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Old 3rd February 2024, 18:33   #1636
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

Guys owning the 400, how easy or tough it is to adjust the drive chain tension of the bike? Do you go to the service center to get this done or can be done outside? What is the interval to set the chain tension?

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Old 3rd February 2024, 22:36   #1637
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

European media got to experience Triumph bikes in Spain and their review videos are trickling in. Have posted couple of videos in Scrambler 400x thread.

Sharing a different kind of review from Portugal, please click on YouTube link to watch as playback on other websites has been disabled.

This Rider has experienced(owned) most of Triumph bikes and his Honda CB500x review video is quite popular.

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Old 4th February 2024, 21:54   #1638
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

After spending four months with my Speed 400, I eventually completed the bucket list of accessories that I had in mind. Posting them here so that it helps others as well.

Front View

While I liked the headline design, I wanted to give it a smoked look. The original positioning of the number plate was an eyesore, as well. So, here's what I added
  • Headlight Grill (Official Accessory)
  • Screen (Official Accessory)
  • Film Coating for the Screen (Local Mechanic) - The original full transparent look was too plain
  • Number Plate Bracket (Available on Amazon)

Triumph Speed 400 Review-front2.jpg
Triumph Speed 400 Review-front3.jpg

Top Box

I waited long for the official top box and rack but the availability was extremely poor. The official weight bearing capacity also seemed like a concern. So, I ended up getting the following instead.
  • Carrier Frame (Moto Torque)
  • Monolock Top Box (Givi)

Triumph Speed 400 Review-box1.jpg
Triumph Speed 400 Review-box3.jpg

Protective Layer

Next up was adding on to the protection for the engine and the beautifully crafted + painted tank. The factory fitted engine guard was just about okay. It did not give me enough confidence about being able to save the whole of engine; nor could I imagine my legs getting saved. So it had to be changed at all cost.
  • Crash Guard with Slider (Zana)
  • Tank Pad (Official Accessory)
  • Knee Pad (Official Accessory)

Triumph Speed 400 Review-engine-guard-1.jpg
Triumph Speed 400 Review-engine-guard-4.jpg
Triumph Speed 400 Review-side-guard.jpg

Miscellaneous Items

Then comes the list of small items which were bothering me about the bike and had to be taken care of. I did not want to go overboard as well, so that original Triumph elements were not lost.
  • Engine Sump Guard (Moto Torque) - Bike comes with a thin plastic cover as factory fitted accessory
  • Fork Seal Cover (Generic) - Heard from fellow owners about leakage due to dust accumulation at the suspension
  • Tyre Hugger (Generic) - The underbody is badly affected by mud in wet conditions, especially the mono shock area. I had to get this at all cost
  • Side Stand Extender (Moto Torque) - Given the bike doesn't have a centre stand, I did face difficulty while parking in soft surfaces. This helps to a great extend.

Triumph Speed 400 Review-sump-guard.jpg
Triumph Speed 400 Review-shock-cover.jpg
Triumph Speed 400 Review-tyre-hugger.jpg
Triumph Speed 400 Review-stand-extender.jpg

Note Got the not-so-popular ECU4 update. For some reason, I like the linear power delivery of this update. The earlier jerky action in 1st gear was not as per my liking.

Last edited by bhupesh : 4th February 2024 at 21:57.
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Old 5th February 2024, 21:53   #1639
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

Originally Posted by antz.bin View Post
The vibes definitely seem to have dialed down or else I would know when to back off and not hit the limiter as often. Or maybe I am more comfortable with the vibes now but the change has been too sudden for me to not notice. The fuel economy is also noticeable lower (not that I care about it, but still) due to all this faster riding.
I can confirm. As a new owner of Speed 400, after the first service and with updated software the bike seems a lot toned down below 5k revs. Seems like the throttle response changed. Like below 5k revs even if open full throttle it’s same as half throttle but once the revs start climbing the pickup seems to improve.

And also, I noticed that the service center near my area started using MOTUL engine oil. Previously in this thread I have seen someone posted HP engine being used. Not sure which one is better.

Also a weird thing happened with my bike during first service, when they drained the engine oil filled from the factory. It seems less than 2L (about 1.5L) came out. The service advisor pointed it out to me, he said some bikes from December batch are filled with less oil than recommended (which is 2L). He also told be to check again if in the second service the engine oil drained is less than 2L, and if so there could be some issue.

Now I am really concerned about this. Has anyone else faced similar issue?
I didn’t expect Bajaj to fill less oil on a brand new vehicle from the factory. I will be monitoring this issue and post an update again after 2nd service if my engine really got damaged due to low engine oil.

Last edited by Axe77 : 7th February 2024 at 04:30.
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Old 6th February 2024, 09:26   #1640
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

The mototorque steel sump guard is the cheapest one I could find at 899INR. This should be the ideal rate. Saw other mild steel ones at 1.8-2k INR.

Motul oil should feel better than HP oil. I plan to change the HP oil at 5k kms. I have felt no change in smoothness/vibrations/gear change after first service on HP oil. Smoothness-wise Motul is better than Castrol as well when I tried on my previous Dominar.

Last edited by Axe77 : 7th February 2024 at 04:29. Reason: Clean up edits.
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Old 6th February 2024, 10:49   #1641
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

Be careful with Motul Double Ester 300v oils. It has been known to cause head gasket leaks in the past.

It is a minor irritant on an air-cooled engine but any leaks in a liquid cooled engine could cause coolant to mix with oil and vice versa. Not a situation I would want to experience.

Anyways, if I were you, with a warranty as long and comprehensive as Triumph has provided, I wouldn't stray away from the dealership recommended oils. If it still breaks, it's on them.

As far as smoothness is concerned, whatever little difference we perceive is mostly caused by the improved lubrication by fresh oil. 95% of that can be achieved on day 1 with even mineral oil of the correct grade.

If it is a fraction of a horsepower improvement that you are after, I am sorry you bought the wrong motorcycle. There are motorcycles on the market that are up to 10-20% more powerful for not too much more money. Should have gone for one of those.
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Old 6th February 2024, 11:53   #1642
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

Got this message on whatsapp last night. FYI for anyone interested.

Triumph Speed 400 Review-whatsapp-image-20240205-8.20.07-pm.jpeg

Dear Triumph owner!

Your perfect ride deserves perfect care! We're offering a Complimentary Health Checkup for your beloved Triumph, just because owning one is a privilege you deserve.

Book your complimentary checkup today and avail:
* 10 point comprehensive checkup
* Latest software upgrades

See you soon, and happy riding! ✌️
Triumph Motorcycles. #ForTheRide

PS: Complimentary Health Checkup is from Feb 1 to 15, 2024
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Old 7th February 2024, 11:04   #1643
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

It's basically a software upgrade and got it done yesterday, the fuel gauge indicator issue, seems to have resolved, need to observe for a few more kms. I did face stalling once in the short drive, but nothing after that.
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Old 7th February 2024, 17:50   #1644
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

Originally Posted by antz.bin View Post
If it is a fraction of a horsepower improvement that you are after, I am sorry you bought the wrong motorcycle. There are motorcycles on the market that are up to 10-20% more powerful for not too much more money. Should have gone for one of those.
I'm not after horsepower improvement. But I don't trust any company that says the engine oil will last for 10k-16k kms. I change mine at 5k kms max. Usually in Gulf regions one changes at 3000 kms for petrol engines. The Motul 7100 10w50 is what I use (odo is still at 3k before changing). There was noticeable difference in gear shift smoothess and engine vibes post the change for both my Duke 390 and Dominar (both ex). Try it. It has company compliant specifications. JASO MA2 I believe. It also won't last till 10k kms. Neither will the Triumph preferred Castrol brand. Personally I don't trust the HP brand especially after I felt zero change. And 2 litres HP oil wasn't cheaper either.

Last edited by Axe77 : 8th February 2024 at 16:08. Reason: Trimming quoted post. Usual formatting errors fixed.
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Old 9th February 2024, 21:56   #1645
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

I recently got new ECU software updated, post that gear shifting until 4th gear has become much smoother. Some stalling incidents happen but they were likely me releasing clutch sooner than required.

Plus I put only HP speed (premium petrol) which creates riding even more smoother.
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Old 10th February 2024, 01:48   #1646
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

Originally Posted by Senotrius View Post
I'm not after horsepower improvement. But I don't trust any company that says the engine oil will last for 10k-16k kms. I change mine at 5k kms max. Usually in Gulf regions one changes at 3000 kms for petrol engines.
I'd like to disagree here. My day job is to work on combustion of high horsepower engines and I do have some experience here.

The rate of loss of oil performance is a direct correlation to the tolerances in design/manufacturing of the engine, mainly the valves and piston ring/bore tolerances, as well as sophistication in material engineering. If these are of high order, it is definitely possible to maintain very high running periods for oil without losing significant performance in the form of heat or NVH. Apart from this, how much of it's life the engine has spent producing it's peak output is also a factor (riding it hard all the time).

Figure below shows how oil passes through piston rings and gets burnt, over time causing consumption of oil.
Name:  AISeeIt_figure1_PistonRingpackOilFlow_01022016.png
Views: 1773
Size:  19.3 KB

Triumph maintains the 10k miles/16k kms duration on all their bikes and this, even though is a sales pitch, would not happen if it was not backed up by their design, manufacturing and material engineering. I am not saying we should all commit to 16k kms but we also shouldnt assume they are overestimating by 3x or 5x.

Now, a user can feel that the bike is peppy when they use a different oil or replace the oil sooner, but that in no way means that the old oil was insufficient to keep the engine healthy. Some of the extra boost one would feel could be placebo and some of it is definitely just fresh lubricant with different additives depending on how much you pay for it.

Replacing engine oil just because that is how we have done it before is not the best way imo. Triumph ASCs themselves say that you can come in for a check up once in 4-5k kms and get the oil health checked. There are folks in Pune who have done 10k kms on their Speed 400s and the check up showed that they can actually go on without replacing the oil. They chose to change it because they didnt mind spending the money but that doesnt mean the engine would die on them if they hadnt.

TLDR: Get your oil health checked up regularly before you decide to change it earlier than the manufacturer guideline asks you to. Thumb rules rarely work across different bikes and you might feel like you did the right thing but you might also be draining money (and oil) unnecessarily.
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Old 10th February 2024, 22:01   #1647
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

Originally Posted by IamJacK View Post
Also a weird thing happened with my bike during first service, when they drained the engine oil filled from the factory. It seems less than 2L (about 1.5L) came out. The service advisor pointed it out to me, he said some bikes from December batch are filled with less oil than recommended (which is 2L). He also told be to check again if in the second service the engine oil drained is less than 2L, and if so there could be some issue.

Now I am really concerned about this. Has anyone else faced similar issue?
I didn’t expect Bajaj to fill less oil on a brand new vehicle from the factory. I will be monitoring this issue and post an update again after 2nd service if my engine really got damaged due to low engine oil.

So an update, today I was standing at a stop light and I got a faint smell of burning oil. I stopped to a side and checked the bike. Seems like there is indeed a oil leak

Link to the video of oil leak

I guess I have to pay a visit to my nearest service center on Monday . I will update you guys if there’s anything else.
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Old 11th February 2024, 06:12   #1648
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

Originally Posted by IamJacK View Post
So an update, today I was standing at a stop light and I got a faint smell of burning oil. I stopped to a side and checked the bike. Seems like there is indeed a oil leak
If it is indeed engine oil that is leaking, it must be due to gasket break and will be replaced under warranty. But are you sure it is engine oil ? Had you lubed the chain excessively recently which may be dropping from the front sprocket area as it keeps collecting there when riding. Either way, do update us after service center visit.

Last edited by Ratan Prabhu : 11th February 2024 at 06:16.
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Old 11th February 2024, 08:54   #1649
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

Originally Posted by lazyrev View Post
I'd like to disagree here. My day job is to work on combustion of high horsepower engines and I do have some experience here.

Now, a user can feel that the bike is peppy when they use a different oil or replace the oil sooner, but that in no way means that the old oil was insufficient to keep the engine healthy. Some of the extra boost one would feel could be placebo and some of it is definitely just fresh lubricant with different additives depending on how much you pay for it.
My observation is limited to only the feeling of vibrations/smoothness and not speed/mileage. Are you saying all FS engine oils would feel the same?

That said, the latest February ECU update has made the throttle response a lot smoother (less jerky) but in the process has made the bike FEEL slower and calmer. The idle RPM is still set at a higher point like the January update but we don't feel like riding faster. Any similar observation?

Last edited by Axe77 : 13th February 2024 at 06:48. Reason: Spacing.
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Old 11th February 2024, 13:17   #1650
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Re: Triumph Speed 400 Review

Originally Posted by IamJacK View Post
So an update, today I was standing at a stop light and I got a faint smell of burning oil. I stopped to a side and checked the bike. Seems like there is indeed a oil leak

Link to the video of oil leak

I guess I have to pay a visit to my nearest service center on Monday . I will update you guys if there’s anything else.
Good to get it checked. How far have you ridden after the first service? If the oil is leaking at that rate then you should notice some oil level drop, have you checked the levels?

Originally Posted by Ratan Prabhu View Post
If it is indeed engine oil that is leaking, it must be due to gasket break and will be replaced under warranty. But are you sure it is engine oil ? Had you lubed the chain excessively recently which may be dropping from the front sprocket area as it keeps collecting there when riding. Either way, do update us after service center visit.
The excessive chain lube happened with me as well on the 400X after the service but not to this extent. I would agree with you and it does look like the oil coming from the front sprocket.
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