Widow Maker!!!
That is what I told my friend after my first spin on the RZ. The bike just wants to lunge and the power on tap feels scary even though I didn’t go over 3k rpm. Typically the low end on the LC models is on the weaker side and it comes to life post 5k rpm only where one bas to hold on for your dear life. My first few rides on the Busa I was really intimidated by the size of it but this thing really scares the daylight of me.
Now, the last time I rode an RZ was over 15 years back and it was the YPVS version. So, this is the first time I have ever ridden the OG LC which is a non YPVS version. Further, all the magic done by friend Tony especially on the engine really shows as you just can’t hear the engine at idle and its only the exhaust sound. But, the quietness of the engine is the complete opposite when it comes to power delivery where we feel Tony has created a true Beast! I am just waiting to get done with the running in process to get a true feel of what this machine is capable off.
As, I had mentioned in my earlier post the bike was started on the 8th and over two days it went through 5 heat cycles in total and plus one complete rev out while idling to set the engine up before we put it in gear and ride it under load. The first start was just for a minute and the remaining four lasted for 10 mins each followed by a 30 minute cool down period and the last cycle was done with an overnight cool down period. Today, I had to ride the bike to provide initial feedback especially on the fuelling to see if the carb setting is on the lean side. So, after an initial shakedown ride in the vicinity I went straight to the fuel pump to fuel up followed by getting the PUC done. The bike was filled with under 5 litre of fuel and I was running it in reserve and at the fuel pump another 14 litres of fuel went in. People were just staring at the bike as this is one Yamaha to identify and especially with an old Bombay number but looks like which has just stepped out of the showroom. Even the PUC guy is like have you just restored it and I was like yes and this is my first ride on it. On, my first ride I noticed that the gear shifting was on the harder side and the throttle would stay open even when I cut it off. So, with this feedback, we opened the accelerator cable completely and even took out the needles. One of the carburettors needle looked slightly bent so that was straightened out and some settings were done on the accelerator cable. Further the slide springs were changed to a more harder one for a quicker return of the slide when the throttle is shut. On the needles the mixture was made slightly rich which would help for smoother gear shifts under load. So, as the miles pile on we will understand the bike better and keeping making small changes until we are satisfied and achieve the final desired setup.
So, until I am not comfortable with the bike and how it rides I don’t plan to get it home so maybe it would be at Tony’s for another week or two. Also, have to get the seat done which could not be done today so, hopefully that can be addressed on my next visit.
Time for some pictures…
Time to take the dust cloth off
Finally, sat on the RZ with the engine on
The smell of a two stroke is just pure heaven
Km reading before the first ride
Post fuel fill up time for the PUC
Looks complete with the engine and exhaust on
The PUC guy was impressed as well looking at the bike. Two strokes are now getting rarer on Mumbai streets and then you see a rare two stroke among a sea of four strokes
Standing at the same spot it did four months and what a transformation the RZ has had
Each and every part looks spanking new
Correct parts both inside and outside
Engine up close
Correct side panels and no rubbish fibre glass nonsense on this RZ
The rear is missing the rear grab rail and chain guard. Don’t miss my RX in the background which is getting its headlight holder worked on
The other side
Correct panel on this side too
Black kick looks so good
The new radiator cap
The three red SAMCO hoses will now be on the bike for life
The green wire is for the temperature sensor/gauge
Single choke puller for both carbs
The finished product from the side
Checking the fuel flow over 30 seconds to confirm the fuel flow is as expected which is part of tuning the bike. Small changes in such bikes make a big difference especially whatever makes a bike run lean across the rev range
Shifting through gears to confirm my feedback that the shifts are hard
Time to address the carb settings
Needle setting being done
My first two stroke also my first bike and my latest two stroke in one frame
Exhaust have a unique design
The way they curve outwards