This Is what I Found When I was going Through my Grandmas old albums

This is my Dad’s Jawa 250Carrying my Sis.
This old photo set my passion for this Old bike aptly known as
"ForEver Bike ForEverValue"
So I started my search for a “Jawa”. After a long wait & checking out small villages near pune I found one in decent condition.
I rode it as it is for many days. I loved the shear Torque & acceleration of the bike and the Sweet Exhaust note (Maybe only for my ears, not for my neighbor’s’).
Then one day I thought why not use the same bike engine for building myself a chopper. But I decided not to ruin an original Jawa bike & so bought an Scrap “Yezdi D250 Cl”.
Slowly I started Adding & removing and modifying parts to make it look like a chopper.
May be I have succeeded, maybe not, but what matters is that, however it is, I LOVE the bike.
For that I need your advices suggestions and comments. Please feel free to correct me if needed.
So here Goes :-
Disassembling Her
Parts Disassembled
Bare Bones Chassis With 130/90 MRF Zapper Y installed.
Specially Fabricated Exhaust Bringing Exhaust Gases from both Exhaust manifolds towards the right – hand side.
Now For the Tanks. I chose to try two types of Tanks
1) Original Yezdi Tank – Squarish
2) A Rounded One
Here’s the Try –The original Yezdi Tank
That’s My Dog Scooby near my bike.
Note The Monoshock Suspension & Swingarm.
Here’s How it Looks like when all things assembled.
Seat fabricated.
Things Remaining
1 ) Paint – Metallic Blue
2 ) Front End, Rims, Handle bar, Exhaust, Engine to be Chromed
3 ) Swingarm - Silver
Here are some Accessories that will be installed on it.
Registration Plate – Night & Day
The Conical Air Filter.
Looking forward to your responses.