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Old 1st December 2023, 23:21   #856
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

Originally Posted by CodeEvo View Post
How do we track the delivery date? I am unable to see anything in the app apart from the booking id and the booking date.
I called my dealer and they checked the tentative delivery in their system. You can do the same. There is no details in the RE App against my booking too.
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Old 2nd December 2023, 00:12   #857
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

Originally Posted by bhansali_hardik View Post
You will have to visit the branch which you booked at for cancellation.
You might as well ride and then decide!

However, given that you will not get the bike before 31st December you can cancel the booking and re-book when actual prices are out
I think nobody may be getting deliveries in 2023 except for a select few popular bike enthusiasts. Definitely no one in Hyderabad is getting it in 2023, most of the dealers unveiled the bike a day or two or three later if not more. Imagine when they would start the test rides!

So the intro prices may have everything to do with the booking and not delivery dates. Did you book before/on or after December 31st? That's what may matter in the end!


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Old 2nd December 2023, 00:46   #858
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

Originally Posted by bharath79 View Post

So the intro prices may have everything to do with the booking and not delivery dates. Did you book before/on or after December 31st? That's what may matter in the end!

I really hope this is true. But the RE dealership where I booked clearly told that it’s only applicable if the bike is invoiced before 31st December. Has anyone got a confirmation if the intro price is valid as long as you have a booking before 31st December?
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Old 2nd December 2023, 01:17   #859
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

I was experimenting with the RE Configurator app which reflects tentative timelines for delivery. (Not sure how accurate it predicts).
It seems to me that South Indian states like Tamilnadu, Karnataka, etc. are expected to receive it sooner than North Indian states (proximity to manuf. plant maybe). Also, it seems that Official Company Owned Stores/RE Showrooms are expected to deliver it sooner than others. Well, this is per app data that is being calculated.
But my takeaway from this is that if you want quicker delivery - do choose the Company owned outlets.
Also, Deliveries in Dec will be from existing stocks it seems. Some sources have reported that there will be vacation/halt of production in Dec for sometime so don't expect huge lots until Jan Mid.
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Old 2nd December 2023, 03:02   #860
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

So, had the opportunity to see the Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 Hanle Black in flesh. All the showrooms in Coimbatore as per the the sales guys were allotted Hanle Black as the preferred choice of display motorcycle. This combination being my personal favorite, it made the experience fruitful. Test rides shall commence in a week or so is what I've been told, so that's an experience to beckon.
Location: Coimbatore

Initial impressions were smorgasbord to say the least. From the purview of being an ex-Himalayan owner, perforce to say this bike is simply light-years ahead..
Grab your cuppa, stretch your knuckles, sit back tight on your seat and scroll through to know why... > > >

Striking a pose...
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-1.jpg

Feels like a garisson to say the least, once perched. Hands down the best big-bike feeling small bike out there in the market. Simply nothing, from any Indian or International cuts the stance and presence this baby offers!
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-2.jpg

Delving deeper on the finer aspects of the Himalayan 450. The internet is flooded with TFTs, ride experience, top speed and why wouldn't I. The fever pitch is extremely fervent, but it's about time the dust shall settle. Being the guy I am, squinting my eyes, tongue to the side, sliding my hands to pick up my mobile to get the detailed glimpses of her.. Ah dear! Me and my melodrama.. Let's cut to the chase..

Excel Rims - EXCEL-LLENT Rims
Funny anecdote. None of the folks in the showroom knew what company the rim was made of, neither they've heard of it, nor were they informed. The rims are simply a work of art and of "exceptional" quality. The tactile feel, the smoothness, the fit, finish, simply unbeatable in this segment for a long time to come. I wouldn't dare compare this to the old-Himalayan's rim set. Simply a disgrace to even keep it side by side.. My phone sincerely didn't do justice to the lights at play but we both tried. Note: AKRONT (A Spanish firm) makes the wheels for tubeless spoke setup.

Sheer Golden Beauty, this..
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-excel-rim-1.jpg

Notice the marking 21x2.15. 21 inch, 2.15 rim width - rim bead to rim bead.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-excel-2.jpg

Notice, the superb, shiny finish.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-ex-3.jpg

Notice, the punches around the spoke nipples. Crisp!
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-ex-4.jpg

II. DID-Chain. Reminiscent, I'd have mentioned the same on my V-Strom thread 250 SX thread which uses DID made chain. ( (The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review))

DID Chain. Notice the VFP-520. 520 is the chain's .520 pitch
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-did11.jpg

Notice the rubber stopper. This is chain slap preventer of sorts. Prevents excessive chain slapping.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-did2.jpg

Notice the gap between squeezing my fingers
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-did3.jpg

Attention to Detail - Notice the almost invisible RE logo embossed on the lower part mirrors. Brilliant. The mirror stalks appear meaty and super solid. Thumbs up!
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-mirror-attn-detail.jpg

The apt Himalayan logo justified for a truly apt bike. Notice the dual sparkle paint job. Personally dual-sparkle paint bring the best out of any vehicle.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-hima-logo.jpg

The LED Winker. Cute!
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-indic1.jpg

The Integrated rear Brake/Winker unit. Should be expensive if broken, ouch! Notice the RE Logo
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-rearindic.jpg

Headlamp Assy.. Manufactured by the same company that manufactures for KTM.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-hlu-upclose.jpg

Now that we've enjoyed the quality. Truly there's more to meets the eye when it comes to this one. Let's delve a little deeper on the quirky and interesting bits.

Notice rim clearance between the inner part of the inner-mudguard and the rim lip. This is for the most part not an issue. When ridden in slush, with such a super-tight gap, any muck getting stuck between the mudguard and rim in no time is going to induce scratches on those beautiful rims given the lips are wide on the rims and also be a causal for a potential stuck situation. With protruding tubeless spoke wheels Yoikes!
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-rim-clearance.jpg

The Coolant Reservoir. Notice: Green Coolant. I had to use the sales manager's phone flash along with my phone's flash to get a glimpse of the faint coolant mark. Should be a nightmare to find the right level considering the vantage point is a sheer squat and squint circus. Could have executed better though aesthetically a brilliant job encapsulating it..
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-coolant.jpg

Notice the EVAP Canister situated right below the shock. That black box with tubes.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-evap-canister.jpg

Engine oil Drain Bolt
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-drain-bolt.jpg

Radiator cap and friends..
Notice, the round white cap with wires squiggling around the radiator cap. That's our fuel tank fuel pump along with float. Air filter going under the tank made sure the fuel pump took a back seat.. low and right that is.

2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-coolant-reservoir-float.jpg

Another sore-point personally, the ease which radiator cap can be opened. I have fairly-sized hand and you can see how I had to contort my hands to get to the innards of the tank recess to get hold of the radiator cap. People with really large hands might have a hard time.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-radiator-cap-hand.jpg

ABS Unit:
Notice: The Amaron Battery. My ex-H used to come with Exide.

2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-abs-unit.jpg

Battery & Relays: 12v8Ah
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-batttery.jpg

The neat and meat looking Sherpa 450.
Notice the lovely Allen Key bolts throughout. KTM, maybe it's time to learn something new and better.

2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-engine-itself.jpg

Rear master cylinder guard comes as standard
Material: Plastic

2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-plastic-master-cylinder-guard.jpg

The engineering marvel of this motorcycle that impressed me much was the exhaust routing and how neatly they've designed the resonator as the single-most complicated and beautifully integrated part. I am pretty much sure the engineers had a gala-time designing the exhaust setup for this machine. Sheer engineering brilliance!

Notice the two macho-looking springs doing duty for that massive center stand. Clean welds, nothing to nitpick here.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-under1.jpg

Notice how the resonator is flat and runs parallel to the bike itself. With the bike on the, outside it looks like the catalytic converter is a small box attached to the muffler. Look down and the resonator is just spread out like a mat. Brilliant! Sheer brilliant engineering!
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-under2.jpg

The headlamp nacelle is cast-aluminum and LED headlamp outer-ring or bezel of the headlamp is plastic, carried forward the old Hima design. Tight it too tight and you WILL crack the bezel and if you did so, the entire unit has to be replaced.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-cast-alumimun-nacelle.jpg

Thickness comparison of swingarm and the beautifully crafted exhaust muffler.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-exhas1.jpg

2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-exhas2.jpg

... Continued

Last edited by VijayAnand1 : 2nd December 2023 at 03:05.
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Old 2nd December 2023, 03:32   #861
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

The swingarm thickness for reference.
Notice the rearset attached to the mount on the back of the resonator. I am in awe of the engineering brilliance. Never have I seen a bike get its rearset/RSfootrest attached to an active exhaust as mounting member.

2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-swingarmthick1.jpg

2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-swingarmthick2.jpg

LHS Rearset for comparison..
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-lhs-rearset.jpg

Another sore point I see with most bikes. No seal boot. It's a good show with Showa, but RE could have included a seal protector. It's a fair asking considering the roads this bike is aimed at.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-fork-no-boot.jpg

The lovely console. Simply an outstanding USP of the motorcycle. Much has been beaten to death about this excellent feature.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-lovely-console.jpg

The garish front brake fluid reservoir cover!
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-front-reservoir-cap.jpg

Zoom in and you're in for a surprise.. Rust splotches? Sssh.. :(
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-rusty-tank.jpg

The duck-mouthed rear end. A thorough eyesore with nothing but a loud exposed panel gap crying for attention. A simple flap with two screws would have made it much more neater and presentable looking.
2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed-rear-tail-lamp-eye.jpg


RE has simply hit it out of the park with this one. Masking its weight perfectly balanced, leaving no single bolt of the bike untouched, re-sketched with a sole thought -- make it the best of both worlds, reliable, decently powerful and showcasing their engineering prowess in developing a brand new in-house LC engine for a brand new completely re-designed motorcycle. Take a bow, RE.

Anyone up for grabbing my V-Strom 250 SX.

Appreciate you taking the time.

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Old 2nd December 2023, 08:22   #862
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

Originally Posted by VijayAnand1 View Post
Excel Rims - EXCEL-LLENT Rims
RE started using Excel Rims when they brought out the 650 twins, a welcome step btw.
I did checkout the bike though, was reserving my comments till i get a test ride. One of the features that i liked was the hazard lights, you can now keep the hazard lights ON even after removing the key from the ignition, to activate it the Ignition key has to be in the accessories mode.
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Old 2nd December 2023, 11:08   #863
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

Took the test ride on Thursday morning at Kwality RE, BSK. Asked them for a long test ride, I was told I could take it for a very short spin only, nonetheless I handed over my DL and took the bike for a 10km test ride.
Though 10kms is very short to make clear observations, here’s my two cents:
1. The bike felt well balanced for it’s weight. Didn’t feel top heavy and the fuel tank was full.
2. I am 5.75, was tad worried about seat height, but set at 825mm, it is very easy to handle. It is also nice to know that it can be further reduced to 805mm with an optional accessory seat (with it’s taller setting maxing out at 825mm)
3. The RPM response at low RPM’s below 2.5k is slightly sluggish, need to adjust the riding style. Felt underwhelming below 2.5k
4. Tried riding standing up in the interior roads, boy, it’s supremely natural
5. Suspension felt very plush and pliant along with the seat
6. Had to brake hard at one instance as an Auto moving ahead of me changed lane without indication, I did not feel any flex at the front. Braking felt very good for an RE. It stops without much drama, ABS is non-intrusive for most part.
7. The motor revs freely without much of resistance but is it as free revving as the 390 Adv, NO.
8. The real estate on the seat is phenomenal, you can move around, find your comfortable position
9. Though at first glance the switchgear looked average in the showroom, it felt tactile to use
10. The motor felt quite buzzy compared to Interceptor 650 or the R3 that I ride, it was on expected lines, not a deal breaker I suppose.

Overall, there are quite a few trade offs if you are going to own one, but none that can be a deal breaker. Do not keep your expectations high, for the use case, for the price point, the Himalayan 450 presents a compelling argument for itself, one which I am willing to believe.
Therefore, without further ado, booked a Hanle Black Himalayan 450 for myself after the test ride.
Booking amount-10k (fully refundable against cancellation)
On-road price- Rs. 3,62,728/- for Hanle Black

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Old 2nd December 2023, 11:19   #864
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

Everyone talks about the 805 mm seat accessory, and are pretty excited too, but they achieve that by reducing foam thickness. This will be a bone jarring ride as I found out (to my shock) on a similar accessory with VSTROM 250. Once purchased, it's non returnable, so urge buyers to test it first
Originally Posted by Legal_Eagle View Post
I am 5.75, was tad worried about seat height, but set at 825mm, it is very easy to handle. It is also nice to know that it can be further reduced to 805mm with an optional accessory seat (with it’s taller setting maxing out at 825mm)
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Old 2nd December 2023, 12:49   #865
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

Originally Posted by AtheK View Post
if you use google maps on phone mount, your screen is still turned on.
In fact, if you reduce the brightness of the phone to min, both battery usage and heating will reduce drastically. And that doesn't affect the brightness of the bike's LCD display. So, it's a boon actually.

Some owner may try this and give a feedback on the battery usage & heating.

In the meanwhile, received an invitation from the Guwahati dealer for the Dealer Launch of the Himalayan on 8th December at 4 pm.
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Old 2nd December 2023, 21:26   #866
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

I did a test ride on my targeted color Kaza Brown. There were a lot of customers thronging the showroom, so I had to wait a little. During which I was told that the delivery date pricing will be applicable. So anyone having doubts, this was clarified to me that the new prices will be applicable post 31st December deliveries (so anyone booking now has to pay the updated price).

After a long wait I got into the saddle of the bike at 825mm height. First off the Kaza Brown color was a bit dull, but I am ok with it as for the money I will save here I will use it for the accessories like saddle stay crash guard and radiator guards.

Trying to keep it compact so not putting up too many sections but only 2

Seat Comfort/Ergonomics/Suspension
The seating is super plush, and you will feel like you are on a sofa as compared to the KTM 390 Adv. I am 177 cms and heels are just a little bit up, maybe the riding boots will fix this. Bike doesn't feel heavy at all and once in motion it has excellent balance. Also pushing the bike while on saddle I felt this one to be easier than the KTM 390 Adv (as there due to extreme tiptoeing I couldn't gain decent traction).

Saddling position is absolutely nice. I could grab the tanks with my knees with ease and my hands were not at all loaded trying to balance. This is quite different from the KTM, in which you feel like you are actually on a horse on canter/gallop and your body position is actually a little uncomfortable and hunched up. In the 450 you can even respect the national anthem if you wish to !! No load on the hands at all !!

Engine is absolutely brilliant, enough torque and refinement to keep me happy. Coming from the standard CI, I felt no vibrations at all (please remember my benchmark though, Std CI 350 ). The bike picks up speed easily and doesn't feel sluggish at all. Bike also doesn't feel heavy.

Clutch operation is light and gear shifts precise. Didn't experience any grinding on engine braking.

Brakes are good, and actually rear brake is too good for comfort. If you tap it hard you will be amazed how much sharp that rear brake is. So it is too sharp for my liking, but it's a trait one can get used to. Front brakes are quite good.

Overall it is an excellent buy if the prices don't shoot up too high on-road. I will plan to book only once the actual prices are out. Also in case there is news from KTM Adv 390 by the time (on the new engine upgrade within 2024) I may wait for that too. But if it's 2025 for the KTM to wake up, Himalayan gets my cheque.

Last edited by masterChief007 : 2nd December 2023 at 21:29.
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Old 2nd December 2023, 22:07   #867
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

Originally Posted by masterChief007 View Post
I did a test ride on my targeted color Kaza Brown.
Did you notice any lags when you open the throttle? A few mention this - it's minimal but you notice it is what has been said.
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Old 2nd December 2023, 22:11   #868
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

Originally Posted by Nilesh5417 View Post
Did you notice any lags when you open the throttle? A few mention this - it's minimal but you notice it is what has been said.
The kind of traffic I was in I didn't feel any. But even if it was there then I might not have realized it because my current ride has too much of that lag for me to notice in another bike. Only if I ride a KTM or something back to back and then go for this I might have felt it.
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Old 3rd December 2023, 02:14   #869
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

Originally Posted by Nilesh5417 View Post
Did you notice any lags when you open the throttle? A few mention this - it's minimal but you notice it is what has been said.
Maybe I can give an answer based on my experience of a 4-5km test ride.
The lag is present, and evident. It doesn’t seem to be the case of lack of power down low, but more like a case of the ride-by-wire having an issue, causing the delay.
Another test ride might help ascertain if it’s still present, and in all the modes.
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Old 3rd December 2023, 09:03   #870
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Re: 2023 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 | Now officially revealed

Originally Posted by Nilesh5417 View Post
Did you notice any lags when you open the throttle? A few mention this - it's minimal but you notice it is what has been said.
I noticed that for sure, observed this when I started the engine and blipped the throttle. There was a noticeable delay in throttle response.
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