Team-BHP - Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650cc, now unveiled

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Originally Posted by kaushalswarup (Post 5499651)
Was told by the folks at one of the dealerships that it’ll start this or next week. They’d mentioned ‘last week of Feb’. The RTO approval is what is taking longer, is what was mentioned. I assume that deliveries too will start as soon as the RTO approval has been done.

I’m itching to get my hands on the bike and do a good test ride of the bike. The quality of the parts have definitely improved compared to their other offerings. Reviews from other cities mention it’s not bad in city traffic. Hoping our infamous Bangalore traffic jams and bad roads don’t diminish the enjoyment of this bike too much!

I called them yesterday and got the same information that the test rides will start next week.
We pay the highest roadtax and get the slowest service. The need of the hour is a centralized approval mechanism for new vehicles instead of each state taking their own sweet time.
Looks like there is going to be a long queue in the first few weeks so getting a proper test ride looks difficult.


Originally Posted by manojas (Post 5499909)
I called them yesterday and got the same information that the test rides will start next week.
We pay the highest roadtax and get the slowest service. The need of the hour is a centralized approval mechanism for new vehicles instead of each state taking their own sweet time.
Looks like there is going to be a long queue in the first few weeks so getting a proper test ride looks difficult.

Test drive ls at Yelahanka showroom starred today. I was grinning from ear to ear after riding the fantastic Super Meteor. You must take a test drive even if you don't intend to buy it. It will bring a huge smile on your face.

The Meteor 350 feels like a whole generation behind the Super Meteor 650 in every respect.

Getting Ready for Delivery at Bagalkot Motors Bagalkot Karnataka

Just a note to prospective buyers, Astral Green doesn't have the 3D RE logo on the tank. I don't know why RE has done this, as it costs the same as Astral Blue and Black!

Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650cc, now unveiled-astral_green_sm650.png
In my opinion, the 3D logo is very nicely done and you shouldn't miss it.

Happy cruising,

Finally got a chance to test ride the beast at torqua motors nagarbhavi, Bangalore. My first impression was this is going to be my bike, its well built and with lots of power.

Currently I own a Thunderbird twinspark 2009 model which is maintained well and in great condition (still double minded whether to sell this or to keep it). Riding Super Meteor was a great experience with my better half, its super comfortable and maneuvering in the city traffic was easy for me as I have been used to cruiser style. Only thing was it took some time for me to get used to forward foot pegs and wide handle bar.

Overall I feel this is a good upgrade from Thunderbird twinspark, my intent of using this is only on highway rides.

I have booked celestial red on Jan 16 and tentative delivery date is June, not sure how the red colour looks but I also liked black green combination.

Watched this first service video. Do they normally adjust tappets, or was there some issue? Bill came to Rs 3400, feel it's on higher side

Originally Posted by BunnyPunia (Post 5496703)
Got mine from North Delhi Motorcycles last evening.
4.01 lakh on-road for Astral Blue before zero dep, essential kit etc.
4 accessories added as well

Friend confirmed his Interceptor 650's tappets too were adjusted in first service. Im told this for the new gen engines - instructions right from the company basically to the service centres.


Originally Posted by Sebring (Post 5501416)
Watched this first service video. Do they normally adjust tappets, or was there some issue? Bill came to Rs 3400, feel it's on higher side

Yes, there is an Inspect and Adjust mandatorily for the valve clearances at the 500 kms service and after that every 12 months even if the engine has not run the required kms. It is weird since this was the case with the cast iron engines since they had to be adjusted till the engine set in. Being a modern engine on the 650, this is still the case. I was happy they didn't touch the valves on my bike in the last two services though.

I was charged for the engine oil and oil/air filter for my 3rd free service and I thought it was just engine oil and consumables that were charged. Bill was 3140/-

I took the test ride yesterday and boy it is such a fun bike to ride. As mentioned by others earlier, weight gets masked brilliantly once on the move. Bike is easily flickable and has good amount of low end torque. I rode in slow moving traffic and bike was easily chugging along in second gear. Got a bit of free space to open up the throttle and it just takes off so much that my wife riding pillion was surprised/scared(back rest is a must). U-turns needs to be planned for sure.

I was told that right now deliveries are prioritised for RM and first day bookings. Mine will take 2-3 months tentative is what SA informed me. Regarding accessories they have the sump guard and back rest available but others including the rack for the back rest will take couple of more weeks.

I got a chance to test ride Super Meteor at CVS Motors, Yelahanka. I like the showroom as they allowed me to take home the Himalayan during test ride for me to check the space in portico. On request they also allow for a longer test ride with Super Meteor(read, riding on the airport road flyover:Cheering:). Coming back to the bike, below are my observations:It was surprising to hear that touring seats are not offered as accessories on mid and low variants. Only Celestial Blue and Celestial Grey gets touring seats. Overall, it is a good upgrade from any RE 350 variant.

I've been following up with the company owned showroom in Kochi for quite some time now. At first, I registered on the royal Enfield website for a test drive, but no one called me back. I visited the showroom to check it out, the salesperson said they did not receive my details from the RE website.

I was informed that they have not yet begun test drives. There were a couple of registered vehicles in the garage, but was told that they were for media use and not for customers to test drive - I don't understand why that is. I'm very much interested in booking, but don't want to do that until experience the bike and get to know if it is right for me.

Was informed that none of the Kerala show rooms have begun test drives - is this true? true? Not only that, I was able to see several YouTube videos from other states, people doing test drives.


Originally Posted by raghu4655 (Post 5502482)
I got a chance to test ride Super Meteor at CVS Motors, Yelahanka.

Is this the showroom next to the Mahindra showroom at the end of the Jakkur flyover? Or the one on the ring road, next to the A2B?


On request they also allow for a longer test ride with Super Meteor(read, riding on the airport road flyover:Cheering:)
This is good news. Any specific person you spoke to regarding a longer ride? And any special magic words to use?lol:?


It was surprising to hear that touring seats are not offered as accessories on mid and low variants. Only Celestial Blue and Celestial Grey gets touring seats.
What! That means that the touring seat isn’t available as an accessory at all? I checked the site and the link to the touring seat accessory has been pulled down. It shows a 404 error.

But, the seat + backrest combo is still showing up on the accessories page.


Originally Posted by kaushalswarup (Post 5502596)
Is this the showroom next to the Mahindra showroom at the end of the Jakkur flyover? Or the one on the ring road, next to the A2B?

I am always confused between Acclaim and CVS as both are nearby for me even though I bought my bike from Acclaim Motors, my bad. I stand correct and I visited Acclaim Motors which is at the end of Jakkur flover.

This is good news. Any specific person you spoke to regarding a longer ride? And any special magic words to use?lol:?
I spoke to Mr. Niranjan and few magic words were required indeed. Just tell them this is the ride which will decide your booking :D. Traffic can be another reason, you can tell them about the speed and vibration test too.

What! That means that the touring seat isn’t available as an accessory at all? I checked the site and the link to the touring seat accessory has been pulled down. It shows a 404 error.

But, the seat + backrest combo is still showing up on the accessories page.
Right. It is a combo, but the showroom guy told me seat is not available at all. May be the combo is added recently, I just took his word and did not bother to check online.


Originally Posted by trishul (Post 5497712)
Had booked the Astral black variant in first week of Feb without a test drive but after checking out the display vehicle, expected delivery date in RE app is late April, hoping the bike gets delivered sooner.

Go with the Meteor 650 hands down. The 650 does not feel like a heavy bike at all and glides through pot holes. If you feel more comfortable with the 650 then going with it will not be a bad choice. As far as the Continental go's I think its best to stick with the 650 and also the tall and stiff hands position does not help the case for the Continental.

Looking at the positive comments coming in from team-bhp users after the test rides, as well as the ‘real-world’ test reviews coming in from YouTubers, the super meteor 650 seems to on track to become a viable choice for people wanting a different kind of biking experience.

What will be interesting to see, is how the sales & demand will be if/when they release in India, the alloys for the 650 twins, along with the other updates that RE has announced for Europe. Once these come in to India, it’ll be purely the format/type of bike that’ll differentiate between the 650cc offerings for RE.

Interesting times ahead. Only hope RE keeps up the momentum by providing continuous supply of bikes without having ‘Mahindra’-level waiting times. Also hoping they go the right way in offering the complete host of accessories that would be available right at the time of purchase.

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