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Old 5th September 2012, 21:02   #2146
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by M5_fan View Post
Honda after sales. Yes full service.
As I suspected - run away from them and find a good local mechie who comes highly recommended to have the bike checked out. I would specifically ask for what Alphakilo's pointed out.
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Old 5th September 2012, 21:04   #2147
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Originally Posted by Red Liner

As I suspected - run away from them and find a good local mechie who comes highly recommended to have the bike checked out. I would specifically ask for what Alphakilo's pointed out.
I found a local mechanic and he told me that the transmission is alright. Also the engine feels a little rough after the service.

He is suggesting an oil change. I will get it done and see.
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Old 6th September 2012, 11:00   #2148
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How much do the rims of an activa cost?

I tried checking from the noida service staff and they say a whopping 1400/- for both rims. Are they nuts?

Compared to this an original ford fiesta rim costs 800/- and that weighs a ton in comparison to the activa wheels.

Are they milking me or what? Selling a useless piece of metal that rusts in 5-6 yrs and is no where near to the quality of my fiesta's rim.
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Old 13th September 2012, 11:59   #2149
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Activa owners - pls suggest.

Last weekend had a fall when riding the Activa when I crashed into an i20. I was at normal 30-40 speeds when the moron in the i20 showed left blinker and turned right. I fell down with very few scratches.

The damage done to the Activa was the RHS brake was chipped, few scratches on the front, crash guard bent and alignment I guess gone. Coz every time i ride the scooter I feel a pull towards the right. Does it confirm the alignment has gone, how much would an Activa alignment cost and does this has to be done at the Honda workshop only?

I can live with the scratches on the front side of the Activa and will replace the brake during next servicing. But alignment I would like to get it done ASAP.

BHPians comment/suggest.
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Old 13th September 2012, 12:35   #2150
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by ghodlur View Post
Activa owners - pls suggest.

Last weekend had a fall when riding the Activa when I crashed into an i20. I was at normal 30-40 speeds when the moron in the i20 showed left blinker and turned right. I fell down with very few scratches.

The damage done to the Activa was the RHS brake was chipped, few scratches on the front, crash guard bent and alignment I guess gone. Coz every time i ride the scooter I feel a pull towards the right. Does it confirm the alignment has gone, how much would an Activa alignment cost and does this has to be done at the Honda workshop only?

I can live with the scratches on the front side of the Activa and will replace the brake during next servicing. But alignment I would like to get it done ASAP.

BHPians comment/suggest.
Sorry to hear about your crash. Get the forks pulled out and checked up. The symmetry of the forks would have got disturbed/bent, which is why the scooter is pulling to a side.

Straightening them up should not be difficult. However, if they are bent too much, then replacing them would be the only way, which would be anywhere upwards of 2.5K per set.

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Old 20th September 2012, 17:56   #2151
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Anyone bought the all new Rodeo RZ here on Team-Bhp?Wanted to know about its mileage as a close friend of mine has shortlisted the new Dio and Rodeo RZ .My only query is "Has the mileage problem been sorted out in the new version".He is choosing the Rodeo as his first preference because of the following reasons:Tachometer,Digital meter,Illuminated Storage,Telescopic forks at the frontetc. which the Dio doesn't offer.He has also excluded the bulky scooters as he is lean and is of short height.So members please suggest whether to go for the new Dio or new Rodeo?
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Old 21st September 2012, 07:47   #2152
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

I recently sold my Boxer and Scooty (Both around 10 years old) and went in for Suzuki Access. I am very much satisfied with the performance of Access till now.

1. Very smooth Engine. Very low noise
2. Very good pickup. Linear acceleration till 60 km/h. Did not go beyond 60 in running period.

1. Stiff ride compared to Boxer, even though it has telescopic suspension in front. But better than TVS Scooty.
2. Luggage compartment gets hot. If you keep butter, it will melt.
3. Less luggage space in front compared to Scooty. In Scooty, I would easily keep 2 bags of vegetables. But in Access, just one bag. Check the snaps.

Its too early to comment on Mileage as well as Service. Hardly done 150 kms. However, was surprised with availability of Access and Activa in Pune. No waiting period and got the vehicle in 3 days (RTO passing) after booking.

I could not find lot many pictures of Access in our forums. Therefore, uploading few of them.

The Gearless Scooter Thread-img_1646.jpg
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Old 21st September 2012, 18:41   #2153
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Brought the White TVS Wego home this morning. Sorry but no pics as i did not carry the camera, neither does my phone have a cam.

On Road price Bangalore: 56650/-
Accessories: 2500/- (Approx - I did not buy any of them)
Discount: 350/-
Final on road price: 56300/-

Front box, buzzer for turn indicators, ladies foot rest, number plates, mirrors are all provided from the factory. All round guard, seat cover, handle grips etc are part of accessories.

Delivery Experience from Bharath TVS Jayanagar 3rd Block:

Clinical precision with regards to booking and registration to put it shortly. But the delivery was slightly off owing to the festival and bandh. PDI was done and vehicle selected on Saturday. Registration formalities completed on Monday. Number received on Tuesday late evening. Took delivery on Friday (could have taken it on Monday itself; had to wait till Friday for the auspicious day).

Vehicle was polished and ready for delivery. In one place the beading and the front panel on the right were not properly aligned and tightened. Sales guy promptly got the service personnel to fit it properly. After that went to my trusted mechanic and got all the screws tightened. 4 out of 10 were not tight enough though they were not falling off or rattling. Customary pooja completed in the temple next to the showroom.

Initial impressions after a 35km ride to office. :

1. Engine is very smooth. Though there are some vibes that creep in at slow speeds, this should be since the engine is very new. The vibes are not very noticeable unless you pay close attention to it.

2. Switch gear is very soft to operate. Not only on the new Wego but on my colleagues one year so-so maintained Wego as well it was the same. Horn, indicator, starter button are all very soft and feather touch types

3. Ride quality is plush. Irregular roads are not a bother and the rear shocks are good too!

4. Handling is brilliant. In thick traffic i did not have to place my foot down even when doing 5 kmph. Handle bars are effortless and weightless to use. Also tried leaning in a corner and the scoot held its line and did not feel butt heavy like other scooters. Body balance indeed works!

5. Tyres somehow are good!! This is a shocker going by the crappy tyres given by TVS on my RTR. Wego on the other hand has good grip on gravel/sand and of course dry. Wet tarmac yet to be tested.

6. Horn has been improved compared to the 2011 Wego of my colleague. It was a mousy squeak in the earlier one. The current one seems better and people acknowledge your presence.

7. Storage in the front box is zilch. Some papers and a cloth at the most. Even under seat storage is not great going by industry standard. Only a normal helmet can fit in with no space for anything else (barring papers). If you have the LS2 type bigger helmets, you have to carry it with you. Under seat storage is not flat either which eats up some of the precious space.

8. External fuel filler is a boon. And you have to hand it to TVS for the attention to detail. The fuel filler cap looks amazing and the key hole for the fuel filler is accessible from the rider seat without getting down from the bike.

Yet to test the headlamp illumination etc. Will update post my return ride from work tonight. More updates to follow with an ownership report probably after 5000kms on the odo.

Last edited by abhinav.s : 21st September 2012 at 19:11.
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Old 22nd September 2012, 16:05   #2154
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by abhinav.s View Post
Brought the White TVS Wego home this morning. Sorry but no pics as i did not carry the camera, neither does my phone have a cam.
Many congratulations on getting your Wego. We want to see it, so pictures please.

Last week I had a short test ride of a Wego & Scooty Streak. The Wego pulled the 150+ kg payload (me & my Dad) quite effortlessly. Very smooth engine, no vibrations, good pick-up. Same cannot be said @ the 90cc Streak. Felt a lot of vibrations at the handle bar

Mostly the scooter will be driven by my Dad (who is 70+ years old). So the most important factor for him is the ride comfort & safety. I want to ask the experts over here, which scooter would you rate at the top when it comes to ride comfort?
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Old 24th September 2012, 08:55   #2155
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by abhinav.s View Post
Brought the White TVS Wego home this morning. Sorry but no pics as i did not carry the camera, neither does my phone have a cam.
Congrats Abhinav on the Wego. BTW did you notice any advantages of the body balance, the reason for asking this is I saw recently the old Wego ad where two ladies dance around while their men were riding oblivious of the dance happening at their back.

Originally Posted by prajwalkashyap View Post
Get the forks pulled out and checked up. The symmetry of the forks would have got disturbed/bent, which is why the scooter is pulling to a side.
@Prajwal, thanks for the tip. Actually the fork had bent beyond repairs and also the front handle was also bent. Replaced both of them for a cost of 2900/-. The scooter now handles smoothly.
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Old 24th September 2012, 12:11   #2156
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by ghodlur View Post
Congrats Abhinav on the Wego. BTW did you notice any advantages of the body balance...
Thanks! With the 130kms on the odo, the only places i noticed the body balance at work is during the leaning in corners (which not many scooter buying populace are interested in) and secondly during tight U-turns and small by-lanes where you have to ride at slow speeds and maintain your balance. In these scenarios the Wego really feels effortless and easy to handle.

To compare, before the Wego came home, i used to commute by Activa (2005 model) for about 4 days and used to find it rear heavy almost all the times even when changing lanes at speed.

The major grouse with the Activa is the almost non-existent suspension both front and rear!! Wego trumps in this aspect and the ride quality is very plush even over broken roads. The seat design and foam density also helps matters i guess.
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Old 25th September 2012, 09:51   #2157
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by comfortablynumb View Post
I think I spoke too soon about my Wego not having any issues.

Over the past couple of days, I have observed a few drops of oil underneath the vehicle after it's parked overnight. Since these drops are on the rear left of the vehicle, my guess is that this is transmission oil, and not engine oil.

The 3rd servicing is due on Jan 24 anyway; however, I'm planning to avail the service tomorrow itself, lest this leakage gives rise to anything more serious due to a delay in going to the ASC.

Gurus, is this anything that might cause a major headache? I just hope that I've not damaged anything already! :-(

I'm slowly getting fed up with the number of irritants cropping up in my Wego. The above issue has surfaced again, though not to the extent it was earlier.

Apart from that, the battery has been replaced under warranty, and speedometer cable and headlight switch has been changed at cost. All this in just 15 months since date of purchase! I knew that TVS quality wasn't as good as Hero or Honda, but this is ridiculous. I've started regretting buying a TVS product, and will definitely not buy another one again.

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Old 25th September 2012, 11:55   #2158
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by comfortablynumb View Post
The above issue has surfaced again, though not to the extent it was earlier.
What was the reason of oil leakage as analysed last time? Did the Workshop give any specific reason for the same.? I would suggest you write to TVS or call them up (regional service Manager or someone with authority) and explain to them the irritants.

Do the workshop closest to you have any customer feedback form? Maybe you can list down the issues in that. Then again T-BHP is the place where you would normally look out for the answers in the first place.
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Old 25th September 2012, 12:05   #2159
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by comfortablynumb View Post
The above issue has surfaced again, though not to the extent it was earlier.
battery has been replaced under warranty, and
Question : Do you use starter when you start scooter for the first time in day?

I get my Wego serviced at Century TVS bhandarkar road, they have been keeping me happy since last 8 months.

Does the transmission oil level go down rapidly?
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Old 25th September 2012, 12:37   #2160
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by ghodlur View Post
What was the reason of oil leakage as analysed last time? Did the Workshop give any specific reason for the same.? I would suggest you write to TVS or call them up (regional service Manager or someone with authority) and explain to them the irritants.

Do the workshop closest to you have any customer feedback form? Maybe you can list down the issues in that. Then again T-BHP is the place where you would normally look out for the answers in the first place.
I have talked to the TVS customer care manager in Pune last time and it has made no difference. He has zero technical knowledge and only repeats what he has been taught in some corporate training about how to soothe irate customers. Oil leakage was due to a faulty oil seal is what was conveyed to me. There is no email id on the TVS website, only a contact us form which I have used numerous time to no avail. I only get a call from the service centre, never from an actual TVS employee.

Originally Posted by silverado View Post
Question : Do you use starter when you start scooter for the first time in day?

I get my Wego serviced at Century TVS bhandarkar road, they have been keeping me happy since last 8 months.

Does the transmission oil level go down rapidly?
Transmission oil level doesn't go down too rapidly. I use kick start for the 1st start of the day and even if the vehicle has not been used for more than 15 minutes, self start is used only at traffic signals, I ensure that headlights are off before starting the vehicle, I idle the vehicle for 1 minute on cold starts, I have not exceeded 60 kmph even once since I bought the vehicle, all services are done on time, running in has been done for 2000 kms, fuel is filled only at pumps reputed to dispense good quality fuel, I go almost at walking speeds on speed breakers and other assorted rough patches. In short, vehicle is maintained immaculately and not abused at all. That is the reason for my frustration with the vehicle quality.

I was thinking of buying an Apache 160 after Diwali, but have woken up in time.


Last edited by comfortablynumb : 25th September 2012 at 12:38.
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