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Old 17th January 2019, 08:58   #46
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Originally Posted by CrAzY dRiVeR View Post
Any idea what this Peak Hold function does?
After reading the replies above I feel it's a display of the highest rpm achieved, on the instrument cluster. I am supported by brochure listing it under features of the instrument cluster. If it was something like a hill hold system, it would have been mentioned under riding aids.

Even though at the surface level it does look like a gimmick, at least during the run-in period it will be useful. In every day use a gear position will be more useful though. I have seen gear position indicator already added to few overseas bikes in few YouTube videos.

Last edited by suhaas307 : 21st January 2019 at 11:02. Reason: Minor formatting
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Old 17th January 2019, 09:13   #47
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Am I the only one here yet, that feels that the CB300R in it's current Avatar is a pretty boring bike; expensive and with no real differentiator? It is beaten hollow by the Duke390 on almost every front, barring supposed reliability, at the same price almost.

But, I would have loved to see a more ADV-Tourer version of this from Honda, given it's geometry, and specs. Then this Honda could have taken on the baby GS at a lesser price, or the Himalayan for a bit more, and beaten both at the game. If Honda decide to build such a version, they can have my money.
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Old 17th January 2019, 10:14   #48
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Originally Posted by roy_libran View Post
Am I the only one here yet, that feels that the CB300R in it's current Avatar is a pretty boring bike; expensive and with no real differentiator? It is beaten hollow by the Duke390 on almost every front, barring supposed reliability, at the same price almost.
As someone who owns an RC390, if I were in the market for a naked bike (which I am but I'm considering waiting for a supermoto or building one myself), I'd go with the Honda over the KTM as for my requirements the bike would be my daily commuter leaving sportbike riding to weekends or short blasts at times when there is no traffic, and this means reliability is an absolute must. KTM sucks in this regard. Also the Honda's Nissin brakes are leaps and bounds ahead of the budget Desi brembos equipped on KTMs. All that said, if any manufacturer decides to launch a supermoto in this segment, I AM DOWN please take my money
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Old 17th January 2019, 10:46   #49
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Originally Posted by CrAzY dRiVeR View Post
Any idea what this Peak Hold function does?
From this brochure looks like a RPM related feature.

Excerpt from the above link:
Full digital LCD meter
A compact, all-digital LCD meter conveys to the
rider a wealth of functionality for a more enjoyable
ride, like a programmable gear indicator and revcounter
with peak hold feature
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Old 17th January 2019, 10:46   #50
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Originally Posted by roy_libran View Post
Am I the only one here yet, that feels that the CB300R in it's current Avatar is a pretty boring bike; expensive and with no real differentiator?
I think you just described Honda, not just the CB300R! They play it safe, period.

That said - I would have supported the KTM 390 on any given day, till both my close friends seem to have a lot of niggles with their bikes. One has the new 390. Even i took the TD with him and recommended the bike thinking KTM would have sorted all issues over time. Infact, he went ahead inspite the earlier experience of the second friend in our circle who had to sell off his RC390 when niggles started bugging him. Now I'm not surprised why people want to wait it out for more reliable options in the price bracket.

Anyways, good to have options in the market. If the CBR250 has a fan following in the market in 2019, I see no reason why the modern CB300R wouldn't.
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Old 17th January 2019, 11:04   #51
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Originally Posted by parrys View Post
When have they promised delivery? So we can have some more shots of the real deal from you
Deliveries will start from 1st of April onwards. The guy at the dealer said mine was the 5th booking in Pune, and I guess few of the bookings ahead of me might cancel, so I might be in the initial few deliveries.
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Old 17th January 2019, 12:34   #52
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Originally Posted by Nilesh5417 View Post
Our fascination with touring is making us look at every motorcycle from the same lens and seems like we end up grumbling about shortcomings that arent there. But a 250km range in itself isn't bad at all.
Not about touring at all. Even as a city bike, as I would primarily use this as if I were ever to purchase it, I'd want a bigger tank. As a matter of fact, it's a bigger pain to fill up in a city than on a highway ride as all the bunks on my commute in the city are usually full with long waiting lines at the times I pass by them. So I'd definitely want a bigger tank so i can avoid waiting in line that often. Plus, you get lower mileage in a city like Bangalore with all that stop-go traffic. Sure, now someone will say this is not meant as a commuting bike either. True, but most of us can afford only one bike, which means we have to look at it doing a bit of everything.

Originally Posted by roy_libran View Post
It is beaten hollow by the Duke390 on almost every front, barring supposed reliability, at the same price almost.
True, the Duke as VFM is hard to beat. And what an awesome rush when you open one up! But speaking for myself, I didn't put my cash on the Duke because it looks! Maybe I'm just boring or too old, but after the first excitement wears off I would surely find those orange wheels an eyesore (just a personal opinion guys, owners please don't jump on me!). I had shortlisted the Yamaha 250 as my next bike. This 300 looks good. Hoping for more 300 options from other manufacturers soon.
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Old 17th January 2019, 12:59   #53
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Originally Posted by timuseravan View Post

And the point is that putting a bigger tank is not really expecting too much!
Originally Posted by am1m View Post
Not about touring at all. Even as a city bike, as I would primarily use this as if I were ever to purchase it, I'd want a bigger tank.
This bike is an example of Form over Function. The biggest USP for the bike is it's neo retro looks. To achieve that, a fibre tank under the sculpted body is used.
Some capacity would have to be sacrificed for that.


Ride Safe
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Old 17th January 2019, 13:02   #54
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

I spoke to Honda dealer in Bangalore today to check about the bike, he said the bookings are flowing in and the deliveries would happen in April- May if I book the bike now.

My Himalayan is put up for sale. Was thinking about getting an Interceptor and then this happened, owning a CBR250r earlier I am interested in trying this bike because of Honda reliability. I need a bike that can run for another 5-6 years without niggles creeping into me.

I am just concerned about the dimensions of the bike, I am 6.3 and heavy build - curious how would it suit me.

Last edited by psmenon : 17th January 2019 at 13:03.
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Old 17th January 2019, 13:05   #55
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Looking at the review videos, it looks like Navi when riding on road! It might be because the low placed round headlamp. Bike looks tiny under the reviewer. See from 51s onwards.

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Old 17th January 2019, 16:37   #56
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Originally Posted by abeerbagul View Post
I booked this bike today with an amount of 5k transferred online to Pashankar Auto.
Spoke to Wing World in Mumbai. Lady said deliveries in March. What did Pashankar tell you?

Originally Posted by abeerbagul View Post
I was looking at the triumph Street twin and also the RE twins.

But these have far more power than I will ever need and also lack the smoothness and reliability associated with Japanese brands.
Exactly my requirements and decision flow. I'd been expecting them to launch the Rebel 300 & 500 given that Enfield is giving them sufficient reason to tap that segment but this is good enough. Having worked with Honda (4 wheels not 2) I know the amount of pains the company takes to give flawless engineering and neither Triumph nor RE are a patch on Big Red's engineering prowess.

Originally Posted by abeerbagul View Post
A Honda street bike with adequate power for Indian touring and latest technology is what the CB300R provides.
It even has an IMU at this price!

I know this does not scratch the itch for a superbike, but sometimes what you really need is more important than ticking off a bucket list item I will rarely use to it's potential.
What appeals to me is that it is light, tight and thoroughly modern. I find that all things being equal, I tend to use things that are compact, minimal and hassle free (For example, I leave my big bulky Bose QC35s home, preferring to carry the AKG headphones that came bundled with my Samsung phone. Tenuous comparison but you get what I mean). Though the Interceptor is sweet, I'd rather have the fill it, shut it, forget it reliability and the hassle-free servicing of the Honda.

I wish they'd given it a shift indicator but guess that's just a question of getting used to. When it comes to 2 wheels I am an absolute newbie, having ridden nothing but my Dad's vintage Vespa and an occasional hired Dio.

I loved the BMW310 but was put off by horror stories of the maintenance charges and unscrupulous dealers.

Do give us updates on how it goes!
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Old 17th January 2019, 18:41   #57
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Originally Posted by psmenon View Post
I am just concerned about the dimensions of the bike, I am 6.3 and heavy build - curious how would it suit me.
Originally Posted by ani_meher View Post
Bike looks tiny under the reviewer.
Found this pic from a review online:

The reviewer in the pic gives his height and weight as 6'1" and 90 kilos. So I guess that might help a bit with comparative visualizations. Of course nothing will beat a test ride when the bike actually gets here.

Last edited by am1m : 17th January 2019 at 18:43.
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Old 17th January 2019, 21:08   #58
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

One question to the people who have inquired with the dealers. This bike being listed under Superbikes which are not catered by every showroom, i was wondering if the Honda Superbikes are to be serviced by an exclusive set of service stations.

This bike being based on the CBR250R motor with a longer stroke will it be possible to avail the service at any normal Honda Service station? If somebody has raised this query and got a response, would be glad if you could advise.
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Old 17th January 2019, 21:46   #59
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Originally Posted by rohitoasis View Post
One question to the people who have inquired with the dealers. This bike being listed under Superbikes which are not catered by every showroom, i was wondering if the Honda Superbikes are to be serviced by an exclusive set of service stations.

This bike being based on the CBR250R motor with a longer stroke will it be possible to avail the service at any normal Honda Service station? If somebody has raised this query and got a response, would be glad if you could advise.
Yes, this is being sold and serviced by wing world outlets only as it's brought here as CKD.
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Old 17th January 2019, 22:42   #60
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re: Honda confirms CB300R for India; bookings open. Edit: Launched @ 2.41L

Thank you for your feedback above. A bit sold on this bike except for lack of service in my hometown. Sharing herewith this video advertisement by Honda Canada. Gives a detailed look around of few details. Not been finding many reviews from reputed channels. But then CBR300R shares the engine and everyone lauds about its user friendliness and reliability. So that's one huge question ticked off. Need to wait and see if the remaining hardware manage as well as the faired cousin.

Last edited by rohitoasis : 17th January 2019 at 22:55.
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