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Old 7th December 2011, 15:28   #1861
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by prajwalkashyap View Post
It is never a good idea to start the scoot with the electric start on cold mornings. I always kick start it and it has never failed to start on the first kick. The rest of the day, I only use the thumb-start and it works all the time.
+1 to that. I always use the manual kick start but with choke on. But these days I find the manual kick to be taking more time than usual for the Activa to start even with the choke on. Dont know the reason. Auto start works all through the day afterwards.
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Old 7th December 2011, 16:00   #1862
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by comfortablynumb View Post
How exactly do you gentlemen use the tankful to tankful method for calculating the mileage in your Wego? I mean, do you fill petrol till auto cut-off, or till any particular point in the fuel tank?

@_raVan_ - Those are phenomenal mileage figures that you've posted, specially considering Pune traffic The mileage that my Wego returns usually hovers between 45-50 kmpl. Could you share your driving style/best practices with us?

First of all, I fill it till the auto-cut off.

Secondly, the driving included riding continuously at 40kmph inspite of having open roads and even on the short stretch of highway. I selected roads which would have the least traffic in the morning and evening.

Thirdly, I always fill in speed or shell premium

Fourthly, lagta hai kisiki nazar lag gayi. The same day some guy racing his bike came and crashed into my wego when I was taking a turn! My brake lever and RVM broke. Luckily, the crash guards took the entire brunt and weight of the vehicle while falling and skidding.

Last edited by _raVan_ : 7th December 2011 at 16:06.
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Old 7th December 2011, 16:05   #1863
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
My Flyte is giving 32 kmpl with 100% city. I have tried everything in carb tuning possible to extract more but in vain.
That's exactly what we used to get when driven with a light right wrist and when the scoot was new! WOT and it would drop to 25-27kmpl range. No amount of tuning helped us too. We kept it for 2.5 years and sold it.
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Old 7th December 2011, 18:00   #1864
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by _raVan_ View Post
First of all, I fill it till the auto-cut off.

Secondly, the driving included riding continuously at 40kmph inspite of having open roads and even on the short stretch of highway. I selected roads which would have the least traffic in the morning and evening.

Thirdly, I always fill in speed or shell premium

Fourthly, lagta hai kisiki nazar lag gayi. The same day some guy racing his bike came and crashed into my wego when I was taking a turn! My brake lever and RVM broke. Luckily, the crash guards took the entire brunt and weight of the vehicle while falling and skidding.
Hi Ravan,
Hope you did not get injured seriously.

It is true that one gets higher mileage when one fills at Shell Petrol. I usually fill Petrol at Hinjewadi. For my Wego, the mileage drops in the following order Shell > HP Petrol Pump > BP Petrol Pump for the same amount of fuel. May be someone can better explain this difference.

Mine usage is roughly 80% highway. I think it is time to try your driving advise. Thanks and do take care.
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Old 7th December 2011, 20:26   #1865
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by abhinav.s View Post
That's exactly what we used to get when driven with a light right wrist and when the scoot was new! WOT and it would drop to 25-27kmpl range. No amount of tuning helped us too. We kept it for 2.5 years and sold it.

Yea,no amount of tuning has helped! Our flyte is sparingly used covering 100 kms in 2 weeks. So we are in double minds in selling it for a new one.Its covered just 8K kms in 3 years!
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Old 16th December 2011, 13:14   #1866
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

I am looking for a gear less scooter for my wife and had shortlisted TVS wego, but she finds the height a bit more. She used to ride the tvs scooty pep and we would not like to buy another scooty. Please recommend any alternatives or solutions. Help would be much appreciated.
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Old 16th December 2011, 13:27   #1867
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by hemanthisgreat View Post
I am looking for a gear less scooter for my wife and had shortlisted TVS wego, but she finds the height a bit more. She used to ride the tvs scooty pep and we would not like to buy another scooty. Please recommend any alternatives or solutions. Help would be much appreciated.
Try Mahindra Rodeo/Duro and HH pleasure, both are aimed at the ladies segment.

Or you can wait for Yamaha to unveil scooters during the Auto Expo 2012 and then decide if any scooter matches the requirement.
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Old 22nd December 2011, 13:07   #1868
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Better to kick start in the morning. Use the choke too. Cold start takes a good toll on battery and starter motor. I allow it to idle a few seconds before I take off.

Offtopic: I am not sure how its in ringed piston, but with a sleeved piston like my RC engines, cold start is very bad for the con rod. The piston gets stuck at TDC. So I preheat to start.
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Old 25th December 2011, 11:55   #1869
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Experts, I am experiencing a slight wobble in my Pleasure between speeds of 40-50kmph. It is not present below it and for the short duration I was above it, it seems to disappear and it becomes more confidence inspiring.
I put the vehicle on main stand and checked for free movement of the wheels and anomalies on the tyre surface, but there seem to be none.
The vehicle spends most of its time hopping from one neighbourhood shop to another and has done only 1800kms. What could be the issue?

Originally Posted by hemanthisgreat View Post
shortlisted TVS wego, but she finds the height a bit more
The HH Pleasure makes a case for itself here, because almost everything else (Activa, Access etc) will have a similar ride height.
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Old 28th December 2011, 12:51   #1870
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by ghodlur View Post
+1 to that. I always use the manual kick start but with choke on. But these days I find the manual kick to be taking more time than usual for the Activa to start even with the choke on. Dont know the reason. Auto start works all through the day afterwards.
I am also facing the same issue with my Honda Dio. It seems that Honda uses weak starter components. I have to ride my Dio for atleast some time with the choke in 'on' mode for it to generate some engine heat.

@Ghodlur, since we both are on ghodbunder road, the climate is a bit cold than other areas, this could be one of the reasons for the cold start.
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Old 28th December 2011, 21:21   #1871
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Hi Guys,

Gave my Aviator for 2nd service today with ODO on 1933. Its now 3 and 1/2 months old.

Problems reported :

1. Heavy Steering.

2. Large break play.

3. "jaaaarrrrr" sound coming between speed of 20-30 kmph. also it subsides alot after 5-10 kms of running. its like a metal wire is vibrating somewhere(probably from the engine area).

4. A single "tak" sound coming from behind after opening the throttle. It goes away after running 5-10 kms.

5. "Thak Thak" sound from front while heavy braking.

6. "Jhan Jhan" sound coming from front, probably metal guard fixed on the front mudgaurd has gone loose.

Now after the service all the problems have been resolved except No. 3 and 4.

They are not able to understand why sound is coming in no.3 and 4.
Experts please advice.These sounds are coming from last one month. It was not there before.

Also my mileage has dropped to 40 km/l on the last tankfull. Before this the values for two tankfulls were 44 and 47 km/l.

My running is 70 % highway, 30 % city traffic.

Also in the morning i start with choke and kick. It starts in 4-5 kicks. After this i use self start. No problems.

I'm a little worried, whether there is a major problem in my scoot as i'm not a technically inclined person.
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Old 29th December 2011, 15:55   #1872
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

After seeing all these reviews I feel my 98 Kinetic Honda, carrying 68 kilos of weight at most times, gives 25-30 kmpl in South Mumbai traffic, which is quite respectable.
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Old 30th December 2011, 08:30   #1873
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Someone has probably stolen the kick of our Access. The approx damage is Rs 300.
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Old 4th January 2012, 22:20   #1874
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

I m looking for a gearless scooter for my wife who is 5.1. I prefer something with larger wheels to better traverse Blore speedbreakers and potholes but I guess the Aviator is too high for her. She manages on an Activa but it is as common as the flu.

Are the Activa/Dio the best gearless scooters around or are there any other choices that can be considered like the Wego for example?

Priorities are her low height, ride comfort, reliability and rattle free ownership.
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Old 5th January 2012, 07:58   #1875
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Re: The Gearless Scooter Thread

Originally Posted by n.devdath View Post
I m looking for a gearless scooter for my wife who is 5.1. I prefer something with larger wheels to better traverse Blore speedbreakers and potholes but I guess the Aviator is too high for her. She manages on an Activa but it is as common as the flu.

Are the Activa/Dio the best gearless scooters around or are there any other choices that can be considered like the Wego for example?

Priorities are her low height, ride comfort, reliability and rattle free ownership.
If the priority is low height then the GC of the would be scooter would be less which means more srapping the speed breakers. I guess one should get used to "too high" scooters.

You should definitely have a look at Wego or Suzuki Access if Aviator is not serving the purpose. No point in looking at Mahindra scooters if reliability is desired. Hero Moto has introduced the new Maestro and will be showcased in the Delhi Auto Expo, you can wait for that. Yamaha are going to showcase their scooters too in the expo.
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