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Old 22nd January 2024, 16:19   #1
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Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ

Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ-img20240115wa0143.jpg

Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ-img20240115wa0144.jpg

Since Tork Motors is a relatively new brand, most of the early adopters were involved in the feedback & review cycle and this is to be expected with a gen1 product from a new brand. However, a promised feature, for which we paid during purchase, is overdue by over a year. Complaints on INGRAM portal and a legal notice have been issued, but Tork Motors still refused to budge. Some of the issues that we've been facing :

No Fast Charging Port:

While purchasing the Kratos R model, fast charging was listed as a feature along with free access to fast charging network for 2 years. Initially they mentioned that since they had not decided on the fast charge connector, we'll get it till March 2023 and were delivered bikes without any fast charging port. Fast forward to November 2023, one year after purchase; there's still no sign of the fast charging port and no timeline for the same.

Tork's reply on INGRAM complaint:

Further, considering Government of India Standards (“BIS”) for the standardization of regular and fast chargers for Light EVs in India, the Company is now providing Standard Charging Port along with modified Charger (having charging gun/adapter) which enables the Customer to do regular charging with the modified charger, and also to do fast charging at the points where fast charging facility is available. The Company morally felt to offer the same benefits to its early customers and hence decided to provide standardized charging Connector and Charging Port voluntarily without any liability/mandate, that too free of cost. Migrating to standardized connector required software and hardware changes (including replacement of Telematics and ECU Device) on early Kratos R model. To make these changes, the components availability is a challenge, but the Company is ensuring that it is going at a steady pace. Further, the market price of the Standardized Connector and Charing Port, Software and Hardware changes is approx. Rs. 23,000/- to Rs. 25,000/-. You would appreciate that the Company is providing all these things to its valued customers for FREE OF COST. It was/is at the option of the Customer to get the above changes done on its Vehicle. The Dealer is contacting all the early Customers as per Vehicle sales sequence and is informing about the above-mentioned option. For the Customers who wish to get the said changes done in their Vehicles, Labour Cost of only Rs. 800/- + Taxes is being charged by the Dealer as Service Charges, as the procedure being critical and labour intensive. The Company is already bearing the huge material cost voluntarily as mentioned earlier.
Tork's response conveyed during discussions held amid the protest:

BCA(Bharat Charge Alliance) has still not finalized the common port that'll be used on vehicles. FC port will be installed once the common port is finalized.
Chassis breakage due to design flaw:

Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ-img20231120wa0001.jpg

Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ-img20231120wa0002.jpg

Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ-img20231227wa0000.jpg

Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ-img20231110wa0029.jpg

Tork's response conveyed during discussions held amid the protest:
We have implemented chassis design modifications to prevent this issue in newer bike models. For existing models experiencing chassis breakage, we are committed to providing free replacements.
Note : I've not faced this issue, pictures are from fellow Kratos R owners.

Non-existent high beam:

Tork's reply on INGRAM complaint:

Further, with respect to the Customers issue regarding headlight beam throw, it is submitted that the Company has passed the tests as required by Certifying Authorities. The Certifying Authorities have their own rules, guidelines and procedures. Unless the OEM passes the Certification, it cannot sell its Vehicle in the market. The Company is committed to adhere to such rules, guidelines and procedures to provide its esteemed customers the best Product which the Company can. Still, the Company takes the suggestion/comments of the Customer in positive way and will try to work on it.
Tork's response conveyed during discussions held amid the protest:

We are actively addressing the issue on a high priority and working on a swift resolution.
Early adopters stuck with wall mounted chargers:

When we purchased the Kratos R, we were provided a wall mounted charger and no option of portable charger was provided. Now the company is providing a portable charger with new models, to get the portable charger we have to pay ₹19,999. Now the twist is, even if we're ready to pay the sum we can't charge our vehicles because while our bikes still have the old port, the new chargers have the new port. So technically we're limited to a radius of 50kms around our wall mounted chargers till the company sorts out the connector issue.

On numerous occasions we've asked for dialogue with the decision makers and were provided false promises. They've disabled the screenshots on their mobile app, they've kept the community private and they've even stopped replying on their own community page. Around 15-20 owners from Pune staged a protest at Tork Motors HQ in Pune on 15th January 2024, but the replies that they got were vague and not confidence inspiring. We've demanded a warranty extension after the fast charge port has been installed, and a recall of bikes with flawed chassis design.
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Old 22nd January 2024, 20:31   #2
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Re: Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ

Thread moved out from the Assembly Line. Thanks for sharing!
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Old 23rd January 2024, 08:05   #3
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Re: Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ

Ather, Tesla and maybe 1 or 2 others are the only new automotive brands I'd trust with my money, life (literally if you're on a 2-wheeler) & driving / riding pleasure. Other than that, I don't get why one wouldn't stick with the legacy manufacturers. Even Ola has so many horror stories with its scooters. It takes crores & crores of rupees along with decades of experience to develop a product from scratch, make it safe & competent, build it for reliability and back it up with dependable service.

I don't trust 99% of the new startups in the EV 2-wheeler space, or even 4-wheelers (link to Pravaig's jugaad car). Globally too, we've seen what happened with Nikola, Fisker etc.
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Old 23rd January 2024, 08:48   #4
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Re: Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ

Thanks for sharing this Venky and fully agree with what you outlined GTO.

Not saying this is true for Tork necessarily (I don’t know any better) but in general, the two wheeler space in particular is replete with cheaper EV offerings given the seemingly low regulatory / quality entry barrier and very questionable quality, being pushed out at various attractive price points too.

My other big fear is that due to them pushed so prevalently with very thin quality of regulation, a lot of these are sharing public roads and parking spaces within our buildings and public spaces. God forbid some of these should not create any fire hazard in future. I’d be nervous if I was living in any building where a decent number of folks would park (as well as charge) some of these dodgy EV scooters on a regular basis.

Coming to Tork, the fact that so many owners have actually held a protest outside their HQ itself says a lot. Not sure what outcome one can hope for though in their favour. Like GTO also said, I would stick with only absolutely known brands or those who’ve been around a while before trusting my money or life with overnight manufacturers of EVs. Definitely no start ups for me in this segment.

Finally, speaking for riders who care about their life and limb, it’s the ultimate irony that some of us are unable to buy (or even use), in India, the best quality riding boots / helmets for our safety and in the same ecosystem, so many actually dodgy vehicles are being freely sold. Frustrating!!

Last edited by Axe77 : 23rd January 2024 at 10:44. Reason: Minor language fix.
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Old 23rd January 2024, 17:00   #5
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Re: Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ

Forget about Tork, I wouldn't have courage to even touch Ola or even Hero Vida for that matter. I'm surprised how people plonk 1 lakhs plus on brand new products that too from startups which aren't having any manufacturing background. Even Bajaj is struggling (sales) with Chetak. I know we need to support start ups but the attitude in Indian startups or new launches was not so encouraging. Be it QC issues or after sales. This includes Indian behemoths like Tata, Mahindra etc also. What to talk of these small time assemblers who source mediocre components from China and sell here without any infrastructure to support. Whenever I see Tork or any of these EV vehicles I really wonder what's the research one does before these purchases.

The river indie caught my eye and also TVS X but I would bet on TVS. EV itself has a future which isn't that convincing i.e. what will happen to the battery, recycle process, cost of replacing one etc etc.

These small EV startups are never to be trusted with your hard earned money until few product cycles IMHO. Stick with TVS, Bajaj, Hero and to some extent Ather. There are some tier 2 players like Okinawa but still the service or replacement of critical components aren't going to be that easy for them.

Actually I don't have any 2 wheeler and need one. I would like to get an ev but none gives me either confidence or the design isn't for my taste.

Btw, my neighbours Ola got submerged in flood recently. I really want to ask him how he managed to fix and what was the impact of being under water for a day almost for an electric scooter.

Last edited by sgmuser : 23rd January 2024 at 17:28. Reason: Typo
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Old 23rd January 2024, 21:04   #6
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Re: Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ

Unfortunately, since the focus is now electric, most of the startups are coming out with their products like Tom, Dick and Harry of smartphone world's. I remember how many companies came out last decade to introduce multiverse of smartphones which flooded the entire market. Apparently, it's happening with EV space now. Sad, but it is indeed a lesson for everyone to go with those OEMs who have proved to be reliable like GTO has called out on this thread! Hope the customers get the justice they deserve!
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Old 24th January 2024, 00:27   #7
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Re: Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ

Tork is one of the brands I'd consider better than 80% of the startups in this industry, just because how bad the others are. Think about it:- Others are so bad they're catching fire.
Focus on research, passion and past experience in the racing scene has helped them make a decent product, even though quality issues exist.

And its not like big time brands never face quality issues. Royal Enfield, Bajaj, KTM, Triumph, all have had their share of breaking chassis, breaking alloy wheels (over speed breakers) or general quality issues with engine or electronics or fuelling or so.
Many of these brands even rectify issues in the next gen, some even have niggles till now, even in their product's 3rd generation, sadly so.

Forgive me for saying so, I do see long term potential in Tork. However, I also see a struggle.

Now, for a business lesson. Its obvious the first-second gen products of almost any company face problems. This is unfortunately also a crucial time when a company can't blindly open its pockets and extend its budget to solve all problems of customers... Because its a crucial time. Cash rotation is almost non existent, they're burning cash like anything, like even Rajiv Bajaj once said.
So, what's the solution? The solution is that you open an automobile business in boom period, and ask bluntly and shamelessly for some very good funding. Absorb the extra liquidity of the market, in a crucial time when market has huge liquidity to spare. Create a business on some good research, like Ather. If you can't gather the fund, better don't be an entrepreneur altogether.
Think of any cash bloated startup (not necessarily in the automob. world) which is offering huge salaries to freshies, you got me.

I know the ROI isn't going to touch the sky initially, specially not with the frozen cash reserves hurting profitability, but in the long term you create a brand which will recover its worth. And a brand which doesn't have to say no to compensate deserving customers, or struggle with huge recalls. Brands are themselves worth billions sometimes, but they need to be nurtured well.

Not trying to be insensitive to the customers, but nothing in the first post actually surprises me, or is a big issue. The issue seems to be money and attitude surrounding it, although I can't say for sure what goes inside a company.

Last edited by Samarth 619 : 24th January 2024 at 00:30.
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Old 24th January 2024, 19:48   #8
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Re: Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ

This just re-affirms what's wrong with the current "EV startup" space.
Anyone with a battery and motor can't become a vehicle(2/4) manufacturer.

There's so much more, powertrain is just one of the parts. I think if their founders would know if they actually rode themselves.
Ather is a good example of how its done and it also shows that it will take some time for the product and service to grow. I can't say the same about anyone else with or without a lot of money. Hope River proves to be another exception.

As for the OP, I hope that your issues get resolved.
But, there's a reason experienced folks here suggest to wait for a few months to even 1-2 years when faced with a new product from even the established manufacturers based on the degree of changes. The first product from a new manufacturer with no history in making anything with wheels ? I wouldn't even look at it.

Last edited by shancz : 24th January 2024 at 20:00. Reason: sent
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Old 29th January 2024, 02:04   #9
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Re: Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ

Originally Posted by shancz View Post
Anyone with a battery and motor can't become a vehicle(2/4) manufacturer.
There's so much more, powertrain is just one of the parts. I think if their founders would know if they actually rode themselves.
If they actually rode themselves?
Well, they claim to be e-racing since the "Isle of Man days", whatever that means. From T1X to T6X, they've documented every experience on their website.
They claimed that Tork created T6x (which eventually became Kratos), a platform on the basis of their e-racing experience.

They're also OEM suppliers for 3 wheeler e-vehicles:

Even others on this thread treat Tork like a new, clueless startup. So, what is it? Does no one know Tork's history or am I mistaken somewhere?
(Because, even I know Tork only from their website and press, I could be wrong, kindly correct me?)
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Old 29th January 2024, 07:17   #10
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Re: Tork Kratos R Owners protest at Tork Motors HQ

Originally Posted by Samarth 619 View Post
So, what is it? Does no one know Tork's history or am I mistaken somewhere?
That's the gist of it.
Wikipedia gives a feel that the owner was a part of some college or independent group participating in a newly found racing championship which I doubt has any relation to Isle of Mann TT.
When I speak of unknown manufacturers I mean unknown in India. Tork being their first motorcycle in our market makes them one.

I am inclined to accept what they claim but their product doesn't show that with poor design and material choices and even worse customer service as mentioned in the OP.
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