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Old 1st August 2024, 21:31   #1006
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

Originally Posted by AgastyaXV View Post
Yep, plus with 15 august coming, they're going to launch a motorbike too, already they dont have the capacity of repairing existing scooters, while theyre onloading more half baked products.
Btw how many kms did you drive it, and how much did you sell it for, because its getting on my nerves too now
I drove it for 2500 kms sold it for 80k. Took a huge loss but what to do can't remain on the mercy of bunch of crooks who are all advertisement and no customer service.
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Old 1st August 2024, 21:45   #1007
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

Originally Posted by shur_b View Post

I ran into a very weird issue today on my S1 Air (less than 15 days old). The scooter wouldn't respond to throttle inputs. I charged it to 95% before starting, it went to 8kmph and then all of a sudden lost throttle response. Have tried rebooting it 5-6 times but doesn't seem to be working.

Any idea what has gone wrong and how it can be corrected?
This applies to all the x/x+/air models

Incase it ever happens that the scooter goes into drive mode, but the accelerator doesnt seem to work, just check if the brake light is pressed. The x/x+/air have cable and drum setups, so what happens the lever doesnt return back to the fully open position, the scooter thinks youre pressing the brake and doesnt move (stupid decision from ola)
This can happen while driving too, so youll have to push the lever in the opposite way.

Incase somehow the brake light is turned on, and it doesnt turn off even after pushing the levers, you can disconnect the brake sensor cable coupler, and drive to the service centre (just walkin, no need for appointments) and ask them to replace it.
Note: DO NOT DO THIS AT NIGHT, and this will turn off your brake light for that sides brakes, so be aware that people will not know youre braking, and directly drive to the SC to get it fixed

If you own these scooters, make sure you get the brakes regularly tightened, as cables stretch over time and get loose (you should have full braking power with 1-2 cm from the handle)
One more thing is that you can grease your levers with normal grease (any scooter shop can do this) and spray/drip lubricant into the brake line so its smooth. (ensure you dont get oil near the brake drum housing)
WD40 is not a lubricant btw, its more of a cleaner, and anti rusting so incase your cables are snagging a lot, you can spray wd40 to clean it, and once thats dry, replace it with normal lubricant
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Old 2nd August 2024, 08:59   #1008
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

Originally Posted by Wason4699 View Post
I drove it for 2500 kms sold it for 80k. Took a huge loss but what to do can't remain on the mercy of bunch of crooks who are all advertisement and no customer service.
I want to see for how long Ola is able to sell using advertisement and word of mouth. I am 100 percent sure that a breakup of their sales will show that they are selling their cheap ones more than the pros, which other manufacturers dont have. I took a cautious decision to stay away from the Ola hype even though i booked twice and cancelled my bookings later.

I finally settled for Vida V1 Pro at an all inclusive price of 1.2 lakhs which I think is amazing value for money. Not even one issue until now touchwood though I am still baffled on the split seat engineering with holes in the storage area!

Last edited by Turbanator : 2nd August 2024 at 09:08. Reason: Capitalisation, grammar. Please proofread before posting.
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Old 3rd August 2024, 02:58   #1009
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

Originally Posted by TORQUEINDUCTION View Post
That's what I am wondering, even after 2.5 years, numerous complaints and other companies like TVS/Bajaj jumping in, the sales for Ola continue to be strong. What I am missing. Is it that the problematic scooters are less in numbers compared to what they are selling. Or is it that only few enthusiastic people are studying the problems which Ola is facing. In initial days, there were less options. But new we have dominant 2 wheeler players in market with good products. Or may be Ola is VFM product. Just wanted to understand the situation.
I guess most of their problems are covered in forums, and large number normal buyers who usually go for ola are not present in forums. Since they don't know about the issues, they judge ola on basis of vfm quotient and buy them. Tbh, even I never heard of any issues from my known contacts or delivery guys about the issues.
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Old 13th August 2024, 02:49   #1010
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

Originally Posted by JJay View Post
Seems like you are new to riding. It is common practice [and correct as well] to apply slight rear brake with throttle for taking U-turns or any sharp turns. Ask any seasoned rider and s/he would tell you the same.
Throttle cut-off with slightest touch of brake is definitely a safety hazard for most people who have been riding "regular" two wheelers all along.
Learn riding? I have never used brakes like Clutch and don't spare someone who does that and even hilariously call me a new rider despite riding for 31 years and have done long distance, national rides in 90s!

Last edited by moralfibre : 13th August 2024 at 03:37. Reason: Trimming quoted post.
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Old 17th August 2024, 11:05   #1011
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

Hello All.
I have an Ola S1, bought in March 2024. Hardly rode 200kms on it. I had to be out of town for nearly a month and hence the Ola was not charged during this period. While I was back, I noticed the scooter was totally dead. Not switching on and no Bluetooth connectivity either. Now the battery is not charging either. How do I go about this?
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Old 17th August 2024, 22:11   #1012
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

Originally Posted by navinkamath4657 View Post
Hello All.
I have an Ola S1, bought in March 2024. Hardly rode 200kms on it. I had to be out of town for nearly a month and hence the Ola was not charged during this period. While I was back, I noticed the scooter was totally dead. Not switching on and no Bluetooth connectivity either. Now the battery is not charging either. How do I go about this?
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Happy Motoring
How long did you leave the charger connected? The scooter may take a few minutes to get enough charge before the display shows up as charging. Like a phone.

One more thing you can try is to leave it charging for an hour or so and then long press the start button (for 10 seconds). You can also try to press start + reverse buttons for 10+ seconds (this is the sequence for a hard start) and see if that helps.

Just for the benefit of others (or yourself next time) there is an option to put the scooter in vacation mode. This reduces the battery drain and if you charge it to 100% and put the vacation mode that's supposed to be the best way. However, I am sure that also will drain out at some point (just not in one month).
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Old 18th August 2024, 08:37   #1013
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

Originally Posted by navinkamath4657 View Post
Hello All.
I have an Ola S1, bought in March 2024. Hardly rode 200kms on it. I had to be out of town for nearly a month and hence the Ola was not charged during this period. While I was back, I noticed the scooter was totally dead. Not switching on and no Bluetooth connectivity either. Now the battery is not charging either. How do I go about this?
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Happened with me albeit in a different scenario, the charging did not happen even when connected and scooter went down finally to zero. 3 options exist:
  1. Get battery replaced at around 65-75k
  2. Try for under warranty repair, which Ola will refuse mostly.
  3. Get something like goodwill, the service centre can get it done and is more of a negotiation process where they might ask you to pay 10% of the cost. This is not a clear process and they can ask you anything from 4k to 20k.
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Old 18th August 2024, 10:20   #1014
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

Originally Posted by shur_b View Post
Happened with me albeit in a different scenario, the charging did not happen even when connected and scooter went down finally to zero. 3 options exist:
  1. Get battery replaced at around 65-75k
  2. Try for under warranty repair, which Ola will refuse mostly.
  3. Get something like goodwill, the service centre can get it done and is more of a negotiation process where they might ask you to pay 10% of the cost. This is not a clear process and they can ask you anything from 4k to 20k.
Thank you for the advice, but isn't this some what just a battery drain? Would this need the battery pack replaced totally? Also can't the ola be left uncharged for an extended period of time. I have a Tata Togor EV and for the same duration of no charging the battery us still absolutely fine
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Old 18th August 2024, 10:28   #1015
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

It goes into deep discharge mode and is non recoverable with normal charging.
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Old 18th August 2024, 14:02   #1016
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

You can try putting it on vacation mode if your absence is for a prolonged period of time. It will hold charge for at least 2 months. Rgds, Balaji
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Old 18th August 2024, 15:01   #1017
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

Originally Posted by deep_bang View Post
How long did you leave the charger connected? The scooter may take a few minutes to get enough charge before the display shows up as charging. Like a phone.

One more thing you can try is to leave it charging for an hour or so and then long press the start button (for 10 seconds). You can also try to press start + reverse buttons for 10+ seconds (this is the sequence for a hard start) and see if that helps.

Just for the benefit of others (or yourself next time) there is an option to put the scooter in vacation mode. This reduces the battery drain and if you charge it to 100% and put the vacation mode that's supposed to be the best way. However, I am sure that also will drain out at some point (just not in one month).
Hello Sir,
I left the charger on for about 30 mins, and then gave up. I didn't try the hard start method either. I will follow what you have suggested and try the hard start too.
I agree with your vacation mode suggestion, I realised it only after I was back from vacation. Will keep it in mind th next time. Will also update here if your suggestions were successful.
Thank you
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Old 25th August 2024, 12:16   #1018
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

2023 Ola S1 Pro 5000kms update

Delivery & Initial Impressions (Ola S1 Pro Review | Analysis and observations of a 2023 model | Any good now?)

1000kms Update

Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review-screenshot_20240824_125108_ola-electric.png

Let me begin with the key points that every Ola owner talks about:
  • Range: Depending on riding style, and overall ambient temperature I get about 105-115kms of range. I usually do not go below 25-30% of charge as riding in low SoC isn't healthy for the battery.
  • Charging: Almost entire 5000kms have been charged using home charger, which takes about 4-5hours when plugged in at 30% SoC. I haven't noticed and battery degradation or performance drop. Hypercharging by Ola is a scam. Just 3 hyperchargers in the whole state of TN which is present only in chennai. Worst part? almost none work.
  • Issues: You can't talk about Ola without discussing its issues. I'm as surprised as you to report ZERO issues so far. This almost feels unrealistic. Everyday on the internet I come across many issues and horrors faced by Tata owners and Ola owners. Having a peaceful ownership experience is purely a luck and I seem to have that so far. Hoping this continues.
  • Service: As I faced no issues so far, thankgod I did not have to visit the service center. Every single service center is filled with defective S1s all over the showroom space inside and out. Oddly, There are too many Gen2's collecting dust compared to a couple of Gen1's. But I'm well aware that if anything goes wrong, I'm in to face a terrible service experience which might take weeks even for a small problem. Worst part is the showrooms take no care of your scooter when it's in their possession for service, worst part is that they end up damaging body panels because of their careless parking and handling of scooters.

Apart from riding an Ola, we also have a 2010 Activa and a 2022 Jupiter. Compared to those, the performance of Ola is at a different level. I feel safer riding the Ola in thick traffic on wide roads as I can quickly zip through. Ola's rear suspension is damped extremely well and is neither stiff nor too bouncy. In comparison, my Activa is too stiff and the Jupiter is too bouncy.

Should you buy an Ola in 2024?
My honest answer would be a strong NO. I wouldn't recommend an Ola scooter or a Tata car even to my enemies. Although my experience with the Ola is flawless, I treat is as a one off case as there are so many people suffering with an Ola.
In fact a relative of mine who has a 2022 S1 faced many issues and had to change the VCU & MCU twice.
You simply can't trust the Ola to get you to places at all times. You never know when things might go wrong.
Things seems to have worsened with Gen2 scooters. Everytime I cross an Ola showroom I can see an absurd amount of Gen2 scooters collecting dust awaiting repairs.

Should you buy an EV or ICE scooter in 2024?
If you are into bikes and riding, EV has no place in your garage.
But if you are searching for a scooter to run errands such as school runs and grocery runs it makes little sense to buy a petrol scooter at this point. IMO EV tech has matured enough for 2Wheeler segment, but needs to go a long way before it can be a mainstream option for cars. If your daily running is less than 60-70kms, EV scooter makes a lot of sense. Analyze the options available and take testdrives before picking the right one.
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Old 26th August 2024, 11:12   #1019
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

Interesting while you are giving a feedback on the Ola, you have just casually dissed Tata cars, I am not sure that is fair. The highest selling car today is a Tata product, I have a Tata car and I do recommend it to those who require a Tata car, a Tata buyer knows what he is getting into.
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Old 26th August 2024, 18:50   #1020
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Re: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Review

I have the Ola S1 non Pro and the Tata Tiago EV + Tata Hexa AT in my garage. Never faced any issues out of the ordinary. Not sure why these two manufacturers get dissed this much even by ones who don’t face issues with them lol.
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