2013, 19:42   #2340
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Just test rode the TVS Jive and I am completely sold on it. Despite having never ridden a geared bike before, I could handle it pretty well. Going to make the payment on Wednesday since that's an auspicious day according to my mother.

Finally the dramatic saga ends! Such a relief.
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